a certain scientific harry potter

Page 30


After dinner that night, Harry hadn't caught up with Hermione in time, and for a while after that, their activities together began to drop off sharply.

Even in class, Hermione seldom sat with Harry anymore, and hardly ever shared wands.

Although Harry was quite noncommittal about Hermione's temper as a child who wanted to hide it, he could only choose to treat it coldly for the time being... because he couldn't be positive about it at all.

Do you want him to actively clarify and tell Hermione, 'We are a pure adopted sibling relationship, I don't have any thoughts about you'?

This move is really embarrassing~

For a girl, especially a girl with a good relationship, you can have no thoughts about her, but you must never show that you don't like her, because that really hurts.

So it has to be reversed... Come on, the problem is bigger in the reverse direction!

Is it necessary for Harry to go to Shihammer to admit that their adopted sibling relationship is impure?

In short, Harry was out of luck for the time being.

Moreover, he has recently been attracted by a matter that has disturbed Filch, so he can only suspend dealing with Hermione's problem for now.

In late October, a series of strange things happened in Hogwarts Castle.

Why do black shadows appear in the empty corridor, why the clean carpet is muddy the next second, why the rations in the kitchen are frequently stolen, are all these silly farces, or a harbinger of disaster...

The head of the Hogwarts kitchens, Professor Sprout, has delegated the matter to Filch, the administrator.

"So that's why you don't let me sleep at night, and you have to come to the kitchen to watch with you?" Harry rolled his eyes in disgust as he huddled under a small table in the kitchen with Filch.

"Halloween is coming, and this matter must be resolved as soon as possible." Filch said solemnly, "You usually have a lot of tricks, so you can just help me with my advice."

"Hehe, do I still have to thank you for your compliment~" Harry twitched the corners of his mouth, but he got out from under the table, "Okay, let Mrs. Norris and Peeves close the team quickly and summarize If you find out, go back quickly. You’ve been watching since nightfall, and it’s already two o’clock. If you’re not sleepy, I’m still sleepy.”

"Okay." Anyway, he was a roommate, and Filch didn't want Harry to work hard with him, so he could only end the stalking operation tonight.

"Ho ho ho, I'm back, I'm back, hurry up and praise me!"


Not long after, Peeves and Mrs. Norris, who had been notified by Filch, rushed back together.

The two of them were scouts sent by Harry to patrol the corridors and stairs. After getting along with each other during this period of time, the ghost and the cat had become very familiar with Harry, and they accompanied them every night to watch them.

It's just that, like Harry and Filch, they haven't got any useful clues yet...

Alas, I don’t know if today will be rewarding~

Chapter 55 Late night stalking can catch the 'thief'

"Hey, there are no clues at all! The location of the stairs is clean, and there is no one at all haha~"

Peeves is a bullying guy. After Harry's persistent persuasion every day, it can be regarded as understanding the truth that "if you make trouble, you will be beaten". Since then, it has become a lot more peaceful, and occasionally is willing to obey. Lee's order.

This is a good thing for all the teachers and students of Hogwarts, because it means that there is one more person who can control Peeves, and its boring pranks will be reduced a lot.

It's just that this brazen guy's ability to do business is obviously not as good as when he was making trouble. Looking at its empty hands, Harry knew that it must have found no clues.


On the contrary, Mrs. Norris, who has recently changed her hair and has begun to become slick, lived up to her expectations and brought the only discovery in her mouth for a few days...

A bitten piece of bread!

"There seems to be something wrong with this piece of bread, but the light here is too dark, I have to take it home and check it carefully."

Harry thought the shape and scratches on this piece of bread were a bit weird, but it was too dark in the kitchen for him to make a more detailed judgment.

"It's okay, after all, it's the only clue, and it needs to be checked carefully." Filch readily agreed, and couldn't help teasing Harry while he was happy, "It's just that you are so caring about helping me with this matter." Is it possible that you have completely given up your plan to drop out of school?"

"Mr. Filch, please don't mention this again, I'm already very depressed." Harry rolled his eyes aggrieved.

Of course he wanted to drop out of school, but the problem was that Old Deng took it so seriously, and Harry had no other choice for the time being.


Suddenly, there was a distinct noise in the silent night, as if something had suddenly shattered!

"This is...an egg?!" Coming to the door of the kitchen, Harry quickly found a pool of broken eggs on the ground.

