A Dragon’s summoning to another world

Chapter 35: Excuse Me?

Guys, my courses are starting again, so my schedule is getting a bit cramped. I will try to write as much as possible, of course. Enjoy!

Chapter 35: Excuse Me?


“Okay, well shit just from 0 to 100 real quick.”



Divorced Mary, Adultery Bad

Year 181


--POV: Angelina Chamberlayne—

--Place: Chamberlayne Residence / Time:14:33—

Tch, she is still training….she is sweating, she is exhausted, she is in pain….but she is still going.

My sister has always been this geeky loner with an anti-social personality, she would always devote herself to training, to studying, to productivity.

Never has she seeked enjoyment, or smiled after mother’s death, never played or done anything someone normal would do. Then one day, she disappears, and coincidentally, Octavius told me she asked for money from father….

After that, she comes back with a mysterious man, according to what I heard at least.

This man goes by the name of Lance Lightbringer, which Octavius suspects as being a fake alias.

I don’t get what he did to her, as she has completely changed…..she went from someone who dedicates herself to training and studies, to a completly emotionless apathetic machine.

She looks at him like a god, what the fuck is this? Is he seducing her? I get  that he is very handsome and tall, but his strength and magic all scream average.

Is she into this stuff? Is she paying him to sleep with her? That’s the only thing I can get from this, is it that she is deeply attracted to his face and body(he is hot, I can’t lie) and she pays him so he does her? I didn’t think she was that type of woman.

That was my previous thoughts, before the damn dinner. In which father released the bombshell that Clarissa’s spike in prowess is all due to him.

Octavius knows something about this fiasco, but he is hiding it. I can’t tell right from wrong anymore, and my previous assumption that Lance is nothing more than an attractive face is wrong.

He called father “Theodore”, something no actual butler of Clarissa’s would every say, yet he did it like it’s normal, and no one called him out on it.

He definitely has a secret identity, and it would be good to know what it is, and if I can blackmail him to do stuff for me so I don’t reveal it.

At which he would have no choice but to obey me.

Plus, imagine Clarissa’s face if she knew that her butler came to me.

Reaching Lance’s room, I make my presence known.



Is he not there?

Opening the door, I enter only to find him looking at the sun, with his back to me, just staring at it.

“Is there something you need, Lady Angelina?” He turns his head and looks at me with empty eyes, the same empty eyes that I have always seen in him, eyes that look weird, that look….


“I-I just want to have a conversation, if you don’t m-mind?”

“Of course, my lady.” He remains seated as he nods his head in the direction of another chair for me to sit on.

After taking my seat, I get straight to the point. “I was just wondering how you met my sister?”

He turns his head back to the window, and stares straight at the sun. What kind of vision does he have to be able to look at that star for so long?

“I met her as I was making my way through the capital in search of employment.” He doesn’t stop his staring contest with the sun. “I found the miss sitting at one of the outside tables of a restaurant on Rosewood street, after which she initiated a conversation with me as I was passing by. Through this, I was graced with her generous employment.”

He says so in a monotone way, and even though there is no signs of it, I’m sure he is lying.

Son of a failed merchant? Yea, right. The person on front  of me is definitely not one of those types.

“I see, well have you been enjoying it here?” I can’t let the argument slip into silence, I need to get anything I can, no matter how false it is, I need to hear something.

“Of course, the miss is a very intriguing individual.” A breath-taking smile appears on his face as he turns to me. “I doubt I will feel bored, for now at least.”

Oi, oi, oi…..What is with this drastic change?


Fuck….he really is good-looking….

“Is something wrong?” Lance raises an eyebrow at my silence.

Need to pull myself together. “N-no, I was just surprised about the positive feedback of my sister.”

“I see.” A voice that is filled with suspicion is the only reply I get.

And we are back to the silence…..why is he showing no interest in me? He hasn’t glanced at me once since I got here?

….He isn’t into men, is he? Because his face is handsome enough so maybe….

Nah, my perverted thoughts are turning my brain towards a weird direction….

“A-anyway, I was just wondering if you would be able to h-help me with something….” I try to sound pitiful and seductive at the same time, trying to invoke either lust or sympathy towards me.

I do have confidence in my seductive skills, despite Lance’s nonchalant attitude. “What is it, Lady Angelina?”

No reaction. If dead corpses could talk, their voices would be just like his.

“Could you please help me with taking care of someone?” The tricks I normally use to get men to obey me aren’t working on him, at all. So might as well get straight to the point at this rate.

“Who?” Very blunt of him.

“His name is…..”

--POV: Laurence—

--Place: Chamberlayne Residence / Time:14:47—

“Rick McWaiser?” I didn’t expect to hear the name of Ronald’s son come out of Angelina’s lips, this was surprising to say the least.

“Yes, could you please take care of him?” Hmm, Ronald’s one and only child doesn’t seem to be that popular, at least to Angelina.

“Did something bad happen to warrant such words?” My actual question lies in the fact that why the fuck would she ask her younger sister’s butler for assassination, but what I said is close enough.

“Well, he has been acting like a stalker towards me recently, and well….” My guess is, you seduced him for your own gains, and now you have to deal with the consequences of your actions.

Clarissa wasn’t lying when she called you a “court thot”.

“I see, well who else knows about these unwanted advances he is giving you?” I doubt she would tell her father this, because if her father actually investigated into the reason of this mess, he probably won’t like what he finds.

So she came to me.

“Nobody, except you of course.” She really did keep her mouth shut, means this whole shit show is definitely her fault.

“I see, well I will discuss this with the miss and get back to you on this.” May as well say it to her face, that I’m going to broadcast this in her sister’s ears. “Anything else, my lady?”

Her left eyelid is twitching, did she not expect this outcome? “N-no, thank you a-again.” She thought I would do as she says?

“Well, take care.”


After seeing the door closing behind Angelina, I let out a sigh, contemplating the benefits and losses of erasing Rick.

Maybe there is more to this, then what meets the eye.

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