A Date With Faet

2. Changed

After what felt like four or five seconds the light finally faded away, and my little basement apartment came back into view around me.

I was still sitting on the sofa with Kelly standing in front of me. She still had a smile on her face, but it wasn't sly or eager now. She actually looked nervous, which didn't help me feel any better.

I took a couple deep breaths then demanded, "What the -"

My eyes bugged out as the words died in my throat. Instead of my deep rumbly voice, the sounds that came out of my mouth were soft and high-pitched. Like I'd gone from my normal broken baritone to an airy soprano.

My heart was racing now and I slowly tilted my head down. I was still wearing the same clothes. I had my favourite pair of blue jeans, and the grey t-shirt I'd grabbed this morning.

Except the t-shirt was now too loose across the shoulders, and the 'short' sleeves hung down past my elbows. But the biggest shock was instead of being just comfortably loose across my chest, the shirt was now stretched tight over what looked and felt like a huge pair of boobs.

That stupid necklace was still there too, though it had slipped under my t-shirt. The crystal felt a little cold against my chest.

And I could see my jeans were loose. Instead of feeling my belt pressing against my abdomen, it rested on my lap. The pants felt a little tight across my hips and butt, but were loose everywhere else.

By now I was starting to hyperventilate. I finally tore my eyes off myself and looked up at my girlfriend again.

I whispered, "Kelly, what the heck!?"

She gave me an apologetic smile, "What? Isn't this exactly what I said I was going to do? C'mon, stand up and let's get a proper look at you."

Without waiting for an answer, she leaned over and reached out, taking my hands in hers. Then she straightened up, pulling me up off the sofa and onto my feet. As she pulled me upright, I felt my jeans and boxers slip off, pooling around my ankles on the floor. I was barely aware of that, though.

There was a lurch and a flutter in my stomach as I found myself standing in front of her, with my eyes directly level with her throat. Did I mention I was five-foot-ten? And Kelly was five-foot-eight? We normally stood almost eye-to-eye, I was just a little bit taller than her.

Except now I wasn't.

Both my heart rate and my breathing sped up as I slowly tilted my neck back, looking upwards at her.

My eyes were wide, and I couldn't bring myself to speak. I just stared up at her in stunned disbelief.

Kelly smiled down at me, "Babe... You're frickin adorable."

After a moment she added, "Come on!" She was still holding my hands, and she pulled me away from the sofa, towards the bathroom. I realized she was dragging me to the mirror. She wanted me to see what I looked like.

With my first steps I left my shoes and pants behind. My socks slipped off over the next couple paces. I was too stunned to resist, and I just stumbled along with her for now.

It was only a few meters from the sofa to the bathroom, but it was enough for me to realize my body was moving completely differently. My hips were swaying, and my stride was a lot smaller than it used to be. And I was aware of things jiggling that never jiggled before.

We got to the bathroom and Kelly turned on the light as she positioned me next to her, the two of us standing at the counter, in front of the mirror.

I stared at my girlfriend's reflection first. Mostly as a way of putting off the inevitable.

Kelly was tall, slim, and of obviously Irish descent with her fiery red hair, emerald eyes, and the freckles scattered across her cheeks. She was grinning, and her eyes were on me in the mirror.

Finally I looked at the girl standing beside Kelly. She was almost the archetypical 'manic pixie dream girl'.

She was about half a foot shorter than Kelly, she'd be lucky if she was five-foot-two. She was petite and slightly-built, except for the obvious assets hidden under the ill-fitting grey t-shirt.

Her hair was a bright violet purple, and styled in a sort of messy bob. Her eyes were an intense aqua blue, and she was staring back at me with an expression that was a mix of shock and curiosity. Her skin looked fair and absolutely flawless. Her lips were full and pink and had a bit of a natural pout to them. Her nose was small, with a very slight upturn. Her face was rounded.

Despite my shock, I had to admit this purple-haired girl looked incredibly cute.

Apart from being about six inches shorter than Kelly, I realized the cutie in the mirror also looked a couple years younger. Kelly and I were both twenty-two, but this girl looked more like nineteen or twenty.

The only thing she was wearing was my grey t-shirt. And that necklace with the purple crystal was still around the girl's neck.

Fortunately the mirror wasn't full-length, and between the girl's short stature and the counter and sink, I couldn't see anything below her waist. And looking straight down much of my view was obscured by the boobs and the t-shirt.

I was still breathing hard, and my heart was pounding. I don't even know that my brain was running on all cylinders at this point. I didn't know what to say, what to do, or even what to think, really.

All this was impossible, it was insane. This sort of thing didn't happen.

Me and Kelly stood there in silence for a couple minutes, and her smile eventually faded. I think she was starting to figure out that I didn't find this as entertaining as she did.

Still, when she finally said something it wasn't what I expected. And my response surprised me even more.

"So babe," Kelly said, her expression and tone slightly more serious. "We need to think up a good name for you while you're like this. Obviously I can't keep calling you -"

"Tegan," I stated, cutting her off before she could say the other name. "Call me Tegan."

Kelly blinked then grinned, looking surprised but pleased. "Cool. Ok Tegan. That's a pretty name. And honestly, I think it suits you?"

