A Liliful World: Yuri Reincarnation

A Liliful World – December 10th: A flower for forever.

A Liliful World
December 10th: A flower for forever.

December—no one would contest the importance of this month in the continent. Although little has seen the truth behind the legend, the written history and remains stand as a memory of the three almost-mythical people who changed the trajectory of the continent for eternity and to celebrate their work—December—their birth month became one of the most important months in Solis.


Mana Fragaria


“Snow is falling again…”


A soft mutter escaped from me — the skies were turning faded white once more as little beautiful petals of snow rained down in a graceful manner. It served as a physical reminder that it was December now and no longer May, a reminder of how time sure passes by in a blink of an eye.


“Mama — It’s snowing!”


Mayumi ran towards the garden of the palace with her bright golden eyes — her beautiful hair fluttered around despite the lack of wind — her beauty was almost unmatched if it wasn’t for Kaori’s Aori who also took Ayumi’s “ikemen”-like genetics that sure made both of them shine like the princesses they were.


“Princesssss, waittt forrr meeee!”


Although she also did inherit Ayumi’s messiness as her maids continued to run after her with exhausted expressions. I could only stand here and laugh bitterly over how overexcited she was with snow.


“Ari and Lisa, both of you can leave her alone.”


I called the two maids who tried to chase after Mayumi — the two looked back and bowed as they made their way back to me while Mayumi glared at me with her cheeks all puffed up.


“Mama isn’t letting me play again!”


“You’ve already had enough playtime; didn’t you cause mayhem at the laboratory earlier with your incredible knowledge?”


“It’s different, Mama! It’s only once a month where we can experience snow here — I’ve always wanted to make snowman like Elder Sister mentioned in her letters!”

“You can do that later; the snow won’t vanish within a day. You still have a few assignments to work on tonight, how about finishing those first before playing around on the snow?”




She puffed her cheeks while running back towards me as the maid Ari took out two little scarfs and handed them to us. I happily accepted both scarfs before wrapping one around me and tossing the other to Mayumi who wrapped it herself — she was a child that liked to be independent which is why she tends to hate it when I spoil her.


“Ah right — Isn’t Elder Sister coming home today?”


“Are you expecting that Elder Sister of yours to come home when she has a few mistresses to manage?”


“She mentioned it on her letter — she said she is coming home today and staying for a week, although I don’t know if she is bringing those mistresses of her…”


“You can expect Flora to just come home for restocking her boar meat. Although, it is the month of December, and she usually does come home at that time — did you perhaps miss your elder sister?”


“Mhm! It’s rare to see Elder Sister Flora and Crystal nowadays, although I’ve heard of their stories from the books, I’ve always wanted to hear their experiences right out from their mouth.”


“Err… You can expect Flora to not be able to tell her story well. If you want to learn more about their story, you can ask Crystal instead since she is the smarter one out of the two.”

The two of us conversed on our way back inside our palace, walking down the hallway as she continued to express how much she wanted to see the days before Ayumi’s Modernization — which changed the world from top to bottom.


Mayumi was more of someone curious about everything she likes. If she wants to learn about something, she’ll either go to the library and search for any details about it or ask for live experience from the knights or others. For instance, she once got curious about a certain species of slime and dragged an entire brigade onto an adventure.


Although, she was unlike Flora who was quite the mischievous child that even Ayumi approved her without batting a single eye when she wanted nothing out of the throne and everything.


“I wonder what Ayumi is doing…”


“You don’t have to worry about Mommy — she told me earlier that Mama will be having a big surprise later!”


“Are you perhaps trying to spoil an event for me, dear?”




Mayumi covered her mouth while looking around with fear. She is one gossipy girl but that is what makes her quite the beautiful child, after all, there isn’t anyone normal in any of Ayumi’s children — well, Kaori’s Aori can be classified as normal among them, but that child’s intelligence is beyond that of a genius.


“Please don’t tell Mommy!”


“You don’t have to worry about that. Ayumi has already heard you from a mile away, you can expect your books to be taken away for a week again.”






I laughed while kissing Mayumi’s forehead while sitting down on the bed as the two maids bowed down and left the room. I’ve been stuck inside this room for quite some time now and the only sunshine I’ve gotten so far has been from my walks around the palace but other than that… I sure am quite the sloth.


“Mama should adventure sometime. I heard from Mama Kaori that you were once an adventurous merchant who was always busy with expeditions and business but that seemed to have changed a lot after Mommy united the kingdoms again.”


“You can’t blame me — It’s very convenient being able to sleep around without minding any more about where to find the money. Your Elder Sister and I have worked our lives out in the past to bring a single meal onto our tables.”

“That’s a lie, Mama.”


“Did you know it’s a bad thing to expose someone that blatant?”


“But Mama is lying — Mama was rich from the start. I heard stories from Mama Kaori over how you owned a major stake in all major, thriving businesses and how you could turn the economy of an empire upside down by flicking your finger. I’ve always wanted to be like Mama and be able to flick an economy upside down!”


“Hahahaha… I might have to talk with Kaori later.”


Although that did happen in the past. I was annoyed once by a certain Empire that was involved in quite the illegal stuff from slavery and trafficking that I decided to stop all sorts of business with that Empire which eventually brought it down to crumbles. It was also then when I’ve learned the true extent of my powers.


Unlike Ayumi whose powers lie in her abilities and Kaori who can influence people with both her abilities and words — I was more behind the shadows similar to Sheena who rules the underworld.


