A Dragon’s summoning to another world

Chapter 5: Spanking

Chapter 5: Spanking


"Listen here, fellow seekers of magic. We might not be the most magically talented beings in this world. But we are the hardest working. So what if the elves, fairies, demons and….dragons have more mana? We will beat them through knowledge and superior intelligence, as the Gods will it, the gods are testing us in our faith, whether we will believe in them despite being disadvantaged, despite being less talented. We mages are the superior ones, anyone who tells you otherwise is a hater, a heretic. Do not be disheartened my comrades, my believers, mages will rise and dominate this disgusting and heretical world”



Pope Julius IV of the Grand Church, Unification of Magic and Faith

Year 793


--POV: Laurence—

--Place: Chamberlayne Residence  / Time:10:15—

“You are still looking at the sky?” Clarissa talks abruptly, disturbing the peaceful silence.

“Who allowed you in my room, anyway? Ahh, that’s right…you allowed yourself in” I retort to the person who summoned me sarcastically.

“When I went to bed, weren’t you looking at the sky? Did you even sleep?” Ignorant question, dragons don’t need sleep.

“I am not a human, do not apply your petty logic to the great me” Hmph, I will enlighten you of my greatness someday.

“No kidding, huh? You are as prideful as they get” She said this in a whisper, thinking I don’t hear. Tut tut, seems like she needs some enlightenment, don’t worry it’s coming. “Anyway, come downstairs. Father wants to talk to you”

And with that she closes the door. She doesn’t know I am a dragon yet. But she does know I’m not human. I will reveal as little about myself as possible, I need to determine the real intention for why she summoned me.

She should have many ways to become heir, without summoning an alien, a being from another world. She could assassinate her siblings, suck up to her father as much as possible, form connections and allies, get foreign support to gain control of the house. She could also show competence, whether in administration or magic. Way too many options for her to chose from.

Yet she did something as drastic as summoning me. This either means, she has other goals, she wants something more than becoming the heir. Or she is in danger, in some way, either politically or physically.

As much as my pride doesn’t want to admit it, I am currently very ignorant of the current world I am in. While magic and strength is very important, so is knowledge. The best thing to do, will be to come across a library of some sort.

With this in mind, I head down the excessively lavish staircase to the living room that is on the ground floor.

“There you are, Laurence” It is that old man from yesterday, the lord of the household has thick black hair that is neatly combed, along with an equally neat beard.

“It is good to meet you, Lord Chamberlayne” His mana is a bit superior to Clarissa’s in quality and quantity, but just barely though.

“I have heard from Clarissa that you have been in an accident, that her servants and mercs were killed in a surprise attack, what happened exactly? Are you alright?” Old man is faking concern for my health.

Clarissa told her father a few lies without consulting me, does she think this is funny? I start communicating telepathically to her, while maintaining eye contact with her father. ‘Explain yourself, girl’

‘I may have accidentally told him that we were attacked by a *ferocious grizzly bear* by surprise’

Accidentally, is it? This is high quality bullshit, right here. “It was a bear, a very vicious one at that. I am fine, thank you for your consideration.” I will punish you for this, just you wait Clarissa.

“…..I see” He replies after a long pause? He probably suspects that isn’t how it went. If only he knew, that I just figured out that we fought a bear a few seconds ago, he may piss himself.

“So anyway, the reason I called you here is because of your summoning” He returns from his thoughts, talking sternly. “The reason my daughter summoned you is because she is travelling to a magical university in the Adion Kingdom”

She told him that the reason she summoned me is because she needs a bodyguard? This bitch that is next to her father has lied too many times today. Shit….Adion kingdom is it? More stuff I don’t know.

“I see, and you want me to escort her there?” You serious, you want the great me to escort her there? Wait a sec, if she is going to a university there, and I am going with her, doesn’t that mean I get access to a high level of information about this world? “I do not mind at all”

“However, we would need to make sure your strength is adequate.” I have no problem showing them the greatness of this mighty dragon. “Would you mind doing something about your eyes as well, they are quite conspicuous” Something an illusion spell can easily fix.

“No problem” I get off the chair I was sitting on, and make my way upstairs.

“Hold on” I turn around to find Chamberlayne sitting, still staring at me. “My butler will hand you forged documents later today, depicting your new identity as Clarissa’s butler and escort. Your name is now Lance Lightbringer, being the son of a failed merchant, you came under Chamberlayne’s employ while searching for a job after your father’s death”

Mhmmm, a fake persona? I do not mind if that means accessing a university’s library, filled to the brim with information and knowledge, just waiting to be learned by me.

Seeing that he has nothing else to say, I nod my head and go upstairs, with an exceptionally cheerful Clarissa following behind.

--POV: Laurence—

--Place: Laurence’s room (Chamberlayne Residence) / Time:13:42—



Another smack to the already red ass, that has nothing but panties covering it, brings another moan from the girl laying with her stomach on my lap, as I sit on the bed.

Who is the lucky girl, you ask? Well, she is the third daughter of the owner of this lovely estate.

“haah…haah….p-please s-stop” Clarissa turns to me and begs in a whisper with teary eyes.


“What did you say?” I pretend not to have heard what she said, giving her another one to her sore bum.

“f….fath….er…..w..ill….hea..r” She mumbles back to me, this bitch thinks she can talk back to me?


“That didn’t sound like an apology, did it?” She needs to understand, luckily I am here to help her.

“I-I….a…m…s…orry” Another incoherent mumble, this dragon is losing his patience, little girl.


“AHHHH!!” A scream? this girl is getting better at it.

I decided to spank her with more strength this time, can’t have a disobedient bitch running amok, can we?

“Don’t worry, little one. I have placed a sound barrier preventing any sound made from leaving, negating it comepletely. Plus, I can sense everyone in this mansion, if anyone were to come even near this door, I would immediately notice.” She shivers as I slowly caress her pained butt. “More importantly, shouldn’t you be saying something right now?”

“I….am…sorry….master” Finally, a proper response. This is how you should talk to me.

I stop my right hand that was caressing her red butt, followed by holding her chin with my left hand, turning her face so she is looking at me. “Don’t worry, Clarissa. I will follow through my duty as your butler, and will make you into a very, very good girl, alright?”

“Y-yesth” She answers, despite my grip on her chin.

No worries, Little one.

Leave it all to me.

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