A Murder Wizards Adventure

100 The Start of the End

The day has come.

Today, operation 'Deicide' begins.

I said my goodbyes to Minato and Kushina, collecting a certain tag that I asked Minato to make for me, and gave Tsunade and Hanari each a kiss on the cheek, as I'll probably be gone for a week or so.

Off I go to end the war, how good of me, all it takes for peace is a little bit or murder, who knew?

I suppose Pain must have had a point then, or will have a point, I guess.

Peace is achieved through murder.

Eh, who really cares, so long as humans exist, war will always return at some point, it's inevitable, with how we are.

Anyhow, before I left I, well, a team of specialists, modified my appearance to match the noble I am going to replace later.

I now have black hair and slightly tanned skin, not to mention I am less attractive, we even put fake flesh all over my body to hide muscles, so now I just look like a skinny, soft, black haired Italian.

I even had to get facial hair, and since that would be pink, we decided to simply stick a beard on me, rather than dying a natural one, just in case.

I look like a completely different person, obviously.

The man who's identity I am taking is called, Denji Danuja, and he is the firstborn son of Genkei Danuja.

So now, I am running towards the Land of Lightning, coated in my unmatched stealth, no one notices me. I even run straight past a patrol of Kumo Shinobi, not bothering to divert my path, since I knew they would not notice me.

However, I do make a small detour.

Since it is on the way anyway, I sneak into Kumogakure first, using Sage mode the whole time to ensure nobody notices.

An hour later, and I have what I wanted sealed within my tattoos and am back on course for my identities' mansion.

I really am glad that Kushina and Minato are my friends, because Fuinjutsu is seriously helpful for just about everything.

A small run later and I am stopping in the middle of nowhere, at the base of a random mountain with no human activity.

I dispel my stealth and pulse my chakra, soon after the ground opens up and three masked Shinobi come out.

No words are exchanged as we all already know what is happening.

The three of them present to me an incredibly ornate and fancy outfit, a copy of what Denji decided to wear today, delivered to them just a few minutes earlier.

Quickly I strip and change into the outfit provided, then the one Kunoichi present starts messing with my hair and makeup, making sure I match perfectly with Denji, as he was less than an hour ago.

As I've said, I put a lot of preparation into making this as smooth as possible, and since the Danuja house had to make an appointment ahead of time to get a meeting with the Daimyo, that means that they can be put under surveillance by the Daimyo's guards for some time before the meeting.

Which is why my disguise needs to be perfect, every detail matching what the hidden guards will have already observed.

The only real difficulty up until the assassination and even afterwards, should be switching places with Denji.

The Kunoichi, finally satisfied, steps back as one of the Shinobi steps forward with a mirror and the other gets behind me with another mirror.

I then spend a few minutes making sure to memorise every detail, and to double check, I cast a Henge no Jutsu that shouldn't change a single thing about me, casting it with my own image in mind, then have the Kunoichi look me over again until she is satisfied.

After all of that, half an hour later and I am once more invisible as I approach the mansion, this time much more careful with my movement to make sure I do not disrupt anything.

Once I can finally see the mansion, I stop again, this time once I become visible again, I do not flare my chakra, but I do knock on a tree, which causes the ground behind me to open up.

Out of it comes another three Shinobi, this time only two of them are ANBU, the other being an Uzumaki.

I open mu mouth and the Uzumaki puts a seal on the roof of my maw, the seal matched with a recent sample of Denji's chakra, designed to disguise the little chakra I am showing as his own.

Normally I could get a seal like this from an ANBU, but I also need it to disguise the constant movement of my chakra, and only an Uzumaki can readily make such a complex seal.

Or Minato or Tobirama I suppose, maybe Jiraiya, but it would at least take me a while to do it.

After that, one of the ANBU double checks that I look right, while the other gives me a quiet, but heavily detailed report on everything Denji has done and heard today, as well as anything relevant that he may know that might be brought up.

This is so that I don't slip up in conversation with a lack of knowledge.

As I have said, the preparations in place are vast and it fills me with excitement to see my many hours of planning and coordinating coming into fruition.

Thankfully, I have had a seal on my heart for years now which is designed to hide the sound of my heartbeat, or more accurately, to make my heartbeat sound natural, because I have a habit of getting excited when I should be calm.

Not that I can't act calm, but it's harder to control your heart like that, or I just couldn't be bothered, who knows, it doesn't matter really.

