A Murder Wizards Adventure

55 Date

The morning comes and I have a spring in my step as I head across the hall to my kitchen, oh yeah, another thing that's changed, I got my own flat, well, I say that but it's more like the penthouse suite, last year so I'm living by myself, which I am glad for because Kizashi is entering puberty right now and I don't want to have to deal with any of that thank you very much. I also took Hound off of the back of my ANBU outfit and hung him up on the back of my door. 

My flat isn't a mansion, but it is fairly high end as I am rather wealthy these days, from both Liar's dice and Joker's Poker, I have also introduced some other card games that I sold the rights to too a big casino chain, like blackjack for instance, plus I don't need to spend nearly as much as anyone else on seals, only needing Fuinjutsu supplies instead. Point is, I'm kinda rich. Having two S-class missions under my belt also helps in terms of wealth.

Anyway, my flat is a mixture of smooth modern style, especially the kitchen that doesn't have any sticking out handles, instead just being a solid matte blue, because matte is the best colour typing and I will physically fight anyone who disagrees. I have a marble countertop because why not, and the kitchen itself is plenty big enough for two people to walk around each other without having to suck in their stomach.

I make myself some breakfast, lots of bacon, eggs, toast all with a glass of milk, because protien. Taking my food to my living room I sit on my large sofa that faces a glass window that overlooks the market street of Konoha and put my plate on my mahogany table and dig in. Did I mention how I love being wealthy yet? 

My floors are all traditional tatami wood, because fuck carpets, I hate carpets, they're so difficult to clean and don't even feel as good underfoot. Why would anyone want carpets over tiles or something smoother?

Anyway, I have some time off, due to my new position in learning seduction, which means I am free to start my homework, I only have a week after all. So, I start getting dressed, taking a moment to admire my incredibly toned, slightly tanned body riddled with small scars, as well as one big one on my side, if I were gay, I'd totally fuck me, anyway, I put on a shirt that might be one size too small, to accentuate my body and show off my abs, you know what they say after all, if you've got it, flaunt it.

I wear a pair of loose black slacks that tighten on my ankles, then I put on a pair of boots that are as practical as they are stylish and top it all of with a long black cardigan that is open at the front and goes down to my shins.

What? Cardigans are for girls? I will shatter you like glass, it's comfy and stylish and once again I will fight anyone who argues differently.

After getting dressed I leave, having everything else I might need, like money, safely stored away in my wrists, and take a walk down the market street, no real destination in mind, just seeing where the wind blows me.

It's as I'm thinking about getting some food do I see someone who seems vaguely familiar enough to grab my attention, she is around 165cm (5'5) tall at a guess and has black hair down to her lower back with fair skin and a body fit for a model, at least in the Before, here she is just very pretty, still, I do need to actually start a conversation with a girl if I want to do my homework, so I approach the stall she is at, not really paying attention to what it's selling, or at least pretending to.

This has depth you see, I'm pretending to be pretending to be paying attention to the merchandise, where in actuality I am both paying attention to the stall and the girl, she notices me looking at her fairly quickly and turns to face me, speaking before she really even looks at me.

"Can I help you?"

Only after she speaks does she take in my appearance which causes her eyebrows to bounce in appreciation, obviously something as simple as a pretty face isn't going to make a real person blush like a schoolgirl in love, still, I pretend to be surprised.

"Ah, no, not at all, I was just, uh shopping."

Cutting myself off I grab a small box of powder off of the stall and hold it up awkwardly, like I'm badly trying to convince her that this is why I'm here. Judging by the amused look she sent me, my plan is working. No one likes boring, uninteresting people, or at least, they don't attract attention, by acting flustered and making such a bad lie, I am both interesting and amusing, meaning she will be willing to continue this interaction, it helps that I'm good looking too, because people are biased like that.

"Do you even know what you're buying?"

I thank her in my head for asking the perfect question, and am glad she sounds as amused as I had hoped her to be when asking it, of course I do know what this is, it's foundation, and not even a good one, which was also on purpose, which brings me to my next lie.

"Er, it's a, uh, spice?"

Now I've shown that I clearly have no idea what it is but am too embarrassed to admit it, something that makes her amusement grow even higher, making me seem endearing to her.

"That is foundation, it's also the worst one available, that's why it's so cheap."

Perfect response again, are you a paid actor? Smiling happily in my mind I scratch the back of my head with an embarrassed smile on my face and put the box down.

"Well, which one would you say is best then?"

She smiles and humours me, looking around the stall once more while the old owner looks on with a smile that just screams 'ah, to be young', and she picks out one of the nicer foundations and holds it out to me.

"Here, this one is the best."

I don't say anything and just smile, take the offered box and pay the stall owner for it before turning back to the woman next to me and giving her a more genuine smile.

"Thank you for the suggestion, uh, I never actually got your name?"

She gives a small smile as we turn away from the stall to walk elsewhere.

"My name is Yoshino, you?"

