A Liliful World: Yuri Reincarnation

Chapter 140. A National Treasure.



The discussion that occurred after ended in perfection; We decided the name for the paste as ‘wasabi’ simply because of my suggestion, it was also to make it easier for Kaori and me to use since we are used to saying wasabi instead of something like hora-radia paste which sounds strange.


We decided to create the right grater for the wasabi first with the assistance of the other councils then after which, we would then find someone willing to advertise the product to the world of nobility for us—which is a little bit of an issue but before all of that, we decided to first negotiate with the village chief for a long-term contract.


If it was possible, I would definitely love to take the village over, but the issue would then be over the noble who owns the land there. I could ask the Duchess to purchase the land for me or even Kaori but feels a bit too much of a cheat, to be honest.


“Haa—who do you think should we hire to advertise the product?” I looked out from the balcony of my room over at the manor, staring at the bright skies as the lively town slowly moved back to its peaceful and silent state as the sun slowly descended down.


“Can’t you ask the mistress to do it, my lady?” Tanya suggested as she sat on the brick balustrades, staring at the town.


“It’d be too much work for Mother to come all over here for me,” I showed a little bit of bitter smile.


“Eeh… my lady, you weren’t notified?” she looked at me confused… I also turned towards her with a confused expression as well, the two of us looked a bit like idiots as she showed a little giggle, “The mistress is coming to visit the town tomorrow according to one letter that was delivered here, she is apparently bringing your little sister as well.”


I immediately froze in place as I looked at Tanya straight in the eye before grabbing her shoulders as I dragged her back down while saying, “How come no one notified me of such an important occasion?! Who told you that news… how come they didn’t tell me as well?!”


“Eeehh... Raeliana was the one who received the letter, she maybe forgot to tell you?” she answered as I immediately dashed out from my room, running towards one of the few rooms where most of my servants stayed as well.


After reaching the very last room, I didn’t waste any time and knocked several times as Raeliana’s voice responded from the inside, “Coming!” before the door opened as I immediately grabbed her shoulders with panic.


“Raeliana—is it true that Mother is coming here tomorrow?!” I asked before she looked a bit surprised as she turned towards Tanya with a bitter smile.


“It seems like Tanya had let out the secret—the mistress is coming here as a surprise visit, but it seems like the plan was foiled,” she let out a laugh as Tanya looked a bit confused, “Well, it was partially my fault for forgetting to tell Tanya it was a surprise visit.”


“Eeeeeeh! What should I do…?! We need to prepare something for tomorrow, when will they arrive—that’s right, we could prepare the wasabi paste then have her bring a few with her though the problem is the paste won’t last lo—” I was about to finish my sentence before a cheating idea came to mind.


The Skill Creation which turns something impossible into something that would be possible, I could use it to create a spell that would extend the greatness of the wasabi paste to maybe a month or two longer. That would mean even if they managed to replicate the recipe, our wasabi paste would still last longer.


“Nevermind! I have a plan… Tanya, how much hora-radia do we have left?” I looked at Tanya and asked before she tilted her head for a second.


“After using up around nine, we now have thirty-one plants. Are you planning on making some, my lady—but won’t they degrade in quality?” she answered before I showed a bright smirk.


“It would degrade in quality over time but that is if we don’t add some tricks like, for example, creating a spell that can extend its life when the container it is on is not opened,” I said before the two of them looked at me with surprise.


“Does such a spell even exist, milady?” Raeliana asked.


I shook my head and smiled even brighter, “It doesn’t but I did say we are going to create a spell that can do that, to be exact, a spell that can cast a spell circle onto any container we will use. Of course, we are going to use a magical device for it.”


“Isn’t creating a spell hard, are you perhaps some kind of genius that has been hiding her talents all the time, my lady?!” Tanya shouted as I winked. I’ll let them think of me like that, as for the magic device, it will just be a stamp that is imbued with the spell.


To imbue the spell, I guess that Skill Gift that the Goddess mentioned long ago would work. I might even add a special function that will make it disable itself once someone that does not have permission to use it tries… I can really feel the capitalist inside of me exploding these days, was Ayumi Windsor some sort of closet capitalist?


“Hehehehehe….” I giggled unconsciously which creeped the two out.


“Milady is indeed a genius, when do you want to start with the magic device? I can maybe help diagnose the device since I am kind of experienced in magic device creation having learned about it from a master,” Raeliana asked.


“We can start tonight if the two of you don’t want to sleep along with me. I need some sort of wooden stamp and some ink, the two of you could go ahead and grate the hora-radia plants into wasabi paste… right, do we have a large supply of containers like bowls?” I asked before Tanya tilted a bit.


