A Murder Wizards Adventure

56 Date 2 Electric Boogaloo

"So, what did you have in mind?"

Yoshino asks me as we walk away from Teuchi's, hand in hand.

"Well, would you say you are much of a reader?"

Yoshino blinks at my non sequitur before answering, curiosity in her tone.

"I like a good book every once in a while."

I give a big grin and walk faster, practically dragging her behind me as she rushes to keep up with me, giggling.

We end up at the public library and I lead us to the romance section where we are thankfully alone, it being rather empty right now, and turn to Yoshino with a mischievous smile.

"The game is thus, we both pick out a book by title, then we open it at a random page to skip through then we take turns reading the sauciest, dirtiest paragraph. Whoever's composure breaks first loses."

When I've finished explaining the game Yoshino's grin is matching my own, clearly enjoying the sound of the game. We pick our books and pages and once we're both ready Yoshino says I can go first with the kind of smirk of someone who already knows they've won. I just smile and step in close, having memorised the lines instead of reading from the book so that I can whisper them directly into her ear, our chests touching and her back to the bookshelf.

"This is wrong, I can't help but think to myself. He's a prince and I'm just a lowly peasant, we can't be, but as I feel his body presses against mine, as I feel him inside of me, the burning warmth heating me to the very core, all I can think is how it feels so 𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵. His thrusts deepen and I can no longer hold back my cries, my moans, as my back arches from pleasure I've never felt before, I feel his release, the warmth spreading even further than before. It's intoxicating."

Finishing my paragraph I take a half step back and look at Yoshino, noting with amusement how she seems totally out of it, with a dazed look on her face, mouth hanging slightly open for a few moments before she snaps out of it and is greeted by my smirking face.

This causes her to blush in a truly atomic fashion that is just adorable even as she pushes me away and stares at the floor.

"One point to me."

"S-shut up. M-my turn n-now."

After saying that she coughs lightly and takes a moment to compose and steel herself before she give me a sultry smile and copies what I did by getting really close, still blushing but not as much she grabs my shirt to pull me down so she can whisper in my ear like I did her, only the faintest of stutters when she starts.

"H-his hands were so firm when he spun me around, calloused from hard work, when he pushed me against the wall I wanted to scream, but his lips were against my own before I could, and I couldn't help but melt as I felt him dominate my mouth, feeling his strong, firm hands as they explored my body, I'm reminded of why I could never leave him, the pleasure he can bring me with his hands alone is like nothing I've ever felt, tingles like an electric shock travel down my spine at his every brush, the faintest touch, bringing me to the edge."

The situation is enough to make me blush, but nothing more, however, I pretend to be more flustered than I am, so basically we are copying each other, with me acting similarly like she did, struggling to find the words, this will make her feel validated rather than if I'd kept my composure and she would have been frustrated.

"M-my point."

We stare at each other for a moment before she snickers and soon enough we are both laughing, only one of us genuine, and it takes us a minute to calm down but by then we are leaning against a bookshelf, shoulder to shoulder.

"So, rematch?"

The grin she sent me was answer enough.

After the library, I took Yoshino back to the market street.

"Ok, big guy, what do you have in mind this time?"

I give her another grin that she returns immediately this time, it's the evening now, and since we've spent a couple hours reading erotica to each other as seductively as we can, it's fair to say she is a lot more comfortable with me now, to the point that she is actually hugging my arm instead of just holding my hand.

"Well Shino, I'm glad you asked, see, this game plays into the next one, but that's a secret for now."

Yoshino pouts while I wink.

"What's the game then?"

I spend a moment just looking in her eyes in lieu of responding as if lost in them, and just as she's starting to blush I shake my head a little, as if to snap myself out of it before giving a happy smile and then looking forward.

"Well, cutie, for this game we will walk around the market looking for clothes and accessories, then what we pick the other has to wear for the next event."

Yoshino, stull blushing lightly turns away fromv me with a genuinely happy smile before turning back to me, beaming.

"Sure! Sounds fun!"

And so we go down looking for clothes, I have the advantage of knowing what the next activity is, so I make sure to pick mismatching, informal clothes, the first thing we buy, well, I buy since it's my money, but the first thing that we buy is a bright yellow pair of cargo shorts that I got for her that will go down to her knees. They are completely unstylish and the little amused glare she sends my way tells me she might have figured out the objective of this little game.

That thought is confirmed when she sees a stall with a bright pink shirt and also a similarly coloured beanie, that she chooses for me.

"There, that jacket would go perfectly with your shorts don't you think?"

What I'm pointing at is a dull white leather jacket with studs going down the sleeves, it's the most punk thing I've seen so far and it clashes with the shorts 𝘩𝘰𝘳𝘳𝘪𝘣𝘭𝘺. The look she sends me when she sees it has me genuinely laughing uncontrollably for a hot minute.

"Really Hana? That looks 𝘢𝘸𝘧𝘶𝘭."

"It does doesn't it? Shame that."

I bought it, even as Shino groaned about it.

A few minutes later and I spot something else that I just can't resist, it's cracking me up just imagining it.

"What's got you smiling like that big guy?"

"How could I not smile with such a beautiful woman by my side."

I couldn't resist such an easy opening. Shino fights through her blush to glare at me and honestly that just makes it even cuter, something I think she notices as she hits me in the chest.

"I-idiot, don't deflect."

"Well, I just noticed an accessory that would match your outfit just 𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘧𝘦𝘤𝘵𝘭𝘺."

