A Date With Faet

39. Convalesced

I slowly drifted awake and took a deep breath. I could smell bread, jam, and juice.

I opened my eyes and saw I was back in our huge bed in our suite in the castle. From what I could see of the sky out the windows, I figured it was about noon. I started to sit up but felt a strong ache from my right leg.

With a groan I let my head slump back onto the pillow. Before I could make another move, Kelly was by my side next to the bed. She leaned over and wrapped her arms around me, giving me a tight hug.

She half-sobbed, "You nearly died!"

I sighed as I reached up to hug her back. "Sorry Kelly. What happened? Is everyone else ok?"

She finally let go of me and helped me to sit up, then stuffed some more pillows behind me. She brought me a glass of juice, then sat on the edge of the bed while I had a few gulps.

After all that, she answered "Feichin's ok. Siobhan's fine." She hesitated, then in a soft voice said "Ruadhan didn't make it."

"Damn," I sighed, and my emotions churned. My memories of last night were fuzzy but I could remember seeing the young soldier tossed aside like a rag-doll after he tried to save me. Finding out that he died, realizing that he literally gave his life for mine, left me shaken and a bit nauseous.

I was quiet for a few minutes, and had to wipe my eyes once or twice. Kelly moved closer and put an arm around me, she obviously knew how I was feeling. We were both basically modern Earth kids. This sort of thing just wasn't something that happened in our world. Strangers weren't supposed to sacrifice their lives for me just because my great-grandmother was somebody special.

It took several minutes before I was ready to talk again.

I finally looked up at Kelly and asked, "What about Connor? Is he... Did we save him?"

"He was unconscious when you were all brought in," she replied. "I don't know how he is now, he was taken to Maeve's private chambers. I haven't heard anything more since then." She added, "Though I've mostly been here watching over you."

"I hope he's ok," I sighed. The unspoken half of that statement was, I hoped it was all worth it. I hoped Ruadhan's sacrifice wasn't for nothing.

After a few more quiet seconds I took a breath then asked, "And how am I? How bad's the damage?"

I was afraid to look, but I was half convinced I'd lost my leg. Or at least, that I'd be crippled. The memories were fuzzy but I was sure the beast's claws had sliced clear through my right thigh.

Kelly replied "You're going to be ok, thank the Gods. The healer says you'll have some impressive scars though."

I sighed in relief when I heard that, then finally worked up the courage and looked. Kelly gave me a hand pulling the blankets aside. I was wearing a sort of night-shirt kind of thing, but it only went down as far as my hips.

Both legs were still there, all ten toes present and accounted for. I could even wiggle them. There was a wide white bandage wound around my right thigh, it stretched from my groin down to just above my knee. Apart from that though, everything looked like it should.

I let out a quiet sigh of relief. "How long do I have to keep the bandage on? How long do I have to stay in bed? How long will it hurt?"

Kelly replied, "A day, a day, and a day. Is what the healer said."

She moved over to the table then returned with breakfast for me. She'd brought me a pastry, a thick piece of bread, some jam and honey, and I already had my juice.

"Thanks Kelly." I ate quietly, my hunger was dampened by the experiences from last night.

Kelly sat nearby and kept an eye on me, and when I'd finished eating she took the plate away and refilled my juice.

We spent the next hour or two just sitting quietly with each other. I may have dozed on and off, I'm not sure.

Around mid-afternoon, we had our first guests of the day. Maeve and Siobhan came to talk.

My fae-mom looked like she was a bundle of emotions, and she was fighting to keep them suppressed while she tried to act quiet and dignified. Siobhan was her usual calm quiet self.

"Hello Tegan," Maeve said, speaking in a soft calm tone. "How are you feeling? Are you in any pain?"

I shook my head, "It aches if I try to move it, but if I keep still it's fine."

"Try not to move it at all," Siobhan said. "The healing magic is still at work, knitting the muscle back together."

That sounded like she was speaking from experience, and knowing she was no healer I had a feeling her experience was more on the receiving-end of this sort of treatment.

I nodded, "Ok, thank you. I'll keep that in mind."

My attention returned to my fae-mom again as I asked, "How is Connor? Is he going to be ok?"

She took a deep, shuddering breath then nodded. "He is resting in our chambers. The healer was able to tend his wounds, though like you Connor needs his rest while the magic does its work."

I asked Maeve "He'll be ok though right? I mean, he's Connor again, it's just a matter of healing and recovering?"

"Yes," she nodded. "Perhaps in a day or two, you'll both be well enough that you can meet."

"Good." I tried to sound positive but I'm sure they could all tell I was still shaken.

Siobhan spoke up, and once again I knew she had past experience with this sort of situation. She obviously knew what was troubling me so much. "Lady Tegan, it may please you to know that Ruadhan will be honoured for his bravery, and his parents will be rewarded for his sacrifice."

"Yes," Maeve nodded. "I will see to it."

