A Liliful World: Yuri Reincarnation

Chapter 161. Flora vs Crystal!


Loud roars exploded from the cave as my body kept dashing straight towards the wave of monsters in front of me. They were mainly weak monsters that consisted of skeleton knights and archers, my scythe consistently sliced through their bones and armors like butter.


Kicking my foot forward, ten arrows came flying towards my direction as I gripped the scythe tightly, swinging it straight towards the arrow, striking exactly the heads of the arrow causing all of them to collide with one another as I instinctively maneuvered myself to the rough walls of the cave.


After reaching the walls, I immediately hopped onto one of the wider rocks on the wall, kicking it with one foot as my body was propelled upwards. Time slowed in an instant as I started casting [Blood Magic: Spears of Crisis] which summoned twenty blood spears.


With my view upside down in the air, I commanded the spears to strike all of the skeletons before time sped up once more as I landed on the ground with all of the spears striking the skeletons exactly at their core which was at the center of their armors.


The sound of bones falling apart echoed through the cave as I summoned another twenty spears and pointed at index finger at the darkness in front of me. All of the spears followed after my command and flew straight towards the darkness before the sound of bones crashing to the floor echoed once more.


“You are quite terrifying in that form,” Kaori chuckled bitterly as I turned around with a smile.


“Well, isn’t it good since Ayumi can take down all the opponents in the dungeon without us even doing anything? How about we have a walking picnic while Ayumi takes care of everything?” Mana joked as she took out a sandwich and fed it to Flora and Crystal who both took it while looking at me with interest.


“All of you can have a picnic if you want, I can’t sense an opponent that can give me a hard time on the three layers below though I might have a bit of fun with the bosses,” I giggled as they soon caught up to me with Kaori smacking me on the head.


“You can’t have all the fun yourself though, I haven’t fought anything in months now…” Kaori showed a wry smile, “How about you leave the monsters until the boss to us? It will also help give the little children some experience with combat.”


I looked at Flora and Crystal who were both nodding. Crystal, in particular, really wanted to fight which made me a bit worried but then again, the monsters here are weak against Holy attribute which is what she can do.


“Fine… I will standby here but if anything happens to my cute daughters then I will intervene immediately,” I said before looking at the two who were both excited.


“Love you, Mama!” Crystal ran towards me, hugging me as I patted her head before she looked at Kaori who turned towards her with a nod as she summoned a bright white short rapier that looked quite beautiful.


The entire rapier had a white and gold theme on it with the guard looking like two wings that wrap around the entire handle. It looked quite beautiful, but my body could feel danger from the rapier as I backed off a bit out of instinct while Kaori handed the rapier to Crystal.


“How about you, do you need a weapon?” I looked at Flora who shook her head.


“The entire land is my weapon, Aywumi-mwa. You already know about my true race,” she showed a smile before her entire body was covered in a lush green translucent foam before roots suddenly grew from the floor.


All of the roots maneuvered themselves towards a position before ten seconds passed by as a beautiful wooden sword that was wrapped in vines came into sight. And by wrapped in vines, I mean the entire blade is literally vines with the guard of the sword being leaves.


She walked towards the sword and took it from the roots that held it, swinging a few times before her eyes turned lush green as she looked at Crystal with a smile, “Aywumi-mwa, do you mind if Little Sister and I compete a bit?”


“By compete, do you mean compete over who can defeat the most?” I looked at her before she nodded, “Well… You might have to ask your other parents for that since I don’t mind but they might mind.”


“Mwama, is it fine?” she looked at Mana who glared at me for a second but sighed.


“You can compete but don’t do it too excessively, make sure the two of you always keep a watch over your opponent. We can watch over the two of you in case any of you gets injured,” Mana replied before Flora nodded as she looked at Kaori who shrugged.


“My answer is already clear. I don’t mind competition between children,” she showed a soft smile before looking at Crystal with a serious gaze, “Crystal, don’t let that brat’s child beat you. This is a competition that involves our reputation!”


“Who are you calling a brat?!” Mana glared at Kaori before looking at Flora, “You heard her, Flora! Don’t let your little sister beat you!”


“As you wish!” Crystal and Flora both answered at the same time before the two of them looked at each other with a serious expression.


“The two of you may begin in 3…” I started counting before the two cuties looked forward with their hands gripping their weapons tightly. One of their foot had dug through the floor, allowing their foot to be slanted which increases their dash.


“2… 1… 0! The competition begins!” I shouted before the two of them dashed forward with Crystal immediately casting a bright blinding light that covered her entire rapier.


The two of them immediately encountered their first opponent which was two zombie wolves. The wolves immediately noticed them coming and dashed straight towards them with their mouths open.


Seeing the wolf in front of her coming, Crystal suddenly stopped in her tracks before thrusting her rapier forward as a golden light eclipsed her blade. The light flew straight towards the wolf before slicing it in half as it fell to the floor.


Flora on the other side also stopped but unlike Crystal, she pierced her sword to the ground before large roots exploded out from the ground, creating a large spike that punctured straight to the wolf from the head, stomach, chest to all of its limbs.


“The two of them are pretty strong, I am curious who taught them,” I looked at the two with a smile as they soon encountered a wave of opponents. For children of their ages, the wave of opponents would definitely make them tremble, but these two oddities looked at each other with a nod and dashed straight towards the wave as I would.


