A Murder Wizards Adventure

50 Close One!

Dodging under a kunai, I ignore the attacker as I know Minato will get him, instead I focus on the opponent he was facing that is confused by his opponent suddenly disengaging and I throw a kunai straight into his skull, killing him instantly.

I've discovered that Minato isn't really thinking right now, just killing everything that doesn't have a Konoha headband, especially those who attack us, so now I have to work around the fact that every time he sees someone take a swing at me he will immediately engage them over anyone else.

Glancing back, I see why me and Minato are fighting alone, since everyone else is either dead, dying or poisoned.

Focusing back on the fight, I jump at a kid who was going for our injured and swing a kunai for his head, which he dodges and swings a counter that I parry with my right and use my left to pierce his heart.

How many left now?

Before I can get an answer I have to roll to dodge a blade of water coming from the mist that makes up this battlefield, coming back to my feet I charge for yet another enemy only instead of trying to close the distance I throw both my kunai, forcing him to jump to the side to dodge, where I proceed to spit out a fireball that hits him dead on, causing him to scream out as the scent of burning flesh permiates the surroundings.

I turn, looking for more of them and see Minato drop another corpse, but no more enemies. It seems we got them all.

Minato is still out of it and just starts stalking circles around our group liked a zombie. Great.

I jog over to the others and ignore the dead and the poisoned for the moment, my focus is on the dying, the first has a massive cut opening up his chest and from just one look I know he is beyond saving so I don't even bother, instead moving over to another who has a simmilar gash, only on his side so less of his organs are fucked. I can save this one, so I get to work, coating my hands in medical chakra I all but shove them into his bleeding side, making him groan in pain and coating my arms with blood.

Shut up, can't you see I'm saving you? I need to concentrate.

I spend the next hour doing my best to keep as many of them alive as I can, but even with my best efforts split seven ways, one more bleeds out and another dies from poisoning by the time I'm done.

There isn't anything more that I can do, now we just have to wait another six or so hours and hope that no one bothers us until then.

I don't think I can do anything for Minato, but he isn't injured and having him act as a guard dog is actually good right now, also he really is impressive, he absolutely demolished everyone he fought and I'm fairly certain he's had no special training like I have, he's just naturally incredibly fast I guess, I can see why he will get the name 'Yellow Flash'. Still, there's nothing for it, so I just take a seat and wait for the day to pass, occasionally having to check up on the injured to make sure they don't die. Five casualties is enough, not that I particularly care about their lives, but the less of us there are, the more attention will be on each of us.

Time passes and on what I can only assume is the 24th hour the mist around us dissapates as Jiraiya appears, looking solemly at our group, though most of his attention is on Minato and his lifeless eyes.

I also make sure to seem appropriately solem and traumatised and I think he buys it.

A moment later the other three sensei's appear in various states of dismay.

After asking me about their wounds two of them pick up the two injured while Jiraiya and Akira pick up the three who are only poisoned and we head back to the inn in a tense silence.

As we walk I can't help but ponder to myself, despite all of the excitement, today wasn't as fun as i'd hoped it'd be. I think I know why too, the fighting wasn't entertaining because I'm dealing with inexperienced kids, they just aren't a challenge, even when I have to hold back my strength so much, with just some words or simple psychological tricks, combined with experience and the general chaos that comes with fights involving more than two people. It's just /boring/ and other than Minato none of my allies are even interesting enough to make it better.

Then there's the non-combat part, I picked a character that is far too easy, just shout and be enthusiastic. I should have gone for a more difficult character, then there's the fact that I really want to flirt, but would feel like a creep flirting with prepubecents, not to mention childeren are so easy to manipulate that it's not even fun to try.

I really can't wait for puberty, only a few years away now.

We make it back to the inn and one of the sensei's starts healing the injured and curing the poisoned, me and Minato are fine after a quick check, then we are sent to bed, Akira and I head to our shared room together, alone, since Kaito and Fumi both died, something that Akira seems to be upset by.

When we get to the room Akira opens the door for me and enters after me, closing the door behind him and as much as I want to jump on the bed and go to sleep, I did get enough rest with Minato as guard, and I need to do my actual mission now, however I think something is going to be needed to be addressed first.

"Is there something I can do for you Akira-sensei?"

The glare he's been sending my way only deepens when I turn back tot he door to face him, noticing that his shadow is behaiving erratically.

"Could you have saved them."

"I'm not sure what you mean, Akira-sensei, I'm just a normal Genin after all."

His shadow starts deepening, going from just being black to seeming to absorb the light around it.

huh, I think he's upset.

"Don't give me that bullshit, why are you here."

Now now, Jonin, don't go getting unprofessional just because you're emotional.

"I'm just a Genin here to see if I can get promoted."

"Could you have saved them."

He isn't going to drop this is he? How annoying.


"But you didn't."

"Correct again, would you like a prize?"

He continues on, ignoring my jab.

"Why didn't you save them."

"Mission comes first."

He doesn't like my answer, but he at least seems to accept it and heads over to his bed, to sulk presumably, I'm not sure as I have more important things to do, like prepare for tonight, where I shall actually be breaking into the Mizukage tower, now, I know what you might be thinking, 'but why don't you wait until tomorrow, when you're more well rested?'.

Well, that's simple, I think that right now would be when they would expect it the least, after all the Jonin present should all be busy either taking care of their Genin or mourning them, everyone should be too busy and tired to try anything, which is exactly why I will try something tonight.

A few hours later and it is dark out, so I go to the restroom and do the usual switch with a clone and shunshin out of the building, following a pre planned path towards the Mizukage tower, somehow having forgotten about how fucking cold it is.

