A Liliful World: Yuri Reincarnation

Chapter 139. Wasabi!


After some time, Tanya came back together with Kora—the talented butler, Raeliana, and Sheena along with the five different leaders of the Trade and Food Council which may be an odd combination but hear me out, they work well together.


Three of the leaders were female since the Food Council mainly consisted of chefs while the other two were merchant though all of the people from the food council were also merchants by themselves, so they can handle issues from the Trade Council as well, they were originally not one council though but that’s another story for next time.


“Welcome to my humble home—or so I should say,” I giggled while approaching them as all of the five leaders kneeled down while Raeliana and Sheena simply stood by my side. Raeliana and the others are practically at a higher level in status, “Please stand up, I called all of you here because I have something that will generate the town a gigantic revenue aside from the mana plant.”


“For now, how about we head to the kitchen shall we?” I said before all of them stood up and nodded without speaking a single word as we immediately walked to the kitchen which was sparkling clean with two chefs and several maids who were a bit surprised but quickly understood and watched on the sidelines.


“Excuse me, milady but do you need any help from us?” one of the two chefs on the manor asked.


“Thanks for your offer but you can watch on the side, it will be an important condiment for any meals that Her Majesty will have if she ever comes here and maybe for dear Mother and Father,” I said which surprised all of them a bit. After all, the claims I was making were bold in their minds since most people don’t even know that I am well-acquainted with Kaori, “Tanya, can you please hand me eight of the hora-radia plants?”


“Here you go, my lady,” she said while taking out exactly eight wasabi plants with their leaves and other parts still intact, the roots were still fresh as always which made it perfect.


I then looked at one of the chefs on the manor before asking, “Do we have some meat and one of those graters Her Majesty introduced?”


“We do have one from one of the gifts that came from your household, milady. As for the meat, we have a few large pieces being fermented—should we get them?” the chef answered.


“Please get one large piece of meat for me and the grater, as for the meat, any quality will be fine as long as it is edible meat,” I said before he nodded, looking at one of the maids and his partner chef before the three of them ran out in a rush.


After the three left, I soon turned towards the others before handing them one piece of the plant with a smile as Raeliana asked, “What is the use for this plant, milady… I don’t think it is edible other than for its leaves.”


“That’s where you are wrong, Raeliana. Most people always determine the edibility of a plant or meat through what is seen from the outside and that isn’t wrong but that is causing many of you to miss out on fine details that could possibly gain you a heavy wallet,” I smiled.


All of them looked confused which was as I expected, “Now, think of a meal that you can make with that plant and a slice of meat. I know most of you are well-talented in cooking which is why I understand you can definitely make something with it.”


“Milady, here is the large piece of meat,” the chef came back as he brought in an exceptionally large piece of fresh, juicy meat that was well-ready to be cooked.


“Thank you, please place it on the cutting board,” I said before the chef and his companions nodded as they placed it on a cutting board that was wide and long enough to fit the entire meat. After the meat was placed, I soon opened the Skill Creation window through my memory.



To create a skill, please type the name of the skill on the field below with your mind then press [ACCEPT] before imagining out the use of the skill and how it would look.



I immediately followed the instructions on the window, typing out the name ‘Meat Reaper’ which was a bit hilarious—after typing the name, I soon pressed the Accept button before quickly imagining a piece of meat being sliced in equal parts.



You have acquired the skill [MEAT REAPER], to cast the spell, please stare at the meat you want to slice in equal parts before imagining the meat being sliced how you want it to be sliced.


The skill creation is indeed handy, but I didn’t really want to exploit it that much which is why I only used it to do stuff that I am too lazy to do. After the skill was created, I soon stared at the large piece of meat before imagining it being sliced into nine equal parts.


“Woa—” all of them were surprised as the meat glowed bright yellow, vanishing as it reappeared in nine equal slices which shocked all of them. Such a flashy skill for slicing meat, I feel a bit guilty… hahaha.


“Anyhow, let’s get started. All of you are given two hours to give me the best meal you can make with only those ingredients, if you need some other ingredients, feel free to get some. As for the grater over there, if anyone has needs to use it, feel free to do so but you might have to queue up, any objections?” I asked before all of them shook their heads, “I will wait in the living room with Tanya, feel free to call me if you are done.”


I didn’t leave immediately and instead looked at them as a large pile of adrenaline spiked up inside the room. Raeliana and Sheena immediately picked up the tools they needed and got to work while the other chefs took a look at their ingredients first. Some were still thinking while others were looking around the kitchen for ingredients they could use.


“It sure is a mess, my lady,” Tanya said with a bitter smile.