"Finally caught, chase after him!!" Filch ordered Mrs. Norris and Peeves to chase out together!

The harvest tonight is really great. Not only did he find the clues, but he also suspected of breaking through the whereabouts of the 'suspect'. Driven by his excitement, the conscientious Filch directly started the hot pursuit mode!

For a moment, the entire corridor was filled with cats and ghosts.

"Stop! Don't run, whoa-ho-ho!"

"This idiot..." Seeing Peeves yelling not far ahead, Harry couldn't help but sigh inwardly, he shouldn't have brought this guy out tonight.

Shouting so loudly, are you going to catch the other party or drive him away?

Because of Peeves' disturbance, the black shadow that had appeared in the kitchen kept running away. Soon, Harry and Filch chased to the door of a secret room at the end of the fourth floor.

"Peves, are you sure he ran in here?" Looking at the dilapidated wooden door in front of him, Filch frowned.

Dumbledore had emphasized this place at the beginning of school, saying that getting close to it would be life-threatening.

"This door is locked. If someone really ran in, it should have used an unlocking spell..."


Harry's analysis was interrupted by a scream, and the originally locked door was immediately pushed open, and then, a gust of fragrant wind hit his face directly into his arms.

Hmm... Smell it carefully, the wind still smells like eggs~


"Lock it quickly!"

Suddenly, a snarling black dog poked out from the doorway, baring its teeth at Harry and Hermione, but Harry turned around sharply with Hermione, and then kicked the door , and pulled out the wand from Hermione's arms and cast a locking spell on the door lock!

At the same time, Filch approached Harry with the oil lamp he was carrying, and a teasing smile gradually appeared on his face.

Ravenclaw's jack-of-all-trades, the gifted female schoolmaster who has always been the best at grabbing points, is now caught by the most troublesome point-deducting monster recognized by the Eagle Academy during a night watch. I have to say that this is indeed a very interesting scene.

"Hermione?" Harry looked at the girl in his arms in puzzlement, "How did you go to the kitchen? And you...uh, how did you make yourself like this?"

Harry actually wanted to ask Hermione why she was running, but when he saw Hermione's appearance at this time, he immediately understood everything.

Hermione looks like she just got out of egg drop soup.

Her hair was wet, covered with yellow and white frangipani, and some even fell on the pajamas; one of the slippers seemed to be lost during the run, and there was nowhere to put her bare feet, so she could only feel embarrassed. hide behind.

Because she ran too fast, of course, she might be frightened by the scene in the room before, her chest has been heaving violently, and the expression on her face is also mixed with shame... In addition, in her hand, Harry also found a egg~

"Hmph, it looks like the case can be settled without analyzing the evidence." Filch put on a grim grin and said, "Both stolen and stolen. Hermione Granger is the culprit in the latest kitchen theft!"

"I, I didn't..." Hearing what Filch said, Hermione's eye circles turned red.

It really was a bad night for her.

I wanted to wash my hair well, but in the end it turned into this ghostly look; after that, I was chased by someone as a thief, and even lost my shoes; and in that secret room just now, she saw such a horrible monster!

And what I overheard when Harry and Filch were chatting...

In short, Hermione is scared and wronged now, and especially wants to find a place where there is no one to cry.

"Don't take it to heart, Mr. Filch is joking with you, he knows you are not a food thief." Harry led Hermione to turn an angle, blocking Filch's sight with his back, " It's just... why don't you come to me if you want to wash your hair?"

"I... thought I could fix it." Hermione lowered her head in embarrassment, her cheeks were so hot that the egg flowers were almost baked into fried eggs.

She feels like an idiot tonight~

"Mr. Filch, do you know where there is a more private bathroom in the castle, I have to take her to clean it."

It is impossible for Harry to ignore Hermione's appearance, and the clues he found tonight can only be analyzed later.

"You can take her to the prefects' bathroom on the sixth floor. No one is using it right now. I happen to know the password." Filch said, suppressing a smile.

"Then go there first."


When Harry nodded in agreement, Mrs. Norris also promptly brought back the shoes that Hermione had lost before running away.


Putting on her slippers in a panic, Hermione's face turned even redder.

