A Liliful World: Yuri Reincarnation

A Liliful World – December 12th: The Past, Present, and Future.

A Liliful World
December 12th: The Past, Present, and Future.

Note: This event belongs to an alternate universe of ALW where Ayumi had a better childhood life, and her mom didn’t just die.


To think that it’s already the 12th of December — time sure moves fast — I would have never thought it would already be both Kaori’s and mine’s sixteenth birthday and the two of us are somehow going on a date for our birthday… it sure makes me nervous.


“Ayumi! Kaori is waiting for you outside!”


Mom shouted from downstairs — I started panicking and rushed to pack everything including the gift that I made last night which was a simple scarf that had a little secret and that was the adorable chibi figures of us at the back end of the scarf.




I rushed downstairs before Mom handed over my lunch while waving me goodbye — I kissed her on the cheek and ran outside to the sight of Kaori who was dressed as beautiful as ever. She wore a white A-line dress with a little scarf on her neck as she also continued to use the hairclip that I had gifted to her back when we were six.


She was so beautiful though that a lot of people stopped on their tracks at a time to take a little glance. RAAWWRR—She’s mine though… although not yet BUT RAWWRRR!


“You sure came early today, Kaori.”


“How could I not be early — the café will be full in like three hours from now. Didn’t I text you about waking up early?”


“You did but I had to do something late at night. You can’t blame me…”


“Hehe. You weren’t the only one busy late at night — Anyway, how about we start moving towards the café already since our reservation might get canceled if we take a bit longer.”


“You placed a reservation?”


I looked surprised while the two of us walked down the road. The café that we were going to be a famous one and is quite expensive at half of my monthly allowance which is more than enough to smack my heart into pieces — but there is no way that I wouldn’t waste this much for our birthday.


“The reservation wasn’t expensive — so I decided to make a reservation for us. Also, isn’t this our first date in like a few years? The two of us have been so packed with a school that we haven’t run around together in a long time now.”


“Yeah, we’re both lucky that our exams ended two days before our birthday which allowed us to have all this free time. How did you do on your exams, did you achieve another perfect lineup again?”


“Mmm…. It wasn’t perfect like last time. I fell a bit back on Mathematics but it’s still decent for me.”


“Your ‘decent’ is still above what most people could achieve. Both of our grades are like the sun and the earth measured in distance, I don’t even know how you could achieve such grades while still being free to play around with me.”

“I’m not like a certain someone who doesn’t know how to do time management. Anyway, let’s pick up the pace and start rushing to the café.”


She reached her hand out to me — I was a bit nervous but still took up the courage and held her hand as the two of us sped up our pace while holding each other’s hand. I knew that it was just an action she did without thinking much but I’m still more than happy to be holding each other’s hands like this.


I'm a bit afraid though — what if she finds out about me liking her. Would she be freaked out about the fact that I liked girls and not boys — would she still be the same Kaori, or would she be able to return my feelings?


That anxiety is what stops me from confessing to her. I've always wanted to be together with Kaori as her forever partner, but I don’t know whether she will accept that. I'm an oddity from the norms here, it wouldn't be weird if Kaori liked boys instead of someone like me.


“You look anxious, Ayumi. Are you nervous because this is our first luxurious café together?”


“Am I that nervous?”


“No, you just had this little weird look on your face that made me think that you were nervous. Don't worry about the payment though since I can pay all the bills if you can't afford it.”


“We agreed on a split of the bills. You shouldn't go back on your words… I don’t want to have you spend everything for me since that would make me as if someone spoiled.”


“I love spoiling you though…”




I puffed up my cheeks as the two of us came to an abrupt stop with Kaori turning around and landing a kiss on my cheeks which surprised me sooooo much that I couldn't help but hyperventilate inside.


“Hehehe. You don’t look angry now, the power of a cheek kiss sure is strong against someone like you.”


“EEEH?! What was that for?!”


I felt both happy, nervous, optimistic, and pessimistic at the same time. I knew that kiss was nothing but a joke for her but… I can't help but think about the chances of her liking me the same way I like her.


“That’s a secret!”


She winked before taking my hand as the two of us continued our walk to the café. We soon arrived at the café which was as luxurious and cute as one can imagine with glass panels that showed the beautiful interior paired with displays of cakes.


“Welcome to Café Lacea, how may I help you?”


A maid came up to us upon entering. Kaori looked around before handing out a little card to the maid who looked surprised as she bowed down with her professional smile.


“Please follow me to your reserved room.”


The maid said as Kaori looked at me with a playful wink which was so like her. The two of us were soon guided towards a private, empty room near the back of the café with windows leading to the streets but unlike the public ones, the private room had only one decent-sized table.


I sat down at the table while Kaori ordered stuff on my behalf as well since she knows almost all of what I hate and like — the two talked with each other before Kaori sat on the seat opposite to me with a smile.


“What did you order for me?”


“I asked them for some lasagna which they conveniently have for a café but other than that, I also ordered two slices of cake for both of us plus coffee, breadsticks, and some other snacks. You will like it a lot but be careful not to get fat.”


