A Murder Wizards Adventure

49 Silly Swords

The first test was incredibly stupid.

The questions were all asking about our villages weaknesses and strengths, as well as our own.

'What is your most used Jutsu?', Your mother no Jutsu. That's what.

Yeah, it was a farce, I only hope no one from Konoha was stupid enough to actually answer any of them properly but whatever, after sitting around for half an hour after not answering any questions on my test, a bell goes off and someone comes around to start gathering up our test sheets, after which we are once again standing around the desks until a different guy comes in.

Axe man, so good to see you again. Not.

"Alright brats! Your next test starts now and lasts for 24 hours."

I'm not really liking the savage smile he's giving us right now.


Suddenly his form crumbles, showing that he was just an earth clone. The first people to move are predictably the Kiri-nin who bolt it out of the door and Minato, quick on the uptake urges us to follow their lead.

We run outside and see that the mist is even thicker than before.

"What do we do?"

"Where should we go?"

Minato speaks again and despite his small stature he easily speaks over our panicking teammates.

"I think we should go back to the inn."

That doesn't seem smart but no one is disagreeing so I guess I'll have to speak up then.

"Are you sure that's a good idea?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, the Kiri-nin will probably be looking for us, what's the first place they would check?"

Catching on, Minato's eyes widen.

"Where we are staying, the inn, what do you suggest then?"

I would like to just say we should pick a random building and squat inside of it for the day, but they would probably find us since no one else here has training in hiding their chakra, probably, so instead I have something else in mind.

"If we stay in one place they will probably find us, I say we should head for the edge of the village and circle around with small breaks every now and then to catch our breath."

Thankfully no one argues against me and we set of and hopefully away.

A couple hours later and we are stopped by hearing a scream pierce through the frankly unsettling silence that had pervaded the area beforehand. Exchanging looks between ourselves, clearly no one knows what to do, and I admit, my curiosity gets the better of me.

"I'll go check it out, you guys catch your breath here and if it's nothing to worry about, then I'll be back in a bit?"

Minato, being the kind kid that he is objects.

"We can't let you go out by yourself! What if it's a trap?"

Then it's gay. Obviously, I didn't say that out loud. No matter how true it is.

"Then it's a good thing I'm so good at running then! I'm fast enough that I'm confident I can get away if it's a trap, don't worry, and even if it is, better only one of us spring it than more. Also if I'm not back in ten minutes then you lot should keep moving, I will either find you or just make it on my own."

He seems reluctant but eventually nods, the other kids don't really care either way, either too scared or out of breath to complain.

With one last smile I head out to see what the commotion is, using a henge on the way to look like one of the Kumo kids I saw before.

After a brief run through the mist, I come across a small clearing covered in blood, guts, organs and steaming, molten flesh. It's actually a little gross, but I've seen worse so it doesn't distract me. Idly, I also notice a number of Suna headbands, guess we won't have to worry so much about poisons then.

Further in the clearing there is a group of Kiri-nin, I recognise one of them as a chibi red-head who was galring at everyone, including her own allies, there is also a kid with gills and blue skin, which is just wild.

Is that a Jutsu or does he just look like that?

None of the others really stand out to me as they talk amongst themselves and just as I'm about to leave one of them spots me. Now, obviously with my specialty that shouldn't be possible, but I'm not ruling out the fact that we are constantly being watched, so I didn't go full stealth so as to not show my hand, though I did think I hid enough that they wouldn't notice me, maybe one of them is a sensor?

Either way, I dodge the water blade headed for the tree I was hiding in, the only tree in the clearing actually. Maybe that's how they spotted me? Konoha-nin would subconciously gravitate towards trees after all, or maybe I'm overthinking this. Either way, now I am standing before six miniature Kiri-nin.

"Yo! Peace?"

I'm answered with a stream of lava which I jump to the side to dodge, only for a massive sword with a hole in it to nearly bisect me had I not spun out of its path, I go to speak again but am interupted by another sword, this one seeminly /alive/ somehow but I mangahe to blow it off corse with a small lighting Jutsu, that I remembered to do a fake hand sign for.

I jump back before they can continue to try and murder me.

"Wait! Wait! I come in peace! Peace!"

One of the people who haven't tried to kill me responds with a sneer.

"Who cares why you're here? You ain't Kiri so were gonna kill ya."

Now that's just short sighted.

"Not even if I can give information on where the Konoha-nin are?"

Now that gets their interest, obviously I'm not actually going to tell them anything.

"Tell us and maybe we will let you live."

