A Date With Faet

26. Captured

Content Warning: Adult Situations

"Thank you Tegan," Kelly smiled as she sat up in bed and accepted the coffee I'd brought her. "I trust you enjoyed yourself last night?"

She was still using her domme-voice, but by now I knew that wasn't the trigger. I had no idea what she was doing though that kept setting me off.

Whatever it was, she kept it going. A fresh wave of tremors and tingles shot through my body, and I bit my lip while I waited for the sensations to settle down again. It took a few seconds, and even after they'd gone they left me feeling hot and needy.

"Y-yes mistress." I kept my voice quiet and my eyes down, as I tried to stay in character. I couldn't quite suppress the grin on my face though.

It was Monday morning, I was still naked and still playing at being her submissive little maid. Unfortunately our alarm had woken us both up about fifteen minutes ago, and I knew the fun had to end very soon so we could get ready for college.

With that in mind, I added sadly "I think I need to get in the shower now, before I get dressed."

Kelly had a sip of her coffee and raised an eyebrow. "Bold of you to assume I'm going to allow you to dress. Your uniform won't be here for a few days yet."

Whatever she was doing, she did it again. I bit my lower lip once more and shivered as I felt the magic delicately caress over my skin, then wind its way inside me. My nipples were rock hard and I felt that warm, wet need building between my legs once more. I was standing with my legs together, and the muscles in my groin flexed and tensed. I pressed my thighs together tightly, which sent even more little sparks of sensation shooting through my body.

After a few seconds I got my breathing under control again. I actually wondered for a moment if she was serious about keeping me in this state all day. The thought sent another little shiver through me, but as appealing as it was, I also knew it wasn't a good idea.

I mean, it's fun to joke now and then about cutting class and spending the day messing around in bed, but I had enough issues with my profs as it was. I really didn't want to make things worse by skipping my busiest day of the week.

Of course, I could always just put a stop things. We actually had a proper safe-word, Kelly and I sorted that stuff out over a month ago as our play started to get a little more serious. I'd never once had to use it though. She always paid very close attention to me and she was careful not to push my limits or do anything I wouldn't like or want.

And as usual Kelly was paying close attention to me now. After another sip of coffee she gave me a gentle smile and said, "Don't worry Tegan, I'm teasing. Playtime's over. We both have to get ready for classes."

I smiled and relaxed. Or I would have relaxed, but my body was probably going to keep buzzing and tingling for a while yet. I sat on the edge of the bed and said "Thanks Kelly. And yeah, that was a lot of fun."

After a moment I added, "I had no idea you could cast that spell any time you wanted. For some reason I thought you'd need to do the crystal thing to use it again. And you changed it too, right? What was the trigger this time? It wasn't your voice."

She took another deep sip of coffee then smiled, "I can cast it any time. I used the amethyst originally because I needed that for the transformation spell and it was easier to do them both at once. And as for the trigger..." She smirked, "I'm going to keep that secret for now."

After another sip she added, "Without using the storage crystal, I can only put enough into the spell to make it last a day, two at most. Then it'll wear off on its own. But to be safe, let's dispell it now anyways."

I leaned closer and she reached up and lightly touched my forehead. She whispered the words to dispell the magic, and I saw the flicker of light in her eyes.

"Thanks Kelly," I smiled. "I'm sure once that costume gets here, we'll be doing that again soon enough."

She smirked, "Too bad we have your mom coming over on Saturday, that rules out this weekend. Your uniform should be here in a few days, it would have been nice to put it to use right away."

She paused just a moment then with a sly smile she added "Of course we could do it anyways, and just give you a few hours reprieve while she visits."

I blushed, "No thanks. I don't want to mix mom-visit and play-time stuff. It'll break my brain."

Kelly giggled but agreed, "It might be funny making you squirm while your mom's visiting, but yeah. Inappropriate."

"Very!" I made a bit of a face, then stood up. "While you're enjoying your coffee, I'll hop in the shower."

I added as I left the bedroom, "Might have to make it a cold shower, you got me all worked up before dispelling that!"

Her reply came in the form of a giggle. I rolled my eyes as I stepped into the bathroom and got the shower started.

• • • • •

Both Monday and Tuesday were fairly typical days for me. I still had my usual hassles at college with profs and classmates, but I was actually a little less grumpy about it.

After spending the weekend learning about a bunch of 'forbidden magic', it made me feel a little better to imagine putting the zap on some of those jerks in my classes. I mean, I'd never actually do it but just thinking about it defused some of my anger and frustration. And that kind of helped me be less uptight and stressed.

Kelly on the other hand seemed a little quieter than usual, a little down. I first noticed it Monday afternoon on the drive home, but whatever was bothering her she didn't want to talk about it. She still seemed a bit down Monday evening, and my fae-lesson was kind of a dud, like she wasn't really into it at all.