Another twenty minutes later, and I am virtually an exact copy of Denji Danuja as far as anyone is concerned.

The Danuja family are aware that Denji is going to be swapped, and they should act accordingly, but they do not know when the swap is happening, not even Denji knows that, or he might get nervous when the time comes and inform the hidden guards that something is up.

Invisible again, I walk up to the mansion, confident that I will not be spotted, after all, if they could see through this, then the plan has already fallen apart.

I wait by the front door to the mansion for a few hours, bored out of my mind, until finally, the giant wooden gates open, revealing a line of horse drawn carriages.

There are three of them, one for servants at the front, the one for the actual nobles in the middle and the one for storage, in other words, the carriage holding all the gifts for the Daimyo.

Stupid politics means that if a noble is going to be visiting the Daimyo, that they have to bring a bunch of gifts, like, way too many gifts.

But that is hardly important.

I jump onto the middle carriage, sticking to the side of it before I crawl inside of the window that was left open, all without being visible to anyone.

Once I am inside, I stand around for a short while, thankful that the carriage is spacious enough that I don't have to touch anyone.

Inside of the carriage is obviously Denji Danuja, but next to him also sits his father Genkei Danuja, who is a middle aged man with dark skin and greying hair, his wrinkles are visible and he looks like he really hates kids these days running around on his front yard.

Across from them is their head maid Mio, who is sitting in demure silence as is expected.

After a specific amount of time travelling, I pull out the tag I asked Minato for, a version of his Hiraishin, except it's purpose is to take whatever it is placed on away to another marker.

Basically, I am using the tag in place of Minato, because I couldn't really get Minato to appear here, grab what I want and disappear with it, so this skips that step.

A moment later, and a small explosion goes off a kilometre away, off the left side of the convoy, coincidentally the side that Genkei is sitting, causing his and the maids attention to be drawn out of that window for a moment.

In that brief moment that everyone's eyes are distracted, I slap my Minato seal on Denji and quickly take his place, peering out of the window with muted curiosity on my face.

After the moment passes, Genkei give the surroundings a final glance before sitting back in his seat, having decided that there was nothing of note.

"Is something happening, father?" I enquire, my tone polite and reserved, as is expected of a noble.

Genkei gives a soft hum in response.

"Nothing of importance Denji." He dismisses.

And like that, I am now Denji. The rest of the ride is mostly silent, only occasionally broken by light but ultimately short conversation, during which I act as Denji would, in fact, I don't honestly know if Genkei has noticed that I am no longer his son anymore.

But that is exactly what I was going for, so I count it as a success.

As you may have guessed, that explosion was also set up by me.

It was caused by a squad of Kumo Genin, who are agents of ours, ostensibly because they were playing around and showing off their best Jutsu, so when the Daimyo guards eventually investigate the source of the explosion, they won't have anything to be suspicious of.

It may seem like I'm being over the top with my preparations, but all Shinobi are paranoid, however when your job is to guard one of the five most politically influential people on the planet, you tend to take that paranoia even further beyond.

Which is why everything needs to be perfect.

They won't find anything to be concerned about from the Genin and won't suspect anything to have happened as a result of it, since the change happened in less than a fraction of a second.

Eventually, we reach the capitol.

By now it is late in the evening, so obviously we aren't taken straight to see the Daimyo, and are instead lead to a nice building near the palace.

We are given a rather nice dinner and then led to our rooms to stay the night in.

When I enter my room, I am greeted with the sight of two scantily clad young women and for a moment I have no idea what is going on but then I remember.

Right, nobles.

The two girls introduce themselves as Rem and Ram and that they are here as a gift from the Daimyo, to make sure I am 'comfortable' for the duration of my stay.

Naturally, it would be rude to refuse the gift of a Daimyo, so unfortunately I have no choice but to accept.

Such a shame it is, and it would also be rude to not make proper and repeated use of any gift of the Daimyo's, so I make sure to spend plenty of time making proper use of the both of them, something that they seem to enjoy even more than me.

After a long, but very enjoyable night, I wake up in the arms of two beauties, who help me get washed, dressed and ready for a meeting with the Daimyo.

We convene again in front of the house, Genkei, Mio and I, as a pair of strong Samurai approach us in order to escort us to the Daimyo's palace as it stands, elevated between three mountain peaks via three steel beams.

The building itself goes against every aesthetic that I like, looking like a giant, misshapen hamster ball.

Well, into the dragons den, as they say.


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