It helped, but also made me feel worse knowing his folks would be grieving his loss.

Finally Maeve said, "Siobhan and Feichin have both briefed me on the events of last night. If you're up to discussing it, I'm curious why you think it took so long for the curse to lift. Do you think Liam lied to you about it?"

I sighed as I thought back through it. "I'm not sure he lied. And the curse did lift, eventually. It took a few minutes though..." I considered, "Liam may not have had the full story from Eileen. Or maybe there's some other element that we're missing?"

Siobhan spoke up, "From my observation, the curse did not begin to unravel until the beast injured you. Perhaps that had something to do with it."

I frowned as I thought about that, then nodded. "Maybe. Maybe it wasn't enough to taste my blood, maybe it had to spill my blood." I added, "I don't think it matters now. The curse is lifted, Connor's been restored, and I'm still alive."

Maeve asked, "Do you still intend to lift your spell from Liam? Even after nearly losing your life?"

"Yeah," I nodded. "And I still think we should let him go, send him to Eileen, and try and find a peaceful resolution to the whole situation."

She looked thoughtful, then nodded "I haven't made a decision yet, but I am still considering your suggestion."

"Thank you," I settled back into the pillows. "I think I could use some more rest now."

"Of course Tegan," Maeve said. "Rest and recover. I'll see you again tomorrow."

She and Siobhan left after that, then Kelly sat with me again.

I spent the rest of the day alternating between reading and resting. Kelly stayed with me of course, she'd sit in bed reading with me, or sit by the windows when I was napping.

I had a light dinner in bed while Kelly ate at the table, and I wound up falling asleep soon after that.

Our morning kicked off with breakfast in bed, which was kind of nice. We were brought a rather fancy meal, something like pancakes with a raspberry syrup, and bacon on the side. It was tasty but as usual I didn't actually eat much.

I really missed coffee though. I figured when we finally got back home, coffee was going to be one of the first things I'd get. Then maybe we could get our favourite take-away. I missed sushi, and the other goodies we usually got with it.

Our next visitor came around mid-morning. It was the healer, come to check on my leg.

She was an older woman, she looked to be about fifty. She seemed kindly, like a grandmother-type, though I got the feeling she could be hard and tough when necessary. She was dressed in a fancy white gown and was accompanied by a young assistant. I recognized the girl, she was my blood-letter from the other day. She was carrying another small bag today, and I figured that was a first-aid kit or something.

The healer introduced herself as Muireann, and her apprentice was named Aoife.

They had me lay on the bed with the blankets aside. Aoife handed her boss some scissors, and Muireann carefully cut the bandage away from my thigh. Aoife took the bandage and scissors, while the healer inspected my injury.

She ran her white-gloved fingers gently along my thigh while she murmured a spell. I saw the flicker of light in her eyes, but didn't feel anything. I figured rather than more healing magic, it was probably to let her see how I was recovering or something. Like a magic x-ray or whatever.

Finally she straightened up and appeared satisfied.

"Lady Tegan," she announced in a formal voice. "Your leg is healing as expected. You may get out of bed and walk around, but you are not to over-do it. No running or jumping, nothing strenuous. Avoid stairs. Do take short walks to get the muscles moving, but if you feel tired or sore then stop and rest."

I nodded, but before I could speak she kept talking.

"Your leg will continue healing over the next two days. After that you may resume normal activity. If you experience any strong pain or weakness, send for me at once."

I nodded, "Ok. Thank you ma'am."

Both Muireann and Aoife looked slightly surprised and confused at me calling her ma'am. I guess as a 'Lady' I wasn't supposed to do that.

Aoife packed the scissors and bandage away in her bag, and the two bowed then left.

As soon as they were gone I sat up and had a look at my leg, now that it was free of the bandage. Kelly had stayed out of the way but she moved up along-side me to have a look as well.

"Holy shit," she whispered as she stared.

There were three large pink scars. They started on the top of my thigh, right in the middle, and went around the outside, and ended on the bottom of my leg. Each was nearly an inch thick at the thickest point, on the outer edge of my thigh. They were spaced about two inches apart.

I tentatively slipped out of bed onto my feet and took a few cautious steps. There was a faint ache and my right leg felt a little weak, but I could walk about ok. I was just a little slower than usual.

Kelly stayed at my side, I'm sure she was worried I might stumble or fall so she was there to catch me.

I seemed to be ok though, and followed Muireann's advice. I spent the afternoon taking little walks around our suite, with Kelly always hovering nearby looking worried.

Maeve visited again in late afternoon. Kelly and I were sitting by the window when she dropped in.

"The healer informed me you were up and about, Tegan. Would you and Kelly join us for a proper dinner tonight, in the dining hall? I would like to introduce you both to Connor."

I glanced at Kelly then we both nodded, "Yes, we'll be there!"

My fae-mom smiled, "Excellent! Dinner will be at sunset. I'll have someone come and fetch you both when it's time."

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