“I could go buy around a hundred wooden bowls right now if you want, my lady since wooden bowls are fairly inexpensive here. Five silver coins should be enough for a hundred of them on the marketplace, or even from the Trade Council though if you want to have the cover as well then it would be around twenty silver coins,” she answered.


“Take twenty silver coins from my drawer and go buy some. Raeliana will go grate the hora-radia plants while you are away while I’ll try and create the spell circle as fast as I can, it shouldn’t take long,” I said before she nodded without hesitation, heading back to my room as I turned towards Raeliana and nodded.


There was little time to waste since if we want to make the world of nobility explode, it’s better to do it sooner or never. I don’t expect the Duchess to stay here for any longer than two days which is why we have to do it tonight otherwise it will be a missed opportunity.


“By the way, Tanya! Where are the hora-radia plants?” I asked before she came out from the room carrying a few paper bags of the plant. From the looks of it, it seems like the roots are also slowly going to degrade soon.


It was always a do-it-now situation from the start. I was too focused on the paste that I forgot about the lifespan of the roots themselves which is shorter than the paste. After reaching us, Tanya soon gave us the paper bags together with some ink, a brush, and a stamp before she bowed down and left.


She sure is in a rush which made me giggle a bit but thankfully she managed to give me all the stuff I needed.


“Let’s go to the kitchen, I suspect the roots will go bad soon,” I looked at Raeliana who nodded as the two of us soon rushed towards the kitchen where the two chefs in charge of the manor were surprised together with the maids, “Excuse me but does anyone want to help us in grating these?”


“Milady, we don’t know how to handle those…” one of the chefs answered.


“That isn’t a problem, I can demonstrate it to all of you two times as slow as I can. If you have any questions, feel free to ask,” I said while placing all the hora-radia plants or wasabi plants on a clean chopping board as they all gathered around me.


Once again, I demonstrated how to shave a wasabi plant properly and grate it twice until they managed to understand everything as all of them soon took over with others using some tools that work as a grater though it was understandable that the quality of the wasabi would degrade with those tools, but it was better than letting it rot.


After ensuring their first run was correct, I soon moved to my own spacious location before opening the Skill Creation window once more with my mind as the same window popped open like last time, showing me everything I needed to do.



To create a skill, please type the name of the skill on the field below with your mind then press [ACCEPT] before imagining out the use of the skill and how it would look.



Imagining out the name [Everlasting Meal] as I clicked Accept through my mind as the system soon told me to imagine out the result of the spell which was harder than I thought. How would one imagine a spell circle that can extend the lifespan of something like wasabi paste when it is inside a container and how would I make it disable itself when someone unauthorized is not using it?


My mind was pumping out images at full speed, trying to think of a way before a sudden image came to mind. What if I imagine out symbols that depict the result instead—and so I tried, imagining the symbol of a day coming near a grave before suddenly pushing the grave far away which sounds stupid but hear me out… it worked.



You have acquired the skill [EVERLEASTING MEAL], to cast the spell, please draw a circle onto a container using ink. The circle must have two suns and a single tree, one sun at the top and one at the bottom with the tree at the center.

[Everlasting Meal]

This unique spell is usually cast on a container that allows any food inside to extend its lifespan by three to six months. The container must have the spell circle on any spot, the spell circle won’t work unless it is used with a tool that came from someone who has the spell.


You can also authorize someone to be able to use the tool by staring at the tool and imagining the face of the user to authorize. The tool in which the spell will be cast will automatically turn into an ink stamp.


I was a little surprised though, to think that it even achieve the authorization part even though it wasn’t included. I wonder if the Skill Creation skill reads everything and not just the image, though then again, this power is too overpowered that I feel a bit bad using it but then again, I am not a saint to not use cheats. No one will ever resist the temptations of a cheat.

“Now—for the device itself…” I mumbled while taking up the ink as I painted the spell circle that was instructed which took a lot of concentration out of me and a lot of headaches as I kept dipping my brush onto the ink and kept going forward until the spell circle was perfectly painted onto the stamp.


Immediately after the spell circle was painted, a blinding light exploded in the kitchen surprising all of us as the formerly normal wooden stamp was now glowing bright blue, absorbing the mana in the air before resting on the table as everyone around came rushing towards me.


“What was that, milad—” Raeliana was about to finish before catching sight of the magic device as she opened her mouth super wide that even a bug could enter inside, “Isn’t that a high-quality magic device…?! Milady, are you some sort of genius that could only be found once every ten billion people?!”


“Is there anything wrong with the magic device?” I asked before she looked at me with a bitter smile.


“Of course there is totally a lot of things wrong with it—as if!” she said before taking the magic device as she inspected it closely for a few seconds, “A device like this would be classified as a national treasure if her Majesty were to see it…!”

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