A Dragon’s summoning to another world

Chapter 37: Ambition

Chapter 37: Ambition


“Diplomacy is the key to the success of a nation. As not every nation will be invicible for eternity. There will come a time where militancy fails the nation, at that time, diplomacy should be there for a nation to live to see tomorrow.”



Ivan Baharuth, Supremacy in the Royal Courts

Year 901


--POV: Jacob Le Baharuth—

--Place: The Baharuth Courthouse / Time:12:43—

“The talks with Adion are going splendidly. We already have several articulate plans on how to destroy and divide Avalon economically and militarily.”

My brother, the emperor, known as Aryaad Le Baharuth, nods his head at the message of the diplomat, showing that he is pleased with the news, while also showing him the diplomat that he may continue speaking.

“There is a very small chance that Avalon expects anything to be going on, as during a time of economic divide between the nations, it is natural for us to conduct private trade talks.” The diplomat continues speaking while kneeling on the floor, the red and golden hems of his robe gently touching the floor. “Thus, by having trade talks with both Avalon and Adion, we give the impression that we are looking for a good economic deal, when in reality we are brewing a grand alliance with Adion, all the while Avalon thinks we are having some stupid small chat about trade of unimportant goods.”

The emperor smiles, pleased with the current diplomatic situation of the three countries in the north most region of the continent.

While Baharuth is bigger than Avalon in land size, we are smaller than them economically, militarily as well as having a smaller population.

But with bigger land mass, comes more resources, so while we may not have the labour power to use those resources, we are a major exporting nation.

But while exporting policies may be beneficial temporarily, if they decide to suddenly stop taking raw resources from them, and instead look for other nations to trade with, we will be economically vulnerable.

However, Avalon diverting trade from us also hurts them, as Baharuth has an abundance of resources, we normally use a dumping policy, which is basically selling high-quality resources at a low price, making all of Baharuth’s competition pathetic in the eyes of Avalon.

They will have to pay much more gold, and they will also receive much less resources if we were to import resources from countries other than Avalon.

The most optimum way for us to move forward economically and militarily would be to seize Avalon’s booming market economy for free, as in, by force.

However, a lot of pacifistic nobles in the empire, or traitors, as I call them, argue that the war would cost us more militarily and economically, than simply keeping Avalon as a peaceful neighbour.

This has lead my brother to tread carefully with his decision-making, while suspecting that some of the overly-pacifistic traitors may have secret ties to Avalon.

This is of course, just him guessing.

He is the cautious type, after all. He won’t enter a war that doesn’t have a guaranteed victory for Baharuth.

“Report about the church’s situation in Avalon.” Despite the good news, brother still asks, worringly, still showing caution towards such a weak and pathetic enemy, a country that Baharuth should have crushed long ago.

“Avalonian nobles seems to be persuading the separatism of the Avalonian church’s from the pope, this will obviously spark discontent, between Adion, which is nearly a complete theocracy, and Avalon, a separatist state.”

The diplomat, Kevin Valois, continues. “It is highly likely that Avalon is trying to destroy relations as much as possible, possibly hinting that Avalon may have military ambitions against Adion.”

“Ha! If Avalon is showing such boldness, it means they truly believe we have no connection to Adion, and that Avalon will beat Adion in a one-on-one fight.” I chime in, to convince my worrywart of a brother to start a military campaign.

After seconds of silence, brother speaks. “You’re right……there is no logical reason for Avalon to try to spark war with Adion if they knew we were allies with Adion. They truly don’t know……huh.” He seems convinced! He is convinced!

“Jacob” The emperor then turns to me. “For the sake of the prosperity and everlasting fortune of this empire, would you, Jacob Le Baharuth, lead the military initiative?”

Yes. Yes! Yes!!!!

Finally, the moment I’ve been waiting for, it’s here! It’s finally here!

“Yes, your majesty! I will do this empire proud, for the sake of Baharuth!”

The emperor, completely convinced, nods. “For the sake……of Baharuth.”

--Place: Training Field of the Royal Baharuth / Time: 14:52—

Ah, the sight of the troops training.

Preparing. Drilling. Exercising.

I watch, the view of troops, of men clad in the armour dawning the emblem of Baharuth.

Men, with an iron will to fight and kill. To destroy and obliterate the enemy. For pride, for justice, for strength.

It is absolutely beautiful.

These men, born with the only purpose of fighting the invaders, the outsiders, the foreigners.

They were born for this moment, born to take the blood of the enemy.

They pledged their life to this empire the moment they were born in it’s borders.

Now, it’s time, for them to prove the worth of their pledge, to prove the power of their will.

These men, will sacrifice themselves for the Empire, for the emperor, without hesitation.

Useful puppets. Born to serve this nation.

“Is that it?”

A voice occurs, vibrating deeply. Eyeing me.

“What do you mean….that’s it?”

I open my mouth and respond, while looking around the balcony, even in the room. Looking for anywhere this voice could have come from.

“I mean…..are you satisfied with this mere crumb of power?”


………Hundreds of thousands of men willing to die without hesitation on my order, willing to do anything I ask of them. Brainwashed to think so……is a crumb?

“Yes. Mortals. Mortal Humans. You control nothing but measily humans. Calling this a crumb of power, is an exaggeration of mine. Your power ends, when human life ends.”



My power doesn’t end with their lives. I can simply brainwash the children of those men. I can control their children!

The mothers who give birth to the children of those men will be forced to hand those childrens’ futures over to ME.

Those women, like the men who die on the battlefield as machines of war, are simple cattle to be bred.

That’s what they are.

“Their children are also mine.”

My power does not end with the lives of those men, instead, my power continues in the submission of their children.

“When I said human life…….I mean yours”



My life?

What happens when my life ends?

What will happen to......my power?

…..What if I died on the battlefield?.........What if I died due to disease?.......Or old age?

My powers.........disappears.

As if it was never there.

The infinite power I thought I have, will all but disappear with the death of my life.

“Don’t you desire more? What would you feel if I could make you invincible? Lifeless? With no mortality……what would you say then?”

To keep my power forever, to have everyone bow down to me. Not to my brother, and not in fear of execution.

Instead, they will be bowing down……in awe of my power.

My limitless power.

To see the world bow to me…..would be more beautiful than anything this training camp could show.

“I’d take it.”

“Great choice.”

--POV: ?????—

--Place: The Wonderland of the Demonic / Time: ?????—

Do you feel that?

Well? Do you feel it?

It feels like something powerful, yet it hides in the dark.

Something destructive, yet it, itself is indestructible.

With the might that breeds corruption, yet it’s motivation is incorruptible.

Hailed as a deity of evil and despair, yet it believes it brings joy and hope to the world.

That feeling, that sensation.

That makes you want to run in fear.

That makes you want to kneel in submission.

That makes you want to take up arms and fight it to your last breath.

That is the feeling, the concept, of the demon lord.

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