A Liliful World: Yuri Reincarnation

Chapter 165. Infinity Boss Room Cleared!


The Infinity Boss Room which as cool as the name sounds was quite the headache for players to challenge since not only do you have to destroy all four shards before they regenerate, but you also have to dodge and attack the boss simultaneously which made it extremely hard.


Not to mention, the boss which is a slime will split itself until it is the size of an atom in which it would then explode. The boss is also of poison attribute which meant that if you were hit by a single slime, you would immediately be debuffed by either poison, nausea, or some other debuff for ten seconds.

“Are you sure you can defeat the Infinity Boss Room by yourself?” Kaori turned her attention towards me as I showed a confident smirk, materializing my scythe as I swung it around a bit before looking at her with a nod.


I was confident with this boss room simply because of the level gap between the boss and me which is tremendous enough that I most likely won’t be struck down by its debuff easily. The shards are also easy for me to destroy with the help of magic.

“You can watch and learn,” I said before they looked at me with worry.


Turning my gaze towards the boss over the distance, the purple-looking giant slime at the center of the platform, several deep breaths escaped my lungs as my eyes closed while the grip on my scythe tightened as I opened my eyes with a smile.


“Go…” I muttered before launching myself forward as the slime immediately took notice, spitting out several dozens of purple nets that were aimed straight towards me. The nets covered all directions that I could maneuver towards, but I didn’t feel any urgency to fight back.


My body kept on launching forward before forcing myself to stop before the nets reached me. I placed my scythe a bit backward, positioning myself into attack before flinging myself into a twirl as all the nets soon clashed with me.


The nets were all ripped apart by the scythe like butter and after confirming all the nets were sliced, I immediately transferred all the force from the twirl while forcing my body to stop as I stared at one of the shards on the towers and threw the scythe straight towards it.


[Blood Magic: Javelin]” I cast before the scythe flew straight towards one of the shards, causing a loud shockwave to echo from the room as it clashed straight onto one of the purple shards, creating a tremendous explosion before a red string that showed the path where the scythe flew appeared.


I quickly grabbed the string and pulled it before a heavy sensation blasted throughout me as the sight of the beautiful red scythe flying back towards me like a boomerang came to view. After a second, the scythe soon latched itself onto my arm, pushing a large amount of kinetic energy onto me as I twirled once more like a ballerina before using all the kinetic energy to propel me straight towards a tower.


My body turned into an arrow, the sound of wind flying past me entered my ears as I soon reached before the obsidian tower and started running at the side of the walls before the sight of ten purple orbs appeared before me.


“F…” I muttered before immediately biting my lips as blood spilled from my lips, dropping in the air as I started casting a single combined defensive spell at one go, “[Blood Magic: Armageddon]”


In an instant, armor of blood formed around me as the purple orbs turned into flashes of lightning that caused the blood armor to explode into pieces while creating a numbing sensation onto my body while I continued to propel myself up the tower until I soon reached the shard which was floating by itself.


The slime noticed me in an instant and formed ten spears around itself that flew straight towards me. I immediately knew its intentions since the shard would explode if it was attacked and without hesitating, I threw myself out from the tower while throwing my scythe at the shard.


My body fell from the tower at a high speed as the sight of five purple spears flying towards me appeared in my view followed by a loud explosion from the tower. I couldn’t flap my wings fast enough as the spears soon sliced through my shoulders, causing blood to spill as I screamed, “AAHHH!”


The blood evaporated upon touching the air as I crashed straight towards the platform before another fifteen spears appeared in front of me, descending down from the skies like some kind of attack from an alien. I immediately understood that I couldn’t evade it in time and braced myself as the spears flew straight towards me.


What was more annoying was the spears weren’t made out of magic but of it’s own body which meant that the anti-magic passive spell that this body boasts of wouldn’t be able to protect itself as the spears soon pierced through my shoulders, pinning me to the floor as a large orb appeared over at the skies.


“You piece of sh….” I bitterly laughed before biting my lips again while calling out attack spells inside my head. Immediately, two magic circles appeared facing towards the large orb which was none other than the slime who was about to launch a wrestling match attack onto me.


The two magic circles soon shone bright red as hundreds of blood vines with sharp thorns flew from the circles, launching themselves towards the descending slime before the two objects soon collided with the vines completely piercing through the slime, causing it to float in mid-air as I used the time to force heal myself which caused a vacuum sensation inside my body.


It was like all the blood inside my body was being drained, the sweet feeling of the wounds on my body regenerating followed after as I soon forced myself to stand up, materializing my scythe before glaring at the slime.


The slime was splitting itself but each portion of itself that was split was immediately attacked by thorny vines which made me sigh in relief as I immediately looked towards the two remaining shards that were all floating.