Whatever, as I get near the tower I sit down and wait for an opening in the patrol, it's kind of like that game, what was it called? Crossing roads? Something like that. Point is, they have layered patrols, so when the time finally comes I rush forward, right behind the outermost patrol that just passed me by and keep going, through a gap in the next patrol.

Then, as the patrol I just passed moves passed my back, I back up into there patrol line as another group passed by where I just was, letting me pass them like I did the first, then I just sprint as fast as I can to the finish line, too close to any probable sensors to risk using a shunshin but I make it anyway, sneaking in through a side door that only had one, inatentive guard.

The first thing that comes to mind as I enter the building is, /it's so warm/, the second is to find archives, which doesn't take long after some sneaking around and opening random doors. As much as I want to find inventory and rob them blind, if that happened they would probably just kill everyone who is here for the exams, that's why I'm not actually allowed to take anything, because if they can't prove something happened then they can't kill or arrest us without causing an incident.

So when I do find Archives I just start looking through scrolls, commiting every detail to memory and making sure to put everything back exactly as it was. It takes longer than I would like to find anything useful because these guys don't seem to subscribe to the idea of organisation, everything seems to be placed completley randomly, which makes finding specific information very difficult.

Luckily I'm not particularly picky on what information exactly I find, however I do have a limited time window and I only find a scroll detailing information on the Seven Swords right when I'm running out of time for the next opening in the patrol.

Quickly skimming through the scroll, I put it back and head two floors up and to a window on the east side, in about a minute there will be another opening in the patrol that I will need to take.

The opening comes and I pass through without incident only, right as I'm feeling celebratory, I feel as every hair on my body stands up and I dive forward in a roll that brings me to the edge of the rooftop I'm on, just in time as I hear the sound of crackling lightning and an impact as the roof shakes slightly.

Turing to face across the rooftop, I'm met with the sight of a really short red head weilding dual swords that are wreathed in lightning, crap.

Then, just to make things worse, I hear the sound of an impact and look behind me to the next building to see Axe Guy, what was it? Jinin, or something? I'll just call him Jin and the other as Red.

Thankfully, I made sure to be in a henge that shows a featureless black outfit, that just so happens to match the height and build of one of the Kumo Jonin, still, no reason to hang around.

I take a step backwards and fall to the ground, kicking of off a windowsill before I hit the floor and using the force to break through a window on Jin's building, breaking into a run through the building only for Jin to break in through the window I was headed for, the moment he looks at me I put him in a Genjutsu that shows me turning 90 degrees and running, whilst I kept going straight, side stepping him.

He breaks out of the Genjutsu just as we are back to back and spins around with his axe set to decapitate me, but I've already used a shunshin to get to the ground outside not stopping my run, turning corner after corner until I have to dodge again as a blade of lightning nearly takes my arm and Red slides to a stop in front of me.

"Don't bother running, I'll catch ya!"

She says that with such a wild grin on her face she seems feral, still, one swordsman is enough, at least I assume she's one of the seven, I don't want to deal with both at once, so I don't stop running, this time going up the side of the building to my left instead of straight to her.

Red doesn't just let me do that though as she charges straight for me, which is great, since that was also a Genjutsu, something she only notices after she bisects me, but I'm already gone by then.

A few minutes and a few short confrontations later I can hear Red shouting from behind me.

"You can run all you like! I'll still find you!!"

I'm breathing really hard at this point, I can't keep this up for long, and she is clearly a sensor so I need to do something that will let me get some distance to use my stealth. Jin has also taken to following her around though, instead of splitting up like I'd prefer. There are also some normal Jonin showing up, but they aren't nearly as difficult to avoid.

I jump up onto another building and wait, not that I had to wait long as not even five seconds later Red and Jin appear on the same roof as me, letting us face each other.

"Finally giving up huh? Say, if you tell us which village you're from, we won't drag your death out too much."

So unfriendly, she's never going to get a boyfriend like this.

I remain silent since I probably won't be able to help myself from flirting and I don't want to give the game away by mistake. What can I say? Red heads are hot. Even if she could do with some civility lessons. Anyway, I get into a stance and pull out a pair of kunai, fighting two of The Swordsmen is an incredibly stupid decision, but it's not like I'm fighting to win here.

"I had hoped you wouldn't want to cooperate."

Saying so, Jin charges me first, but I'm not here to fight, all I need to do is slow down Red and here's a thing people don't often consider, even really impressive Jonin are just humans at the end of the day, and without any special techniques, we are only slightly more durable than a regular human, what makes us so much stronger is speed and power, we can easily dodge hits so we don't need to worry about out durability.

My point, is that I only need to land one hit, so I charge to meet Jin head on, and as his axe comes down on me, far faster than it has any right to, I jump forward and henge into a senbon that flies over his shoulder, letting me remove the henge and be inbetween them both, gunning for Red.

Red doesn't let surprise slow her down and swings her left blade horizontally, whilst the right goes for a stab and now I enact the stupid part of my plan, I doubt I could actually best her in a fight enough to land a solid hit, so I planned for a trade.

Twisting slightly I let the stab cut into my side and I reach out with my left and catch the other blade with my gloved hand while I bring my right to her temple in a vicious palm strike that has her out cold immediately.

Before I can get my barings I have to roll forward, and off of the bulding to dodge Jin, where I immediately set of in shunshin after shunshin, taking a round about way back to the inn as I see that the sun is starting to rise on the horizen. Speed clearly isn't Jin's specialty so I make it away fine, though I doubt Red will be out for long, it's long enough.

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