A Murder Wizards Adventure

Kushina Interlude

I was just about to ask Minato for help in trying to figure out this annoying matrix because it is just. unreasonably complicated!!!

Then there was a knock on the door and I know what that means. It means 𝘩𝘦 is here. Sure enough, once Mito-sama called out to enter, the door opens and we all have to see his stupid, stupid face and his stupid pink hair.

Red is not just a lame pink damnit!!!

Red hair is better!!

Then he walks in with his stupid smile and his stupid, pleasant, calming, annoying voice!

And then Minato, that idiot speaks up in his usual friendly way, that does not make me blush, I don't know what you're talking about.

"Ah! Hana, it's good to see you! Been a while since you last came for lessons, I heard you even got a girlfriend?"

That's another thing. He has a girlfriend now? What's up with that!?! My mouth opens before I can even think about what I'm saying.

"Big shock, the pretty boy managed to trick some poor girl into thinking he isn't an asshole."

Not that I ever though he is pretty. I have Minato now anyway, so who cares about stupid pretty boys and their stupid hair that is just a washed out red anyway. Suddenly a shiver goes down my spine and as I look to Mito-sama I realise the mistake I made.

No. I don't 'cower', it's called a tactical retreat. No one can win against Mito-sama's glare. So, totally not cowed, I almost miss the stupid idiot's next words.

"Yeah, her names Yoshino, I'll introduce you if I get the chance, maybe we can do a double date or something? Anyway, I'm actually here to you on a project I've been working on Mito-sensei."

D-d-double date!! Who wants to go on a date!!! I glance at Minato before I can even think about it and I see him blush a little when the idiot winks at him. No. That would be a bad idea. Though, maybe I would be able to warn this Yoshino that he is not as nice as he seems. Indeed, he is practically the Devil!!

Ok, that may be a bit harsh. But I know he mocks me in his head behind his smile!!! It's a woman's intuition!!

"Actually, there was something I had been hoping to talk with you about, but I never know when you are planning to visit. Would you two mind giving us the room?"

What? I turn to Mito-sama, but quickly turn away from the look she sent me. Stupid idiots stealing away Mito-sama's attention. Why does he even get to be here? These are supposed to be my lessons and he isn't even an Uzumaki!!

I just don't understand why he gets all this special treatment! He isn't even anyone important! Just some no name shinobi from a civilian family. No, I did not use clan resources to stalk him. I don't know what you're talking about.

"Stupid, idiots and their stupid evil plans." I mutter as me and Minato exit the room.

"What was that, Kushina?"

I do not blush even a little at Minato's smile.

"Nothing, now come here." Saying that, I grab Minato's arm and lead him to the room next to the one we just left and then I go to the wall to activate a special seal that I put in place exactly for this kind of situation!

The idiot keeps getting private talks with Mito-sama and I will find out what they talk about!! No, I am not jealous! I am worried that he is blackmailing Mito-sama!! Why else would she let him be here!

"Uh, Kushina?"

"Shut up!"

I go to the wall and activate my seal that even Mito doesn't know about!! It makes a small, one way window in the wall that we can also hear through!! Aha! try and get away with your stupid secret meetings now!!

As it takes effect I listen in on what is being discussed. Hehe, I feel like a proper ninja like this, rather than stupid patrols and escorts.

"-or being such a good friend to Kushina, even if she isn't the best at showing it, she does appreciate it nonetheless."

What? I don't like him!!! What are you talking about!! He's just the stupid idiot that never even realised that I did like him!! Uh, not that I did like him! We just spent a lot of time together! Because of classes!! Besides, I have Minato now anyway, so I don't need anyone else. Especially not some stupid, dense, idiot. Unknowing of my thoughts, Mito-sama continues and my shock only grows.

"You see, as you know, I am the Jinchuriki of the nine-tails and Kushina is my successor, however my time is coming to an end, and so I want you to take this, this is a sealing tag that I personally designed myself, it will allow you to control the nine-tails, should it ever attempt to escape."

What?!? Why would you ever give something so important to him!!

"I see you have questions, first I will say, I lied, that seal wouldn't even activate."

What?!? What is happening here!!?

"There is something about being the Jinchuriki of the nine-tails that virtually no one knows about, I can sense the negative emotions of everyone around me, and not once in all the time I've known you, have I ever felt even a single negative emotion, even when Kushina was so rude to you, you never begrudged her for it. It's something I've never seen before, you truly don't have an evil bone in your body. Which is why, even though you have already done so much for her, first in Uzu, saving her father, then in Konoha, being a constant companion that treats her like an actual person rather than a princess, I make this request of you, please stay a friend of Kushina, she will need all the friends she can, but she isn't very good at making them."

