A Murder Wizards Adventure

71 Shady meetings are the best meetings

After the bandit incident, Nobushi called me to his office again, it was basically formality, me reaffirming my loyalty and him being all, 'above all else?' and me agreeing without either of us actually saying anything about Hi no Kuni.

But the implication is there even if neither of us say it he was basically asking me if I would choose him or the Fire Daimyo, should that become a choice that I need make. Then I basically just said how a Lord may dismiss a Samurai, but a Samurai should never leave his Lord without being dismissed first.

So, in summary, I have earned Nobushi's trust. Not that it changed anything for a few weeks, as I just kept being a bodyguard, though we didn't go out again for a while since Suki was still scared.

Speaking of, Suki now sees me less like a bodyguard and more like a big brother, or, step big brother, since I'm with her not quite a sister, something we are even less subtle about now that we have tacit permission from the Lord.

However, things are training today as Nobushi is having 'important guests' and has ordered Himura and I to stand as his bodyguards just for today, as the ninja hide themselves we will be his show of strength.

Gotta love politics.

Because of this, the three of us are standing, or sitting in Nobushi's case, inside of a meeting room and rather than the usual office this room has not only more chairs but no windows and I think I saw some Fuinjutsu for added security.

So I am expecting some juicy information to be revealed here, it's been months and I want to actually advance my mission, as nice as lazing around as a Samurai is.

Naturally we aren't the only ones in the room, there is also Ichi and San. Rei and Ni are going to be escorting our guests here.

Speak of the devil and he shall come. The door is opened by Rei who holds it as he gestures for the others to come through first.

The second person that comes through surprises me slightly because he is black, to understand why that's surprising, I've seen like, two black people since they are mostly all in Kumo and I haven't had any missions that took me there.

Though I have seen plenty of brown people, tanned? Half and half? The fuck am I supposed to call them? Black is black, brown is generally, like, Indians, yellow is used for Asians even if that is racist, I think, but what do you call people that aren't black or white or Indian? White with spice?

Anyway, the first guy has tan skin, a rather broad face with chiselled features, a strong cleft chin and a pair of prominent sideburns that descend from his medium-length, dull-purple coloured hair. He's wearing a scarf around his neck and is dressed in casual but practical clothing, he is also not hiding his chakra so he id definitely a Ninja.

A good one too if what my senses are telling me is anything to go by.

Behind him is a tall black guy, though not as tall as me and Himura. He has his hair in dreads that stick to his scalp, flowing backwards. He also has a nice scar over his left eyebrow and a head even more square like than his leader.

Lastly is a lanky, unassuming looking guy with skin that is not white nor is it black, ahem, he has a normal shaped head and white hair that goes down to his shoulders, he's also wearing sunglasses indoors so I'm just going to assume he's an asshole.

As they walk in Nobushi stands to extend a greeting.

"Welcome to my home, I trust that your travel was uneventful?"

That's code for 'no one knows you're here, right?', in case you didn't know. Subterfuge is important, even if we are the only ones here and everyone knows what you mean, making it also pointless, but eh, call it method acting.

"Of course, no one knows of our presence." The guy in the lead says as he takes a seat.

Huh, I guess he also thinks the extra subterfuge is pointless at this point, neat.

"Good, good, first of all allow me to introduce myself properly, I am Johnathan Nobushi, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance."

"My name is Toroi, I hope our meeting can prove fruitful."

"Indeed, indeed, shall we get started then?"

Toroi leans forward and places his elbows on the table and crosses his fingers under his nose as he looks towards Nobushi seriously.

"Yes, what is it that you have to offer?"

Nobushi responds with equal seriousness as he indicates to a scroll by his side, but he doesn't hand it over.

"I offer supplies, both extra for you and less for Konoha, I also offer assistance in smuggling things or people throughout Hi no Kuni and information on Konoha's supply lines."

Damn, that's actually a lot. Also, why is this even happening, now that I think about it, we aren't at war after all. Oh wait, isn't the third war not even that far off? So, this is probably all just preparation, meaning that they are already preparing for another war.

I don't really know enough about the political situation to know why they are starting a war this time around, though I have heard whisper of the smaller nations trying to shoot above their stations, so they are probably just going to use that as an excuse for more war.

Anyway, Toroi nods his head at Nobushi's offer, and his appreciation is visible so I think it's fair to say he likes what he is being offered.

"And what is it that you want in return for such a generous offer?"

Despite clearly wanting the information, the sharp tone of voice conveys exactly how much bullshit Toroi is willing to tolerate, which is to say, none.

Fun fact time!

The village (city) we are in is located on the edge of the Land of Fire and the Land of Hot water, but it belongs to Hi no Kuni and the fire daimyo, this is important to understand Nobushi's desires.

