A Date With Faet

40. Conferred

When the time came, seneschal Owen arrived to collect Kelly and I. We hadn't seen the old butler guy since our first evening here, and I'd kind of forgot about him.

He gave us both a slightly disapproving look, then bowed stiffly and asked us to accompany him.

I'm sure it was our outfits that he disliked. Rather than dressing up in formal gowns for the big dinner, we were both just wearing our comfortable clothes. Kelly in black trews and a tight blouse, I in hose and a short dress.

When we agreed to meet in the dining hall I'd forgotten there were two staircases between it and our suite. Kelly put an arm around my waist and helped me navigate the stairs. I was pretty sure I could manage on my own, but I enjoyed having her fuss over me like that.

Still, by the time we reached the dining hall my leg was aching and I really wanted to sit down.

Owen opened the doors and guided us in, then closed the doors again behind us as he departed.

Like before, the dining hall was mostly empty. The same solitary table was there on the left, but tonight there were four places set, together at one end. Two places on either side, so we'd be sitting across from each other rather than someone at the end.

Maeve and Connor were already here, they were both standing together near the table waiting for us. I could tell my fae-mom was excited, she was obviously looking forward to this moment.

I noted that the two of them had dressed up, and now I felt slightly bad for not bothering. In my defence though I was still convalescing, and anyways nobody told us this was a fancy formal dinner.

Maeve was in a fancy lavender gown, she looked quite pretty.

I turned my attention to Connor, and for the first time in my life I got a good look at my biological father.

He stood about five-foot-eight, same as Kelly. His build was about average, a bit of muscle but not a lot. He had a clean-shaved face, a tanned complexion, brown eyes, and his sandy-blonde hair was trimmed in a casual-but-nice style. He was handsome, I figured. He had a kind of innocent, friendly sort of face. A sort of 'boyish-charm' I guess.

Age-wise Connor looked to be in his late twenties, just shy of thirty. I knew in truth he was closer to four-hundred, and I wondered idly if I'd ever get used to thinking of age in fae terms.

He was dressed a little like Siobhan, in a military-looking outfit. He wore black boots, black pants, and a fancy light-blue jacket with purple trim. He stood tall and proud, though I noticed his right arm was held close to his side the way you do when you're hurt. I figured he was still recovering from that arrow wound to his chest.

Overall I figured he was handsome in an innocent boy-next-door sort of way. I wasn't into guys, but I could see why Maeve was attracted to him at least.

Kelly still had an arm around my waist and the two of us approached till we stood just a meter apart from my fae-parents.

Maeve looked happy, and also somewhat nervous as she made the introductions.

"Tegan, Kelly, I present my husband, Lord Connor." She glanced at him and said, "And my love, I present our daughter Tegan, and Kelly, her beloved."

Connor didn't speak yet. He just stepped forward then pulled me into an awkward hug.

Like when Maeve hugged me at our first meeting, I didn't reciprocate. I just stood still while Connor had his left arm around me. Unlike that first meeting, Kelly didn't step back this time. She stayed at my side and kept an arm around my waist.

Finally Connor stood back, and before anyone else could talk my girlfriend spoke up.

"Sorry to interrupt but Tegan really needs to sit down, after the walk here and the two flights of stairs."

I thought I'd been hiding how much my leg was aching, but Kelly was obviously paying close attention as usual.

"Yes, of course!" Maeve nodded, "I'm sorry, I should have realized. Please, sit down!"

Kelly helped me over to the table and Maeve pulled out the chair for me, and the two of them got me seated. Then Maeve did the same for her husband, and finally she and Kelly both took their seats as well.

Me and Kelly were in the same seats as our first night here, me on the side at the end, Kelly beside me on my right. This time Maeve sat directly across from me, and Connor was seated to her left, across from Kelly.

With everyone at the table, Maeve rang her little bell and a quartet of young servants hurried out to deliver our fancy dinner. The other three were all served wine, and I was given a large glass of my favourite juice. I realized I was probably going to miss that when we went back home. I'd have to ask someone what exactly it was, and see if we could get it on Earth.

Of course the food was delicious as always. I'd gotten used to everything here tasting fantastic, but this meal was above and beyond. The kitchen staff had obviously made it something special to celebrate Connor's return. We all ate quietly for a few minutes. Eventually though, Connor broke the silence.

"Tegan," he said in a soft voice. "Your mother has spent much of the past two days describing what has transpired while I was...away. She's told me what fate befell you, and how you've lived up to the Brádaigh name since your return home. She also tells me you have some diplomatic inclinations... That you would seek peace with the enemy who wronged us, rather than demand justice or retribution."

Although he spoke in a pleasant tone, some of his word choices set my nerves on edge. Either Maeve hadn't given him the full story about my and Kelly's intentions, or if she had then it sounded like he was ignoring it.

I stayed quiet for another minute or so as I ate. Then I had a sip of juice, before I finally responded. I kept my tone level and calm, but I was also firm.

"Connor, I'll tell you the same thing I told Maeve. This is not my home. For Kelly and me home is on Earth, and it has always been our intention to return there as soon as we can. As for diplomacy, Maeve told us what she thinks the cost would be in terms of lives and time, if she were to raise an army and march on Eileen. I'm not keen on war, or death, but I'm also no great diplomat. I'm just looking for the fastest way to resolve the situation so Kelly and I can safely return home and get back to our lives there."

I watched him closely as I spoke, hoping to get a feel for how he'd react. Certainly if he thought he was going to force me to stay here, he'd be in for an unpleasant surprise.