Aha! that's where I recognised her from, way back when in the fair.

"I knew I recognised you from somewhere, we met a few years ago, at the fair?"

It takes a moment but her eyes light up and widen as she exclaims.

"Oh! I thought you looked familiar, I'm surprised you remember."

I give a small smirk as I respond in a slightly flirty tone, but not enough I could be called out on it, just enough to be implied.

"How could I forget?"

Yoshino coughs slightly and changes the subject while looking to the side away from me.

"What were you even doing at a makeup stall anyway."

And there is my opening, this is fun.

"Well, to be honest it was less the stall and more the patron that attracted me, speaking of, here, I noticed the way you were looking at that stuff and figured you would like your own recommendation."

Saying so, I offer her the box of foundation I bought while scratching the back of my head with my other arm, coincidentally causing my clothes to show my muscled arms' outline which brieflydraws her eyes.

"I'm flattered, but that is the expensive stuff, if you don't want it it's better to resell or something."


"Oh? In that case, how about a trade?"

Now she eyes me somewhat warily, probably worried about something devious.

"What kind of trade?"

"Are you busy today? I was thinking about getting something to eat, I know this great ramen place see, but it would be even better with your company, if you're willing?"

Yoshino contemplates for a moment, before accepting the box and giving me a small smile.

"Sure, I was getting hungry anyways."


So with a wide smile I offer my arm which she accepts with a giggle, hooking her arms with my own as I lead her to Teuchi's place, since his ramen makes for the best lunch.

Me and Yoshino share some idle chatter on the way, mostly talking about food, where Yoshino tries to guess where we're going, and I tell her she's wrong, even when she says ramen. Eventually we do arrive, and I can smell Teuchi's cooking before we even enter.

"Hey! I guessed ramen and you said no!"

"Did I? Well, that just makes it more of a surprise doesn't it?"

With a grin on my lips I take her hand as I back up into the small building Teuchi runs and lead her to a counter seat, only letting go of her hand after she sat down, me shortly joining her.

"So, ramen then?"

"Not just ramen, the best ramen in Konoha, trust me." 

I wink before turning to the approaching young man, who is, of course, Teuchi.

"Hana-san! Good to see you again, and you even brought more customers, this is why you're my favourite! So who is this then? Girlfriend?"

Thank you Teuchi, I knew I could count on you. Before I answer I glance at Yoshino to see how she reacts to the insinuation, so I know how to move forward, if she seems offended then I need to deny and back up a little, if she doesn't react then I turn it into a joke, but thankfully she blushed slightly and looked away, the perfect response to this situation, because it lets me do this.

"We'll see, I have the whole day to convince her."

Sending a small wink Yoshino's way I turn back to Teuchi so she can compose herself, I shouldn't rush ahead too much after all.

"I'll have my usual and I think Yoshino-san would love todays special."

Teuchi nods and heads back to prepare the food. Picking for her is a calculated risk, people don't generally like when someone else picks their order after all, and I don't know her preferences yet so she could hate the special, which is why I asked for the 'usual' which is a little code we made that means I want the most palatable meal, the meal that the least amount of people would be adverse to eating, we made the code because my little brother was being picky and wanted to eat what I eat but couldn't handle all the spice so we did this so he can ask for my usual and actually enjoy it. 

The point is that if Yoshino doesn't like the special then I can offer her mine instead, and it's unlikely that she would dislike that.

The wait for the food is silent as I don't want to keep pushing right now, I've made my intentions clear, now the rest is up to her. During the meal she only speaks up to compliment the food, visibly surprised at the taste, despite the aroma that envelops the building practically screaming that the food will be top class. Other than that we eat in silence and when we're done and have set our bowls down and wiped our mouths too, cuz hygiene and I jump off my seat and hold my and out to her with a, hopefully, charming smile.

"Well, the day is still young, would you care to accompany me about town?"

Now the make it or break it moment, everything now rests on her decision and I can only hope my company has been pleasant enough that she would be willing to pursue this, since I've already stated my intention, if she takes my hand now it's a tacit agreement to turn this outing into a date, like saying she is willing to give me a shot.

I carefully watch her face as she goes through a few expressions before settling on a slight blush as she seems to come to a decision and reaches out to take my hand.

"I think I'd like that."


A/N: He~llo! Dear readers!

The rest of the chap will come out today so dw about cliffhanger-kun

Edit: So I might have gotten a bit carried away with this whole date thing and it's gonna be three chapters, so there will be a little bit of a cliffhanger today. Whoops?

Also! I have, once again, defeated the bop-it. I'm not sure if I said, but the batteries ran out and my record got wiped, but I have won once again and my record is even stronger than before... I want wifi again.

Also, yesterday our boiler broke for some reason, so we don't have heat or hot water either. We also don't have a washing machine yet and we haven't heard about getting a bin for bin day so we might miss the bin men and be unable to get rid of our rubbish. Fun times.


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