This guy isn't very good at negotiations is he? Then again they are a bunch of kids raised in Kiri, decent social skills aren't really to be expected.

"That doesn't sound like a very nice deal, how about this, I will leave and shout the direction to you from a distance?"

Here the red head speaks up, interupting the other guy.

"Why do you even want to tell us anyway?"

Do you have to be so threatening when you ask a question?

"Well, if you guys are taking out the competition, I might as well point you towards other people, both to save my own and to lessen the competition, right?"

"Very well then, tell us."

These guys really aren't subtle in the slightest, they fully plan on killing me the moment I give them the information.

"How about I show you instead?"


"Because that way you don't kill me!"

They seem a little confused as to how I can say that with a smile on my face, but after some meaningful looks shared between eachother, they reluctantly agree. So I start to lead them away from my group, not really sure what to make of the situation but pretty sure I messsed up somewhere to be surrounded by hostile Kiri-nin that are just waiting for a reason to kill me.

My smile only disturbs some of them.

"So, Red head, what's your name?"

"What's it to you."

"For someone with such a fiery Kekkai Genkai you sure are cold! I can't just keep calling you Red Head in my head."

My words seemto annoy her even more but that's just fine, it's part of the fun after all.

"Fine, my name is Mei."

"Well, nice to meet you Mei, my name is Izuku, say, what is it with you guys and the obnoxiously large weaponry? I saw this guy with a massive hammer/axe thing that just looked ridiculous, and tow of your friends here also have silly weapons. Is it just a fetish or something?"

I'm speaking loud enough that everyone can hear me, and by basically insulting them and their village I am doing a very good job at pissing them off, all with a smile on my face, because this really is fun.

"Who you saw was Jinin Akebino-sama, weilder of Kabutowari, and I don't know what a 'fetish' is, but you better avoid calling any of the seven swords 'silly weapons' again, or I'll kill you.

Huh, that guy was one of the Seven Swordsmen, supposedly all seven of them together could fight a Kage pretty evenly, though honestly I doubt it, still that makes him stronget than I assumed he was, maybe nearly as strong as the current Jiraiya actually.

Still, I'm not going to just stop annoying these guys, after all, I am surrounded, so if I can get little Mei to launch some lava at me then I can dodge it and let her kill her own allies, using the opening to run away. At least that would be ideal.

"Woah, so he was one of the legendary Seven Swordsmen? But it's not really a sword is it? I mean it's more of an axe if anything, and it's a hammer on the other side, nothing sword like about it really, maybe you should call them 'The Seven Blades of the Mist'? But wait, isn't one of them an explosion stick or something? Maybe they should just be called 'The Seven Silly Guys of the Mist? That seems fitting."

We've stopped moving now and the six of them are just staring at me in either anger, disbelief or even one guy who's nodding his head in agreement. I mean it is a stetch to call them all swords, and I only know like four of them.

"I told you not to call them that."

"Actually you said not to call the swords silly, you never said anything about their weilders, HEY WHATS THAT!!"

They all turn where I suddenly interupted myself to point, only to see nothing, and as they turn back they also see that I am no longer there.

Indeed, I have used the age old classic technique to run away, see, I siddenly realised that I've taken these guys far enough away that the others from Konoha should be safe, since we've been traveling for about half an hour, and if I stay any longer they might really try to kill me, to it's best to just run away, which thanks to their inexperience I do so easily.

That was kind of antclimactic honestly. Though as I hear some explosions and shouts of anger behind me I'm kind of glad about the anti-climax

But enough of that, I need to get back to the others from Konoha. Luckily I know more or less the route they are taking, and thanks to my previous mapping experience it isn't difficult for me to find my way to them.

Less luckily, is that by the time I arrive they are already fighting with some other Kiri-nin and I spot at least two dead Konoha-nin.

At least, Minato is doing a very good job holding them off, honestly the kids really going at it, his face has gone all blank and everything, wait, this is probably a traumatic experience for him isn't it?

Well, there's no point in just standing here and watching, so I jump down on the closest Kiri-nin, my henge long dispelled, and I twist his neck until I hear that satisfying /crack/.

Dropping with his body into a roll I run towards my group and start helping the fight.


A/N: He~llo! Dear readers!

Ha Ha Cliffhanger! well it's one of two chapters for today, so not much of a cliffhanger, also I keep writing flirting then remembering Hana's age and having to delete it :(
P.s he's going to start messing around when he's fifteen, I figure thats old enough in a world where all ninja are adults and thats olde enough that It wouldnt be a surprise if they had child marriges and stuffs.


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