A Date With Faet

4. Concerned

"How are you drunk?" Kelly asked, staring at me. "You only had three little bottles of hard lemonade."

"Same as everything else," I said as I frowned back at her. "Your spell made me a wimp with spice and a light-weight with alcohol. That's ontop of making me a short-ass purple-haired chick and giving me these huge boobs."

Kelly sighed and rubbed her forehead. I probably would have been more concerned about the worried look on her face, but that third drink was actually just starting to hit me now and I had other things on my mind.

"And how come that's the thing you're focusing on?" I smirked at her, "Are you too embarrassed to touch the 'horny lesbian' part of what I said?"

She looked a little shocked as she just stared at me.

I giggled, "I don't mean like, literally touch the horny lesbian. Though it'd be kinda cool if you did, actually. Like, I'm not gonna complain."

Kelly asked nervously, "Tegan what's gotten into you?"

"Nothing yet, but the night's still young!" I grinned and tried to give her a suggestive wink.

She actually face-palmed, and I giggled again.

"Tegan that's enough." Kelly's tone was serious now, and it seemed to snap me out of the flirty drunken haze I'd been in.

I took a deep breath and sighed. My head was spinning and I was still horny, but the alcohol was starting to win and I knew it probably wouldn't be long before I'd be more interested in sleep than anything else.

"Sorry Kelly," I apologized. "I'm not used to any of this and I guess I got carried away. I think I'm gonna get ready for bed, before I pass out."

She frowned but nodded, "Ok babe."

I got up and wobbled slightly as I made my way to the bathroom. Using the toilet for the first time as a girl wasn't actually a big deal. I mean, you just sit and pee, it's all kind of automatic? Way easier than as a guy, especially when you're drunk. Like, I didn't have to worry about aiming or anything.

After I was done and cleaned up, I washed my hands and brushed my teeth. The shorts I was wearing got left on the bathroom floor next to that grey t-shirt.

When I was all finished in the bathroom I shuffled out and made my way to the bedroom, though it was getting harder to stay upright. I was already starting to regret that third hard lemonade. And I definitely regretted how fast I'd drank it.

I absentmindedly pulled off the big navy-blue shirt and dropped it on the floor, then let myself flop face-down into bed.

"Ow!" I groaned and rolled onto my back, grabbing my chest. I'd hit the bed boobs-first and that frigging hurt.

That was probably my last coherent thought for the night, I'm pretty sure I was out cold as soon as I was comfy.

• • • • •

I slowly drifted awake and took a deep breath. The smell of fresh-brewed coffee was in the air, and gosh that smelled good!

I rolled over and opened my eyes, smiling. Then I frowned. Kelly wasn't there, I was alone in bed. Then I realized I was stark naked, and finally remembered how drunk I'd gotten and how lewd I'd been acting.

My face went bright red, and I quietly scolded myself. I hoped I didn't freak Kelly out too bad, acting like that towards her.

I got up out of bed and grabbed the large blue shirt off the floor, slipping it on before I emerged from the bedroom.

Kelly was sitting on the sofa in her nightshirt, cradling a mug of coffee. I was pretty sure she'd spent the night on the sofa, but she still looked amazing regardless. It was another one of her 'superpowers', like her pout. She always looked gorgeous no matter what.

She was watching me, her bright green eyes going up and down over me as I walked past her and the sofa towards the kitchenette. It was almost like she was studying me or something.

I stopped in front of her. I figured it would be better to apologize first, then get coffee after.

"Good morning Kelly," I said softly. "I'm really sorry for how I acted last night. I don't know what got into me, but I was a little uh, inappropriate."

Kelly was still sort of frowning at me, staring at me. Finally she gestured towards the kitchen and said "Get yourself a coffee, babe. Then we'll talk."

I sighed, but nodded. I figured she was ticked off with me, but at least she was letting me get some caffein into me before she started in on the lecture.

By now I knew better than to make any assumptions about how I'd like my coffee. A little trial-and-error and I was surprised to find it wasn't too far off from how I drank it before. I'd gone from one-cream one-sugar to double-double.

Coffee in hand, I walked back to the sofa and sat down next to her. Not too close though, I didn't want to make her uncomfortable again.

After a deep sip of the glorious brew, I looked up at her and said, "Ok. I'm ready."

Kelly was still watching me like a hawk. I had no doubt she'd been staring at me the whole time I was getting my coffee. I may have cringed slightly at this point, in anticipation of the talking-to she was about to unleash on me.

Instead of a lecture, she just asked a question.

"Babe, how'd you come up with the name Tegan?" she asked. She was still sort of studying me, watching me closely. "I mean, you had that name on the tip of your tongue, you wouldn't even let me say -"

"I don't know?" I said, interrupting her. I wasn't sure if she was actually going to say the other name or not, but I didn't wait to find out.

"I've always liked the name Tegan. If I was a girl, it's a name I'd pick for myself. So when I saw myself in the mirror and I knew I was really a girl, it was kind of a no-brainer."

After a moment I added, "You even said I looked like a Tegan. Like I said, I assumed it was all part of your plan or whatever."

Kelly shook her head and admitted, "None of this was part of my plan. Well, apart from turning you into a girl. But my plan was you'd be the same height as me, basically the same shape as me. I even brought some extra clothes, thinking I'd loan them to you since we'd be the same size. Your hair should have been dark like before, but longer. And I had a name I was going to suggest."