“You are the one who will get chubby from this!”


“I don’t gain weight, Ayumi.”




I pouted at Kaori before the two of us exploded in laughter as we looked at each other with smiles and laughter. The two of us continued to wait for the food before out of the blue, Kaori stood up and smiled.


“I’ll be back in a bit.”


“Where are you going?”


“It's a secret.”


She winked before leaving as I was left alone in the empty room. I was nervous being alone but I knew she will come back soon and so I stayed silent and scrolled on social media with my phone.


After some time, Kaori soon came back followed by two maids who were bringing with them the meals that she had ordered. The cake was chocolate, mocha, and strawberry-flavored and there were around three slices for the two of us with the coffee served hot in a cup.


Paired with the coffee was lasagna with breadsticks that looked delicious and was making my stomach growl. Kaori was already looking at me with a teasing grin which made me embarrassed.


The maids soon left the room after arranging the meals as Kaori sat down on her seat with a cheery smile that I’ve always loved about her.


“It’s time to eat, hungry wolf!”


“Who is a hungry wolf?”

“You are, of course. The way you look at the lasagna almost made me think you were some sort of pervert for lasagna.”

“I’m a spaghetti lover!”


“And so I am, but I don’t look at pasta the same way!”




The two of us bickered with each other like always before taking our spoons and munching onto the food which was an absolute blast — after the café date, the two of us soon went towards the shopping mall and went window shopping but ended up buying clothes and stuff instead.


“Ayumiiii! LEFT!”




We both shouted at each other while playing a shooting game on the arcade — a horde of boar was fast approaching us, and our ammunition was running low fast. In the end, we both lost and lay on the floor in despair.


But that didn’t stop our mood though as we continued to play around the arcade from the little humble throw-the-ball games, clawing machines, and all sorts of fun before leaving the arcade with an empty wallet and a face full of regret — we won nothing but a cute teddy bear.


It was already midnight by the time we finished, and our last stop was at the carnival where the two of us went inside a Ferris wheel alone. I was nervous as it was a closed and tiny space with only the two of us together — my heart was beating fast as Kaori looked out from the window with a smile.


“Hey, Ayumi — thanks for being with me all this time throughout almost all of my birthdays. I’ve enjoyed all the times we’ve been together…”


She turned around and looked me in the eye. I was becoming even more nervous over her sudden words… is she going to leave me now, is this the end with the two of us—did she somehow find a boyfriend or something?


“Stop… Do you mind if we exchange gifts first?”


I became afraid of hearing what comes next out of her words and decided to stop her before she could continue. If she did find someone to be with her then I just hope at the very least that she could take the gift I’ve worked on.


“Are you that excited about your gift?”


“I am not…”


“Hahaha, that look on your face sure tells a lie. Let’s exchange gifts then, shall we?”


She smiled while taking out a paper bag. I nodded and also took out a similar paper bag from my bag before the two of us exchanged paper bags and opened them—I was surprised because what she made for me was also a scarf that had the words “Kayumi16” stitched.


Kaori also looked at me and smiled as she wore the scarf that I made. I felt embarrassed as she laughed, “It seems like the two of us are sure fated, to think that both of us decided to make a scarf is amusing. I like the chibi figures of us that you stitched here.”


“You did way better on your scarf, Kaori… I don’t think the one I made even looks or even feels good…”


After wearing the scarf that Kaori gifted to me, I realized that the two of us sure have a huge difference in skill, but Kaori simply looked at me and smiled as she stood up and sat beside me while hugging my arm.


“Your scarf is warm enough and that is more than enough for me. Hey, is it alright if I ask one last thing for my birthday?”


She looked me in the eye which made me even more nervous as I knew that she is about to continue what she wanted to say earlier.


“Of-of course!”


I tried my best to smile as Kaori looked at the window and said, “I want to be a bit more selfish about our relationship together. Is it alright if I ask you to be with me forever whether it’d be as friends or something…?”



I was confused by her question, but she continued to explain, “You know… I am moving to another country for a year after this, but I don’t want to separate from you yet. Is it alright if I ask you to come with me?”


My heart paused for a second. It was like time had stopped for me — I was happy for some reason that I couldn’t stop smiling, although it wasn’t a confession, it was more than enough for me to be optimistic about the future of us together.


“Why are you asking me that?! Of course, I will follow you wherever you go till the end of time — but you should ask my mom first since I don’t know whether she will agree or not.”


“We can elope if she doesn’t.”

“You sound like a prince trying to steal a princess from her wedding.”


“That’s because I am basically a prince doing exactly that.”


“Hahahaa… I’ll always be with you, Kaori — whether it’d be in the past, present, or the future.”


I felt way happier… I wonder someday, would the two of us be together. Maybe in another universe other than this, the two of us might be together already but this is more than enough for me today — being together with Kaori is all I want — the best birthday present for me so far.


Happy Birthday to Kaori and Ayumi. Kayumi16.  What do you think about the Kayumi ship?

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