a certain scientific harry potter

Page 29

There was the sound of gnashing teeth from Snape, and after he gave Harry a hateful look, he floated out of the headmaster's room like a ghost.

Look, Snape's heart is still sealed in the scar.

"Harry, I think I've made a decision, and the other professors must have the same idea." After Snape left, Dumbledore stepped forward and patted Harry on the shoulder, "Your fighting behavior, It is unquestionably wrong and deserves to be punished."


Harry thought he had seen Victory beckoning.

"But you did not live up to Professor Flitwick's expectations, and you also did not live up to my expectations!" But then, Dumbledore suddenly changed the subject, "Just now, you have proved to me and all the professors that you insist on Responsibility and justice! So please rest assured, Hogwarts will be your backing, and all the professors and I will do our best to help you deal with the accountability from pure-blood families!!"

"No... what did you say?!"

Looking at Dumbledore's kind and sly face, Harry suddenly felt his head buzzing...

I was actually tricked by Lao Deng? !


There is no doubt that Harry's second exit challenge to Dumbledore since the beginning of school ended in failure again.

Old Deng was worthy of being a formidable character, even if his powerful magical ability was excluded, his own wily and scheming also made it difficult for Harry to parry.

Soon, the result of Harry's punishment came out, and there was no suspense, and it was the ending with a lot of thunder and little rain.

Because of this brawl, the Eagles, Snakes, and Lions were all deducted points to varying degrees, and as the first 'principal', Harry had to replant the burned playground lawn with Filch.

Harry also knew that it was Old Deng who was setting him up again, but he accepted the punishment gladly.

He had set fire to it, and if he refused, Filch would have to hunched over and go to work.

And of course, after learning that Harry was 'punished', Hermione rushed to help as soon as the grounds were lifted...Harry made the situation out of control because of her, and she couldn't let Harry suffer alone .

Also came to help was Ron Weasley. Hearing that Harry had lied about 'robbed his wand' and used this method to help him clear the relationship, Ron suddenly felt that he could not stay out of it.

In the end, even Neville, who had just happened to have a hand injury, came over.

Because Neville broke his arm that day, Professor Hooch left him in the school hospital. After he knew that Harry had fought Malfoy and other first-year students in the Snake Academy because of himself, he was almost crying.

Therefore, he has now decisively become a member of the 'voluntary punishment team'.

"It's all my fault...Harry, it's all my fault!" Neville couldn't stop apologizing to Harry while planting the turf, "If I wasn't so stupid, what happened later wouldn't have happened... "

"It's not your fault at all, it's just that Malfoy bastard deserves a beating~" Harry shook his head, not wanting to continue the topic.

He is depressed now.

The fact that Hermione and the others got the news so quickly, even when the grounds were lifted, must have been deliberately revealed by Old Deng, in order to give them a chance to mix with Harry's coolies.

Carrying guns together and receiving lessons together is the best way to recognize each other. Lao Deng is behind the scenes to let Harry establish bonds with students other than Hermione.

The more bonds established, the harder it is for Harry to leave Hogwarts, and the more people gather around him, the more students will be infected accordingly, and more possible bonds will be formed...

This is a blatant conspiracy, but now Harry can only follow the pace of the other party.

In a corner of the playground, the Malfoy trio, who thought they were doing it again, were laughing unscrupulously at Harry and the others.

Of course, for the sake of personal safety, these three guys who were photographed at the same time would never dare to get too close to Harry.

In fact, it stands to reason that Crabbe set the first fire in the chaos, and he should also repair the turf along with him, but because he was the first to be knocked down by Harry with a brick, under the blessing of school rules Luckily escaped punishment.

This guy is so happy right now, his fat face is full of joy that he escaped punishment, and he has no regrets at all.

But Harry is not in the mood to take care of these three guys at the moment, so even if Malfoy clamored from the sidelines, saying that his father would definitely drive Harry and Hermione out of Hogwarts, and that Harry must pay a terrible price. For the price, Harry only thought he was farting.

To be honest, if that Mr. Lucius can really do it, Harry will definitely thank him with drums and gongs... However, this matter, even thinking about it with your feet feels awkward~

(Ps agreed to update) o(*≧▽≦)ツ┏━┓

Chapter 53 This is how the God of War in the first grade was refined

"Then what...Professor Snape, I now have every reason to suspect that you are avenging yourself!"

On the day when Lucius Malfoy and all the parents of the pure-blood families involved came to the school to discuss the explanation, Harry was in a hidden classroom, confronting Snape, who was guarding him, through his dead fish eyes.

It is a matter of course that Dumbledore would not let Harry meet parents such as Lucius Malfoy.

