A Dragon’s summoning to another world

Chapter 38: Kill For The Gold

Chapter 38: Kill For The Gold


“The riot of the end, is just the dawn of a new beginning.”



Vernaldo, Fire of the Revolution

Year 882


--POV: Laurence—

--Place: RawPower Mercenary Guild Branch/ Time: 09:12—


The door creaks as if it hasn’t had a touch of grease on its hinges since it was made, which is probably the case.

This place, a place where men and women gather, to work for money, to fight for money, to kill for money.

I observe the room.

A counter, with a buff male receptionist with an…..actually good beard.

Mercenaries, going in and out of rooms, being hired for work, whether it is to hunt animals, or to kill people. This is the place.

But the most notable part of the room…… is the fucking smell.

This place reeks of tobacco, and if I were to use clairvoyance, I will definitely find some drugs in this building, even if they are illegal.

Oh, you have a question?

Is the question, perhaps why is it legal to kill humans for money through mercenary work while some drugs are illegal?

Well the answer to that, is corrupt bureaucracy.

The lawmakers of this country have been bribed to the maximum by high ranking board members of mercenary companies across the region.

Not to mention the incredible tax loopholes that this company uses to avoid taxes (I did my research on the current economic situation).

It has gotten to the point where this mercenary company, that kills humans for gold, is getting taxed less than the Volkhiem company that prints and sells newspapers.

McWaisers are obviously also in on the corruption of this kingdom. Getting several “favors” and “aid” from government officials when there is fabricated justifications for this.

Speaking of the McWaisers, I have decided to leave Rick to his own devices.

After all, if Rick can try and court Angelina till the point there is public rumours. Angelina will face pressure from the majority of the Chamberlayne family and relatives into marrying Rick for the sake of keeping the relations between Chamberlayne and McWaiser friendly.

If I can indirectly force Angelina into a political marriage with Rick, she is no longer eligible for the head of Chamberlayne, and will instead live with the Mcwaisers.

If Angelina is no longer eligible to inherit Chamberlayne, then that knocks out one of the siblings from the constent for the title of Chamberlayne Heir.

Bringing Clarissa closer to the goal of inheriting the family.

But back to the topic, where am I right now?

At The RawPower Mercenary company.

Probably the most influential mercenary company in Avalon. With a market cap around 342,000 gold currently, at least according to the main stock market in the capital province of this pope-forsaken country.

The mercenaries here would easily throw their lives in danger for the sake of a couple gold coins.

I would probably feel sorry for them, if I actually cared for these pitiful insects to begin with.

Disregarding the pity that I actually don’t have towards them, I make my way to the mission board that is on the right wall of this huge room.

Hmmm…..Human life isn’t that expensive here. You could probably get an average citizen killed for a little less than a hundred gold coins. Pretty cheap.

However, I’m not here to spend money for some shitty hoodlum to stab a weak citizen with their dirty knife.

I’m here for an army.

A dragon…..needing a human army?

You shocked?

Well, in case you aren’t aware, there is this extremely poor diplomatic relations between Avalon and Adion at the moment.

So these mercenaries, these private militia for hire, who are always desperate for gold, will be ecstatic at the fact that Avalon may go to war.

It’s simple supply and demand. Which country would hire mercenaries more? A country that is in calm and stable peace, or a country embroiled in war?

Obviously the latter, so these mercenaries, their prices will skyrocket during war, as political factions would need strong militaries to hold their ground. So demand goes up.

Plus, the supply of mercenaries that will flock from the southern countries (which are currently at peace) to the warring countries, won’t be even near enough to satisfy the high demand during war.

Supply doesn’t go up as much as demand. So prices go up.

This is why nobles are scrambling for mercenaries. Scrambling for militia.

Because during war, everything bad for the country increases, everything good for the country decreases.

However, after the war, the real winner is the country who gained more than they lost during the war.

The way to win a war doesn’t depend on how many enemy soldiers you kill, it depends on whether the income and spoils of the war is greater than the cost of war, leading to a profit for the country in the long run.

That’s a true victoy.

So since every noble family is scrambling for mercs, a huge and wealthy family like Chamberlayne, has to employ the best of the best, and in huge quantity.

