A Magical Tale: The Peerless Summoner

Chapter 176: Battle with three witches (2)

Then when the two witches appeared on the roof of the building that they inhabited, one of them said to Helena and friends with a booming voice "Have you girls come here to have your fleshes and organs entirely devoured by us? We have been searching for girls like you, but we couldn't find."

"However, now that you are here, and even brought some other girls to us as gifts, we would be happy to consume your tasteful skins after we rip them off from your fresh, dead bodies. Kekeke!"

Helena who had a smile appear in her face after she heard what the witch spoke about, said to them "Ah, I see that you crazy witches have decided to show yourselves. That's good, saves me time and effort in going into that dark, haunted building of yours to search for you cannibal entities. Now, surrender your puny lives to me. It's over for all of you now."


The witches that appeared on the roof of the building began to laugh.

"Surrender our lives to you? Who are you that we would surrender our lives to you, you foolish little girl?" one of the witch on the roof's building asked.

Then all of a sudden, the witch that asked that question, suddenly jumped down from the roof of their building and unexpectedly swooped towards Helena to attack her.

Helena who was however wary of the witches, quickly casted a fire spell that transformed into a massive blue fireball that then shot towards that particular witch to strike her down and possibly burn her to ashes.

Noticing the fireball that had suddenly appeared and was now shooting towards her at a furious speed, the witch quickly casted a powerful water spell which caused an immense, ocean-blue waterball to materialize and shoot towards the large fireball raging towards her.

Both attacks collided and totally neutralized each other in the next instant.

However, she wasn't able to get to Helena as the fireball that had suddenly appeared and raged towards her to engulf her body in flames, disturbed her sudden, quick swooping towards Helena.

Then when she landed on the ground some feet before Helena, she looked at Helena with slight shock in her eyes and said "Child, that's really adept of you. I see that you have been trained properly by wherever you came from to specifically hunt after us"

Helena only had her lips curl up into a smile.

She then said "Anyways, you are right about that. We have been trained properly by wherever we are from. But we aren't trained to come after unusual beings like you. We are trained to take down every form of evil and aberrations that exist in every kingdoms in worlds."

"So, I am here by the order of the society of Great Sisters to take you ugly, flesh-eating bastards down. Now, will you surrender your puny life to me, or I should do it myself?"


The three witches then burst into loud, raucous laughter.

One of them then asked "Why haven't we heard of such a society before?"

"Because you things were too busy feeding on the blood and flesh of children. However, you don't need to know about the society again since you are all going die now." Helena answered sharply.

The witches heard what Helena said and only burst into laughter again.

Then all of a sudden, one of them tried to casted a spell at them.

However, being exceedingly wary of the witch, Lydia and Lucretia quickly casted a defensive spell upon themselves to shield their bodies from the magical attacks that would be unleashed upon them by the evil witches. While Lauren and Deborah quickly protected themselves from the attacks that would be unleashed by the witches, using their wings which quickly expanded out of their backs and then rapidly wrapped around their bodies to protect them from magically-inflicted harm that would be caused by the spell-attacks.

But only Helena didn't do all these. Instead, she quickly unleashed a spell to battle the witch who had taken the initiative to fire magical attacks at she and her friends.


Both magical attacks that were unleashed, clashed in mid-air and destroyed each other in that same instant.

However, colored violent waves of energy erupted and brutally shoved both of them backwards by many feet.

The witch crashed into the earth with a lot of force and caused an explosive sound to ring out with large amount of dust erupting into the air.

While Helena who had quickly regained her balance, quickly shot into the air towards the witch after casting a Jump Enhancement-type spell on legs.


In the blink of an eye, Helena appeared before the witch before she could stand back to her feet.

But before she could do anything to the witch, a focused blast of magical energy was suddenly sent out at her by one of the two witches that stood vigilantly at a few feet in front of them.

However, Helena who was cautious and aware of her surroundings, sensed the incoming blast in the next instant and quickly aimed out her palm at the attack to unleash her own attack.


The instant the blast collided into Helena's attack, a ear-deafening boom rang out.

Once she saw that she had canceled off the blast attack that was sent out at her, she quickly grabbed the witch by the feet in the next moment and then flung her away, as soon as she casted a Strength Augmentation-type spell on her arms.

Then very quickly, like she was an arrow that was furiously fired from a bow, the witch shot through the air towards the far distance.

Then Helena whose entire body now glowed in cyan as a result of casting a particular, Quick Movement-type spell on her body, instantly shot towards the witch that sent out that body-shredding blast of magical energy at her.

However, the witch that Helena was shooting forward to go attack, was also wary of her, seeing how she quickly overpowered her fellow colleague.

Then very quickly, she started to fire magical attacks at Helena who only dodged them in a zig-zag pattern and then appeared before her in the next instant, after casting a powerful Movement Acceleration spell on herself which then resulted in a more dazzling cyan glow of her body.

Then once Helena appeared before her, she directly sent out a powerful punch towards her face.


Immediately the heavy punch connected with her face, a loud bang sound rang out and a rippling wave of power erupted from the point at which Helena's fist smashed really hard into the witch's face, quickly disfiguring it.


Then the instant that the punch landed, the witch's body shot through the air in the backwards direction like an arrow that was furiously fired from a bow. Then a second later, she smashed heavily into the wall of the building that they inhabited, causing numerous cracks to quickly appear on the surface of that particular wall which then rapidly extended to the other walls of the building. She had really smashed into the building with a whole lot of force.

At the moment, because of the large amount of force that the powerful punch struck her with, when she crashed into the building and caused some cracks to appear in it structure, one part of her face had entirely broken away, causing her to bleed profusely from it.

However, the bleeding stopped in the next instant and that part of her face that tore away, actually abruptly regrew when she immediately casted a powerful healing spell upon herself.

Helena who stood many feet away could see what was taking place and simply ignored her to look at the other witch who hadn't received any attack from her with a cold and heart-piercing gaze in her eyes.

The witch who was being stared at, looked at Helena and grunted.

Then with a annoyed and gloomy expression appearing in her face, she uttered inwardly "Ugh! So this girl is really powerful to this extent? Where exactly is she from? And who are the people that trained her? Don't tell me these are just gifts she was born with."

As she said those within herself, she began to look at Helena who gazed coldly back at her.

'Since this girl is so overpowering, I think I just have to do nothing and wait for old man James and the others to arrive. Only then would I really engage in any fight with this brute and ferocious girl.' The witch said within herself, after pondering quickly about some things.

She then continued 'But, would I able to just stand and do nothing? If the others later arrive and subdue her, I will not be able to speak in the group anymore, as I will be enveloped by shame.'

'Ugh! I guess I can only try to attack her and find ways to evade her fast physical and magical strikes.'

Once she thought this, she began to laugh loudly like she was possessed by a devilish spirit.


Helena stared at her with a puzzled expression in her face. She couldn't really understand why this particular witch was suddenly laughing in this manner, simply invoking the feelings in her that she had transformed into a demonical maniac, or had suddenly become possessed by invisible, bloodthirsty devilish entities after possibly, secretly casting a special, magical conjuration technique that had caused powerful, chaos-loving entities to be summoned into her body.

Therefore, when she thought this, she quickly raised her guards and defenses up. Same with her friends who backed a bit further where they stood and left it to Helena to handle the witches herself, since she was an all-powerful being.

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