A Date With Faet

25. Conned

Content Warning: Adult Situations

Saturday morning Kelly was up before me, and I woke to the smell of the coffee machine already brewing up some lovely caffeinated joy.

I found Kelly relaxing on the sofa with a mug of coffee in one hand and her phone in the other. She was staring at her phone and smiling about something.

I grabbed myself a coffee as well then joined her. I smiled as I cuddled next to her, "G'morning Kelly."

She grinned, "Morning babe."

After a sip of coffee I asked, "What's up? You're looking happy about something this morning."

"Yeah," she smiled. "I was thinking about what I said last night, about maybe letting you have a copy of that spell book."

My eyebrows shot up and I started grinning too. "You're going to give me a copy?"

"I might," she said. "If you make it worth my while."

She suppressed a grin and said, "You offered 'whatever I want' last night, so here's what I'm thinking. I'm going to order a little sexy maid outfit for you, and one weekend a month for the next year you'll have to wear it around the condo and let me order you about. Maybe we'll even use a little magic to make it more fun, but I won't insist on that. We can decide that together each month. What do you think?"

I blushed as I thought it over. To be honest it sounded like fun, and I'm sure she knew I'd probably enjoy it. I could think of one catch though, "I won't wear the costume when anyone else is over, and if I'm wearing it then we aren't inviting or allowing anyone else to come over unexpectedly. Or I take it off before they arrive. Bottom line is I'll only wear it for you, nobody else."

I added, "And no pictures, you're not posting on your social media or sending pics to anyone, of me in a maid outfit."

Kelly nodded, "Agreed, if I can take pictures for myself but don't post or share them. Is it a deal?"

I thought it through again but couldn't see anything else that would be a problem. Finally I nodded, "Ok, deal. When do I get the book?"

She tapped her phone, "I just sent it to you. And now I'm ordering your maid outfit."

She smiled wide as she switched from her mail app to her browser, and I saw she was already on some shopping site with a French maid costume on the screen ready to go.

I blushed but hurried to grab my phone, then opened the mail app as I sat back down. I took a deep sip of coffee as I thumbed the email, then tapped the icon to open the file.

Kelly was humming happily as she put through the purchase, "There. Your new uniform will be here next week."

I stared at the first page of the ebook, and a frown settled on my face. "Uh, Kelly? What language is this?"

She smiled, and in an innocent voice she answered "It's a fae spell book, so it's written in Fae of course." She suppressed a smirk as she added, "It's a little like Gaelic, and has some commonalities with primitive Irish."

I felt my cheeks go pink as I kept staring at the screen. "So you got me to agree to wear a sexy maid costume for you, in return for sending me a an ebook you knew I couldn't actually read?"

She smirked, "Yep. Think of it as a little practical experience after last night's lesson. I mean, it was like twelve hours ago I told you not to make deals with the fae."

After a sip of coffee she added, "I'm sure we'll eventually get around to teaching you how to read and speak Fae. Or maybe we could try and cover that a bit sooner... For a price." She smirked again.

I was still blushing as I stared at the ebook on my little phone screen. I had a sip of coffee, then asked "So tell me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure the forbidden book you just sent me is called 'Sex Magick'?"

The smirk vanished off her face in an instant and her eyes widened. "How'd you know that?!"

Rather than answer I just swiped along the screen to the next page. I spent a few seconds staring at it, then commented "Eighty-four pages, huh? I think today's going to be one of those quiet days where I just curl up with a book."

Kelly was still staring at me. "You're bluffing. You can't read it, that was a lucky guess."

I had another sip of coffee as I continued staring at my phone. I glanced up at Kelly and grinned, "Like you said, don't make deals with the fae. I guess it cuts both ways."

"Crap," she fretted. "Tegan, you have to promise me you won't use any of those spells. Especially not at college!"

"Mmhmm, and what's that worth to you?" I asked with a sly smile on my face. Before she could panic I grinned, "Don't worry Kelly, I'm just messing with you."

I looked back at the text on my phone screen again. In fact I couldn't read it, it just looked like gibberish to me. Except if I stared at it long enough, it was like the gibberish started to make sense. I was kind of reading it out in my mind, figuring out what the unfamiliar words would sound like, and those sounds actually did sort of make sense to me.

I had no idea if it meant I already knew the language, or if it was some kind of latent talent or memory or something. There were so many little things like this that I didn't understand and didn't know about. And Kelly obviously hadn't expected it either so I knew there was no point asking her.

Instead I just relaxed with my coffee and my book, that I'd be paying for one weekend a month for the next year. There was no table of contents, no index at the end. From seeing how the text was structured I figured there were a few dozen sections, and if each section was a spell then there were around twenty or thirty spells in here. Even if only half of them were usable that was still a good bargain as far as I was concerned.

• • • • •

"So I'm pretty sure I figured out how you did that domme spell back in August," I smiled.

It was Sunday night, Kelly and I were eating leftover pizza for dinner, and I'd spent pretty much the whole weekend trying to read the 'forbidden' book.

Kelly frowned, "No way."

I nodded, "Yeah. It was actually two spells you put together, right? Like there was a control half, that was the tone-of-voice thing, and the payload half, which was the physical reaction part."

