A Hero turned Succubus Tale

Chapter 6: Training

Lilith’s POV

I fucked up.

Living a peaceful life in the village with everyone doing their best to grand my wishes has made me soft, weak. This happy lifestyle had satiated my hunger and desires, made me satisfied with what I had. I would have remained a weak spoiled girl till one day everything I built up would be destroyed by someone strong.

I know how unreasonable the people can be; how cruel this world is capable of being.

The weak don’t have the right to choose the way they die.

I will need a drastic change in my lifestyle and put my mind and effort into more productive things. Luckily after getting my talent test results, I can devote my time into training.

I walk into the kitchen half asleep to see mom already cooking “ Mwoning mom.”

“Good morning Lily, today is a good day to start training isn't it? Mr.Luke told you to meet him behind his hut today for sword training. But be careful not to injure yourself, okay?”

Seeing mom smiling so brightly is giving me mixed feelings... also I’m not getting any experience from her anymore now.

Succubus is a race which revels in lust and deception.

I've failed as a succubus; I love my mother.

A lie repeated enough times end up becoming the truth.

Jack, my brave companion and scout of hero party had told me about these cases. At that time I just dismissed it for a bad joke.

He told me about his missions to eliminate honey traps who ended up falling in love with their target, eloping with them naively hoping to live a happy life somewhere in the countryside.

It's stupid, right? People thrive by using each other. The women approached those men with malicious intentions, how could they fall in love?

But now I ended up being the same way as those women.

Jack, my friend. I’m sorry for doubting you.

I may have started seeing Margaret as me real mom.

Before you say that you are happy for me and blah, blah, blah; you must understand that forming a bond with a weaker person will only make her a liability. I will have to arrange for her protection at all times and watch out for my enemies kidnapping her to use her against me now that she is no longer an expendable pawn.

But seeing her so cheerful today, I can’t fully regret my actions till now.

Human relationships are so simple at the same time so complex.

I give her a hug before proceeding to meet with Reina and head for training.

I will have to be more careful.


Today we have gathered here today to receive guidance and training from Mr. Luke. He was the captain of C-rank adventurer party Sea Gulls. They settled in this village after retirement and can be considered veteran adventurers. Mr. Luke helps out training the village guards while his wife is the village healer.

“Morning kids. You will assemble here at same time every day. While the three of you have diverse talents and will end up choosing different classes; maintaining your physical condition and remaining in fit shape is a requirement for both mages and warriors. Start with 10 rounds around the village. Hug the wall and don’t get in anyone’s way!”

Hmm he is not holding back is he? And charisma stat of 5 doesn’t affect people with higher level much. I've never invested to my charisma stat before, I need to learn the way it affects my surrounding, because by the time I reach my strongest, my highest attribute would be Charisma.

We proceeded with the training. Swordsmanship for Edward was handled by Mr. Luke, while Mr. Mathew conducted the lessons on archery for Reina. I headed for their former party member and current village healer Mrs. Cory for guidance on healing and other light based magic. Honestly, I know more than her but for the sake of maintaining my character I had to act the bright-eyed and ignorant little girl who just started practicing magic.

I decided not to practice swordsmanship under Mr. Luke. Not only was I already a master in the handling of long swords(the holy sword was a long sword). Being born with a woman’s body means I have wider hips. Which means I should be focusing on melee combat which puts my increased flexibility and decreased strength to best use. Also I’m bored with it. So no long swords.

Long swords are strength oriented and focuses on direct confrontations. I hidden the fact that I have Enhanced Strength trait.

What? I’m still only a child, so my body shape should be same as boys? What foolishness!

Girls need to carry themselves in a more reserved and graceful manner. I can’t just be waving my hands and legs around like a monkey!

Plus I’m wearing a skirt now.

No lucky panty shots from this 5 year old!

The classes with Mrs.Cory can be expressed with one word, boring. I was listening with only half my mind but I still made sure to act in a way expected of me.

We gathered in front of Mr. Luke after the individual training waiting to be dismissed.

“I heard the opinions of Lily and Reina from the others. All three of you have done well for the first day. Remember the path to become a proper adventurer is not easy and is covered in thorns. You will shed both sweat and blood. Meet here same time tomorrow. Come late and you will be doing extra laps!”

As soon as he dismissed us Reina hugged me “Aah Lily, Mr. Mathews is a demon. He worked me till I dropped. Now I’m covered in sweat and dirt. Let’s go to the bathhouse quickly!” she complained before trying to lead me away from Edward.

Hehe, a jealous Reina is cute. But I need to get closer to Edward. He is also my future party member.

“Ah! The two of you, wait! Since we are going to be meeting each other everyday from now. We should get to know each other better.” (Edward)

“We are going to take a bath. Are you going to follow us into the women's bath? We will 'get to know each other better' LATER! BYE!” Reina retorted cattily.

“If it’s a bath you are after then I know a better location than the crowded bathhouse.” He smugly replied.

“...Which is?” Reina warily replied while looking at him with hostility.

“It’s a secret, follow me.” He flashed a grin with his cute face before heading into the forest.

Hmm. He knows how to get closer to girls.

One of the reasons why our village is popular among villagers is the presence of the hot spring. But it is almost always crowded. Reina hates crowded places.


We followed him up the stream and found a naturally formed pool of hot water, it has the correct depth and approximately 5 meters in diameter, it is the perfect spot for taking bath! Great work Edward!

So this is what he was planning. A bath together with the two most beautiful girls in the village eh? Hehehe. Very bold!

“I found it while I got lost in the forest once. It is hidden by the wines and away from the path so only the three of us know its location.” He said looking at me with a cheeky grin.

It is not unusual for children for bath together as those feelings about don’t start developing for a few more years. So even if anyone found out, none would complain. I stripped and jumped into the water acting all ignorant and playful.

“Yay! Sister Rei! Hurry up! It feels good inside!”

Though I said that, it seems seeing me naked does seem to affect the both of them.

Looking away as though I caught them doing something wrong, they quickly stripped before joining me in the pool.

Though they still kept sneaking peeks at me. So innocent! Acting like that will only make you more suspicious you know. I chose to ignore their awkwardness because Lilith is a 'pure' girl.

“N-Next time we are bringing towels to cover ourselves! Edward is too old to be bathing with girls!”

“Y-yea, I also forgot the matter of towels”

Both of them said with red faces. Though the happiness in their eyes and slight upward twitch of lips from the chance to have more ‘skinship’ with me makes them look funny. Hehe.

It's hard to prevent myself from teasing them.

I intend to have sexual relations with the both of them after growing up. I will be milking both of them, for both experience and to satisfy my lust.




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