A Dragon’s summoning to another world

Chapter 36: Revenge

Chapter 36: Revenge


Sorry for the long period of absence. My courses really filled my schedule. However, I'm happy to announce they are over, and that more updates for this novel are on the way. I once again, apologize for the wait.

“Trying to treat a problem created by huge government by using governmental power is like trying to help a drowning man by giving him water.”



Brice Logg, Anarchist

Year 821


--POV: Mark Von Augsburg—

--Place: Augsburg Hall (Head Study)/ Time:11:23—


“Come in.” Father allows me entry into his study, something he rarely does.

“Do you need something, father?” He called me here without specifying a reason, I really hope it isn’t something serious.

“Sit down.” Fuck. Does he know? Did that bitch tell him what she did to me?

Pushing my worries and turmoil down, I calm my heart as I slowly walk to the couch as my father sits at his desk with old books everywhere on it.

“Have you heard of the burning of St’ Louis’ church?”

“Yes, father.” Why bring up such old news? Didn’t the burning happen awhile ago? “It was a very unfortunate accident. I hope the church is more careful next time.”

“It wasn’t an accident.”

Someone burned a church on purpose?

“Why would someone do such a thing to pious believers practicing their faith? How unspeakable.” A disgusting vile person, but what does this random arsonist have to do with me?

My father stares in my eyes as silence envelops the room. “Tell me, son. Have you…….met anyone strange recently?”

What? What brought this up?

Why would he ask about an arsonist mass murdering and then talk about a strange person that he thinks I met?

Well……if we are talking about weird people. There is that fucking bitch but there is also that butler she is always with…..the butler…..

“Is something wrong, your lordship?”

The creepiest presence I’ve ever met. He still sends shivers down my spine despite it being so long ago.


“N-no!” I’m lost in my thoughts again, I nearly responded to him in a loud shout. I really need to fix my habit of daydreaming. “I haven’t met anyone particularly strange yet.”

“Well….If you say so.” Father returns his gaze to the book resting on his desk. “You can leave now.”

“Of course.”

What kind of a conversation was that?

Sometimes it is so difficult to know what he is thinking.

--Place: Augsburg Hall (Colossal Library)/ Time:12:58—

Another book finished, and still no evidence on how to heal my injury.

And I can’t ask healers and such on whether they can heal such an injury, because it will definitely raise suspicion.

A dead end.

I have reached a dead end. I can’t find anyway to heal this injury no matter how much I read and research.


The sound of sweeping in this silent library brings me out of my thoughts and with a glance in the direction of the noise. I find a stout middle-aged man dusting the books here.


“Yes sire?” William stops his sweeping and approaches me. “Is there something you need?”

“Lets talk for a bit.” I gesture for him to take a seat at this wooden table filled with books.

“Will. Let’s say……in a hypothetical situation….that someone knew a secret that you had kept hidden, hidden to yourself only. And if this someone exposed the secret, it may cause you disastrous harm to your future and your life……what would you do?”

“May…..I ask what brought us to such a subject?”

“It’s just a hypothetical situation I came up with.” I try to shut down his suspicion as smoothly as possible.

“Well….sire. I’d try to kill this someone as quickly as possible.”

“As quickly as possible?”

“Yes…..sire. As every second that goes by, the chances of that someone exposing the secret also increases, no?”

He’s right. That bitch could have told others about what happened by now. She could have told others days before. Heck, she could be planning to tell others tomorrow.

Shit. Shit. Shit.

“You’re….right, Will.” I dismiss him. “Thanks.”

“As you wish, sire.”

After Will leaves the library, and it is just me and these overcrowded books, I sit and think, and think, and think.

How can I destroy any possible chance of this secret from getting exposed?

As William said, I have to kill her to destroy that chance.

Which leads us to the next question.

How do I kill her?

Well, before we get into the infinite possibilities, lets analyse the capability of the target, Clarissa, alone.

She has expert swordsmanship, is very proficient in fire magic, has vast mana reserves and has the capability to use wind magic.

This puts her at a pretty good spot for both offensive, defensive and support positions and it shows that she is indeed, talented.

Swordsmanship doesn’t matter, as with the right magic caster, the sword would be obsolete in battle.

The real question is how magically talented is she?

If I use my knowledge from the book The Spiral of Magic Talent, I think I can bring some good estimates.

She is most likely more talented at fire magic than she is at wind magic.

As a dual-element wielding person would have their talent divided among the elements they can wield.

Example is, person X has a talent index of 100.

Assuming X has two elements, that number will be divided among those elements.


Fire: 60

Wind: 40

The talent is divided is divided at birth and isn’t changeable. Not everyone has equal talent index, and not everyone has an equal division and distribution of those talent depending on those elements.

But if we are going on probability, a dual-wielding mage will most likely have less talent in one of the two elements that they can wield than someone who can wield only one element.

And since she uses fire more often, at least according to the tournament, she most likely has most of her talent in fire, with barely anything in wind.

This is just speculation, but should be taken into account when hiring the right hitman.

Next comes the butler she is always with, the guy with the weird presence.

He is definitely a space magician.

He can teleport, as I saw it with my own two eyes when he teleported to the bear that we found in the crater, and he can also store items in his space storage when he took out those tents out of thin air.

He has so much talent in the space element that it is completely impossible for him to be able to use another element.

While humans do vary in talent index from one human to the other, humans can only have so much talent.

There is a limit, and the butler is very close to it.

He most likely stays next to her as a backup plan. In case she encounters an enemy that she can’t handle, the butler can teleport both of them away to safety and away from danger. Plus, his space storage is pretty useful for journeys and expeditions.

The Chamberlayne family really looks after their children, as someone of his talent would definitely ask for a high price to protect that bitch.

So if I want a shot of killing her, I need to isolate her from that butler.

Because if she is with the butler, it doesn’t matter how strong my assassin is if they can teleport away.

In the case that I can’t isolate her, I’ll have to find a suitable magical gadget that can temporarily disable any spatial teleportation. As a backup obviously.

While killing the bitch may seem like a heavy task, a connection of mine may know an assassin suitable enough for such a difficult job.

I’ll make sure she regrets ever crossing paths with me, and that she will continue to regret it in the afterlife.

Just you wait, Clarissa.

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