A Murder Wizards Adventure

99 Trajectory

So, killing a Daimyo.

Normally something that would get me branded a missing nin, but everyone is mad at the current Lightning Daimyo for not stopping the war, not that I plan on getting caught.

It's not really something that has a precedent for happening since not only is there the whole, 'divine right' to rule stuff, but there's also the simple fact that every Daimyo has some of the most skilled guards in the world.

Not that they are at the level of S-class threats or anything, all the Kage level Shinobi are either part of a village or missing nin.

Seeing as assassination is my area of expertise, I was pretty much given access to Konoha's recourses and free reign to plan this out however I want.

Frankly speaking, I don't necessarily need any of Konoha's recourses, but I've never been one to turn down free stuff.

See, the problem with killing a Daimyo, or rather, one of the problems, is that each of the the five Daimyo's palaces are centuries old buildings that are just, full of Fuinjutsu.

The Uzumaki clan were renown for a reason and part of that is that they covered each of the five Daimyo's palaces with seals.

And they did it hundreds of years ago, so any records of the sealing matrixes will have been lost to time and the fall of Uzu.

All of this means that I can't just walk in, even in Sage mode. It would be foolish to underestimate the Uzumaki's top class seals.

Just because no one will be able to detect me, doesn't mean that I won't be there after all, so I need a way to actually get inside of the palace.

Now, with my own skills in Fuinjutsu, I could probably break m y way into the palace, but I don't know how long that would take, or if it would work at all.

I'm not Minato, by which I mean, I am only good at Fuinjutsu, not a natural.

So, I need a way in.

It just so happens, that one of the noble families in the Land of Lighting are actually plants under our control.

Plants as in we put them there and they work for us, not like, some weird Hashirama thing where they are literally plants..

I don't know why I felt the need to specify that.

Now, before I leave, I have to sit through a few lessons on the Land of lightning.

For example, geography. The land is chock full of mountains and subsequent canyons and for some ungodly reason, the people of this land decided collectively to build their civilisation at the tops of the mountains.

Sometimes that's not enough for them however, and they build their buildings 𝘴𝘶𝘴𝘱𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘥 𝘪𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘢𝘪𝘳 𝘣𝘦𝘵𝘸𝘦𝘦𝘯 𝘮𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘵𝘢𝘪𝘯 𝘵𝘰𝘱𝘴.

I don't know what their architects were high on when they decided on that great idea, but whatever it was it should be illegal.

Even more stupid, is that the Daimyo's palace is one of those suspended buildings.

Now, you might think that this is great, I just have to destroy the support beams and it will fall down, job done.

Unfortunately it's not that simple.

For one, even with the power my Railgun can achieve, I have doubts about my ability to pierce old Uzumaki Fuinjutsu so easily, and even if I did, any competent Shinobi could survive that, which means his guards will simply be able to carry him out to safety.

It would certainly work to cause chaos, but that isn't what I want, I want to kill the Daimyo.

So I need to somehow get inside of the insult to architects around the world.

Which brings me back to our noble plants, people, our noble people who we control.

The plan so far is pretty basic. I go to the nobles, do a little makeup and disguise myself as one of them, then we go together to the Daimyo's palace for whatever reason is eligible.

Then, I kill the guy and leave.

Obviously, it's not going to be that simple.

On the bright side, the Daimyo's palace is in the capitol, which is in the centre of their land. This is good because Kumogakure is in the mountains closer to their borders, and thus if I do end up causing a commotion, I won't have to face an entire village as I run away.

But even then, this is all on the assumption that I am acting alone.

But that would be stupid, even if it could be fun, but this is a dangerous mission, and I don't want to die just yet, it could fuck with all of my plans.

And I made my plan because I wanted to have fun, ruining it now for a bit of fun would be stupid. After all, the feeling of satisfaction I will get when my plans all come to fruition?

That will be amazing, surely.

So, I am not acting alone, besides, this is fun in it's own way, planning all of this out, contingency after contingency, all for the goal of getting me in and out as quickly as possible.

Though, because of all of this planning ahead, I have a month before I can actually get started myself.

So far, I have been giving briefing after briefing to group after group of ANBU, from the regulars to the specialists.

It's exhausting but honestly rewarding effort, and I am looking forward to seeing it all come together, like composing a masterpiece.

And I cannot wait to watch it play out.

Plus, this will give me the opportunity to put the final touch in my grand plan.

The future is bright indeed.

I have already mostly finished preparations, I have sent out Shinobi to all over the Land of Lighting to wait for the time to come to play their role and I have sent out many messages to our agents in the land to make preparations.

All of which will coalesce in a grand spectacle.

It's going to be like that feeling when you finally finish that massive puzzle, all of it's thousands of pieces finally in place.

Only, magnified by a thousand.

