A Liliful World: Yuri Reincarnation

Chapter 162. Quick End!


Gripping the scythe tightly, I pushed my foot forward, dashing straight towards the bright white wolf in front of me. The wolf sensing my presence turned towards my direction as it tried to run but before it could move, I immediately released all the pent-up pressure causing the ground to shake.


The wolf most likely being able to comprehend what was happening released a tremendous amount of lightning towards my direction. There were thousands of lightning around me, covering all sides of me as I continued to dash forward while swinging my scythe at a fast rate, creating a circular red barrier around me.


Each lightning that manages to hit my scythe immediately dissipates and those that try to attack me directly vanish out of thin air because of the passive anti-magic spell. I was practically an invincible fortress as I reached the wolf who was frozen in place.


[Blood Magic: Grimreaper]” I mumbled before the scythe shone bright red.


I could feel blood leaving my body, exiting from the hand that held the scythe as time started to slow down to the extent where I could see the wolf forcing itself to jump towards me. The weight of the scythe suddenly grew, forcing me to hold it with both hands like a sword as I descended straight towards the wolf.


Almost instantly, a tremendous shockwave rocked the entire boss room as I slammed to the ground with the wolf completely out of my sight. Blood rained down from the boss room as I slowly rose my head and looked in front of me where a bloodied wolf smashed on the wall came to sight.


The wolf’s entire organs were exposed, the fur was dyed in its blood and its muscles kept twitching as all of a sudden, the scythe shone bright red once more… I immediately tried to resist the Blood Consumption, but it was inevitable as the entire wolf’s body was suddenly engulfed in blood.


[Blood Consumption] has started…. Please expect a wave of pain.


A large amount of pain immediately went towards me. It was like all of the skin on your skin was being grated, the muscles inside of your body were being burnt… your eyes felt like it was about to explode as I dropped the scythe and screamed.




Unlike before, the skill created a large circular blood barrier around me that caused Kaori and the others to be unable to reach me as I continued to scratch my entire body, digging my entire fingers on my chest as the pain reached far into my body.


“AYUMI, ARE YOU OKAY?” Kaori’s scream echoed from the outside.


“I AM… DON’T COME NEAR,” I replied before another tremendous wave of pain rocked my body once more. It was simply torture, my entire limbs were as if being sliced by a chainsaw then reattached again with needles before being ripped apart, “AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!”


The screams of mine continued to rampage the entire room for ten minutes before the tremendous pain dissipated, leaving behind virtual pain as I limply fell to the floor with the circular blood barrier returning back to my body like a tsunami of water.


[Blood Consumption] complete. You acquired one level from defeating one Lightning Wolf, please allocate your skill points in the Land of Memories.


Kaori and the others immediately came rushing towards me with a pale look in their eyes. Mana, in particular, looked like she was going to die from tears. Her entire face was drenched with tears as she sat on the ground and looked at me.


I touched her soft cheeks and smiled, “Stop crying… I won’t die from that much pain.”


“Idiot… who is crying?!” she wiped the tears on her face as I giggled a bit, enduring the remaining virtual pain that continued to haunt my body.


“What happened?” Kaori looked at me with a serious gaze.


“It’s one of the drawbacks of this body which is called Blood Consumption. You could say it is consuming the opponent’s blood to gain experience points and skill points… it’s basically the only way I can grow in power,” I showed a bitter smile.


“Mama, are you okay?” Crystal looked at me with worry.


I flicked the cute little girl’s forehead with a smile, “Your Mama is never not okay. The pain is nothing, don’t worry too much or you will become old fast.”


“Hmm… my lady, that isn’t something that should happen to Vampires from what I know. Most vampires have to suck blood themselves and it is generally a soft and pleasing feeling from what I heard…” Fiona suddenly spoke.


“You already know my race. I am not an ordinary vampire but a Vampire Empress. If you think a race as strong as a Vampire Empress is flawless then you should head back to reality… no power exists without a drawback,” I replied.


“Can you walk?” Kaori asked.


“I can start functioning again after a twenty-minute break. All of you can rest in the meantime,” I looked up in the ceiling, continuing to endure the little pain that continued to rock my body. The virtual pain is pretty much virtual.


Your body isn’t in pain, but your mind thinks it is in pain which is why I call it ‘virtual’ since the mind has been traumatized by the tremendous amount of pain that doesn’t even go numb no matter how many minutes or hours passes by.


“Also, what did you think about Mama’s performance?” I turned my attention towards Flora and Crystal.


Crystal’s eyes sparkled as she immediately answered with enthusiasm, “Mama was coooool! How did you jump that high?! You also looked super cool when swinging that scythe, it was like I was looking at a Goddess swinging her weapon of justice!”


Her response made me giggle a bit as I patted the enthusiastic girl before Flora looked at us with a wry smile as she replied, “Aywumi-mwa was pretty cool… I can’t do something like that.”


Flora’s response may be a bit cold but if you look at her ears, you could tell she was embarrassed. The tip of her ears was completely red as she averted her gaze adorably. I can’t help but become even happier knowing that I met these two children in this world.


Even though they aren’t my blood daughters, I consider them as my very own. Flora’s meeting with Mana and me was pretty adorable now that I remember it. She was a happy-go-lucky child, but it seems like she has matured quite a lot since I died on my old body.


Her maturity isn’t a bad thing, but I would definitely love to see my children smiling more… like how Crystal is enthusiastic though I do know that Flora still has her childish side which we had seen back on the meal where she fought with Crystal.


“Speaking of which, I really want to ask what that barrier of blood was… I can’t break it no matter how much I try and also I can’t even teleport inside,” Kaori frowned.