I gulped, still staring at my reflection. And it was going to take a while to get used to hearing this voice. "I thought you weren't into girls, Kelly. And I'd never have guessed you were into girls that look like this."

"I'm not!" she protested. "It's for the bet, remember? I have to go out with a girl, Keira has to go out with a guy."

"Uh-huh," I said. I was trying to keep my voice level, trying not to completely fall apart into panic or shock.

Finally I asked, "Can I take this stupid necklace off?" I was still staring at it in the mirror when a thought occurred. "Actually, if I take it off will I go back to normal?"

She grinned, "Yeah take it off. The spell's done, the necklace is just normal amethyst now." She added, "I used it to store the magical energy. It takes a lot to do a change like that, you know?"

"I'll take your word for it," I replied as I lifted the necklace up over my head then handed it to her. "So you've proved your point. Will you change me back now?"

Kelly took the necklace and wound the cord up around the crystal, then shoved the whole thing into a pocket in her jeans. She bit her lower lip and shook her head. "The double-date's tomorrow night, remember? We have to go out and get you something to wear tomorrow, then we'll go and meet Keira and her date. Assuming she even has one."

I took a deep breath, then sighed. I knew I was stuck. The worst part was I agreed to this. I hadn't believed her, I didn't think she actually had magic powers or whatever.

To be honest I still didn't really believe it, except here I was. I looked at myself in the mirror again and gulped.

Kelly was still watching me, and she finally suggested "Why not get rid of the t-shirt? You still haven't had a proper look at yourself, babe."

I gulped, then blushed. I gestured towards the bathroom door and asked, "Could I have a little privacy?"

"Sure," Kelly smiled. "While you're doing that, mind if I poke around in your closet and see if there's anything you can wear for now?"

I sighed, "Go ahead."

She was still grinning as she left, and I closed the bathroom door behind her. Then I locked it, for good measure.

I closed my eyes and took a couple deep breaths, then pulled the t-shirt up and off, and dumped it on the floor for now.

Finally I opened my eyes and stared in the mirror again. "Holy crap..."

I had no idea what size they were, apart from 'big'. I was surprised to realize they were bigger than Kelly's. I don't know why but that was another one of those weird details that made my stomach flutter again.

I had bigger tits than my girlfriend. I was shorter than her, and I had bigger tits... I suddenly wondered if she'd make me wear a skirt tomorrow night, and then I wondered why that thought made my stomach flutter yet again.

Ok enough of that. I pushed those thoughts away for now and focused on my reflection again.

They were bigger than a handful, that's for sure. Especially with my hands being so small now, but honestly these boobs would be more than a handful for my old hands too. They were perfect though, the shape and the size and the look and feel of my flawless unblemished skin. My nipples were large and pink and sensitive, surrounded by perfectly round pink aureolas.

I blushed again at the sight. I'd never admit this, not even to Kelly, but if I had to have boobs I'm glad I had these boobs.

Finally I let my eyes wander further down. Without the t-shirt in the way, I had a clear view of my small flat belly and my narrow waist. My hips and ass stuck out further than I was used to, and they were nice and curvy. Like my arms, my legs were smooth and shapely. My feet were small and delicate-looking, like my hands.

With another deep breath, I finally focused on my groin.

There was a neatly-trimmed little patch of violet-coloured hair there, which was unexpected. I wondered for a moment if that was actually my natural hair colour now, then just as quickly forgot about it as I realized I was staring at my womanhood.

I mean, I knew that was going to be there. I knew I wasn't going to see my penis, I'd known since that swirling light faded and I realized I had boobs. It was still a shock though, to see it with my own eyes.

"Crap," I whispered, as I straightened up and leaned against the counter.

I took another couple deep breaths. My heart was racing again and I was feeling anxious. I wasn't exactly upset, though. Actually I started to wonder why I wasn't freaking out more, when I was distracted again.

"Hey Tegan?" Kelly asked, from outside the bathroom door. "You doing ok in there?"

"Uh, yeah..." I replied, trying to keep my voice steady.

Kelly said, "I've got something for you to wear. Can I come in? Or you come out?"

I took another deep breath then unlocked and opened the bathroom door. Looking straight at her neck again, I felt another flutter in my stomach as I tilted my head up to face her. She was looking down at me, and I felt myself suddenly blushing hard.

We'd seen each other naked hundreds of times over the past year or so, and it never bothered me before. But this was the first time I was a girl, and despite her being straight I could swear she was checking me out.

She held out some folded clothes, "This should be ok for you, for now."

I mumbled a quiet thanks, but I was still feeling self-conscious so I quickly dressed. The t-shirt was a freebie I'd picked up somewhere. I'd never worn it because it was too big on me. Now it was almost like a shapeless dark blue dress. I realized it could work ok as a night-shirt though.

And I used to wear these old grey shorts to the gym. I stopped wearing them last year when they got a little tight on me, around the same time I stopped going to the gym. I'm sure that was a coincidence. Anyways, now they were kind of big. It wasn't the most attractive outfit, but like Kelly said, it would do for now.

Kelly gave me a supportive smile, "There you go babe. How about we order in some dinner? Then we can figure out our plans for tomorrow."

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