On the one hand, he will not let Harry be blamed by those parents; of course, the real reason is that Lao Deng wants to prevent Harry from taking advantage of the problem, and suddenly erupts and silently beats Lucius or anyone else seriously, so as to create more trouble. Big thing.

But having said that, it would be unkind for him to actually send Snape to follow him~

Moreover, Snape even used the Leg-locking Curse to seal himself on the chair, which is simply a proper revenge after the fact!

"I'm just strictly following the instructions of Headmaster Dumbledore," Snape said slowly, facing Harry, "Harry Granger's ability to cause trouble is too strong, and when Lucius Malfoy and other parents visit the school On that day, we must ensure that he will not come into contact with those parents. If necessary, he can even directly restrict his movements!"

"So how on earth did you decide that there was a need to restrict... Uh! Uh!!"

Before Harry could finish speaking, he found that his mouth was suddenly constricted, and he could no longer make any sound.

Snape, the bat-spirit, knew he couldn't beat him, so he cast a silent spell on himself, I'll fuck you @#¥%!

"Granger, even if you struggle, it's just a waste of effort anyway."

Looking at Harry who struggled for a long time but couldn't utter a word, Snape's mood that had been clouded all the time was finally cleared up.

It's so cool to finally have a chance to clean up this vicious little bastard~

Lucius Malfoy and other parents made a big fuss in the school, but under the joint efforts of Dumbledore and all the teachers, they failed to make a fuss, and even Harry's face Unable to see them, they left Hogwarts in despair.

In this way, Harry finally found an opportunity to make trouble and drop out of school, but in the end it ended in such an anticlimactic way.

However, unlike Harry, who was always depressed, this incident was considered a kind of excitement for most of the students at Hogwarts.

In fact, everyone has been a pure-blooded member of the Bitter Snake Court for a long time.

This group of extreme pure-blood patients have been arrogant and domineering on campus for too long, especially in recent years, because of the deliberate favoritism of a certain bat professor, whether it was Quidditch matches or the Academy Cup, Slytherin once suppressed The other three colleges were out of breath.

Now, Harry Granger was born.

Although he didn't play a positive role in Ravenclaw's fight for the House Cup, he was extremely powerful, and he was able to overthrow almost all the first-year boys in the Snake Academy directly with a thunderbolt. This is definitely a very gratifying thing!

Even, someone with a good intention gave Harry a domineering title... Hogwarts' first-year God of War!

Don't ask, it's the fault of the Weasley brothers~

As for why he is not a duel champion... Come on, have you ever seen a wizard who used bricks as a secondary weapon in a duel?

In short, Harry is definitely famous now, and even those classmates who used to point and point at his back are now starting to greet him... Of course, most of the attitudes are very cautious, after all, everyone will be worried that Harry will fall from his arms again. Take out a brick_( ?Д?)?

Regarding these, although Harry didn't know how to say "This is indeed a world where the strong are respected", he had to admit that this is indeed the reality.

And another thing he has to admit is that he probably has no chance to drop out of school...

"Hmph, he even said he would drop Harry from school, and threatened to send Harry to Azkaban, that guy Malfoy is so bloody, he's not afraid to blow the sky away~"

At dinner one day, when Ron saw the back of the Malfoy trio hiding their faces and walking away, a victorious smile appeared on his face.

After going through adversity together, Ron, Neville, and Hahe became much closer, and they ate and chatted more often together.

Ron is very happy to hear about Malfoy eating turtles, because in terms of family composition, he and Malfoy are the real old enemies.

Although the Weasley family is also pure blood, they are very close to ordinary people, and because of too many children, Ron's life has always been quite tight, which can be described as poor.

On the other hand, Malfoy is completely a rich young man born with a golden spoon in his mouth. He has a prominent family background and inexhaustible wealth, as well as a family network that almost covers the entire pure-blood system.

Even, the Malfoy family still has business contacts with the British royal family.

Harry was indeed surprised to hear Ron complain about this.

He felt that when he returned home on vacation, he should find an opportunity to inquire about some news from the crown prince, at least to make sure that his rift with the Malfoy family would not affect the royal family's business.

Of course, what Harry really wanted to confirm was the status of the Malfoy family in the hearts of the royal family.

Lucius Malfoy and Draco Malfoy, father and son, they may not let it go, Harry always has to plan ahead.

What's more, he himself never thought of giving up!

For the conflict between the two of us, you can just direct it at me, what's the matter with scolding Hermione?

And actually dare to swear that kind of words, really think that this matter can be solved with a single brick? !

Malfoy and Crabbe, these two bastards, should be thankful that they have school rules to protect them, so that they can continue to be alive and kicking afterwards! !

