A Hero turned Succubus Tale

Chapter 5: A mother’s feelings

Chapter 5: A Mother’s love

Today is probably one of the happiest and, ironically, one of the worst days of my life.

I still can’t calm my mind after what happened today.

I never realized that I was such a weak person. If Lily saw me like this she would surely be disappointed in her mother won’t she?

…Oh right, I’m not her mother.

I’m just her caretaker…

12 hours ago.

Today is a very important and special day. It is celebrated only once every 5 years.

Yes, today is the day talent examination is conducted.

And I just know Lily is going to knock everyone’s socks off!


The children are gathered below the stage and waiting in line for their turn. I can see that most of them are nervous, just like I was, excited about the future and all.

Oh dear, Reina looks quite bad. The poor girl should have some confidence in herself. Her pretty looks are wasted if all she does is keep her head down burdened by insecurities. But I’m not worried, Lily considers her to be her elder sister, albeit an unreliable elder sister, an elder sister nonetheless. Any problem she encounters, Lily will protect her and look over her.

I’m not boasting about my daughter’s abilities, I’m just confident in my daughter’s capability. She will not disappoint.

Even now she seems unaffected by the tense atmosphere; making her stand out even more in the blue frilly dress the village tailor gifted her.

While I am happy to see my daughter look cuter in a good dress, the fact that it was not a dress from me seems the rub me the wrong way.

Maybe Milly is right? I’m being too possessive of Lily?

“Sister Thales, it is time to start.”

The city official from the capital, Mr. Thomas conveyed.

I went to the front and started calling the children; the first and youngest one is of course my cute daughter.

She smiled at me showing that she is confident and no matter the result she will accept it with a smile; though it is impossible for her to not possess any traits.

And sure enough,











Current  Status:








Physical Stats:

























Sprint Lv 3

Sneak Lv 3

Throwing Lv 2

Hide Lv 2

Herbology  Lv 1


Climbing Lv 1





Special skills:













Enhanced Intelligence

Enhanced Agility

Enhanced Charisma




3 traits!

Getting your suspicions confirmed really does make difference. The villagers are also showing proud looks on their faces. Why do you have such smirks on your faces? Lily is my daughter; the one who should be proud is me!

They started applauding; Lily turned red from embarrassment and buried her face in my chest.

“Congratulations Lily, mommy’s proud of you!”

“Hehehe. Thank you mom.” 

I patted her head before going to call the next candidates name. It is a little disappointing that the only person shocked by Lilies traits was the city official, an outsider.

The test continued, Reina and blacksmith’s son Edward were shown to be dual trait possessors.

I gathered our three talented little geniuses for the debriefing from the official.

“Congratulations, three of you, possessing multiple traits means that you have bright futures ahead of you. My name is Thomas and I am here to inform you about your future prospects. Since it is already lunch time, let us discuss it over a meal shall we?”

He said before leading to the table prepared in the plaza. Everyone was seated, the members being the three children and three adults including the official Mr. Thomas, Bob the blacksmith and me as the children’s guardians.

Mr. Thomas proceeded to take out a variety of piping hot dishes from his item ring. Since it has time freeze feature, it should be the more expensive variety, as expected from former B-rank adventurer.

The wide eyed look on children’s faces did not escape anyone’s notice.

I see.

He is trying to tempt the children to follow the adventurer trade; though he doesn’t need to try as hard as these three aren’t the type to obediently stay in one place.

The dishes prepared were specialties from the capital, the kids not having any mind for serious conversations when faced with such good food should also be considered natural.

The table was silent except for the clattering of cutleries.

After the dishes were demolished with astonishing speed, Mr. Thomas went on to the serious matters.

“The kingdom, in collaboration with the Adventures Guild has built an Adventurer Training Academy in the royal capital. The aim of the institute is to train the young and talented individuals who desire to become adventurers in the future. The project has succeeded in minimizing the death rates in newbie adventures and has given a leg up for their faster advancement into the upper ranks.

For talented individuals like you there will be no registration fee and you are only obliged to spend 2 years operating in the guilds in Holy Kingdom after graduation. Normal graduates are needed to spend 4 years.

In exchange you will be given direct tutelage from accomplished adventurers; also both individual and group training for your party members. It also serves as a location to obtain a party members of similar talent and potential as yourselves.

When you have decided to join the adventurer guild and have reached at least 13 years of age, please come to the Adventures guild and present the receptionist with this tokens.”

He said before giving each of the silver tokens

“Now then, are there any questions?”

The fire child named Edward raised his hand.

“Is there an upper limit to age for joining the academy?”

“No there is not; though most students are below 18 years of age. Joining when you’re young is best. Anything else?”

Seeing no more questions from the children and the guardians he made to leave. If he left now, he would reach town just before sundown. Of course as the head sister I was the one to escort him out of the village.