"All I ask, is that when your forces take these lands, that this village (city) be spared harm and then to be given to me to rule as it's Lord as I please, under the Raikage, of course."

Huh, so you are an ambitious man, Nobushi? Or is there another reason behind your decision I wonder, you don't strike me as a particularly power hungry man.

Still, betrayal out of greed, how human of you. Ah, well. On the bright side, my mission is basically over now, I'll stay for another month of course, see if he's dealing with anyone else or not.

"That is easy enough to grant, the Raikage will happily accept such a trade."

Saying so, Toroi holds our his hand for the scroll and then listens as Nobushi recites information he felt too important to be written down and then after a few more pleasantries, they are gone, just like that.

It feels wrong, a shady meeting like this should take longer shouldn't it? It always does in books and stuff, spending hours in meetings working stuff out. Maybe the longer meetings come later and this was just the groundwork?

That makes sense.

Anyway, with them gone Nobushi relaxes into his chair and rubs the brow of his eyes, before noticing me looking to him and turning to face me.

"Do you have something you want to say, Kenshin?"

"I simply never took you for a man to desire power, so I am wondering as to your motivation, that is all."

I reply honestly and Himura gets a look on his face that is decidedly hostile and slightly constipated looking, but Nobushi waves off his concern with a smile.

"Relax Himura-san, he is only young and curious, not treacherous, right Kenshin-san?"

"Of course my Lord, I am merely curious."

Himura still doesn't seem too happy with me but Nobushi is happy enough to explain his reasoning.

"It is no power I desire as such, instead, it would be more accurate to say I desire security, stability, I want my daughter to have a home that is safe and that she can enjoy to it's fullest. I merely want this village (city) to be mine so that it can be hers."

He explains to me with a fond smile as he looks into nothing, lost in thought. I just nod in response and stay silent until he speaks up again.

"Well, you are both free to return to your regular duties now."

He says that but it's night so my regular duty right now is sleeping.

As I enter the room to the sight of Suzu if a very provocative outfit I amend my statement.

My regular duty around this time is not sleep, that comes an hour or two later. Have I mentioned how much more virile chakra has made everyone in this world? When I say hours I mean it, it's awesome.

It's the next week and I am walking down a corridor behind Suki and Suzu who are having 'girl talk'. They're talking about makeup.

As we walk anyone else who is using the corridor, servants and guards alike all step to the side and bow slightly as they let the Young Miss of the castle pass, and as we pass a couple of maids, I move my arm faster than most people's eyes can track and silently deposit a little something inside of one of the maid's outfits.

Then I simply continue walking, no one the wiser as to what just happened.

I allow myself a small smile that I quickly return to my normal expressionless face before anyone notices.

Step two: completed.

After that I just go about the day as usual, and when the day ends I go about that as usual too. It's only after Suzu is properly asleep do things change from my usual routine.

The change being that there is now a third person in my room. It's not the maid.

Speaking quietly I greet my mysterious new guest.

"I'm sorry but I'm not interested in men nor a threesome with another man, you'll have to try someone else."

Mystery man lets out a resigned sigh in response.

"that isn't the proper protocol greeting, taichou."

I roll my eyes at Mantis' stiffness but comply none the less.

"The weather's lovely this time of year."

"perfect weather for dango."

"I prefer pocky."

Mantis nods his head, satisfied now that we have done the 'innocuous code' to confirm our identities and focuses on me for the reason I called him here. The maid is an agent of Konoha if that wasn't obvious.

"I see that you haven't changed from your time playing samurai, taichou." He says, refrencing to the woman naked in my bed with me, and probably the smell of the room too.

"Well, what can I say? Bad habits and all that."

"*Sigh* the mission, taichou?"

"Right, they are working with Kumo, selling lots of valuable intel. Though Kumo probably won't be acting on any of it for a while so we have time to change things up on that side, as for here, how long until the next operation starts?"

Mantis then informs me of how I will get a message approximately an hour before the next operation starts and I then tell him everything Nobushi gave to Toroi so that information is now useless to Kumo.

With that all done, Mantis disappears before anyone notices him and I am left alone with Suzu once again.

Turning to look down slightly I behold Suzu's sleeping face as it rests on my chest. I hug her a little tighter to myself before deciding it's about time I got myself some sleep.

I dream of death.


A/N: He~llo! Dear readers!

FYI that last line isn't foreshadowing or anything, it's supposed to represent that he is getting so tied up with the business of death that even his dreams involve the dying.

Happy Christmas for everyone tomorrow btw. I won't be posting bonus chapters as I do not have any and am thus unable to.



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