A Murder Wizards Adventure

70 Trust. Like in that one Matt Damon movie. The one with the wall.

Nobushi is understandably rather distraught when we make it back to the castle, clearly either Ichi or Ni went ahead to inform him, thankfully he is at least not panicking or overly fretting, as he understands that the threat is gone and his daughter is safe.

Still, the moment we got to the front gate he was waiting there, pacing back and forth and his face lit up with relief, fear and happiness all at once when he saw us.

"Suki! Oh thank Kami you're ok Suki." He said in a rush as he approached us.

Suki perked up at her fathers voice and I let her down as she turned to him so that they could do the classic 'running into each others embrace'.

Y'know, if Raven was here, I would have bet him that they would have done that and been 10k Ryo richer. I sigh in my mind at the lost opportunities.

"Daddy!!" Suki cries as she runs into her fathers embrace and they have a very touching moment of familial love and affection, truly moving.

Now, not to rush anyone but I think I just felt a bit of brain get squished under my big toe and I would really rather like to be allowed to clean myself now. Please?


How long does touching familial love and affection usually last?

I turn to Suzu, thinking she will be of like mind, being that he is of like, uh, having viscera on her feet-ness, but she is just looking fondly at the reuniting duo as if time isn't a relevant thing here.

Is this how it would feel to be in a musical but you're the only one who knows it's a musical? People just randomly bursting into song and dance and stuff?

Ohhh that was close, that though gave me the sudden urge to dance but I don't think that would be a good thing to do right now, instead I will just pretend to be a lamp. Wait they don't have lamps, well not the kind I meant, electrical lamps I mean.

Wait why can't they just have non electrical lamps? Why am I even asking? I 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 seen lamps here.

So, as I was saying, I will just pretend to be a lamp, an oil lamp to be specific.

After what I'm sure would be a very cinematic moment things finally get moving again as Nobushi leads Suki away, probably to spend some calming time together in front of the fireplace as he reads her a book or something.

That's what would be cliché, so it's what I'm betting on.

Meanwhile me and Suzu head towards the baths, to clean ourselves.

But we seem to get, err, distracted by all the soap bubbles, yes, that, so cleaning our feet ends up taking a few hours. Those soap bubbles sure are distracting, all round and jiggly. Ahem, anyway.

Later into the day, after Suki has gone to bed, mentally exhausted as she is, Nobushi summons me to his office.

One might think this is where he showers me with praise and boons but that person would be a retard. I'm literally her bodyguard, it's the whole reason I'm here, to do this.

Getting paid 𝘪𝘴 my reward. Sure I might get a small bonus, but doing my job isn't something that should require much attention.

Not doing my job, however, well that would be instant death, or at least attempted death.

I'm getting side tracked again, shaking my head clear of distracting thoughts that will surely return anyway, I enter the office, closing the door behind me before standing at attention before the man of the house (Read: castle).

"Kenshin-san. Today, you saved my daughter, that is what is expected of you as a bodyguard-


"-However you went even further as to ensure that my dear daughters innocence not be tainted by the deaths of her attackers and for that, you have my gratitude. Name one favour, if it is reasonable it will be granted."

I'm sure that might sound like it's going against what I said earlier, but emphasis on the 'if it is reasonable', so it's not like I can ask for anything truly grand, this is more a 'I will order you a really, really good sword' as opposed to the classic 'For my boon take this legendary sword, the Godkiller' with some dramatic dun, dun dunnn style music behind it.

What was I saying?

Right, my boon. What do I even want? I'm pretty happy with the way things are right now and it's not like I can just do something stupid like 'support Konoha implicitly' and end my mission early.


Oh I know.

"Then, my Lord, I would ask that I may have opportunity for further, ahem, recreational meetings with Suzu. My Lord." I say that all with a slightly bashful voice and a small, fond smile that you really have to look at to tell it's a smile.

Because I'm cosplaying a Samurai. And Samurai aren't supposed to be happy I guess.

Nobushi pauses for a moment, shocked at my request since he probably was expecting me to ask for a sword or something.

"Recreational meetings, huh?" He says with sly smirk.

I say nothing, studying the wall behind him. Is that a metamorphic rock? I have no idea. Honestly, I'm not even sure which ones metamorphic are and which ones are sedimentary, I can't even remember the other one.

Man it has been 𝘥𝘦𝘤𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘴, plural, since my last geography class. Holy fuck. Time sure flies when you're having fun.

Or, y'know, goin' 'round killing people but you know what they say about poison. I don't think that really makes sense but I was alluding to the 'pick your poison' phrase. Really I should have just gone with the ol' 'each to their own'. Well, it's not too late. Ahem.

Or, y'know, goin' 'round killing people but you know what they, each to their own.

There we go.

"Was your recreational soak in the baths earlier not enough for you?"

So lost in thought was I that I genuinely jump a little when Nobushi speaks again, which I think he took to me getting lost in fantasising about Suzu and our 'meetings'. Not that I really mind him having that kind of impression of me, Suzu is super hot after all, who could resist?

I still don't say anything. I am a Samurai. Stoic. Expressionless. And totally not in denial about being embarrassed by my own affection.

