A Chance To Become An Adonis

Chapter 31: Photoshopping

Chapter 31: Photoshopping

The reckless action Lu Chen had done in the past made him realize the most important things that were to him. But it was all gone.


As Elder Wu looks at Lu Chen, he could feel there's a slight sense of regret coming from his eyes. He knew Lu Chen was hiding something from him. But he couldn't ask him as he is the butler and Lu Chen is the young master. However, Elder Wu understood that keeping it a secret was for the best. It means that Lu Chen was self-reflecting and learns what to say and what not to. 


“Young master, what matters now is that you change from what you were before. I’m proud of the fact that you are growing now.” 


When Lu Chen heard what Elder Wu said, he tears up a bit. To him, Elder Wu was more than just a bodyguard in Lu Chen’s eyes. He was more of a second grandfather figure to him.


Zhang Jian, who was standing on the sideline, looks at them in shock. His mind was still processing the fact that a man was coming out of the alleyway.  But more than that, to hear Lu Chen talking down about himself was a first for him. He knew that Lu Chen was arrogant and prideful and will never feel regret for his action.


Zhang Jian decides to interrupt the moment as he asks, " Hey, Lu Chen. So what are you going to do with the photos?" The priority now was to deal with the photos.


Lu Chen wipes his tears away. He knows now is not the right time to be all emotional and downcasted. He shows Elder Wu the images and asks, " Elder Wu, do you know anybody who can enhance these images?" From what Elder Wu does, Lu Chen knows he has an array of connections with people.


“Young master, just send me the pictures. I will have them be edited.” Elder Wu responds.


Naturally, Elder Wu had heard what Lu Chen was planning to do. And frankly, he was in disagreement with the marriage between the two. Seeing his young master being scolded like that over and over again by his fiancee made him furious. He wonders as to why his young master continues to love that woman.


Lu Chen sent the images through Wechat to Elder Wu's account. When Lu Chen explains which part to glorify, he realizes there are only ten minutes before class.


"Hey, Zhang Jian. We're going to be late for class." Lu Chen said to his friend as he turns to Elder Wu, "Elder Wu, we got to head back to class now. I'll tell you later on what other parts I want to be enhanced."


“Ok, young master.” Elder Wu nods his head at the two of them leaving.


Before the duo was about to leave, Lu Chen looks back towards Elder Wu, "Elder Wu, I almost forgot to tell you something."


“What do you need me to do, young master?”


“Can you not tell my grandfather what I’m planning to do?"


"Lu Chen almost forgot Elder Wu and his grandpa were comrades in arms during their time in the army. He knows if his grandpa finds out what he was planning to do, he will be furious.


Knowing what Lu Chen meant, Elder Wu nods his head, “ You can rest assured, young master. Your grandfather will not know of this plan.”


Lu Chen sighs in relief, “Thank you, Elder Wu,” and walks off with Zhang Jian back to school.


Once the last class was over, Lu Chen said goodbye to Zhang Jian. He was going to meet with Elder Wu outside of school.


When Lu Chen was about to go to the front gates, a voice calls out to him.


“Lu Chen, hold it right there.”

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