Her eyes widened, as her expression became part disbelief, part shock, and part confusion. She almost sounded flustered as she shook her head, "Tegan... I don't even want to admit how long it took me to figure that out. And that's after spending most of my life learning this stuff. How could you figure it out in two days, staring at a book you can't even read?!"

"It's always easier to reverse-engineer a thing than it is to create the thing." I replied. "And it's honestly not that far off from some of the concepts I know from working with computers? Like, I don't do programming but I know some scripting, and it's not a big leap from putting together some functions in a script, to seeing how you did that spell. You have a trigger, and an action." I shrugged and took another bite of pizza.

She looked a little nervous as she asked, "So you've figured it out, does that mean you could cast it?"

"Nah," I shook my head after swallowing my food. "It's pretty complicated, and I'd be scared of messing it up. Plus I'm not actually that confident in how well I'm understanding any of this stuff."

We both ate in silence for another minute or two, then I gave Kelly a sly look and added "Of course, it also means I know you could cast just the physical-reaction part of the spell without much effort. It wouldn't be as much fun as it was when you were controlling it with your voice and all, but it'd still be um...interesting, I think?"

Kelly rolled her eyes, "Oh my gods Tegan! You spend two days reading all the most forbidden spells I know, figure out a complicated combination spell, and the first thing you think of is you want me to use it on you again?"

Her expression shifted to a smirk, "That maid costume can't get here quick enough."

I blushed but smiled. I had a feeling I'd be having at least as much fun as she would, once she got me dressed up in it.

In as innocent a voice as I could manage, I suggested "Even though it won't be here for a few days, perhaps we could um, practice a little tonight? Get into character, that sort of thing?"

She just rolled her eyes again, but I noticed she didn't actually say no.

I didn't push the idea any further, I knew that would just annoy her.

When we'd both finished eating I got up and took both our dishes back to the kitchen, and did the cleaning-up by myself. Kelly watched quietly with one eyebrow raised. I was sure she could tell I was already in character.

"Would you like another drink?" I asked softly, while I was still standing by the counter.

She nodded, "Sure."

I grabbed another bottle of hard lemonade from the fridge, then turned around just in time to catch the flare of light in her eyes. I could have blocked her spell, but this was what I'd been hoping for so I let it hit.

To my surprise, nothing seemed to happen. I tried to keep the confused look off my face as I walked back over to her with her drink.

As I approached she asked "Did you find time to do laundry today, or were you too busy reading?"

"Yes I did laundry," I replied. I handed her the bottle and asked, "Why?"

As she took the bottle she replied in her domme-voice, "Because you're going to have to wash those jeans again."

For a moment I thought she'd used that spell again from August. I expected her words to hit me like they had back then, but there was no reaction to her voice. I had about a second where my mind raced, wondering what spell she'd used, wondering what she was planning.

Then the magic hit me. Like a bolt of lightning it shot down my spine, collected between my legs, then exploded outwards through my body in rolling waves of ecstasy. It was like my entire nervous system was the strings of a guitar and the Goddess of Pleasure Herself was using my body to belt out power-chords.

By the time my brain finally finished rebooting, I was on my knees in front of Kelly. My breath was coming in short ragged gasps and my muscles felt like jelly.

Kelly watched me with an eyebrow slightly raised and an amused grin on her lips. "A little louder and your screams might have cracked a few of the windows, Tegan." She was still speaking in that haughty tone, and once again I expected it to affect me. And once again, it didn't.

Before I could think to ask, she added, "Take off your shirt and bra."

"Y-yes mistress," I murmured. I got the t-shirt off, but as I reached back to unhook my bra I felt a series of pleasurable jolts shoot through me.

I moaned softly, but my fingers fumbled with the clasps. My mind was definitely not running on all cylinders, but I was positive she'd used that spell from the summer. Except it seemed like it wasn't responding to her voice this time.

I was distracted again by more little jolts of pleasure, and it took me three or four attempts before I finally got the bra off. I left both t-shirt and bra on the coffee table. My hands were still shaking slightly and I was still breathing hard. My nipples stood out tall and proud, and I could feel my panties were soaked. I'm sure my jeans were well on their way too, I had no doubt Kelly meant it when she said I'd need to wash them again.

She was still watching me of course, as she sipped her lemonade. She smiled slightly, "Very good. Now undo your jeans."

I nodded but as I tried to undo them I felt another wave of pleasure surge through my body. My fingers fumbled with the button as I let out a long, low moan. My thighs tensed and pressed together, and I could feel the waves of pleasure starting to build again.

"Having some trouble there, Tegan?" Kelly asked, sounding slightly amused.

I gulped and tried to reply. Then my entire nervous system lit up once more. This time I may have actually rattled the windows as I screamed, while every muscle in my body went rigid as the ecstasy crashed through me like a tidal wave.

It was a few more minutes before I was able to think again. I was breathing hard, and my muscles were still weak, my hands still shaky. I was finally able to get the jeans undone though, then Kelly had me strip completely.

"Much better," she smiled. "Until your uniform gets here, you'll just have to go without."

She finished her lemonade then stood up and said, "Let's retire to the bedroom."

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