A Different Kryptonian [Invincible/Brightburn] SI

Chapter 24 End Of Battle

"What the hell is going on!" Mark wondered 

Things had been weird ever since his dad got home. With how he treated his mom, and now with that new hero, Ultra-Man, threatening to arrest him.

A part of Mark felt like Ultra-Man might be right, considering how his dad had arrived back from somewhere unknown, covered in blood. But it was hard to believe, and he didn't know what to do. He just felt so torn!


As Mark struggled with his decision, the sound of a laser rang through the air, heading straight for his dad. Luckily, his dad was fast and successfully dodged it, but this wasn't like a gun that needed another shot to fire again.

This beam remained active, and with a slight turn, Ultra-Man's laser cut off his dad's arm in his retreat.


Hearing his dad's scream shook Mark to his core. He'd never seen his dad in pain before, let alone hurt, but right now he was all those things.

Looking to the left, Mark watched as Ultra-Man flew right for his dad with his arm raised, intent on delivering another blow.

Seeing this, Mark finally felt his hesitation slip. Yeah, Ultra-Man might have wanted to take his dad in, but that laser was clearly meant to kill. If his dad hadn't dodged, he would have been dead!

So even if that new hero was right, there was no way he could let this go on. He couldn't just watch his dad get killed!

With a burst of speed, Mark flew in and barely blocked Ultra-Man's incoming blow. The impact sent shockwaves through his body. The force and power behind it was practically numbing as his arms shook under the stress.

Despite this Mark ignored it and shouted "Stay away from my dad!" 

Brandon's eyes narrowed as he looked at the young hero. Having watched the character on the screen before he knew that Mark was unaware of things and was acting only on what he knew. Which wasn't much, at the end of the day like his mother he was also a victim.

"Mark, you don't understand. Your father is dangerous." Brandon tried to reason at least enough to get Mark away from this but Mark at this point was done listening.

"I don't care! You're trying to kill him!" Mark interrupted, his fists clenched tightly. "I won't let you!"

With a swift movement, Mark launched a punch at Ultra-Man. Brandon dodged effortlessly, his experience and power giving him a clear advantage. But Mark was relentless, throwing punch after punch, trying to drive Ultra-Man away from his dad but it was useless. 

Brandon might struggle to contend with Omni man but against Mark? Yeah, that just wasn't going to happen any time soon but there was one thing he forgot. Mark wasn't alone…


With a loud crashing sound Brandon felt himself knocked a distance away as a tinge of pain surged on his cheek. Rubbing it he looked into the distance and saw Omni man already upon him. With swift movements the two entered another clash as blows were shared.

It was practically unbelievable to see Omni man still fighting with so much vigor. Especially when he had a missing hand and several stab wounds but Brandon expected nothing less. From what he remembered Omni Man was supposed to have been a warrior with thousands of years of experience. Making him probably one of the best fighters in the known universe. If all it took to win was a couple stabs then Brandon would have been disappointed.

While thinking this Omni Man suddenly unleashed another blow right on his chest launching him a distance away. While mark floated beside his father with a complicated expression that had a resolve to fight and see things through.

Watching the two float besides one another definitely showed things wouldn't be easy. 'Complicated just like I thought it would be but not difficult' Omni man is already pretty battered with even his hand missing while Mark was a young Viltrumite with like a couple of day's worth of experience. But underestimating opponents was a fool's choice and he would not do that.'

For the first time in any fight he's had Brandon did something different. Lifting up a single arm he stretched it forward while also moving the rest of his body into a strange position.

"Hoo huuu" Breathing in and out he relaxed his body. 

Focusing his sight on the two ahead of him Brandon released his speed as he crossed the distance. Omni man had long been prepared and wary since he noticed the change in Brandon's demeanor but in his state, he lacked the strength to properly respond.

"Dad watch out!" 

But it was too late, Brandon moved with speed and precision that left little room for reaction. All Omni man was able to do was take the hit as a knee implanted into his stomach.