She was still quiet Tuesday morning, then in the afternoon as we drove home from college she seemed even more withdrawn.

I hadn't really seen her like this before. Not in the two and a half months since we'd moved in together, and I couldn't remember seeing her like this in the year and a bit before that while we were dating.

When we got home Tuesday afternoon, we wound up sitting together on the sofa. Kelly was sort of staring blankly out the windows, at the sky over the lake.

I watched her for a while as I felt more worried, and finally decided to ask again what was going on.

I went to the fridge and grabbed her a hard lemonade and got a cola for myself, then sat down next to her on the sofa and put the drinks on the coffee table in front of us.

"Hey Kelly," I asked softly. "Are you ok?"

She sighed, slowly turning from her window-stare to look at me."Yeah. Sorry babe, I'll be ok."

I slipped an arm around her waist, "Do you want to talk about it? What's bugging you?"

She sighed again, then admitted "Tonight's the first Samhain that I'm not doing anything with family. Not with my mom, or even my sister."

I gave her a sort of blank look, "The first what?"

She put her arm around my shoulders and pulled me into a hug. "We've been focused on practical stuff with your lessons, the keep-you-alive stuff. We haven't talked about culture, rituals, ceremonies at all. It's hallowe'en tonight, right? That's Samhain eve for us. One of the four big festivals of the year."

"Oh," I sighed. "I'm sorry Kelly. Is there anything we can do? You could call your mom or your sister, talk with them at least? I'm sure Keira's feeling it too, if you used to celebrate this stuff with her."

She nodded, "Yeah, that's a good idea. I'll call Keira."

I suggested, "Why don't we get our favourite delivery for dinner, too? Unless sushi and General Tsao chicken are inappropriate for Samhain supper."

She smiled, "No, actually that sounds perfect Tegan. How about you order the food, and I'll give my sister a call?"

"It's a deal," I grinned, and she rolled her eyes.

She grabbed her phone and soon enough she was talking with Keira and sipping her lemonade. I did my best not to listen in, but it sounded like her sister had been kind of down as well.

Meanwhile I got my phone and opened up the restaurant app. In addition to our usual order, I decided to splurge a bit and added a few extras. I figured we'd make it more of a 'feast' since it was supposed to be a festival after all.

Kelly was on the phone with her sister for quite a while, so I just waited quietly and sipped my cola. I didn't mind, of course. I was just happy to see her mood picking up as she and Keira talked.

Actually if Keira and Amy didn't live so far away I'd have suggested inviting them over. It was a little over an hour's drive though, which made it a bit too far to just casually drop in. Especially when it was already dinner time on a Tuesday evening, and we all had classes in the morning.

Eventually Kelly got off the phone. She set it down on the coffee table and slipped an arm around me, "Thanks for suggesting that, babe. You were right, she was feeling it too and she couldn't even talk about it with Amy. You helped us both feel better."

I leaned my head against her shoulder, "I'm glad. You said there were four of these festivals right? Let's plan to do something for the next one. Even if we don't have time to teach me the details, we can still do something. Maybe even invite Keira and Amy over?"

She nodded, "Yeah, good idea. Next one is Imbolc. Starts at sunset January thirty-first, till the end of the day February first. We'll make plans ahead of time. Thanks babe."

We sat cuddled together like that for another five or ten minutes, till the driver texted from the lobby. I grabbed my phone and buzzed him up, and a few minutes after that came the knock at the door.

"I'll get it," I said to Kelly as I stood up.

Kelly nodded, "I'll get the plates and some more drinks."

She went to the kitchen while I hurried over to the door.

When I opened the door, I was a little surprised to see a new driver. I almost did a double-take, he didn't look like the sort of guy you'd expect to see see doing food delivery for a living. He was tall, at least six feet, and slim, but really handsome. He looked like he could have been an actor, or a model even.

Normally I wasn't the least bit interested in guys, but something about this one caught my attention. He was clean-shaven, but his black hair was a little long and a bit unkempt. He looked to be in his early thirties, and he was wearing a long dark coat, like a trench coat or a duster. He had leather boots on, and dark pants. Overall he had a sort of attractive ruggedness to him.

I looked up at him and said "Uh, hi." Honestly it was almost hard not to stare at him, he really was hot.

He held up the bag of food and read the name on the receipt, "Tegan Vale?" Even his voice was hot, kind of deep and smooth and soft.

"That's me," I smiled, as I tried not to act flirty.

He smiled back, and there was a flash of light deep in his eyes.

Everything started fading to black as the apartment turned sideways around me. The floor slowly came up to meet me, and the last thought to cross my mind was that Kelly would be disappointed I didn't even try to defend myself.

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