A Chance To Become An Adonis

Chapter 30: Protector

Chapter 30: Protector

The person who walks out from the darkness of the alleyway was no other than Elder Wu.


Elder Wu smiles at Lu Chen, “ Young master, when did you notice I was here?" He thought the darkness would make him undetectable to others. Yet Lu Chen found out that he was in there, which made him curious.


"Of course, I notice you were there, Elder Wu. That was the reason why I came to this alleyway. Do you think I would come to such a shady area?" Lu Chen chuckles. In his previous life, there were countless two-faced people he had to meet over business deals. With those many encounters, Lu Chen became over-sensible to his surroundings. He gained the ability to discern the different types of gazes being stared at him. From this ability, Lu Chen felt the same look he had always sensed coming from the alleyway.


Elder Wu had a shocked look on his face. He couldn't believe Lu Chen could notice him with so many people walking around. He just couldn’t believe it and was about to ask,


“Elder Wu, I haven’t put a tracking device on you or something like that.” Lu Chen knew Elder Wu would probably believe he had placed something on him, that's why he had found him. He explains, "It's because I have the ability to distinguish the gazes people give me.  The people on the street would look at me in contempt or annoyance, but yours is more discrete and focused."


The gazes Lu Chen would receive from people would be either the mocking sort due to how he looks. Or it would be indifference. But there was only one gaze that felt like he was being monitored from all angles. Yet, at the same time, he wasn't weirded or feared it.


“I already realize that you were monitoring me a long time ago. After all, you are my protector,” Lu Chen scratches his head. I can't believe I didn't realize this. Embarrassment could be seen on Lu Chen's face. Elder Wu had been with him for years, yet he didn't notice.


Due to the wealth the Lu family had accumulated, there was bound to be business rivals that want them gone. Lu Chen’s grandfather knew of this problem, and that’s why he assigns three people to be protectors of his grandchildren. Each one of these people is the highest elites from the Lu Family security force. They would secretly monitor each child in discretion, protecting them until they became adults. 


Elder Wu continues to be surprised by what Lu Chen says. But this takes the cake, he asks, “Young Master, how do you know about the protectors?” The protectors are supposed to be a secret organization that only those three and his grandfather knows about. So how does young master know?


Lu Chen gave him a light smile as he explains more, “ How could I not know? It’s pretty simple once you realize it. Elder Wu, you have been doing everything for me; driving me to school, picking me up, and whenever I ask for something, you are the first one to come to my aid. Isn’t that a little strange?” Elder Wu begins to have a wry smile as he would never expect that his consistent monitoring would be the thing that would get him caught.


"Also, if my hunch is correct: uncle Huo should be first brother's protector. While your son should be second brother's protector, am I right?" Even though he sounds unsure, Lu Chen was sure as he figures out their identities from his past.


Elder Wu sighs in resignation, “Young master, sometimes I wonder if you were just hiding your intelligence from others?” For him to figure everything out, even if simple deduction, it was concise deduction. Elder Wu never expects Lu Chen would deduce something without showing any signs of him noticing it.


“Elder Wu, I wasn’t hiding from before. I was an ignorant and selfish person that had only thought about myself.” Even now, Lu Chen was regretting what he did in the past.

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