I had no time to waste and immediately used my wings to their fullest, pushing myself as fast I could towards the center of the platform where both shards are in plain sight. After reaching the center of the platform, I sliced my finger a bit with the scythe before a large amount of blood spilled from my finger.


[BLOOD MAGIC: ETERNAL SPEARS]” I immediately shouted before a giant magic circle appeared above me as more and more blood escaped from my body. I could feel my blood being drained at a fast rate as I continued to endure the sensation as the sight of the other two shards that were slowly regenerating came to sight.


After nearly ten seconds of continuous blood drain, the wound soon closed itself as the magic circle shone bright red before thousands of spears that looked like raindrops appeared one after another, forming a giant array of blood spears.


The blood spears looked down on the entire platform as the magic circle soon exploded, creating a large amount of force that pushed all the wind downwards along with the spears. The spears rained down from the skies, striking whatever it could see as immediately two loud explosions echoed throughout the entire platform.


My wings slowly gave up and I soon entered into a glide, floating down towards the slime which had split itself into thousands. The slime was affected by the spear array as well which made it split into thousands, but it was far from enough to annihilate it.


Almost like the twist of fate, the slimes suddenly combined together which surprised me as that shouldn’t happen. After a second of combining, the slimes turned into a mega purple knight that had a sword in its hand.


The knight sliced through the vines that tied it and caused the magic circle to crack as it landed on the ground with a loud roar that caused the entire platform to shake violently.




I could feel a bit of danger emitting from the knight as I materialized my scythe one last time which caused a little bit of pain in my heart as the sensation of blood being forcefully drained from my chest registered itself onto my brain. Blood spat out from my mouth, attaching itself to the floor as I looked at the scythe with a bitter smile.


From what I can tell, it seems like the blood inside my body was drained quite a lot from that massive spell that I cast which I did know is something that consumes a lot of blood since it was an ultimate spell from a vampire boss on Solis VR.


The knight took several steps towards me with its purple eyes flashing brightly before all of a sudden, its body vanished as alarms rang inside my head. My body immediately reacted by itself, turning around as my hand pushed the scythe into a defensive position.


Almost immediately, the sound of metals clashing echoed as my body was pushed back a bit while the knight appeared in front of me with its giant sword clashing with the blade of my scythe. I was in a bit of a tight spot as I tried to maneuver my scythe, but it was not budging.


“F#@# me... after using a lot of blood to materialize this scythe, you have to be kidding me!” I shouted annoyed before reluctantly releasing the scythe as I knew it was useless to cling to it. After releasing the scythe, I immediately flung myself forward, lashing out a kick towards the knight’s side as pain ran through my foot.


It felt like I just kicked some kind of stone wall which was painful as you can imagine. The knight flew to the side at tremendous speeds, stopping itself with its sword before it reached the end of the platform, without wasting the opportunity, I quickly grabbed the scythe that was on the ground and pushed as much force as I could onto my feet, pushing me forward.


With all the force I could muster, I soon swung the scythe straight towards the knight which caused it to be surprised a bit as it grabbed its sword and tried to block it, but it was too late as the scythe soon collided with the sword, creating a large amount of force that knocked the knight off the platform.


The scythe cracked into several pieces before exploding in a rain of blood as I could feel my entire body slowly drowning in a numb sensation. It was like I was drunk as an announcement window appeared in front of me.


Infinity Boss Room.

You have completed [SOLO Infinity Boss Room Clear] because this is a quest special to your race, the reward is sent towards the Land of Memories. Please head there to redeem the reward.


After what seemed like ten seconds, the sound of Kaori and the others rushing towards my side appeared. Kaori and Mana looked worried while Flora, Crystal, and Fiona looked like they enjoyed the scene when all of a sudden, my throat suddenly started to feel thirsty.


“WAIT! DON’T COME NEAR!” I shouted as all of them stopped before tremendous pain rushed towards me, “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!”


It was a different pain this time, it was like my internals were bleeding as I fell to my knees before my eyes suddenly lingered on Kaori’s and Mana’s neck. My brain was telling me to bite as my fingernails scratched the floor.


“Ayumi, are you okay?!” Kaori and Mana both asked at the same time.


“DON’T COME NEAR… I FEEL HUNGRY FOR BLOOD…!” I shouted before suddenly blood escaped from my mouth, painting the floor in front of me in red as all the strength inside of me was slowly draining itself.


Kaori looked like she couldn’t stand by and immediately ran towards me with Mana trying to stop her. She soon kneeled down beside me before saying, “Take some of mine then! Your life source is being drained fast!”


“WH…?!” I wanted to refuse but the sight of her neck exposed suddenly forced my mouth to close as the temptation of blood rushed towards me. I tried to stop myself as much as I could, but Kaori looked at me and sighed.