I'm so stunned I can't even form words. He isn't evil? B-but, he toyed with me!! B-but, d-did he? This doesn't make any sense. Am I crying?

Wait. Uzu? N-no way. 𝘏𝘦 is Butterfly!?!!?

B-but, why didn't he say anything!! Why did no one tell me!!??

D-does he really like me? Did he really save Tou-san?

I fall back on my butt in shock, I just don't even know what to think anymore. Mito is d-dying, he isn't evil and even saved my Tou-san!

"Kushina. Kushina! Are you ok?"

"Y-yeah, I'm fine." I lied, "lets just go."

I don't see the way Minato looks worriedly at me as we leave.


This is a bad idea.

That is all I can think as me and Minato walk into one of the fancier restaurants arm in arm. A waiter leads us to a table where I see them.

Hanabira Haruno and Yoshino Nara. No, I did not use clan recourses to stalk her. I don't know what you're talking about.

Hana looks the same as he usually does, which is to say, like a pretty boy, only now he is wearing some really fancy suit like clothes and the girl he is talking to, Yoshino, looks like a typical Nara, pale, dark hair, pretty and is also wearing super fancy clothes, a wavy purple dress that looks expensive even to me.

Honestly, they make me feel like we underdressed since I told Minato we probably shouldn't wear anything too fancy. I just didn't want Minato to feel left out, he isn't a wealthy as I am after all.

"Hey there, sorry if we're late!"

Of course, Minato doesn't share my reservations and speeds up to the table to greet them.

"Oh, it's no problem at all Minato, we weren't waiting long." Hana responds with his typical pretty boy smile while me and Minato take a seat and we all properly introduce ourselves to each other, then I focus in as Yoshino-san speaks up.

"So, Hana has told me a little about you two, I hear you're both prodigies at Fuinjutsu, make anything interesting recently?"

Hana talked about us? And called us prodigies? Looking at him I see that he is blushing lightly and scratching the back of his head while looking away.

Does he really see us as friends?

Conversation is mostly light while we eat, but I can't help but notice, Yoshino-san really is infatuated by Hana. The way she looks at him, it's like he is the solution to all the worlds problems or something. Stupid prince charming wannabe.

...Maybe, he isn't as bad as I make him out to be? Now I feel awful, all this time, I've been thinking that he is some mean guy and really he was just trying to be my friend. Stupid me and my stupid temper, why do I have to get so angry so easily?

I mean, he does seem genuinely happy with Yoshino-san, honestly, it's actually a little bit cute watching how they interact with each other. That just makes me think about how me and Minato interact.

I'm never as lovey dovey as she is. Maybe, I should try to show more affection? I don't want Minato to think that I don't l-love him after all.

I focus back on the double date and honestly it is actually surprisingly fun.

I thought Yoshino-san would just be some arm candy that Hana got to go with his pretty boy look, but she's actually really smart and has some very interesting opinions.

All in all, it was a wonderful day out, even if now I feel slightly bad about how I've been thinking about Hana-san this whole time.

But that's behind us now, I will make a better effort to be a good friend to him.

As me and Minato make it back to the compound I decide to try and be affectionate, like Yoshino-san is. So I steel myself before turning to Minato.

And. And. And I can't say anything. What do I say!!! I don't know what to do and I can feel myself starting to blush! Damnit Minato!! This is all your fault!! Why are you so handsome!!


Unable to bear the shame of what I just said I rush inside and slam the door behind me.


I'll do better next time. Maybe I should ask Yoshino-san for help? Like a girls night out? I don't have any girlfriends after all.

Ok! I will ask Yoshino-san if she wants to hang out tomorrow, and if she says yes, then I will ask her how she is so affectionate with Hana-san, because it's so difficult.

Going to my room I continue pondering. I can't just ask her for something and give nothing in return. Maybe I should make her a seal or something? Like a really big explosion seal! Who doesn't love explosions after all?


A/N: He~llo! Dear readers!

To be clear, Kushina does love Minato more than anyone else.

If Kushina seems stupid or contradictory it's on purpose, she is a teenager who is confused and in love whilst also trying to forget what was more of a childish crush that came about at least in part because Hana was the only person her age that she could really interact with.

Also, how was my first change of POV? I mostly wrote it cuz I thought it was funny, so you can consider it a non-canon omake if you don't like it

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