A Murder Wizards Adventure

58 Handing in homework

A week passed in a flash. Most days I spent hanging out with Yoshino, even in her apartment once, though her friends that she lives with were also there so it didn't lead to anything unfortunately.

Now I'm back with Swan, or Kumiko, since we are without our masks, for our second meeting. She already had tea ready by the time I entered her room and the first thing she did after I sat down was sit on my lap and make out with me.

"Well, you've certainly improved, I take it your homework went well?" She asks, still sitting on my lap, but I don't blush this time, having expected it anyway and answer with a smile.

"I would hate to disappoint after all."

"So you've got a girlfriend, and here you are, getting it on with another woman, have you no shame? No guilt?" 

Is this rhetorical? A test? I don't really know what she's going for here, am I supposed to have guilt? Probably not, since that wouldn't be very good for a seduction specialist, then, maybe she's making sure I haven't so easily caught feelings? Like reverse stockholm syndrome, I can see why it would be a worry in this business.

"Here I am, being sexually assaulted by my superior who is using her position over me to have her dastardly way with me, I'm sure that my 'girlfriend' would take my side here."

Now that makes Kumiko smirk pleasnatly, I guess she was checking if I held any attatchment.

"Good, in that case, tell me about her."

"Well, her name is Yoshino Nara, she is my age and about a head shorter than me, black hair as is typical of the Nara, she lives in an apartment with two of her friends, she likes spicy food and has very interesting opinions on philosophy. She likes having fun, as we all do, and she dislikes being treated like the typical 'Clan Lady' with all the formalities associated.. uh, she's a decent cook."

Kumiko nods appreciatively at the information before looking wryly at me.

"I had expected you'd pick a civilian girl for this, it certainly would have been easier you know? Not to mention, if the Nara's found out about this they wouldn't be very happy."

"Then I guess we'd best not let them find out then!" I respond with a bright smile, unafraid of the wrath of one of Konoha's biggest clans, which makes Kumiko sigh in what I think is fondness.

"And of course you just had to pick the clan known for its intelligence to try and hide something from."

"Overcoming a challenge is more rewarding proportionate to the difficulty of the challenge."

"*Sigh* I sould have taken Takeshi's warning about you more seriously huh? Well enough about that, I need to grade you, which means I need to test you first, What colour are Yoshino's eyes?"

"We're doing this are we? Brown."

"Her favourite colour?"

"Pink." Kumiko rolls her eyes at my smirk before moving on.

"Her birthday?"

"Two weeks and three days from now."

"How many pairs of shoes does she own?"

I pause at the sudden increase in difficulty of my quiz, thinking. I've been to her apartment only twice, and stayed only once, I saw a few shoes but there are three of them. Most of the shoes probably belong to one of them, and I know she is a Kunoichi, so she probably only has one pair of nice shoes, one casual and two for work, I'd say plus an extra because why not but she doesn't have cash to be throwing around so I doubt it.


"Hmmm, what will she have for dinner today? Please verbalise your reasoning this time."

"Really going for the difficult questions huh? Well yesterday we had a dish of mostly noodles and the day before we had soup, so, probably something with sustinece, meat, she likes fish over beef so probably salmon as a main with some sides."

"Good, good, how long do her showers take, on average?"

"I don't know, never had to wait for her."

"First lesson of today is that no matter what you do, you will never have all the information, what is she doing tomorrow?"

"She has a mission tomorrow, patol for the day."

Kumiko shuffles forward with an eager smile, reminding me how close we are as her breast press against me and are noses all but touch, I studiously keep eye contact.

"The final question, how far did she take you?"

"A lot of kissing, with tongue and she's given me a blowjob, other than that, nothing."

Honestly, Kumiko seems happier about my receiving fellatio than me, which is kinda weird, maybe she's a voyeur?

"And how did that make you feel?"

"What are you, my shrink? It felt good, what do you expect me to say here?"

Her response is just a shrug before she gets up off me to sit on her bed.

"Well, since you are already getting started on learning about oral, you can get to work while I lecture you on how to effectivley make someone notice you, even in a crowd."

She says that as she spreads her legs showing how she is without underwear.

"This is an abuse of power." I complain but she just smirks so I roll my eyes and get to work, correcting any mistakes that she points out and following her advice, even as I split my attention to focus on her lecture.

This is the weirdest class I have ever taken, not that I'm complaining.

Three hours later and I'm heading to the Uzumaki compound while massaging my jaw. I wanted to see Mito about one of my projects, especially since she's been looking weaker and weaker lately, and I want to use her extensive knowledge before she kicks the bucket. 

The gate guard let me in easily, having been a frequent visitor, if not a consistant one. 