And to keep it’s reputation as one of the best and most influential families in the country, as well as showing it’s nationalistic patriotism by standing with the country against the enemy in times of crises and war.

I may use this army as cannon fodder, since the mercs are already risking their life for gold, it doesn’t matter if we were to increase that risk, now would it?

The Avalon Times will make sure to write about the fact that Chamberlayne is standing with the country in times of war and prosperity, during the good and the bad, to increase the image of the Chamberlaynes.

I will make sure they write about it.

We need to show how much we care about our citizens before we rip them off their wealth during the war.

Politics is truly fascinating.

Taking myself out of my thoughts, I turn my eyes away from the mission board, and towards the buff receptionist.

He, who is talking to someone, casually glances at me for just a moment.

It was less than a second of a glance. But I could see it. His eyes were analysing who I am, my physical capabilities, as well as trying to gouge my intent for coming to this branch.

A seasoned warrior who has been in many life-threatening battles will overanalyse anyone he comes across, even if the subject of observation looks just like a normal butler.

There is no way he missed the Chamberlayne logo situated on my breast pocket of my butler suit.

He definitely saw it.

He is well aware why I’m here.

“……Sir, I have to apologize, but there is currently something important I must attend to. So if there is anything else you need.” The receptionist points to the third door to the left. “Please speak to customer service and information center located right there, and thank you for considering our service once again.”

The receptionist does a quick bow before turning around and heading to the door right behind the counter. But as he was turning around, his eyes hovered above me.

Hmmm…..he did this to avoid being seen as prioritizing one customer over the other, and to maintain an aspect of professionalism.

A quick-thinker, not just a battle-instinct warrior.

This guy was definitely a leader in his own regiment.

He exhibits every quality required.

In short, he is a very useful pawn to use during this war.

After the other customer decides to go for the customer service or wherever the fuck he was supposed to go, I decide to go around the counter, and enter the same door the receptionist did, as quietly and inconspicuously as possible.

--Place: RawPower Mercenary Guild Branch (Back Room)/ Time: 09:39—

“I’m sorry for using such an unprofessional welcome for Sir who works for Chamberlayne”

Mr. Receptionist gives me an identical bow as the one he gave to his previous customer, while apologizing for not welcoming me in a better way.

While his mana is average, his quick-thinking, his physical strength, his professionalism and politeness are well above that.

A very useful pawn, indeed.

“There is no problem. I didn’t wait that long.”

“As long as Sir isn’t dissatisfied with the lukewarm welcome, then all is good.”

He has most likely lived on the battlefield his whole life, yet he doesn’t show excessive pride to a supossedly mana-less butler.

Really trying to please the customer, it seems RawPower knows how to hire the right peole.

“The real question is why a warrior like you working as a receptionist. Does Rawpower has that much qualified manpower to spare?”

As far as I’m concerned. Every single mercenary out in the main hall of this branch is an absolute greenhorn who has about as much experience in fighting as a domestic hamster.

“Qualified? Sir overestimates me.” Mr. Receptionist pretends to be flattered while scratching the back of his head. Truly a people’s pleaser. “I am long past my expiry date as a warrior. So I plan on earning my last gold coins working as a receptionist.”

Expiry date? This guy is overly humble.

Despite his vast experience, he hasn’t tapped in to his full potential. He can do way more for himself, strength-wise.

“Nonsense. You are as fit as a spring chicken, Mr. er…”

“It’s Khaled, Sir. Khaled Derver.”

“Khaled?” A new pawn has been caught. “I’m Lance. Lance Lightbringer.”

“Nice to meet you, Sir lance.” Another curt bow from him, geez. “So, may I ask what Sir desires from this humble company.”

Humble, huh?

I don’t think calling a nearly, half-a-million-gold-coin mercenary company, “humble”, is the best description for it.

“I’m interested in hiring an army.”

“An army?”

I said army. Not regiment. Not division. Not battle team. But army.

“A thirty thousand troop army compromised of many types of regiments. I pick the regiments.”

“Thirty thousand?!!” Khaled opens his eyes in shock.

“Yes. And you’re their general.”


I’ll make sure you’re qualified for that position.

And if it turns out you aren’t up to my expectations. I’ll get rid of you and replace you with someone more qualified.

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