I feel a pair of arms drape over my shoulders to hug my neck from behind and I look up from all of the annoyingly coded paperwork I was focusing on.

"C'mon Hana, Kushina and Minato are visiting, you shouldn't spend all of your time in the study." Tsunade softly speaks right next to my ear.

I take one of her hands in my own and give it a little kiss before turning to look Tsunade in the eye.

"You know this is important business, but if you insist, I can always get back to it." I say with a light smile that she reciprocates.

"Good, because as much as I like Minato, he can't really properly participate in Kushina and I's conversation, and he's starting to look uncomfortable."

The mirth in her voice belays the concerned words, and I follow behind her as she walks to the front room of my Suite.

It's a short walk, and in no time we are entering the room.

The sight that greets me is of Kushina cradling a sleeping, three year old Hanari, who must have exhausted herself earlier playing Ninja with Minato, who is sitting straight on the sofa next to her, a cup of tea in his hands, still steaming.

Minato likes to use the kid to escape conversation when Kushina and Tsunade start having girl talk.

When we enter the room, Minato sends me an imploring glance, like I am his only salvation and his fate is in my hands.

Kushina just hugs Hanari close and glares at me slightly.

She want's me to have a 'talk' with Minato about getting her pregnant. Naturally, I refused, because I don't really want to have that kind of talk with Minato, so she's pretending to be mad at me, but I don't really care.

I mean, she hugs Hanari close to herself as some kind of punishment for me, that I can't hold my daughter, but honestly, she's doing me a favour.

I'm just glad that it seems to only be the rest of my families genes that make people stupid, because Hanari is a little genius in the making.

We're not going to push her for early application to the academy or anything, so she's likely to enter at six, like most do.

I wouldn't be surprised if she does an Itachi though and graduates in the same year.

As a matter of fact, she is only a year younger than Itachi, so that makes at least two geniuses of that generation, I can't remember if there were more.

At least she might have a rival in him, if they manage to meet, because she is seriously looking to grow up to be a little monster.

One time, Tsunade and I saw her playing in the garden and we watched her stare at a dead flower until it came back to life.

We haven't told anyone about it, understandably really, but it seems like there is finally another natural wood user in the Senju.

It makes me sort of excited to see what heights she will reach, I just hope she doesn't take the easy route and actually trains properly.

Naturally, with me here I can make sure she does so, maybe she will even be able to fight me and Minato in the future.

"Hey guys, sorry for not greeting you earlier, I'm super busy with work these days." I smile as I take a seat, Tsunade placing a cup of tea in front of me before taking a seat herself.

Got to love gender roles, at least when they benefit you, I guess.

Minato physically waves away my words with a smile of his own.

"Mah mah, it's fine, but we haven't seen much of you the past couple of days, is it anything you can tell us about?" He politely enquires.

Taking a sip of my tea, I wonder if I can tell them, I mean, obviously I'm not supposed to, but what if I just do so anyway?

In the end, I decide against it.

"'Fraid not, but you'll be able to figure it out in a month or so anyway. What about you two? How is Kakashi holding up these days?"

That's right, Obito and Rin have already died, and Iwa has offered something of a peace treaty thanks to Minato, but it's more a non aggression pact until the war is officially over.

Minato gives me a sad smile while Kushina puts a hand on his shoulder for support. Tsunade bumps my shoulder with her own and gives me a little glare.

Right, bringing that up probably brings the mood down a little doesn't it.

Well, I'm happy to get back to work if you don't want me here.

"He's not doing great to be honest, he joined ANBU and has been diving into as much work as he can to keep himself busy. Do you think you could talk with someone in ANBU? Get him to at least have a couple days off or something?"

I give him an apologetic smile for bringing the subject in the first place, but nod my head nonetheless.

"Of course, I'll call in a favour later. The kid deserves a break, just make sure he actually has something to do, or he will just do volunteer missions anyway. But enough of that, I heard you've been struggling with a Jutsu, wanna talk about it?"

Minato's gratitude is palpable, and Kushina is happy to see him looking better about this whole thing.

"Thanks, and yeah, I would, see, I made this Jutsu, I call it the Rasengan, but I haven't been able to combine it with my chakra nature yet, and I'm not really sure why."

Kushina gets a little smirk after he finishes speaking, and Minato is too late to notice it.

"He's been sulking around the house for weeks now because he keeps failing at it, he acts like a kicked puppy." Her teasing tone makes Minato whine with his face in his hands.

"Kushinaaa, you said you wouldn't tell anyone!"

"Bah, it's not like they don't know you well enough to have guessed it, you big baby."

We all chuckle slightly at the display, then we start brainstorming, talking about chakra natures and elemental manipulation, it's honestly a fun bit of chakra theory talk, and we keep talking about it until Hanari wakes up and Minato and Kushina head home, since it's late.


A/N: He~llo! Dear readers!

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