I get to our usual room and knock, entering after she calls me in. Inside is not only Kushina, but also Minato, her boyfriend of three years now, during which he started joining us for lessons, no doubt on Kushina's insistence. Yeah, that happened, and because and the fact that Minato is so friendly, I've become 'friends' with these two, even if somewhat reluctantly in Kushina's case, but honestly I'd rather they both left me alone since I find them both annoying.

Well, relatively speaking. When I say annoying it's more accurate to say 'not amusing', like when I say I'm angry it's more like 'I'm not having fun right now and it's your fault', the point is, I am still a sociopath, I don't really feel negative emotions, just the absence of positive ones, which I refer to as negative so that people can understand what I mean.

Anyway, Minato is the first to speak up, enthusiastic as usual.

"Ah! Hana, it's good to see you! Been a while since you last came for lessons, I heard you even got a girlfriend?"

Before I can even speak, Kushina scoffs from his side, looking at her seals as if I'm not important enough to deign with her attention.

"Big shock, the pretty boy managed to trick some poor girl into thinking he isn't an asshole."

I mean, she isn't entirely wrong which I find pretty funny, I also smile when Mito glares at Kushina for her language. It's always nice to watch the way Kushina shrinks in on herself under Mito's glare.

"Yeah, her names Yoshino, I'll introduce you if I get the chance, maybe we can do a double date or something? Anyway, I'm actually here to you on a project I've been working on Mito-sensei."

Kushina blushes at my mention of a double date, which I make worse by winking obviously to Minato when I say it. How can you be in a relationship for three years and still turn into a stuttering schoolgirl at the mention of anything even slightly romantic?

"Actually, there was something I had been hoping to talk with you about, but I never know when you are planning to visit. Would you two mind giving us the room?"

I scratch the back of my head sheepishly as Minato and Kushina vacate, the latter grumbling under her breath. I take a seat and wait for Mito to begin, figuring it's probably important, and it might effect weather or not I can ask my own questions.

"First let me say, thank you for being such a good friend to Kushina, even if she isn't the best at showing it, she does appreciate it nonetheless."

Err, what? Mito keeps going, unaware of the way my mind has stopped.

"You see, as you know, I am the Jinchuriki of the nine-tails and Kushina is my succesor, however my time is coming to an end, and so I want you to take this, this is a sealing tag that I personally designed myself, it will allow you to control the nine-tails, should it ever attempt to escape."

Uh, what? As I accept the tag Mito hands me, I genuinely struggle not to laugh out loud. What the fuck? Why? This doesn't make any sense. Is she really going senile? My thoughts are interuppted when Mito's face goes from serious to a soft smile as she sighs in relief.

"I see you have questions, first I will say, I lied, that seal wouldn't even activate."

What? I pour chakra into the seal and sure enough, nothing happens. I am so lost.

"There is something about being the Jinchuriki of the nine-tails that virtually no one knows about, I can sense the negative emotions of everyone around me, and not once in all the time I've known you, have I ever felt even a single negative emotion, even when Kushina was so rude to you, you never begrudged her for it. It's something I've never seen before, you truly don't have an evil bone in your body. Which is why, even though you have already done so much for her, first in Uzu, saving her father, then in Konoha, being a constant companion that treats her like an actual person rather than a princess, I make this request of you, please stay a friend of Kushina, she will need all the friends she can, but she isn't very good at making them."

Finishing her little speech Mito even bows to me, which I quickly help her back up, a clan head shouldn't bow after all.

But this... this, this is so stupid. It's technically true that I don't have any negative feelings towards Kushina, but I don't have any positive ones either, at one point I briefly contemplated trying to get her to cheat on Minato with me just because I thought it would be funny, but I decided against it, too much work not enough gain.

I guess because she can only sense negative emotions she got the wrong impression of me. Well, I'm certainly not about to correct this misinterpretation, I did say I needed her help after all.

"Uh, sure? I mean, I would have anyway, so you don't need to ask it of me."

"I'm happy to hear that young man, now, I believe you said you wanted help with something?" Mito says, smiling at me like I just became a part of the family. This is just so stupid.

We spent the rest of the day talking about how to make a sealing matrix that would be able to process a sudden and instant and truly massive quantity of information while then only informing me of changing variables, as opposed to even the static ones. Hopefully, if I can get this seal down right then I can finish my secret project, which would be really nice.


A/N: He~llo! Dear readers!

Wonder if anyone will be able to figure out the secret project? It's only been hinted at twice, the second hint being the last paragraph. Maybe you'll even get a third hint before he finishes it ;)

Also, I beat bop it again. when you beat it the first time, which you do by getting 100 points, you unlock 'expert' difficulty, I beat that yesterday and got 'master'... I wonder if there's a grandmaster difficulty after it?


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