“You’ll eventually become someone phenomenal. It’s a guarantee considering how you are Ayumi’s child — none of her children will ever be normal whether it’d be in appearance or talents. Have you ever thought about adventuring the outside world, Mayumi?”


“Are you telling that young potato who is always obsessed with everything to adventure out — Are you not afraid of her stealing my girlfriends, Mama?”


Flora’s voice echoed from behind. I was already expecting her to appear sometime soon once Mayumi mentioned she was coming home today — but as always — it sure surprises you once someone just pops out of nowhere without a trace of mana.


“You already have plenty of girlfriends. How about making time and building something that your future heir will be able to inherit?”

“Are you just looking for a grandchild, Mama?”


“Are you telling me that you don’t want me to hold a grandchild, you mischievous brat?!”


I turned around and looked at Flora with my cheeks all puffed up — despite having a more mature appearance, she was still the same Flora as ever who is only concerned about boars and life.


“You don’t have to worry about me, Mama. I’m more worried about how Mama Kaori will come here and ask you to do work again when you haven’t touched a single document in forever.”


“Oh please! Kaori is as busy as a donkey, she will never com—”


I was about to throw a little bit of a joke about Kaori when Mayumi started to point behind me. It was then when I knew I had messed up and looked behind at the sight of Kaori with her sword all bloodied.


“It seems like I heard a certain sister about to insult me. Aori, what do you think I should do with this mischievous sister of mine?”


“Mom should work her to the guts!”

“Errr… can we talk this out?”


Shivers ran throughout my spine as the two of us looked at each other in the eye akin to a cat and mouse before the two of us exploded in laughter as Kaori sat down beside me and hugged me.


“It’s been a while, Mana. Are you doing well in the palace? You seem to have grown quite chubbier ever since you’ve moved to the palace.”


“Please. I’m doing way better than a certain someone who is still working their bones without a single rest.”

“Hahaha, this palace wouldn’t be functioning if it wasn’t for these old bones of mine still functioning as always. Oh right, Ayumi told me to bring you to the main palace’s garden for something. Do you want to go now?”


“How about the others?”

I looked at Mayumi, Flora who was together with Aori and Crystal — both of which were still as beautiful as ever with Aori having this unique silver eyes and hair that made her look like a child of a silver dragon.


“You don’t have to worry about the children. Flora and Crystal will be with them, how about we go to the main palace’s garden right now?”




After accepting Kaori’s offer, the space around us distorted before we soon arrived inside a cherry blossom-filled garden — it was akin to the Japanese gardens that Kaori had painted before and was quite a beautiful sight.


“I’ll be leaving first.”


Kaori waved her hand before vanishing as I looked around confused — the garden was plain and empty with no one around — why does Ayumi want to meet me here?


I walked around amidst my confusion before out of the blue, the surroundings changed to that of a forest — it was a forest that was clear as day to my memories, it was the same forest where I met Ayumi.


And as I had expected, the scene showed the scene of Ayumi and me running away from the enormous boar that chased after us.


But that was the end of that scene as everything turned dark with the words depicted in front of me: “First Meeting”.


After the words vanished, the scene then moved to that around the time when we were making our way back to the city — the flatland that showed beauty and peace was terrorized by an enormous boar.


Everyone was injured. I still remember that day as the scene of Ayumi rushing to push me away while taking the blunt hit of the boar still lingers throughout my head.


The scene then changed into that day where we met Flora and the time when I tricked her into drinking durian shake — I felt like I was walking down the road of nostalgia and couldn't help but tear up a bit over our past.


After a long time inside this nostalgic world — the scene moved into that of the church with the back of mine and Ayumi in wedding dresses walking down the aisle with our arms welded onto each other.


But as I was expecting the scene to change, it didn't — instead, the figures of mine vanished as the dress that I wore turned into a wedding dress while the figure of Ayumi turned around with a cake on her arm.


“Mana — Happy Birthday.”


Before I could respond, loud cheers ran throughout the entire church as Mayumi and Flora soon appeared from the front and ran to me while wearing flower girls' clothes.


Kaori with her two children, Mother-in-law, and the others was also on their chairs smiling. I felt my tears fall from both eyes as Flora and Mayumi held both of my arms with a nod.


“Happy birthday, Mama!”


The two shouted while showering me in petals before handing over the flower basket with smiles on their faces. I couldn't stop crying as I hugged both of them and kissed their forehead.


“Thank you — Flora and Mayumi!”


I happily accepted their flower baskets before the two escorted me towards Ayumi who was smiling from the top to the bottom as she placed the cake at the table while walking to me with a hug.


“Thank you for coming into my life, Mana. I can't think of what would have been my future had I not met you — Mana, Flora, and everyone. I love you a lot, Mana — and appreciate you loving me back. You are my sunshine in the dark, my dearest wife.”


“Hahahaa… what is with this cringey statement?!”


“Eeeeh?! I worked all night to make this statement!”


“I told you it was cringey, Mommy!”


Mayumi and Aori both called out to Ayumi while Flora and Crystal looked away. I couldn't stop laughing before throwing myself towards Ayumi as I kissed her on the lips.


“No…. The thank-you should be coming from me. I love you soooo much, Ayumi!”


—And that was how my birthday started, one filled with smiles and laughter.

Happy birthday to our dearest Princess, Mana Fragaria! This also is a bit of a spoiler to the future of A Liliful World - our cute little Mayumi who still doesn't exist in the main storyline but will exist in the epilogue (maybe)?

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