A Different Kryptonian [Invincible/Brightburn] SI

Chapter 23 Out Of Hand

Minutes had passed since the start of the fight and the cave looked like a far cry from the amazing facility it once was. All around were pieces of destroyed equipment, blood marked various parts of the room, and a majority of the guardians were either injured or exhausted.

Omni man on the other hand looked mostly fine besides the wound on his side. Ever since the fight began he'd always kept a good amount of his attention on Brandon as he saw the weapon in his hand as the only thing that posed a significant risk.

The other members recognized this too and tried to form around Brandon using him as the main aggressor but this didn't go well with Aquarius. From the moment the new guy arrived he'd been the one constantly attacked and he knew why.
He was the weakest

This fact was being used against him as a weapon for his friends. At first, he did his best to ignore it but constantly being defended was against his beliefs. He was a king! He was a Hero! He did not need protection and he'd prove it!

Jumping away from the group Aquarius launched another blast of water right for Omni man but this was what the former hero had been waiting for.


Before anyone could reach Aquarius in time it had already become too late as a fist punched right through the fish king's torso. At this moment he knew he messed up and regretted his decision.

Taking advantage of the panic Omni man moved in a burst of speed to the next guardian and attacked Green Ghost in her moment of tangibility. Having worked with them for so long he knew the strengths and the weaknesses of all their abilities.

Green ghost in particular needs to concentrate to become intangible but if she's under emotional distress she loses control. Making it the perfect chance to do this!


With a chop, he sliced off her head as it went flying.

"I'll kill you!" The immortal in a fit of rage charged right for Omni man without any regard for defense.

Brandon who watched the double kill gripped his hands tightly. He couldn't save them but he wouldn't let them die in vain. 'Immortal can come back to life so I don't need to worry so much about him but instead I can use it as a chance.'

Rushing from behind immortal he followed the hero's trajectory and didn't bother trying to stop him.

Omni man noticed this and wasn't sure what to make of it. Surely he realized that the immortal would die in a couple of moves like the others.

Unsure of what Brandon was planning he tried to make quick work of his friend as he overpowered and out-maneuvered him by stabbing him through. However the Immortal was tenacious and gripped tightly with a smile as Brandon appeared from the corner of his vision.

"Argh!" Trying to get out of the way he ripped off the immortal's head to dodge again but this attack had been too clean. With a swift strike, he pierced right into his liver and didn't stop there but proceeded to stab over and over again at super speed.

Omni man who was getting overwhelmed kicked backwards with all his strength launching Brandon out of the cave.

"Cough cough haa haa" Looking at his Omni man found his hands covered in blood and noticed it was becoming difficult to move. In his mind, this mission had become a failure and he needed to leave fast. Lifting himself off the ground Omni Man attempted to escape but suddenly found himself restrained by Martian Man.

Using his shapeshifting abilities Martian Man used his elongated limbs to wrap around the traitor holding him in place. Meanwhile, War Woman took advantage of the moment, raining several blows on his wounds hoping the pain would knock him out.

Dark wing on the other hand ran circles around using throwing weapons but all they all just kept bouncing off. The material they were made of while durable was nothing compared to Kryptium.

"Stay Down!" War Woman shouted her mace left another impact on his chest but Omni man wasn't having it. With a roar, he summoned a surge of strength and ripped himself out of Martian Man's hold. In response, the alien hero was split into pieces as he fell apart on the ground. With another taken care of Omni man turned his attention towards War Woman.

With a furious charge, he closed the distance and began to pummel her. While he may have been injured it didn't change the distance they had in strength as he was still leagues above her.

Dark Wing tried to help her out by throwing a toxic gas into Omni Mans face but it was easily dodged and countered as Omni twisted out of the way and threw war woman mace right through his torso. Killing yet another Guardian.

War Woman who watched this attempted to fight back her best efforts were left in vain as Omni man returned to pummeling. In the end she was left black and bruised as the ground shook and her body trembled every time a blow fell. Seeing that she lost consciousness, Omni man formed his hand into a point and prepared to stab her through the heart but just as he was about to land that blow, Brandon returned, Flying at Mach 6.

Using his speed as leverage he used his father's advice and created a supersonic punch that launched Omni man through the mountain. With the danger clear for now Brandon knelt beside War Woman and checked her condition. He released a sigh of relief upon seeing she was all right.

Well alright was being kind, her ribs were shattered, her arms broken, and most likely had a concussion but she was at least alive.

Looking over at the bodies that littered the room Brandon made a frown and clenched his fist. 'I knew things wouldn't be easy even with a weapon but I didn't expect for most of them to still die'

Pushing down his anger and frustration he knew there was no time to waste. He had to stop Omni Man before he escaped the planet and got reinforcements. Lifting into the air he followed the new tunnel that was made by Omni man body when he got launched out.