"Ughh" Omni man grunted as he recoiled back

"Don't lose out on me now… I'm just getting started" Looking at the former hero Brandon began to let his warrior side take over as his eyes glowed crimson.

Mark didn't like that look of that and jumped in as well but the fight had already gone completely out of his league. He stood no chance against the quick combos Brandon unloaded. Knees, elbows, punches, and kicks he used them all in quick succession but he also didn't forget Nolan.

Not in a long shot he was aware of him trying to sneak an attack in with Brandon being busy beating mark but that trick would not work on him. Switching focus he unleashed a new move of his as he controlled his telekinesis to hold Nolan as he used all his power into his leg for a good kick.

"Mark stop him!" Nolan shouted as he struggled against the oppressive force around him but it was too late. For a second it was like sound stopped as a foot connected with his chin before all of a suddenly a sonic boom was released with Nolan's figure being kicked beyond the atmosphere.

Mark tried to react and stop what had happened but he was too slow as a fist connected with his stomach. Usually, it would've been enough to launch him away but Brandon reached out and reeled him back in before that. With another heavy hand, Brandon landed a second, a third, a fourth, and many more blows.

Every fist that connected left shockwaves all throughout the air as clouds dispersed. This was not how Brandon wanted to handle Mark but he knew that he wouldn't give up. Leaving him only one real option, forcibly removing him from the equation.




"Aghh haaa Damn it" Nolan groaned as he stabilized himself in the air. Lifting his hand to feel his chin but there really wasn't much left. The kick had basically shattered it.

But it wasn't just his chin. There was also his missing hand, broken ribs, stab wounds, and just the overall amount of fatigue he added from all the fighting.

Nolan himself hadn't felt this way since he chose to join the Viltrumite military and never really expected to ever be pushed this far. Especially not on a back water world like Earth.

Looking down he saw Ultra man had switched over to his son and was handling him with ease. For a moment he prepared to jump right in but stopped mid-way. 

"This fight is already over… maybe it's better this way" Nolan muttered weakly while thinking of his wife and son. At least like this, he'd have an excuse to not follow orders.

Glancing back at the fight he saw the punches that were being landed and recognized none were fatal. Ultra Man wasn't really interested in killing his son like he was him. This meant Mark still had a home. Things would be tough for him for a while but he and Debbie would at least be safe. 

Noticing his thoughts Nolan found himself even more conflicted. Why was he thinking such things?! All that matters is Viltrum, that is his purpose. Yet no matter how much he tries he can't get rid of this strange feeling of relief.

Feeling overwhelmed by these thoughts he finally came to the decision that he needed time to think and heal without interruption but he couldn't do it here. Clearly, things would be pretty rough and his chances of being killed were a lot higher. At least with time, he might be able to come back under better conditions. 

Turning away he looked up into the stars and flew as fast as he could away from earth.




"Better this way?" Brandon had clearly heard Omni man say these words and the sound of his heartbeat was by far the most complicated it had been since he saw the man. It was almost like the phsycho was actually happy.

This was further put into question when he noticed that Omni man's trajectory changed from him to space as he proceeded to leave much like he did in the show.

"Not this time" Lifting a single fist in the air Brandon attempted to give chase but reeled back when a an arm wrapped around his neck. As surprising as that was, the more interesting aspect of this was that it was Mark. Who shouldn't even have the strength to move right now but he did.

Whether it was by willpower or sheer adrenaline Mark managed to muster everything he could to pull Brandon back. This lock was easily broken as he pulled himself out of Mark's arms but he just wouldn't give up and kept latching on.

"Please… let my dad go. Don't hurt him"

"I'm sorry but I… huh he's asleep" Brandon said as he noticed Mark's breathing change and his body go limp. It looked like that last burst of strength really was everything he had left.

Holding Mark in his arms he considered dropping him and giving chase but he knew Nolan was already far. Yeah, he could catch up but it looked like other people also wanted some explaining if the jets heading his way were anything to go by.

"Looks like your dad gets to live another day. Let's just hope that comment he made was of actual remorse"

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