That does remind me… a blood barrier did cover me to stop Kaori and the others from entering. The barrier didn’t look that tough from the inside but if Kaori couldn’t even break in then that means the blood barrier is stronger than I thought.


“I don’t know as well, it was my first time seeing it… then again, it is only my first time being with someone when Blood Consumption occurred. I think it is mostly a barrier to stop people from interfering with the Blood Consumption…” I answered before all of them nodded.


“Excuse my rudeness but how many floors is this dungeon?” Fiona suddenly asked as her horns twitched a bit which was seen by Crystal the Explorer (Dora) who started to go around her, looking at her horns with curiosity.


“The dungeon is three layers deep which is a little bit smaller than your dungeon, but the monsters here will require maybe Mana, You, and Kaori to fight at the same time… especially the last boss which is something that is around level three hundred fifty from my memory.”


Fiona looked at me with a serious gaze as her horns continued to twitch along with her tail which also caught the eyes of Crystal who sat on the floor and looked at Fiona’s tail as it swung around. The adorable little girl looked like she really wanted to grab the twin for herself which made me laugh inside.


Unlike Flora, Crystal was the extremely curious kind. She was, after all, someone who lived an isolated life before Kaori and I picked her up. I still remember her miserable state as Kaori healed her using her own health points which kind of also altered Crystal’s genetics.


What makes Crystal different from Flora is that she actually has Kaori’s genetics. Flora is purely a Great Spirit which means her genetics most likely is of the forest, but Flora is a pure human with Kaori’s genetics which means she is undoubtedly going to be limited if Kaori’s genetics even has a limit.


“Right—I forgot to ask but are you three up to defeat the next boss?” I asked, “After all, I already had my share of the fun. I can take down the final boss since I don’t want any of you to be injured because of a battle against a boss that has a large level gap with all of you.”


“What’s the level of the boss next to here?” Mana asked.


“From the back of my mind, I think it was around level two-hundred-fifty… it should be possible with the three of you alone but don’t include Flora and Crystal since their level gap with the boss is a lot…” I said before all of them nodded except the little girls who were busy looking at Fiona’s unique aspects.


How about the two of you take a look at my cute wings and maybe my horns as well? My vampire wings and horns are pretty cute according to my standards. My horns are indeed tiny, but they looked adorable and also soft, my wings are better. The wings are of phantom red color which makes it pretty cool.


“Excuse me again but how are all of you able to tell your levels?” Fiona suddenly asked.


“That’s right… I forgot Fiona doesn’t have the system like the two of you. Well, I also don’t have the system right now except for The Library, this weird voice on my mind, and also The Land of Memories which is something I haven’t accessed yet…” I spoke before looking at Fiona with a wry smile, “Well, they can tell their levels because they were once connected with me on my old body.”


“My old body had this system where we can see and appraise ourselves, receive customized quests from the Goddess herself and some other stuff that was pretty handy though I do have a little bit of the system in this new body, but I can’t access the others.”


“Wa—wait?! You met the Goddess?!” she asked as Kaori nodded.


“You haven’t told her that we aren’t actually people from this world?” Kaori looked at me as I shook my head.


“Wa—?! I must be crazy right…? There is no way a Vampire Empress would be the Goddess’s Apostle!” she shouted as I showed a bitter smile.


Yeah… that shouldn’t have happened, but it did happen, so you have no choice but to believe it. A race deemed as evil by the churches is actually the Goddess’s “APOSTLE”… pretty funny twist right? It sounds like a novel title itself.


“You don’t have to worry about the details… how about we start moving to the next boss already?” I stood up and stretched my body a bit, releasing both my horns and wings which caught the eye of none other than Crystal the Explorer (Dora).


She immediately ran towards me and looked at my wings with sparkling eyes which were super cute as I kneeled a bit and looked at her in the eye, “Want to touch my horns? Your Mama’s horns and wings are much better than that Succubus over there.”


“Can I?” she asked as I nodded.


Immediately, she started touching the cute horns on my head without restrain. Unlike what most stories depict, I actually don’t feel much from someone touching my horns. It was simply like someone was patting my head which was quite comfortable.


“Your horns are pretty cute,” Kaori chuckled, “They remind me of a manga I read in the past.”


“They are soft!” Crystal said as she continued to touch my horns before getting smacked in the head by Flora who was averting her gaze immediately after the smack as Crystal turned towards her with a creepy look on her face, “Elder sister… did you just smack me?”


“You looked too weird at that time… sorry,” Flora answered as Crystal’s eyes shone.


“You violent little potato! You really are like your Mama!” Crystal immediately started chasing Flora around the boss room which earned the honorable laugh of Kaori.


“Crystal reminded me of how much Mana used to slap me on the face… I really was a masochist back then,” I laughed before Mana looked at me.


“Do you want to be slapped again? I can relieve your memories for a day,” she joked.


“I’d rather not, your slaps must have upgraded to level one-hundred,” I bitterly chuckled before looking at Flora and Crystal who kept running around, casting [Blood Magic: Blood Wall] between them before blood started escaping from my feet to the ground.


After a second, a wall of blood appeared in front of the two little girls, allowing them to have an honorable smack on it as I clapped my hands, “Let’s leave play time for later, my little cuties. We have two more floors to conquer!”


The two of them looked at me before looking at each other as they nodded. They immediately rushed back towards us as I looked at Mana and the others who were all ready.


“It’s Fiona’s time to showcase her powers,” I stared at Fiona who frowned a bit but bowed down like a proper servant.


“As you wish, my lady…” she responded with her eyes turning purple.

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