So naturally I lead her to a jewellery store, only instead of what one would typically get their date, a ring, earing or something pretty like that, what I had my eyes on instead where the thick golden chains and rings. It's enough to make anyone look like a pimp, now I just need to find a hat with a feather in and a purple shirt of some kind, not to mention footwear, oooh I just got an idea.

"I would like to buy that, that, and those please."

"Hana, you have got be kidding, I will look like some kind of bandit."

I give my most gracious smile, making sure she can notice it's fake, wouldn't want her to know how easily I can fake an expression after all, and I speak in my most sincere voice, as if I was about to patiently sooth her of all her worries.

"That sounds like a you problem."

As much as she tries to look mad as she rolls her eyes at me, I can see the small happy smile she has as I add the surprisingly heavy jewellery to our bag, since we will only need the one.

"Oh! That's exactly what I was looking for."

Shino exclaims as she runs ahead, still hugging my arm and thus dragging me along to a stall selling sleepwear where she picks up a sparkling pink silk pair of pyjama bottoms and some fluffy pink socks that she hands to me with a smirk.

In my driest voice I regale her as I pay for and pack the newest additions.

"I am sensing a theme."

"How wise of you."

The way she giggles is genuinely cute and has me staring in a way that is infinitely more genuine than last time, not that I think she even notices as she drags me to the next stall, another selling jewellery.

"Here, if I'm wearing golden jewellery then you're wearing pink ones."

When I don't respond she turns to look quizzically at me, only to stop as she sees me staring right back at her with a small smile. Gently I reach out to stroke her cheek with my thumb, leaning in close, but not too close and speak in a low, steady tone.

"You are truly beautiful when you're excited."

I purchase my rose diamond rings and necklaces while Sino stands there dumbstruck for a moment. I don't think she realises just how much money I'm blowing through here, rose diamonds aren't cheap, not that it matters to me. I really love being rich.

This time I'm the one dragging Shino around as she is still a little dazed by my confession but she manages to calm herself down and walk by my side before I spot her shirt for later, by now her smile seems to be permanently attached to her face, and I must admit I am also having fun. This is proving to be an enjoyable experience, definitely the best homework I've ever gotten.

"Look at that shirt! Perfect, wouldn't you say?"

I make sure to speak like how a car nerd sounds when they see a car they really like and say 'look at that beauty', you know what I mean. Of course, because of recent events Shino momentarily forgot out little game, so because of my tone she was expecting a really nice shirt when she looked over, only to see me pointing at a deep purple shirt with the kanji for 'Gamble' written on it.

Caught so of guard she lets out a very unladylike snort that has me joining her in more light laughter as I buy the terrible shirt, I also buy some black knee socks while there.

"I'm going to look like I went dumpster diving and just took what I could get."

"Terrible shame that."

"Oh shush you."

She says as she gives me a little shove with her shoulder, since she is still hugging my arm.

"Finally! The perfect jacket!"

It took a while but we eventually found a bright pink jacket, though it was actually a long cardigan, one of my favourite garments, that someone's grandma clearly knitted for them at some point. Now all we need is footwear, and it's starting to get late so we'd best hurry along. When we finally find a stall selling shoes we are thankfully spared looking for another one as we both find what we want the other to wear at the same time, both of us pointing to opposite sides of the stall, out arms crossing each others as we call out at the same time.


Making quick eye contact, we share a laugh at our synchronisation, before I buy the fluffy pink slippers she wants me to wear and the sandals I want her to wear. Thus, our outfits are complete.

"So, what now?"

"Heh, now, we get dressed, c'mon I know a shop 'round here that has changing rooms we can use."

Shino follows after me, grumbling under her breath about terrible fashion before we find our way to the dressing rooms, I go into one and drop off her outfit then get into the dressing room next to it with my stuff.

I am the first person to finish, obviously, and when I look in the mirror I can't help but cringe a little.

God, I look so stupid. I look like a highlighter. Pink from head to toe. Not even uniform pink too, the beanie is a light pink, the shirt a pale pink, the pyjamas a deep, sparkling pink the cardigan a dull pink and the slippers and socks a hot pink, and then to top it all off is a pair of rings that sparkle pink and a jewelled neckless that also sparkles pink.

I look so damn stupid, and as I step out of the changing room to wait for Shino I smile wryly at the sounds of everyone in the store turning and snickering at me, trying not to laugh out loud because that's rude, but failing anyway. I just ignore them as I take a seat and settle in for the wait.

A couple minutes later and Shino opens the curtain with the confidence of a white woman walking into a police station.

We both look at each other for a moment in silence, before breaking out into laughter as one, until we're both on the floor next to each other just giggling, as other storegoers smile at the display of 'young love', whistling in nostalgia.

Shino has on a pair of sandals with black knee socks, and everyone knows you don't go sandals and socks, this leads up to an offensively bright pair of yellow cargo shorts that stop just high enough to leave a small gap that still manages to be attractive in spite of the horrible outfit. Above that is her purple shirt displaying her love of gambling and a leather jacket that is a dull white with studs going down the sleeves, then to top everything off she has her feathered hat and heavy golden jewellery that really does make her look like a pimp.

After a while of laughing on the floor, Shino turns to face me with a grin, she's clearly enjoying herself.

"So, what's next bug guy?"


A/N: He~llo! Dear readers!

It is midnight and I am so tired of bop it.

It is the morning now and my shower is so cold it made my fingers slightly numb... I can't shower in these conditions :<

The date should finish next chap!

But if you want smut you will still have to bribe me for it!


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