“This village has many talented individuals, especially that girl named Lily, she seemed close to you?”

“Yes of course, she is my daughter.” I replied with pride.

“Daughter? Aren’t a nun, how can you have a daughter?”


I’m a nun, the head sister… so how can I have a daughter…?

“Oh! You see all your children under you as your own, that is rather big hearted of you. Anyway, the kids seem interested in becoming adventurers so I can expect to see them again in 5 to 10 years.”

“Y-yes, Of course, they are all infatuated with Hero stories.”

“Haha, that’s good to know. It was a pleasure working with you Sister Thales.”

“The pleasure was mine.” I replied with a slightly dazed look in my eyes. Thankfully he didn’t notice.

Even after he left I stood there, his question running through my mind.

… Lily had been calling me mom for so long that I had inadvertently believed myself to be her mother.

So this is why everyone was telling me that I was too possessive…



Time flowed too fast and by the time I got hold of myself it was time for bed. I stood there thinking of all the cruel ideas which seem to find its place into my mind. The thought of kidnapping Lily and eloping like I did with Jerry seemed to doing its best to crawl into my mind. A life with just Lily and me living happily was too sweet to ignore.

But I must not do that.

Lily is an angel sent to me by the goddess, how could I even think of breaking her wings and chaining her to me!? I should be sent to hell as punishment!

As I stood there contemplating on the thousand thoughts flowing through my head I didn’t notice Lily entering.


“! Yes Lily?”

“What’s wrong?” She asked as she peered into my eyes.

“It’s nothing, just thinking about tomorrows breakfast!”


She noticed!

Lily has always been too smart.

Nobody knows this but me; she has always been hiding her abilities and is quite adept in manipulating people.

Everyone dances on her palms, doing everything that she desires without even knowing.

It would be impossible for any normal person to see the monster hiding behind the visage of my cute daughter.

She is already strong enough to destroy people that can threaten her at the young age of 4. She can see through any plots and scheme. Her eyes can literally see through your entire being.

The case with the slave dealer, it was no coincidence that he was caught while planning a kidnapping of the orphanage children, a plan if executed would have resulted in mine and other sister’s death.

Lily found out about that man’s intentions and set in motion the events which lead to his arrest and subsequent death. While nobody noticed it was all a plot set in motion by my cute daughter.

She fooled everyone.

Everyone except me, I may not have given birth to her; but I am still her mother, I know her best. She is wiser and stronger than any person I seen or known.

She is a dragon disguised in sheep’s clothing.

Goddess tits! She could read my mind for hells sake!

Its over. She already knows. She is going to ask it…

Despite waiting for her to ask the forbidden question, she didn’t. Instead she rushed forward to hug me.

…What happened?

“I’m sorry mommy! *sob* I didn’t know!*sob*waaaa!”

What? She is crying!? Why!? She has never cried before?


“You were worried that I would leave you and never come back right? Worried that I would have no reason to return because you were not my real mother!”

“ugh” She hit the nail on its head didn’t she?

I hugged her tightly as tears started spilling from my eyes. How could I show such a shameful appearance to my daughter? I’m a failure as a mother.

“Itz okay mom, mommy will always be Lily’s mommy!” She said looking into my eyes. There were new emotions in her eyes, sincerity and… desperation?

Her eyes widened a bit before smiling at me.

“Mom, appraise me and look”

Huh? What is she talking about?



Lilith Thales




5 years





Current Status:



Her Name!!!

She has my surname attached to it!

Names have a special meaning in this world. Every sentient being is born with one and it cannot be changed before death. Even camouflaging skills can only block your name, not change it.

Because your name is your identity and sense of existence, it cannot be shed before death.

So what I see before is true and cannot be faked… it also means that Lily has accepted me as her mother from the bottom of her heart.

I didn’t know what to say. I was so happy that my tears didn’t stop flowing, I hugged Lily, my daughter close and refused to let go. Worried that what I saw was an illusion, I cast appraisal on her multiple times!

Lily seeing what shameful things I was doing laughed

“Eheheh, mommy you are too funny. Lily will always be mommy’s daughter. I love you Mommy!”

She said before kissing me on the cheek.

It took moment for my senses to return and return the kiss.

“Mommy loves Lily too, Lily is always welcome at my side. Even when you become an adventurer you must be sure to not take too hard quests, always know you limits, find good friends and return home once in a while as mommy gets lonely easily, also you should make sure to eat-“

“Itz okay mommy, I can’t go to the academy before I’m 13. Hehehe”

Embarrassed from the rant I went on before noticing, I couldn’t say anything to Lily amused face. I could only blow out the candle and lie down before saying

“Good night, my daughter. I love you”

“Good night, Mommy, Lily loves you too.”

That night Lily became my daughter in the truest sense.


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