“That’s normal… I am curious as to what they can make for me—what if someone would actually manage to figure out the condiment I am trying to introduce to the outside world,” I giggled before smiling. The entire challenge was to not only test their abilities but to also see what I could make with the other parts of the wasabi plant.


I want to introduce not only wasabi plant but a whole menu of wasabi dishes—Kaori has already introduced pizza in this world which is why ketchup, and that stuff are already well-known here, but it is still rare to have them on stock.


“I am really interested in what you have in mind, my lady… how about telling me?” Tanya said with a joking tone as I giggled.


“How about giving me a hug, maybe I can consider,” I teased before she rolled her eyes which was a bit hilarious. Tanya is one of the few people on my side who never hesitates to make jokes like that around me, which is what I like, having people who talk to me like their friend and not their master.


After a short while of watching, Tanya and I moved to the living room where we sat around playing some good old cards before the first contestant arrived bringing with him the traditional steak with little wasabi leaves on the toppings.


Naturally, we tasted it and it was good, but it still wasn’t perfect, the leaves indeed make your nose feel a bit hot and tasted like some sort of mustard, the steak was perfectly done though which was as expected of someone from the council but still… not the one I looked for.


“I’ll rate it an eight, the steak is amazing though!” I said before looking at Tanya who hesitated a bit but quickly took a bite.


She didn’t show any change at all but after some time, she soon replied with a surprising number: “Ten!”


Well, it did taste good for her—it’s pretty rare for them to have steak or high-quality meat for food which is why I can tell why she rated ten. The person was also happy with Tanya’s ratings though as he left joyfully.


After that, the others soon came racking in—most of them were simply meat with little use of the wasabi leaves. They used other ingredients more than any parts of the wasabi, which was a little disappointing, to say the least, there were even people who surrendered the meat for vegetables and made an entire salad which was decently good.


“Now that all of you have shown your creations, it’s time for me to do my work… right?” I smiled while stretching my arms a bit before walking towards the kitchen as I took out a knife from the kitchen and threw it to the cutting board like those on the television.


After stabbing the knife onto the cutting, I lifted it up before taking my share of the meat as a voice echoed throughout my mind: “Do you wish to acquire [MASTER CHEF] skill?” which surprised me a bit as I answered in my mind with a yes.


Immediately, knowledge of how to cook professionally blasted throughout my mind as I followed the knowledge almost immediately like my body was already used to it. After slicing the meat, I then seasoned it with salt and some spices that were available before turning up the heat as I threw in a piece of butter before waiting for it to be hot enough and dipping the meat.


After some time, the meat was now cooked medium rare on all sides, washing it with the butter before leaving it there with the heat off as I took some rice that was available which was supposed to be for my dinner, placing it on a wooden bowl as I then moved onto creating the sushi rice sauce.


The sauce was easy, unseasoned vinegar sauce, sugar, salt then after mixing up the sauce, I then threw it onto the bowl that contained the rice, mixing it all together before heading back to the meat where I transferred it over to the cutting board and sliced it up into pieces.


After the meat was sliced, I then took the wasabi plant and shaved away the stem and skin with the knife as gentle as possible until the entire piece of wasabi skin of the wasabi is shaved off where I then immediately went over to the grater while looking at the others who were intrigued, gesturing them to come near before I started grating the stem’s tip in wide circles.


Not long has passed since I started grating and enough of the wasabi was done, I then slid my index finger on the grated wasabi before placing it on another clean bowl temporarily as I ran back to the rice and meat, making cute onigiris with meat.


After all the onigiri was created, it was time to place the wasabi, which was quite simple, pasting the wasabis on the top of the onigiri before placing them on the plate. After everything, I then looked at them with a smile, “How about taking a try?”


They didn’t hesitate and took one onigiri, taking a bite on it before swallowing it as their eyes widened. The silence they held made me a bit nervous but after a little while, Raeliana immediately grabbed my shoulders before asking, “Are there more?!”

“What is this… it tastes pretty spicy but also good,” Sheena said while licking her lips.


“I thought I have seen enough dishes but to think something like this was possible…” one of the leaders spoke as the others nodded but from all of them, there was only one person who had a different reaction… it was none other than Tanya who looked at me with surprise.


“My lady… when did you learn to cook?”


I sweated a bit before looking away as I said, “Err… I learned cooking from school! Yeah, you know how the academy teaches us how to cook…!”


“But… the academies don’t have a curriculum for cooking, my lady,” she answered.


“How do you know about that?” I inquired while sweating nervously.


“It’s because I  was the one who always managed your schedules, my lady…” she replied… I was practically busted!


“Err, Tanya… we’ll talk about that later!” I immediately tried to escape which made her sigh as she nodded, after that, I looked at the others before asking, “How is it… do you think this new condiment will cause the world of nobility to explode?”

Miu: *looks at calendar*.

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