Nobushi leans back into his chair and lets our a relaxed sigh as he smiles contentedly at me.

"It isn't the response I had expected, but before I grant you this boon, I must ask your intentions with Suzu? While she may not be blood, she is a part of this family, something dear Suki would agree with vehemently, I would like to know if this relationship of yours is but a mere passing fancy, two young adults simply enjoying themselves, and each other, or if there is anything less physical about it?"

I keep my eyes where they are on the wall and use a finger to scratch on of my cheeks, a slight pink dusting having started covering them.

"Ahem, well, I would say that Suzu is a wonderful woman, whose company I enjoy-

At his raised eyebrow I quickly clarify.

"-Non physical company! What I mean to say, is that yes, if you would permit it, I would find myself interested in pursuing further relationship with Suzu, my Lord."

This wasn't really part of the plan but eh, semantics, I mean all I really need to do is gain his trust to find out who he's dealing with and it is easier to trust someone who's 'vulnerabilities' you know.

Point is, with this he will see me more as a person, and maybe even as some part of the family, like a second cousin or something, you don't really care about them but if you'd heard they died you'd be like 'damn' and then move on.

"Well, far be it for me to stand in the way of a pair of young lovebirds, no? Suzu's evening duties will be passed on to another, so she will be free for 'recreational meetings' in the early night. Dismissed."

I bow my head deferentially and leave without further comment and head to my room only to be joined by Suzu not long later for another long night, one of many more to come no doubt.

[Nobushi POV]

As I watch the young Samurai leave my office I lean back in my chair and ponder to myself.

He is certainly a talented young man, to be so accomplished as he is, interesting to boot. Ronin at what, twenty six? Maybe younger and yet he is already firm enough in his beliefs that he would go against his Lord to respect them, becoming Ronin.

That is something I can respect, and it's not like I need to worry about his loyalty, since I have no proclivities towards traditional weaponry.

"What do you think of the young man?" I speak out loud even as I remain with my focus in front of me as I go back to looking over paperwork.

"He is impressive for his age. He isn't the best Samurai, but he is only young. Though he has not beaten Himura-san in a duel, Himura-san has noted to me that he is not that far behind, despite the twenty year gap between them, given time Kenshin-san could come to match one of the Swords of the Daimyo."

I think about Rei's words. The Swords of the Daimyo are the greatest Samurai in the land and they serve the Daimyo directly, taking orders from no one else. Only the best of the best are permitted the 'honour' of joining.

For Rei to think that Kenshin could come to match them in prowess is surely an incredible thing, if I could have such a Samurai loyal to me it would be a great thing indeed. So, the only question that remains, is how strong is Kenshin's loyalty.

Thankfully that problem seems to have been solved for me by Suzu, even if that wasn't her intention there is no bond stronger than love, so as long as Suzu remains then so shall he.

Still, it's good to have a second opinion on such important matters.

"And of where his loyalties lie?"

Rei takes a moment before he responds to properly ponder his answer, but sounds unconcerned as he speaks.

"He is, as all Samurai are, loyal to his creed. He will serve his master loyally in all endeavours bar two, first being the obvious one, he will not obey an order to change himself, be it the weapon he wields or the clothes he wears, this is clear from how he became a Ronin in the first place. The other thing he values is, again, the same as all Samurai, his honour. Only he is atypical here as well, mostly it is nothing that would come up, but for example, should you order him to lead a band of bandits that you hired as guards, he would likely be reluctant and unhappy about it."

The first part is, as he said, obvious so I don't bother commenting on it, after all only a fool would lose such a talented Samurai simply because they didn't like the way they dressed, but the latter is surprising.

Don't get me wrong, Samurai never like working with bandits, but they are generally able to accept it should their master order them so, for Rei to be worried about disobedience for such a simple thing is odd.

"Does he have a particular grudge against bandits?"

I can think of many reasons why someone would hold a grudge against bandits, most common being the death or harm of a loved one.

"He has been noted to have a general distain for bandits but Ichi has come to me with a report about a conversation he had with the young Samurai. Apparently, Kenshin-san despises bandits more than anything in the world, when asked why the reason he gave is that they dedicate their lives to violence but never bother to learn how to be violent. It seems that he takes their notably lackadaisical attitude towards combat as something of a personal insult."

An interesting look on life for someone so young, but he's avoiding the point of my questions.

"Do you think he can be trusted?"

"I do, he holds no loyalty to a land, I believe he can be trusted with your 𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳 business."

Hmmm. Good, that is what I had hoped to hear. I suppose we will be having another talk soon Kenshin, I only hope that we are right in our assumptions of your loyalty, for Suzu's sake.


A/N: He~llo! Dear readers!

Ok, so I have just had an idea and so I now finally know how I want to end this fic, which is great because I'm running out of ideas and don't want to get repetitive. Not that it will end any time soon, the fic is about 140k words right now, it will most likely be more than 200k when i'm done, maybe 250k but I don't know the future.

Also, I am deffo not doing 2 chaps a day with whatever I write after this, cuz fuck this upload schedule.

Also, also, early chap today cuz i gotta go catch a train in a few minutes



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