She took a deep breath and sighed, "Pretty much nothing's turned out the way I expected, and it's making me worried. I think..." She hesitated, then finally said "I think I should end the spell and turn you back to normal now."

I blinked at her, then grinned. "Ok, who are you and where's the real Kelly?"

I was only half-joking. I mean, Kelly and Keira are basically identical twins, and both of them are obsessed with beating the other. Honestly, it wouldn't be a stretch to imagine Keira somehow got wind of Kelly's plan and snuck in here to try and sabotage things.

Kelly shook her head, "Babe I'm not joking. I'm worried about you."

"Kelly I'm fine," I said, my voice calm and level. "I agreed to this, remember? And it'd be silly to give up now, we're like, halfway through already. Let's stick to the plan. We'll go shopping, I'll get some cute outfits, then we'll go meet Keira at the restaurant. Do the double-date thing, assuming she actually brings a guy. Then you win the bet, and we come back here."

She was still frowning at me, she looked like she wasn't convinced yet.

I had a deep sip of my coffee then set the cup down on the coffee table. "Don't worry. I'm fine. It'll be ok."

Then I got up and headed to the bathroom. The rest of last night's hard lemonade needed to be set free.

I didn't bother closing the bathroom door as I sat on the toilet. I realized even sober this was a lot better than standing and aiming. After finishing up and washing my hands again, I stared at myself in the mirror.

Heck, I really was cute. Even fresh out of bed, with messy hair and a hangover, I kind of looked fantastic.

Then it hit me. I wasn't hung over. Sure I was a bit dehydrated, and a little hungry maybe. But I didn't feel like crap. I didn't even have a headache.

I was smiling as I returned to the sofa and sat down again next to Kelly.

"What are you smiling at now?" she asked, sounding apprehensive.

I had a deep sip of coffee and shrugged, "I'm not hung-over. In fact, I feel pretty good. And I'm cute as heck." I gave her what I hoped was a cheeky grin, so she'd know I was teasing.

Kelly just sighed and shook her head as she finished her coffee. She still looked worried though.

We both wound up having a second cup of coffee before we really started thinking about the rest of the day. Not that I felt I needed the caffein, I mean I felt just fine despite basically getting drunk enough to pass out last night.

Breakfast was last night's leftovers. Stale sushi and reheated pad Thai for me, stale sushi and reheated orange beef for Kelly.

As we ate, Kelly said "So I was thinking about the shopping trip. The thing is, you don't have anything to wear. I mean, to wear shopping? Like I said, I brought an extra change of clothes thinking you could wear that out to the store but it's not going to work."

"Yeah," I sighed. "I was thinking about that too." After a moment I shrugged, "I'll figure it out after breakfast. It'll be fine."

Kelly just frowned again well as we both continued eating.

Like last night, I was full before her, and there were still left-overs. I put them back in the fridge, though I doubted they'd still be good by tomorrow morning. Whatever, that was tomorrow-me's problem.

I went into the bedroom and started going through my clothes, trying to figure out a plan.

Happily one came together pretty quickly. I found an old pair of jeans in the closet that were too tight on me. They'd be too long and too loose now, but it was a start. Next up I picked out a t-shirt that I could work with. I went back to the kitchen and found the scissors buried under the cutlery, and finally sat down on the sofa and got started.

Kelly watched for a minute then asked, "Babe, what are you doing?"

I suppressed a sigh, "Kelly, you haven't called me Tegan once this morning. What's up with that?"

She blushed, "I'm sorry. I started to worry that uh... That you were getting used to this? Or that you were starting to like it or something. I didn't want to encourage it."

I stopped working on the clothes for now, and looked up at her. "Kelly, I know this is just temporary. But as long as I look like this, I'm Tegan ok? Think of it like... I'm just getting into character? And you know, Keira's going to get suspicious if you keep calling me 'babe' all night and avoid my name. I mean, maybe she'll assume you've forgotten my name since it's supposed to be our first date. But she might get suspicious, she knows you called the old-me 'babe' too."

"Ok Tegan," Kelly nodded.

"Thanks Kelly," I smiled, then got back to work on the clothes.

Not that there was a lot to do, it only took a minute or two and I had a pair of cut-offs and a crop-top shirt.

"There!" I announced with a grin. "It's not great but it'll do till I get some proper clothes. Now I just have to figure out some footwear."

That puzzle was solved with a pair of old flip-flops I got last summer. They were huge on me, but a couple minutes with the kitchen scissors and they were a little more manageable. Ugly as heck, but I'd just toss them out as soon as I had real shoes.

Out of all the clothes Kelly meant to loan me, the only thing I wound up wearing were the panties, and even they were a bit too big. My cut-off shorts were maybe a teensy bit too short, but it was fine. It was August and the weather was nice. They were also a bit too loose, but they'd do for now. And the crop-tee was maybe not all that appropriate either, especially since I lacked a bra, but again I figured it only had to last till I had something better.

I fished my wallet out of the jeans I'd worn yesterday, and picked up my keys. My wallet and phone wound up in Kelly's purse since I had nowhere to put them.

It was around noon as we set out on our shopping expedition. And honestly, I was feeling kind of excited about it. Kelly was still apprehensive though, and it almost felt like I was the one dragging her to the store instead of vice-versa.

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