A Magical Tale: The Peerless Summoner

Chapter 177: Battle with three witches (3)

The witch who produced that raucous laughter, had her body begin to glow in violet after casting a particular, Quick Movement-type spell on herself.

Then abruptly, she shot out towards Helena who also quickly shot out towards her once she perceived the intention of the witch.


Then when Helena appeared before the witch in the next instant, using that Movement Acceleration spell on herself which gave her more speed, exactly many times more than the witch's own, quickly sent out a powerful punch at her chest, once she arrived in front of the witch in a flash. And this time, the punch which she sent out, seemed to carry a lot of power, as it sounded out like several dozens of thunderbolts that struck down all at once from a furious thundercloud in a stormy sky.


Immediately the powerful punch impacted her chest, the witch who wasn't expecting Helena to appear really fast in front of her, had body viciously hurled backwards at a great speed to the distance where she crashed into the building that they inhabited, causing the building which already had numerous cracks in it structure to simply develop more cracks and then collapse into rubbles in the next instant.

And, since the old and previously weak building were beginning to collapse into rubbles, which then fell upon the witch one after the other who was sent crashing hard into the building due to the powerful, immense force that Helena's magically-amplified punch stuck her with, she was quickly killed. So, that was how one of the three witches here died.

As soon as this happened, the other two witches who saw what happened, began to wail. Then they became exceedingly furious in the next instant.

Very quickly, one of them began to madly launch more powerful attacks at Helena, who only moved very fast in a zig-zag pattern and used the magical acceleration force acting on her, from the Movement Acceleration spell that she casted on hers to effortlessly and swiftly evade the numerous, lethal magical attacks fired at her.

Not long, she leapt high into the air towards that witch after casting a Jump Enhancement spell on herself. And when she landed before that witch in the next instant, she instantly launched a heavy punch in the witch's chest with her fist that glowed in a rapidly fluctuating, dark crimson light.


Like a huge hammer moving at many times the speed of lightning, the witch's body was sent flying backwards through the air at a shocking speed. And despite her body shooting through the air to the distance at a furious speed, Helena actually followed her.

Not long, the witch crashed into the earth many dozens of feet away, causing a boom sound to ring out and a small area of the earth at that area to surprisingly develop cracks, which was as a result of the force that projected the witch away.

Then Helena who moved along with the witch's body as it traversed through mid-air at a great speed to the distance, appeared before her in the next instant at where the vicious dragging force acting on her body, pulling it across the ground, finally ceased.

Immediately she appeared before the witch, she abruptly sent out a powerful kick to the witch's badly disfigured head, which then caused the witch to be launched further into the distance at a tremendous speed like she were a ball. .

Then when the witch's body stopped at a particular place, she couldn't help but cough out many mouthfuls of blood.

The blood within her body were violently seething as a result of the shockwave that transmitted through them, which was only as a result of Helena's powerful punch that brutally impacted her body with a shocking degree of force that could possibly splinter at once, dozens of heavy rocks that were placed in front of each other.

Then when she got back to her feet from where she was brutally kicked to, she said inwardly with tremendous shock and unmatched annoyance in her heart 'She is just too fast with that crazy movement acceleration spell that's acting on her body, and too powerful with that tyrannical strength amplification spell acting on her arms.'

'The stupid girl doesn't even give me the chance to send out my own magical offensives at her. Well, time to end this insanity and humiliation and get the hell out of this fucking place.'

'And since that fool that calls himself Old man James wouldn't appear now with the rest of our colleagues, I guess it's right that I leave here, or I would simply be killed like the way Theresa was unexpectedly killed by this annoying and impudent bastard before me.'

'Besides, this is complete humiliation, how would I, a powerful witch be terribly beaten in this shameful and disrespectful manner?'

She then spoke further within herself with a fully determined gaze appearing in her eyes 'If I am able to successfully leave this place, this girl should be ready to be tortured by me anytime I come across her in future. Then before she dies by my hands, she will have her flesh and organs completely consumed by me!'

The witch after saying this unexpectedly shot towards Helena again with a cold light of evilness shining forth from within her aging, cloudy eyes.

'All these witches, so stupid and stubborn. Despite the fact that I am overpowering you rotten, old women, you still come forth towards me to attack me? Then you should be ready to suddenly die next, just the way that your colleague did." Helena said within.

Then as she waited patiently for the witch to arrive before her, just so that she could continue lashing out her enormously powerful punches in her face and on her chest to humiliate her before killing her with the blade that she had with her, the witch's body unexpectedly vanished when she had gotten to a close range of her.

Helena's brows furrowed in surprise at this turn of event.

However, a realization struck her in the next moment, as she had also experienced this kind of thing before.

Therefore, without needing anyone to tell her what to do next, Helena quickly casted a Spatial Tunnel seizing-type spell, which was one of the incomplete mage-level spells that she studied in the past. .

Then immediately she did so, a brilliant resplendent light erupted from her entire body, and quickly borrowing power from her vast and powerful Hrihika's bloodline to constantly energize the extremely powerful spell that she just casted, the numerous layers of space around them and up to a thousand feet which wasn't actually visible to them, began to violently shake and quake at the same time like it wanted to both simultaneously explode and implode.

Once this happened, a bloodcurdling cry of anguish and pain rang out from somewhere far away.

Helena's eyes then shone coldly when the painful wail rang out from somewhere around her.

Then without wasting time as she immediately casted the Quick Movement spell on herself again, she abruptly shot out towards the witch at where she was knocked into to continue impacting her with her rock-splintering punches.

As soon as she arrived at where the witch was, the witch who had quickly stood back to her feet with the great rage in her eyes to burn all things to cinders, intensifying further in her fully narrowed eyes, abruptly, furiously casted a really strong offensive spell at Helena that actually rapidly materialized into a massive, flaming violet-black dragon that shot out at a tremendous speed towards Helena to impact her and quickly burn her to ashes.

However, Helena who was cautious despite her overpowering battle momentum and was fully ready for any sort of attack that would be unleashed at her, quickly put out her hands and quickly casted a spell that caused the manifestation of seemingly innumerable thick scarlet vines to shoot out from the solid brown earth beneath them, which then quickly moved on to fully enwrap the frenzied flame dragon to annihilate it.

However, both animation-type offensive spells canceled out each other in the next moment.

The long and thick wooden vines which had long spikes and sharp thorns all over it surface deeply impaled the flaming dragon and then wrapped tightly around it to snuff out the life that it may possess. While the violet-black, phoenix-winged dragon that had ominous-feeling, dark purple flame burning all over it massive body burnt the wooden vines to ashes. So, that was how both attacks quickly canceled out each other.

The witch wasn't surprised by Helena abruptly neutralizing her magical attack since she knew how freakishly strong and powerful Helena was.

She then went on to unleash another powerful attack at her.

With a thought, hundreds of black spears shot towards Helena to impale her.

However, they were crushed to bits by a powerful, solid and focused blast of ice that suddenly appeared and struck them with immense force.

Then seeing how Helena was advancing fearlessly towards her, the witch quickly screamed out to her friend at the distance with horror in her tone "Talia, please come to my aid"

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