"But...Malfoy is not just bragging, what he and the students of Slytherin House recently passed...is really ugly." Neville, who was eating at the same table, looked at the two of Hahe apologetically, "I actually I want to refute, but I'm not as sharp as Harry's mouth..."

"What did those Slytherin guys say..."


Ron was asking puzzled questions, but Hermione suddenly dropped the fork in her hand.

"What else can they talk about? Malfoy's bastards, and Parkinson's gossip, this bunch of boring Slytherins are just full of food and have nothing to do!!"

Speaking of this, even the food in front of her couldn't temporarily suppress Hermione's anger.

The trio headed by Malfoy, together with Pansy Parkinson who also came from the Snake Academy, they dare not provoke Harry and Hermione now, so they started all sorts of gossip and rumors about Granger. 'Gossip' between siblings.

"What are you talking about? Harry and I flirt with each other every day. Our private relationship is definitely not normal! Hmph, there are rumors that there are noses and eyes, and those who don't know think that we have slept in the same bed since we were young..."

"Hey, it's over~" Harry rolled his eyes helplessly, reached out his spoon and tapped the side of Hermione's plate.

This girl... I didn't see any outsiders here, so why is she talking nonsense~

Chapter 54 Gossip can hurt

To be honest, Harry understood why Hermione was suddenly angry.

It had nothing to do with it, but it was forced to be called CP. It was very common in Harry's previous life when he was a student, but he was also the person involved, but he couldn't say to Hermione, "Look at it" that doesn't hurt your back when you stand. .

But the guys in the Snake Yard are really boring and assholes. In any case, the relationship between the adopted siblings (Hermione: siblings!) can't be taken away with a simple joke.

As for the pure-blood family, in Harry's opinion, there is no place for them to use the word 'pure' to describe them~

"Hmph, they are going too far! This means that the first-year Defense Against the Dark Arts class has no confrontation content, otherwise I will definitely call that gossip Parkinson's woman a real Parkinson's patient!" Harry stopped himself from complaining. , Hermione pinched her waist angrily.

"Okay, okay, let's not talk about those unhappy things during dinner, okay?" Harry helplessly comforted the furry little lion beside him, "Besides, our Defense Against the Dark Arts class is up to par Ranffindor went together, even if there is a confrontation, you can't match Panxi~"

Harry also knew that Hermione must be upset, but he didn't have a good solution to it, after all, he couldn't do anything to Pansy's group of girls like he beat Malfoy.

"With Professor Quirrell's cowardly appearance, there probably won't be any confrontation in Defense Against the Dark Arts class. And even if there is, Neville and I will definitely stay away from you!" Ron said submissively from the side. .

Just kidding, he had witnessed Hermione's fighting power after going crazy at the whole time. If he had met this in class, he would probably have been beaten to the ground in one round~

Such a fierce woman, probably only Harry can hold her back...

Thinking of this, Ron, who had lingering fears, chose to change the subject.

"However, I think there is some truth to their rumors. After all, the two of you are always in pairs, and you even use a magic wand at the same time."

Regarding the matter between Harry and Hermione, Ron Weasley, who has many children at home, felt that he was definitely the one with the most say.

There are seven children in his family, but the girl has only one youngest sister, Ginny, who can be said to be the most precious baby in the family.

However, even so, Ron felt that his and his brothers' desire to protect Ginny was definitely not as strong as Harry's desire for Hermione.

And the situation is also the same in reverse, Hermione, the 'sister', has an extraordinary desire to protect Harry!

Think about it, Hermione and Harry are a pair of adopted siblings. Although they have the same surname and live under the same roof, they are not related by blood after all.

Therefore, their overly intimate performance is indeed easy to be misunderstood...

"I'm done eating!"

In fact, Ron also kindly reminded the two of Hach to be careful, but he didn't think about it and inexplicably angered Hermione, causing her to drop the plate and leave without even eating.

"No... What did I say wrong just now?" Seeing the back of Hermione leaving angrily, Ron suddenly looked confused.

"Weasley, you did not say anything wrong...but if you really want to be friends with me, please stop making unreasonable comments about my relationship with Hermione in the future."

After admonishing Ron seriously, Harry quickly put away the cutlery and chased after Hermione.

Ron's words were indeed correct, but if Harry was Hermione, he would be angry if he made such an evaluation.

Regarding the rumors and gossips spread by Malfoy and the others, Hermione initially held the attitude that she was not afraid of the shadows, otherwise she would not have complained about the people in the Snake Yard in front of Harry and the others.

But when she found out through Ron's attitude that people outside the Snake Yard actually began to have a different view on this matter, her temper would naturally be out of control.

Because this means that these gossips have become more and more popular on campus, and they have really begun to interfere with their pure sibling relationship with Harry!

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