A Dragon’s summoning to another world

Chapter 4: Spatial Magic

Chapter 4: Spatial Magic


“The humans always intrigue me, why would they favour underachieving nobility over overachieving commoners? Are the nobles that are born into luxury more worthy than the commoners that are born into poverty?”



Elven Chief Doruvus of the Zaste Tribe, Gathering of the World Tree

Year 83


--POV: Laurence—

--Place: Valley of the Summoning  / Time: 22:01—

“You summoned me to help you become the heir of your household?” I still can’t believe this 22-year-old girl on front of me that somehow managed to call me from another world, summoned me for something as mundane as dispute over succession.

There are many unanswered questions that need answering, such as how the hell did she summon me from another world? What is the size of the planet I am on? Which nation are we in?

I have complete mastery of teleportation and spatial magic, yet I have never heard of people teleporting between worlds, why you ask? Because I need a memory or knowledge of the place I am going to teleport to.

Yet she accomplished this….her mana pool is pretty vast for a human, that is, but is this illusion magic? Is she actually stronger than me and I am just falling for her illusion to make me think she is weaker? No, she clearly isn’t strong enough to subdue me, this is why we are having this lovely conversation.

“Yes, that is why you were summoned, I took a risk, and it paid off.” She is replying very calmly for a human, that is….It seems she took a gamble to summon me.

--POV: Clarissa Chamberlayne—

“So, should we teleport to the so-called capital?” Teleport? He can teleport? So he has good affinity with spatial magic? That’s rare.

“We should” Can’t break the façade, even though I am at my wit’s end, I can’t show weaknesses or fear. He starts walking up to me and then places his hand on my head, then he just….closes his eyes.

Is he trying to invade my mind with mind magic? I have spells and scrolls prepared in case he tries something, even though I doubt he will.

“Think of your house” My house? I think of the Chamberlayne residence in the capital as I watch him with his eyes closed, thinking what he could he be up to? Until…..


With a noise that sounded like electricity, the whole surroundings blurred for a second, and I suddenly felt extremely nauseous.

Holding the vomit in, I look around only to find us standing outside the Chamberlayne mansion on Rosewood street, one of the most high-class and luxurious areas of the capital.

“Open up!” I start walking to the guards stationed outside the mansion, ordering them to open the gates.

--POV: Theodore Chamberlayne—

“Sire! Lady Clarrisa has arrived with an unknown individual” My butler approaches me after talking with a servant in the corridor, asking for orders.

“Let them in” Unknown individual? Did that girl do it? I wasn’t expecting such a thing. Clarissa usually shows no interest in anything. Even though she is talented in both magic and the sword, I can’t read her at all. She does everything I ask of her, and never asks for anything.

If I recall correctly, this summoning charade is the first thing she has ever requested of me, being the good father that I am, I have to give her some escorts to protect her. Definitely just protection, no ulterior motives here.

 “Father!” Said girl comes in here with a smile on her face. Even though her eyes aren’t smiling, she still puts up the act. She thinks of me as a doting idiotic father who loves his good girl and can’t see through her schemes.

She seems to be in a good mood, a little spring in her step. The summoning, or whatever her goal was definitely succeeded. After a little hug between me and my third daughter, I appraise the being that has taken the form of a young man. With very, very weird eyes as the only exception to his generic figure, he appears as a decently handsome, helpless young fellow, with no magical talent or affinities, and a mana pool size of zero. But there is one problem, his presence is….


I can’t feel him at all, my mana perception tells me that there is nothing standing there, yet he is there. There can only be one thing that sneaky, and that is….

“Are you an imperial assassin?”

The man starts smiling and shaking his head. “No, I am no assassin” He denies the question, but doesn’t tell me what he is. Is he a minimalist?

“Father, I summoned him just a few hours ago, can you drop your interrogation for a bit?” This is the summon? It wasn’t an animal or a monster? But a humanoid with high intelligence?

She drags the man past me by the arm, and went upstairs to the upper lounge.

“Haah….Is this girl messing with me?”

“I do not know my lord” The problem with this butler is that he is too serious, to the point it is annoying.

“That was a rhetorical question, Alfred. Anyway, bring Captain James, I want to know a few things about their trip” I lean back into my chair, trying to suppress the rising headache.

“My lord, the captain wasn’t with them when they came, and neither was his crew”

“Did she find out? Fuck, she killed them to stop the information of whatever she was doing from leaking.” She definitely knows, huh? “Bring me one of her maids, I’ll find something.”

“They weren’t with them either, lord”


“The guard found only Lady Clarissa alongside the unknown gentleman outside the eastern gate, there was no carriage, servants or mercenaries.”



“What the FUCK?!!!”

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