After taking that blow and being launched several miles away Omni Man was eventually able to slow his speed as he spat out another chunk of blood.

"Argh I won't survive if this goes on… I need to get Mark" Turning around he left at his fastest speed.

Mark wasn't going to be much help but he needed to get them both off the plant. Once they reach the Viltrum Empire they'll get the help they need and everything will be fixed.

Upon reaching his home Omni man allowed himself to relax a bit as he opened the door to his home.

"Oh my god Nolan! What happened to you?" Debbie cried out as she ran to her husband. She'd seen him hurt before but never like this.

Mark, who was still dressed in costume, saw this and also made a face of shock as he ran to his dad. "Who did this to you?!"

Nolan made a tired expression as he gently kissed his wife and moved her to the side. As he walked straight towards Mark.

"Mark, we need to go now. You won't understand now but you will later" Grabbing his son by the shoulder he attempted to drag his son out but Debbie wasn't having it.

"No Nolan where are you going you can't leave till you explain yourself"
Hearing his wife, Nolan lifted his hand to hit her but stopped when he saw her face. She was scared and worried for him. Releasing his strength he gently placed it on her neck and knocked her out.

"I'm sorry Debbie"

"What the hell dad, I'm not going anywhere with you. Not after you did that to Mom!"

"Argh just listen to me, Mark!" However, before he could continue trying to convince his son he suddenly became tense and turned around. "It's too late he's here"

"Who's here Dad?"

"Him" Lifting his hand he pointed at the armored figure floating in the sky.


Brandon, who had caught up, looked down at the duo with regret. He had planned on throwing another punch at super speed but if he did this the damage around the area might kill civilians. Especially Debbie who was right there beside them. If anything she was the greatest victim here and killing her was just too much.
Floating down, Brandon retracted his helmet and looked at Mark.

"Look I know you probably don't understand what's going on here but I need to move away from your father. He just killed most of the guardians and is highly dangerous"

"So it's you, that new guy Ultra man. I should have known."

Mark looked at his dad suspiciously but couldn't believe it. Yeah, his dad was acting strange tonight but his dad had been a hero his whole life. So why should he trust some new hero rather than the man who saved the earth countless times?

'Sigh this is going to be much harder to deal with'

"Follow me" Lifting up Brandon started going higher into the sky hoping that this would get them away from the city.

Nolan tightened his gaze but followed as well. If he was going to get his son to fight with him then he needed to play along and not risk civilians else this become a two-on-one against him.

"Omni man turn yourself in"

"No, I and my son will be leaving this planet and you're going to let us go"
"Leaving the planet, what are you talking about? I have a life. I got school tomorrow I can't just up and leave"

"We'll discuss this later but first we'll deal with him." With that said tension began to rise but Brandon was the first to attack.

With his helmet gone, he had nothing stopping him from using one of his more deadly abilities. With glowing red eyes, he released twin rays right for Omni man.



Back in Guardians HQ, multiple silhouettes moved through the base before they began appearing.

"Entrance Clear"

"Halls Clear"

"Main room Clear"

With everything cleared lightning began to appear as Cecil came out of nowhere. "Give me the debriefing Donald."

"Sir someone used the guardian's emergency system to call them back"

"I got that but I want to know who did it"

"That's the thing sir who ever did it shut down the cameras and turn off the breakers. We didn't get to see who was responsible"

Cecil gave a light grunt hearing this but kept asking questions "And the guardians?"

"That's what we're trying to find out-"

"Survivors!" Hearing the good news Cecil ran over with some of his men. Where they found the doctors working on War Woman who seemed to be in a coma. While others were talking to Red Rush who was laid out on the floor with broken legs.

"Red Rush you have to give me something, what happened here?"

Hearing that question he tensed up and looked around the room as some tears came down. The more he saw it the more he didn't want to believe that it was real.
"It… was Omni Man he showed up and killed everyone"

This was not good. Looking around he also saw the worry his men were experiencing. It was well known that no one was stronger than Omni Man.

"Where is he now?"

"I don't know but we had some help. A new guy I didn't recognize came and managed to hurt him quite a bit. A while ago the two left and carried their fight somewhere else."

"Alright rest and leave the rest to us" Getting off his knee Cecil walked back with Donald.

"I want to know where Omni man is. I need every satellite in the sky on his position now."

"Already on it sir and we found him but he's in the middle of fighting someone."
Pulling out his tablet he showed Cecil what they caught and in the footage, it showed Omni man along with Invincible fighting against some stranger like red rush had said.

"Get my drones there now and send some jets we need to help him"

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