Both Kelly and Maeve were silent for the moment, they were watching Connor and me. The whole thing felt a little too tense for a friendly celebratory feast, but I figured he's the one who brought it up. It also reminded me, he's the one who sort of started the whole mess in the first place by breaking his family's agreement and marrying Maeve.

After a long pause he asked, "Will you not address us as mother and father?"

I shook my head, "No. Those titles are reserved for the people who raised me."

He frowned slightly, though he kept his tone civil. "I would have expected you to show a little more respect for your parents, Tegan."

Kelly was getting tense beside me, and Maeve looked uptight as well. I frowned at Connor at replied in a harder tone, "And I'd have expected some more gratitude from you, considering if it wasn't for me you'd have spent the rest of your days on all fours, preying on hapless fae."

Connor kept his eyes on me for another few seconds, then finally his expression shifted into a smile as he almost laughed, "There is no doubt Tegan, you are truly a Brádaigh. When Maeve told me all you'd achieved in such a short time, I scarcely believed her. I thought surely you must be an impostor of some kind, seeking to take some advantage of her."

Kelly relaxed but Maeve turned and gave him an icy glare. She stated in a low but threatening tone, "Tegan risked her life to save you. She was nearly killed, and she's still recovering from her wounds. And now, the very first time you meet our child, you think to challenge and provoke her?! And you insult my daughter and myself by questioning her heritage and motives?!"

My fae-mom paused for a moment and I could almost hear her teeth grinding. Her tone remained threatening as she demanded, "You apologize to Tegan right now husband, or I swear I'll put that arrow back in your chest myself."

At first I don't think Connor realized how serious Maeve was, but by the time she finished even I was convinced she'd do it if he wasn't careful.

His face paled slightly and I think he even gulped. He looked to me and said quietly "I apologize Tegan. Challenging you like that was rude and uncalled-for. It seems my manners have yet to recover from my ordeal."

Having Maeve stand up for me like that suddenly made me feel a lot closer to her. I wasn't so ready to forgive Connor though, I didn't like being played or taunted like that. For now, I just nodded to him and said "Thanks."

I had a sip of juice, and turned my attention back to my fae-mom. It was clearer now more than ever that she was the head of the castle, and the clann, regardless of Connor's status.

"I'm still planning to remove my spell from Liam. It might take another day or so before I'm able to manage the stairs up the tower though. Or maybe you could have him brought down to Kelly and my rooms?"

Maeve hesitated, "I think Siobhan might have strong objections against allowing the prisoner into your chambers. Would it bother you so much to leave him waiting another day or two? And I have yet to make any final decision regarding your suggestion for making peace with Eileen."

I sighed, "I promised Liam I'd reverse the spell when Connor was restored. I would like to keep my promise. If we can't bring him to me, then at least let me send him a message explaining the delay. I don't want him to think I've broken my word."

She nodded, "Siobhan will see you in the morning to attend the matter."

Kelly asked, "How much longer do you think it will take, for you to make a decision about Tegan's plan?"

My fae-mom took a sip of wine and thought it over. Finally she replied, "I will discuss the matter with Connor, and will have a decision by the time we meet for dinner tomorrow evening."

I was glad to hear that, and I'm sure Kelly was too. Of course, the answer might not be what we hoped, but at least it would be another step forward. And we still had the option of just up and leaving, if Maeve and Connor decided they wanted to go to war after all. Though I'd probably want to wait until my leg was better before making a run for it.

Once we'd all finished dinner, the servants cleared away the dishes then a lavish dessert was served. There was a little more conversation, but nothing as serious as our earlier discussion. Connor asked some questions about life on Earth, what Kelly and I were doing there that we felt was so important.

Kelly sounded smart and thoughtful as she explained about psychology and that her studies would give her skills to help people. She wasn't planning on becoming a therapist, at least not for human clients, but her college program would get her started and she planned on further studies after she graduated, ultimately with the idea of doing something to help the fae and part-fae community on Earth.

By comparison I felt kind of foolish, with my childhood dream of making video-games. I mean, people liked games and gaming was something I used to be passionate about. And I didn't want to dis other people in the industry, especially indie folks.

Trying to explain that career to people who didn't even know electricity, let alone computers and game consoles, was about as hard as it sounded. The conversation also made me realize, outside of my classes I hadn't really put much thought into gaming over the past few months. And now I realized, I didn't even miss it.

The whole discussion left me feeling like I needed to re-think my plans. Especially now that I knew my life was going to be a lot longer and very different than what I'd originally expected.

In the end, the meal ended on a peaceful note. The antagonism I'd felt from and towards Connor was gone, and the conversation was quiet and friendly. Maeve and Connor were ready to retire to the study for after-dinner drinks, but I had to cut the evening short.

My leg was starting to ache from being seated too long, I needed to lie down and rest. Kelly and I got up and we bid Maeve and Connor a good night. With her arm around my waist again, we made our way out of the dining hall and back towards our suite.

Going up the stairs was a much greater challenge than it had been coming down, and by the time we got back to our room I was eager to get into bed and rest my leg.

Kelly frowned as she watched me wince and grit my teeth. She helped me get out of the dress and leggings, then asked "You're sure you're ok?"

"Yeah," I grumbled, "I just overdid it tonight I think. I'm sure I'll be fine in the morning."

"Ok," she nodded slowly. "If not though, we're getting Muireann back here to have another look at you."

"Agreed," I gave her a confident smile, then settled back in bed.

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