A Date With Faet

3. Confused

"We have to be at the restaurant for seven o'clock," Kelly said. "We're going to Jake's Roadhouse, since it's practically next-door to the theatre."

I had a sip of hard lemonade, and shrugged "Fine. It's only like a fifteen or twenty minute drive from here."

Dinner hadn't arrived yet and while we waited we were discussing the plans for tomorrow night. And I was drinking one of her vodka-lemonades because I decided I didn't want beer. I wasn't sure why, I just felt like Tegan wasn't a beer drinker.

Kelly shook her head. "We can't take your car, babe. Keira might recognize it."

"Crap," I sighed. "What then? The bus? Or ride-share?"

"Let's ride-share," Kelly replied. "I'd offer to drive but Keira's got our car for the weekend."

I sighed again, "What about this shopping trip tomorrow? Can I at least drive for that?"

Kelly looked thoughtful, then finally she nodded "Yeah. But to be safe, we won't shop anywhere around here so there's no chance of running into my sister. Let's go somewhere out of town, ok? We can make a bit of a trip out of it, maybe stop for lunch or something?"

"Who's paying for all this, by the way?" I asked, frowning at her.

Kelly smiled at me, "It's on me, Tegan. The whole weekend. I'll cover dinner tonight, I'll buy you a fancy outfit tomorrow, and I'll pay for lunch. I'll take care of dinner and the movie tomorrow, too."

I couldn't complain about that. "Ok. That sounds fair, since all this is to help win you that bet."

Her smile grew wider, "Thanks babe!"

I smiled back at her before I realized what I was doing. Then I blushed and had another sip of the hard lemonade. Kelly's enthusiasm was infectious.

"So what movie are we seeing?" I asked.

Kelly shrugged, "No idea. We'll pick something tomorrow night I guess. Or maybe Keira will have something in mind."

A few minutes later the food arrived, and I let Kelly go deal with it. I wasn't quite ready yet to face anyone else while I looked like this. I mean, I knew nobody would recognize me. I didn't even recognize me. Still, I needed some more time to get used to it.

While she was doing that, I grabbed a couple plates and some napkins, and another two bottles of the hard lemonade.

By the time she was finished at the door, I had the coffee table set up and ready for our little meal.

Kelly smiled as she sat down beside me, "Carlos said to say hello."

We'd got our usual order from the Asian Fusion place down the street, Carlos was one of their regular drivers. Yeah, we get delivery often enough that we're on a first-name basis with some of the drivers.

Kelly opened the bag and started pulling out the half-dozen little containers. As she set each one down on the coffee table in front of us, I felt my mood dropping rapidly. A frown formed on my face and it grew deeper with each container. She'd used my account, and each container had that name written on it in black marker.

"All right, let's..." Kelly's voice trailed off as she glanced at me and saw my expression. "Tegan? What's wrong?"

I didn't answer right away, but she followed my gaze back to the food containers. After a few seconds she asked, "You're upset about the name?"

I nodded slightly.

Kelly frowned, but she opened all the containers and positioned the lids so I couldn't see them.

When she was done, she looked at me and asked "Why's that bother you so much?" She sounded worried.

I shook my head and replied softly, "I don't know. I was wondering the same thing."

Of course I had a theory, but I didn't want to get into that discussion now that the food was here. Still, I couldn't shake the memory of that magic light coming up and hitting me in the forehead. It seemed pretty clear to me that it was part of Kelly's spell. I assumed she'd done something to make me accept all this, to make it so I wouldn't freak out too hard.

Kelly was still looking at me with a worried expression, and the concerned look on her face suddenly made me a lot less certain it was something she'd done with her magic. I decided to try and get both our minds off that for now, and onto the food.

I gave her a smile and said, "Dinner smells great! Let's eat, while the hot stuff's hot and the fresh stuff's fresh."

"Yeah, good idea!" she grinned back at me, and we both dug in.

We had a couple dozen pieces of our favourite sushi, and there were three hot dishes. We got shrimp pad Thai, a General Tsao chicken, and spicy orange beef.

The food was great as usual, there's a reason that place is one of our favourites. I noticed though that all three of the hot dishes were quite a bit spicier than normal. I could barely eat the orange beef, and after the first mouthful I had to have a gulp of my hard lemonade.

I commented, "They really cranked up the heat tonight, eh? Did you ask them to make it extra-spicy?"

Kelly gave me a puzzled look, "No, it's just our regular order."

After a few seconds I sighed as it hit me. Apparently as Tegan, I was a bit of a wimp when it came to spicy food.

I left the rest of the orange beef for Kelly. I also realized I wasn't going to be able to eat as much as usual. We always had some leftovers, but this time we'd probably have half the order left for breakfast tomorrow.

When I'd had my fill I sat back on the sofa and sipped my drink as I watched Kelly enjoy the rest of her meal.

"Hey Kelly? How'd you learn this magic stuff anyways? Are you like a witch or something?"

She blushed, "I'm not supposed to say, Tegan. It's a secret."

"C'mon," I frowned. "You turned me into a girl, I think I deserve to know how you did it."

Kelly had a few gulps of her lemonade, as she seemed to be thinking it over. Finally she said, "If I tell you, you have to swear not to tell anyone else. Like, swear it as an actual oath, ok?"