(PS will be on the shelves soon, happy, one more chapter ( * ̄▽ ̄)((≧︶≦*))

Chapter 56 Some things you don't want Hermione to have anything to do with

When taking Hermione to the sixth floor, Harry felt that what happened tonight should not be too messy.

Hermione's hair has always been her worst enemy, otherwise she wouldn't be bringing hair products like olive oil and eggs with her freshman report.

Back when the two were still inseparable, Harry would take Hermione to Hagrid's cabin whenever Hermione needed her hair done.

Hagrid is usually very busy, so no one will disturb him at all, and he can do it for as long as he wants~

Harry is referring to hair care…

Speaking of which, he also thought this incident was quite miraculous. He did know a few hair care remedies from previous lives, but he didn't expect it to be so easy to use... It seemed as if Mr. Tony's skill tree was naturally lit up.

As for why Hermione was in such a mess tonight, it was because she had been deliberately keeping a distance from Harry recently, and in the end she felt itchy and wanted to do her hair, so she tried it herself.

The result is of course obvious, she accidentally didn't control the temperature of the water, and directly boiled a head of egg drop soup with the only remaining eggs...

Hermione, who has always been unwilling to admit defeat, naturally would not give up easily, so she secretly rushed to the kitchen to get two eggs, wanting to try again, so she was treated as a thief who has been stealing things recently...

Hermione: The baby is suffering~

Following Harry in small steps, Hermione moved forward with a flushed face, tightly holding the egg in her hand, not knowing what to say to save herself from such embarrassment.

Tonight...too embarrassing~

"Here we go, delicious baked apples."

The prefect's bathroom is located on the sixth floor of Hogwarts Castle. It is the fourth door to the left of the statue of Boris the Stupid. Harry easily found the exact location and called it open with the help of San Meow's improvised password. door.

"It's too...too luxurious!"

After entering the prefect's bathroom, even Hermione, who was in distress, was completely stunned by the sight in front of her.

Everything that catches the eye is made of snow-white marble, including the bath that sinks into the ground in the middle of the room... No, it's not so much a bath as it is a rectangular swimming pool!

A hundred or so gold faucets hang above and around the pool, each with a different colored gemstone inlaid in the handle, and in one corner of the room there is a large stack of neat and clean bath towels.

A group of luxurious chandeliers hang from the ceiling, and the dim candles flicker mischievously, casting a warm soft light in the room.

"Hmm...prefects are indeed the power class, no wonder those fifth graders have to find a way to win the election after sharpening their heads." While Harry was feeling emotional, his face looked quite playful, "But what I'm more curious about is , How on earth did they allocate everyone's bath time. Or...together?"

This bathroom is dedicated to the prefects and Quidditch captains. Hogwarts students can participate in the prefect election in the second semester of the fourth grade. In the fifth grade, each college will elect male and female prefects One each, and continue to retain the position of prefect in the sixth and seventh grades.

In other words, in the case of the largest number of people, there will be a total of 24 male and female prefects and 4 Quidditch captains in the entire Hogwarts at the same time, and this bathroom is shared by the 28 of them.

However, looking at the layout of this bathroom, Harry always felt that it was more like a private pool party.

This kind of decoration and lighting atmosphere that was placed in the previous life and was rounded up every minute is definitely for fun when taking a bath~

"Go and lie down there, and I'll help you with your hair."

Harry pointed to the marble countertop by the tub, where Hermione would just let her hair spread out in the tub if she were lying there, and there just so happened to be a tap above her head.

"Hmm~" Hermione responded softly, and lay down obediently.

There was a bath towel specially laid by Harry on the bath surface to prevent the cold. It was very comfortable to lie on, fluffy and warm, as if sleeping by the edge of a hot spring.

Harry jumped into the bathtub, and the depth of the entire bathtub was designed to be the same as that of the swimming pool. With his current height, he couldn't even reach the edge of the pool.

But this is obviously not a problem for Harry. His transfiguration attainments are basically equivalent to enchantments, and he can easily increase the soles of his shoes to the height of stilts.

He turned on the faucet above Hermione's head, and a bath liquid mixed with hot water sprayed out from it, completely soaking Hermione's hair in no time.

There are also sheets of pink bubbles floating from the faucet, which quickly cover the entire bath, and against the candlelight, there are bursts of dreamlike halos.

"Hmm..." Hermione subconsciously looked at Harry surrounded by bubbles, and was stunned for a moment.

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