“I do remember teaching that little brownie some sword techniques,” Kaori showed a bitter smile, “And she really is utilizing the techniques to their fullest. Her movement is more fluid, and her aim is pretty snappy, aiming at their weaknesses almost immediately.”


“You really seem like a good teacher compared to me,” Mana showed a bitter smile, “I haven’t taught her anything related to combat, that was all done by Aurora who realized that she had more talent with a sword rather than a dagger which does disobey the rules of the Queenshelm which is why she is instead being transferred to handle the new Swords Department of the clan.”


“Interesting, so they made a Sword department just to bring Flora to the clan. Well, I guess they can’t help it since Flora is quite an oddity. If they were to let her go then the clan would definitely enter a slow but guaranteed decline,” I smiled cynically.


Queenshelm was after all the clan that took care of me a lot. I naturally don’t want the clan to decline after I died in my old body. They spent quite a lot on me which made me feel a bit guilty but hearing that Flora is keeping it alive makes me happy.


“How did Crystal learn about Holy Combat? None of us should be able to use rapiers… unless—” I looked at Kaori with my eyes wide.


“You are right, Leisha trained her on how to use two weapons which are a sword and a rapier before she left. The Princess of the Elves also taught her how to use Holy Magic since she can also use Holy Magic which led her to create her own combat style which used Holy Magic as a long-range projectile and her weapons as a short-range,” Kaori replied.


“That’s quite cheating,” Mana showed a bitter smile, “Flora might be a lot better than Crystal if she was taught by Leisha since she has mastered all kinds of weapons, after all.”


“Well, it’s good to hear that they are growing well,” I looked at the two children with a smile. They were a bit dirty from all the killing but overall, the two of them looked pretty happy going after zombie wolves with their own weapons.


Compared to Flora, Crystal was insanely fast with her attacks. She was chaining around ten attacks each second which is something that I could hardly do while Flora was doing around two attacks per second, but those attacks were pretty lethal.


After what seemed like ten minutes of straight killing, the large wave of monsters was finally gone as Crystal and Flora looked at us with expectation.


“Who won, Mama?” Crystal looked at me with a smile.


“If we were going about kill count then the two of you are equal at one-hundred and twenty-six monsters exact but if we are going about the speed between kills then Crystal wins since her ability to chain ten attacks in a second allows her to defeat several opponents in one-go…” I answered before her eyes looked at Flora with a prideful gaze, “But! In terms of lethality, Flora takes the win.”


“Her speed may be ten times lower than Crystal, but all of her attacks are guaranteed to kill. The fact that she can surround three wolves with vines and puncture through their bodies at the same time makes her quite lethal compared to Crystal who needs to attack three to four times before a wolf is killed.”


Immediately after hearing that, Flora looked at Crystal with a smug as Kaori clapped her hands together with Fiona and Mana.


“You are quite fair with your assessment, Ayumi. You showed the two their strengths and weaknesses while making it clear that no one won the competition. The two are indeed different, Flora is more for heavy area-of-effect damage while Crystal is suited for high-speed solo combat but if paired together, the two make quite the pair,” Kaori looked at the two with seriousness, she wasn’t belittling the two girls.


“I agree with Kaori this time, the two of them are able to cover each other’s weakness. Crystal cannot handle multiple opponents at once unlike Flora but when faced with a single opponent, Flora will definitely lose because of her speed which is where Crystal can come in,” Mana nodded.


The two girls hearing the compliments averted their gaze as Fiona suddenly spoke, “There is one thing that the three of you didn’t take into account though, that is their long-range capability, the black-haired girl is able to use long-range holy spells at a super high speed and range compared to the brown-haired.”


“Range and speed are quite important when it comes to long-range spells. Imagine if you have a long-range spell but that spell takes ten seconds to reach a few dozens of inches from you, would it reach the opponent—and also imagine a spell that can hit at a fast rate but with a very short range, do you think you would escape unscathed?”


“That’s where the black-haired girl also excels, her spells can reach a super far range and speed while maintaining its lethality which makes for a good archer but that doesn’t make the brown-haired girl weak, opposite, her spells can attack a wide area which is super advantageous in a battle against a large crowd,” she explained.


“And there is the result, the two of them are equals,” I clapped my hands before walking over to the two little girls and kissing their foreheads, “You did well, Kaori managed to acquire a little bit of orichalcum while the two of you were fighting.”


“Thank you, Mama!” Crystal hugged before Flora followed suit.


“Thank you, Aywumi-mwa for the compliment,” she looked away embarrassed which made her super adorable. The gluttonous child is growing nicely.


After hugging the two of them for a few seconds, I stood up and materialized my scythe once more before looking at them with a smile, “It’s Mama’s turn to show you her abilities, right?”


They nodded at the same time before I looked at Kaori and the others who also nodded as we walked towards the doorstep of the boss which was a similar door to Fiona’s dungeon. The door this time showed a symbol of a wolf with lightning all around it which reminded me of the boss behind this door back on Solis.


Pushing the door open, a giant white wolf came to sight with lightning sparks exploding around him as I looked at its golden eyes with a smile.


“The boss of the first layer, Lightning Wolf…”

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