I raised an eyebrow at that, then shrugged. "Ok I swear it. I swear I won't tell anyone else."

That seemed to satisfy her, but she kept her voice low as if there might be someone else in the apartment listening in. "My maternal grandfather is fae," she said, in a half whisper. "So I'm basically one-quarter fae."

She was acting like this was some huge dangerous secret, but I had no idea what she was talking about. "What does that mean? Faye seems like a weird name for a guy."

Kelly suppressed a giggle, "Not Faye... Fae. Fair-folk. Like fairies?"

"What like Tinkerbell?" I asked, feeling silly as soon as I said it.

This time she giggled out loud, "Oh my Gods Tegan, no!" She had another sip of her drink then said "Look, don't worry about it ok? Fair-folk, or fae, are 'mythical' magical creatures, from Otherworld. It's like, Irish legend stuff. It just means I have access to a kind of magic."

"So it's a genetic thing, is what you're saying?" I asked. "And that means Keira can do magic too, since you're twins."

Kelly nodded, "Yeah, Keira can do magic too. We're not supposed to though. I'll get in a lot of trouble if anyone found out I used magic on you. So please don't tell anyone, especially not my sister."

"Don't worry, I won't say a word." I added, "What would I say anyways? No-one would believe me if I told them who I used to be or what I used to look like."

"Thanks babe," Kelly smiled at me. A moment later it faded and she frowned at me, but before I could ask why she suggested, "Let's pack the rest of this up ok? I've had enough."

I nodded, then hesitated. I didn't want to see that name on all the container tops again.

Kelly picked up on my hesitation and said, "Just a sec."

She dashed into the kitchen and returned with the roll of cling-film. The container tops went into the trash and we sealed up the left-overs with plastic, then loaded them all into the fridge.

When everything was tidied up, the two of us sat back on the sofa again with our drinks.

"Kelly? I have another question," I said, watching her. I was feeling nervous again, but I figured it was time to talk about the spell.

She gave me a slightly concerned look and asked, "What is it, Tegan?"

I took a deep breath and dove in. "So when you did that spell, it was pretty obvious it did something to my head. I mean, I saw the light hit me in the forehead. I assume it's your spell that's keeping me from freaking out and stuff? And I thought maybe your spell had something to do with the uh, name stuff."

Kelly bit her lower lip, and that worried look came across her face again. She shook her head, "My magic doesn't... I didn't put anything in the spell to mess with your name. I didn't even do anything to make sure you didn't freak out."

She added, sounding uneasy "Now that you say it though, I realize I probably should have. But I didn't, and now I'm wondering why you aren't freaking out."

We were both frowning now.

Finally I just drained the last of my second hard lemonade. I had a bit of a buzz already, but I wasn't surprised. I mean, by now I was getting used to the fact that as Tegan I was reacting differently to just about everything.

I decided to change the subject again and asked, "So were you still planning to stay the night? I mean, I know you're not into girls so it'd probably be weird for you."

Kelly blushed, then drank the last of her second lemonade as well. Before answering she got up and took the empties back to the kitchen, and returned with two more drinks.

She handed one to me then had a sip of hers before she finally answered, "I should probably stay. Incase you do start freaking out or whatever? I mean, you're kind of my responsibility right now."

"Well you're welcome to stay of course," I said. "I just didn't want you to be uncomfortable."

I had a couple gulps of the vodka-lemonade then smirked, "Actually, I seem to recall our deal was two nights of outstanding sex if I let you turn me into a girl. But I suppose you meant to do your part of the bargain after you changed me back."

Kelly's face went beet-red and I couldn't help it, I giggled.

"Sorry Kelly," I apologized after I'd calmed down. "I didn't mean to tease."

She was staring at me again. Her tone was almost accusing as she stated, "You giggled!"

"So?" I shrugged. "You giggle all the time."

I had a few more gulps of my drink and asked, "Anyways, does that mean you're staying the night?"

"Yeah, I'm staying." she nodded, and had a sip of her lemonade.

Then she gave me a sly look and asked, "I know you were just teasing, about cashing in on my part of the deal tonight. But what if I agreed? Were you just bluffing, or do you really want to see what sex feels like as a girl?"

Now it was my turn, I felt my cheeks go bright red and I may have gulped. At the same time, I felt that flutter in my stomach again. Both my heart rate and breathing sped up slightly.

I looked down at the floor, unable to meet her eyes as I replied "I uh... Honestly right now I'm pretty damn curious? But at the same time, I uh, don't want us both doing something we might regret later..."

"Yeah," Kelly nodded slowly. She had another sip of her drink, then gave me another one of those curious, slightly concerned looks.

As I drank the last of my third hard lemonade, I couldn't help but wonder if maybe Kelly wasn't quite as straight as she claimed. On the other hand I was pretty sure I was a lesbian.

I mean, I knew I was still into girls, I was definitely still into Kelly. I suddenly felt a little sad as I realized I probably wouldn't get to experience sex with her while I was a girl.

Kelly was still watching me and asked "What's wrong, Tegan? Now you're pouting."

I sighed, and I could feel my cheeks turning a deeper shade of red. I set my empty bottle down on the coffee table and admitted, "I'm a drunk, horny lesbian. And I'm sitting next to my hot sexy girlfriend, but she's not actually into me anymore because now I'm a girl."

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