“You… stop resisting!” she shouted before slapping me in the face as she said, “Go ahead and do what you want, fast! Your life source is dropping fast!”


I could feel her worry and tried deciding as fast as I could inside before giving in as I looked at her with a sigh, “I owe you one…” before looking at Mana who was nodding while covering the children’s eyes as well as I closed my eyes and closed myself onto Kaori’s neck.


Immediately, my fangs touched her soft neck and like bubble wrap being poked, it penetrated through her skin as her blood soon entered into my mouth like juice. It tasted very delicious that I couldn’t hold myself back and pushed her to the ground as I continued to suck in as much blood before a soft moan escaped her mouth which snapped me back to reality.


My body immediately pushed itself away from Kaori who was looking at me with a bitter smile as I soon realized I had sucked a bit too much of her blood even though it was only a few seconds, I looked at her a bit apologetic, “I… I am sorry!”


“You don’t have to worry, if it was Mana who was being sucked, I already knew that she would be drained dry since her body isn’t as strong as mine,” she showed a bitter smile while looking at Mana who looked like she couldn’t deny Kaori’s words, “Though, you are quite lewd at sucking!”


“Ehem…” Mana coughed as she puffed her cheeks, “Did it hurt?”


“You want to have a try, how about tonight?” Kaori looked at Mana with a tease as she suddenly blushed which made me sigh a bit as Kaori continued to tease Mana before the two of them stopped as they looked at me with a smile, “You did well, Ayumi…”


“Mama! What was that spell?!” Crystal came running towards me as she started to enact the spear array which looked adorable, “I want to try that!”


I flicked her forehead with a smile, “I can’t teach you though… it’s not possible for your body right now which is why you should eat more vegetables and sleep more!”


“Haaa?!” she looked disappointed before regaining her excitement as she puffed her cheeks adorably, “Fine! I will become stronger and be able to cast a spell as Mama did!”


Mana and Kaori laughed as Flora and Fiona looked at the side with a smile. Flora could be seen averting her gaze, but you could tell that she also wanted to act like Crystal but was holding her desire to since she knows she will be teased to death by her cute little sister.


All of a sudden, a loud growl echoed throughout the platform as all of our gazes pinned towards Fiona who was blushing as she said, “Errr… can I eat?”


We looked at Fiona who looked to be the youngest among us right now with a smile as Kaori took out her dimensional sword with a bit of pain which made me feel guilty a bit as she suggested, “How about we have a short picnic here before leaving?”


“Did you bring the sandwiches I made?” Mana asked before Kaori nodded as she took out a picnic basket from her spatial storage which looked super convenient as Mana walked over to her side and took the basket as she said, “I will distribute them, can you prepare the mat instead?”


“Ma—Auntie Mana, can I prepare the mat?” Crystal suddenly offered as Mana looked at Kaori as if she was annoyed.


“Who told you to call me auntie?” Mana looked at Crystal who was confused.


“Mama Kaori told me to call Auntie as Auntie, is it wrong?” Crystal tilted her head as Mana gripped her fists before looking at Kaori who was whistling as she smacked her head with her fists causing a loud explosion to echo throughout the platform.


“Hey! I did nothing wrong!” Kaori fought back as a soft giggle escaped from my mouth unconsciously, causing all of them to freeze.


“The two of you should really learn to stop fighting each other, otherwise who knows, maybe once all of us will cohabitate again, the house wouldn’t live a single day,” I joked before the two of them looked at each other with a nod, “Anyhow, let’s have a quick meal before leaving this dungeon, shall we?”


All of them nodded as we soon started to do our individual tasks, Flora and Fiona prepared the mats while Crystal and I reheated the sandwiches as Mana and Kaori prepared the plates and other utensils before we soon had a short picnic, burping with full stomachs afterward before we made our way out of the dungeon where a beautiful sight greeted us, a warm sunset that looked like the sun melting down to the ground.


“Waaaa! Beautiful!” Crystal shouted with enthusiasm as all of us looked at the little girl with smiles before all of a sudden, a purple light eclipsed over little Fiona before she turned back into her normal form with a yawn.


“Huh… weren’t we fighting?” she looked around confused.


“Yeah… fighting, indeed,” Kaori laughed, “Good morning, sleepyhead.”


“Huh?” Fiona looked around before she looked at me and asked, “My lady… did I perhaps fall asleep the entire route?”


“No… you became a child,” I showed a bitter smile before her eyes widened as her voice suddenly echoed throughout the distance.




All of us laughed as Crystal looked at Fiona and started muttering, “I wanted a cute little sister… oh well…” which was heard by Kaori who looked at me with a smirk only to be smacked by Mana as the two of them started their rants.


And so—that was how the short dungeon trip ended.

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