A Murder Wizards Adventure

81 It Begins

Standing on the open sea that was once a field, not that long ago was a grassy field I take in the situation.

We are ready to fight, though we have already lost a few Genin that couldn't water walk, mostly the kids, but that's fine, it will just make the Jonin more motivated to fight.

The water is slowly turning a rancid green thanks to the effects of the poison used. Thankfully Tsunade is here too, so we could make the poison extra deadly to anyone who breathes it in, like, say, people with gills.

It doesn't take long for me to see the approaching army, crossing the sea in a way that would make Jesus jealous.

With a shout, everyone is in formation and ready to die, I mean, to bring glory to Konoha.

Me and Tsunade are supposed to stay back, both to coordinate and to act in case of emergencies, like Jinchurriki.

But I don't really care about that, if I just watch then Tsume will get more kills than me, can't have that, can we?

So I activate the Chameleon Jutsu and I run into the fray.

I still remember why I'm here, so I make sure to deactivate my Jutsu every now and then, so that people can see me.

After all, I am supposed to be here to fight their trump cards, not to just kill the fodder.

I spend the next half hour running around, decapitating every other Kiri-nin I come across, until the next time I reveal myself, I am hit with a blow that sends me rocketing back to our backlines.

I am about to crash under the water due to being constrained before Tsunade catches me and breaks me free.

"You good?" She asks without looking at me, focusing instead forward as a pair make their way towards us.

I look down at what had encased me and notice that it was some kind of coral, I guess that would be the Three Tails then.

I immediately start gathering natural energy as Tsunade and I wait for them to approach us, everyone else is clearing away, understanding that they won't play a part in the fight to come.

You might be wondering why I wasn't using Sage mode earlier, so let me explain a little something. To enter Sage mode you must balance your energies, Spiritual, Physical and Natural. This means that basically one third of your chakra is how long you can hold Sage mode.

And Sage mode constantly uses chakra, meaning that by the time you're Sage mode runs out, you will always have lost one third of your chakra.

Then you can enter Sage mode again for an even shorter amount of time, and you will lose one third of however much chakra you had at the time.

So, I didn't use it until now in order to save my chakra for the actual fight, plus, I can gather the energy inhumanly fast, so it doesn't take me standing around for minutes to activate it.

In fact, it's already done.

I look down into the murky water to use it as a mirror and confirm what I already knew.

I look slightly different. My body is still the same, but I now have dark purple eyeshadow that curves upwards at the side to reach my temple, more than that though, are my eyes.

They are now more blue than ever, the blue having replaced the whites of my eyes, there are also eight purple lines stretching from my pupil to the edge of my iris one going horizontal on each side, and three split going up and down like mirrored crowns.

Personally, I think I look cool as fuck, but maybe that's just my vanity speaking.

Focusing back on important matters, I face the two Jinchurriki who are approaching us.

The one on the left is the holder of the Three Tails and his name is Minamo Taira, he has black hair shaved to a buzzcut and wields a large staff as his weapon, a good thing too, otherwise he might have bisected me earlier. He is also muscular and big, taller than me, maybe as tall as Jiraiya.

The other, is Kasumi Kanarawai and he is not nearly as big, in fact, they are basically opposites, Kasumi being rather small and child like, wait a minute, how old is he? Now that I think about it, he could literally just be a fourteen year old.

What a world eh?

He is also opposite Taira with his hair, which is long and golden, like a Rapunzel knock off.

If I remember right, Kasumi's power is basically acid while the other is shockwaves and coral.

With that in mind, I take a step forward and to the right, swapping places with Tsunade, since her strength should counter the coral pretty well, meanwhile I have my medical Jutsu that I've never actually gotten a chance to use.

But if I'm already going Sage mode, then I might as well step it up and get myself a cloak right? That's what all the protagonists do after all.

So after I turn invisible, I mould a significant amount of my chakra into medical chakra, and make a green chakra cloak out of it that basically just looks like an ethereal, green copy of my outfit overlapped with the physical one.

Both of our opponents pause their stride once I turn invisible and tense up, ready to actually start fighting. Before anyone can act, I speak up, making sure I'm loud enough to be heard by them as well as Tsunade.

"I'll take the kid, you take the brute," And then, quieter I whisper so only Tsunade can hear me, "Trust me to have your back, I'll get you an opening."

She doesn't respond, or even make any indication that she heard what I said, which is perfect, no reason to give them any hints after all, but she does take a few steps to the side, Minamo following suit, separating this into two one on ones.

Meanwhile, out opponents are a little angry now at the insulting way I addressed them, but no one moves, after all, it is up to me to start the fight, being the only unknown here.

The obvious move would be to attack from behind, but the smart move would be to attack Minamo, but that would put an end to this little, one o one agreement before it even starts, so I have to target Kasumi.

Deciding to stop delaying things, I draw my tanto and walk up to Kasumi, not making so much as a ripple on the water on which we stand as I stand directly in front of him, without anyone noticing.

It's a weird feeling, to basically not exist, but I don't ponder for long, instead I simply lift my tanto in the air and aim a strike for his neck, then, I swing.

My arm descends, the blade along with it. The blade gets closer and closer, then it reaches his skin and the moment my sword draws first blood, my body explodes in 𝙥𝙖𝙞𝙣.

I am sent hurtling away, bouncing on the water like a rock being skimmed. Even through my added durability, I can feel my skin melting away, all the way down to my bone, but at the same time, I feel my skin knitting itself back together just as fast.

Looking up, I see Kasumi looking towards me, likely having tracked my location from the splashes of water where I bounced.

Slowly, I get to my feet, my chakra control good enough to treat the seawater as if it's a solid surface.

In the background I see Tsunade and Minamo clash, fist meeting staff in a gigantic clash that sends waves in every direction and causes a deafening bang.

On my feet again, I focus on Kasumi, who is slowly walking in my direction with his eyes closed, correctly figuring that anything he sees would be a distraction of some kind.

But whatever, my stealth isn't only sight based. My body finally finishes knitting itself back together from the acid that just melted me, unfortunately, my clothes didn't get the same benefit of regeneration, so I am naked now.

But that's fine, I'm invisible and have spares in my tattoos.

Kind of annoyed that my tanto melted, but whatever, who needs weapons anyway. I coat my hands in a layer of razor sharp wind chakra to serve as my blades and I start moving towards my foe.

Before I make it to him however, I notice how a thin mist has started to surround him and when I take a step inside of the mist I see what it actually is.

It's acid mist.

Owwww ow ow.

Fuck it.

I ignore the way my flesh is constantly being melted and stitched back together again and charge for the little bastard causing this.

I reach his back in a flash and am thrusting one of my hands to his head as I spread my other arms blade to form a shield that protects everything but my attacking arm.

Once again, the moment I draw blood, acid explodes out of his body in every direction with such force that even with my shield of chakra I am blasted a good distance back and covered in his acid again.

I grit my teeth so hard they crack as I hold back a scream of pain. Thankfully my cracked teeth heal almost instantly, so I can break them again.

The arm I used to attack with is melted almost to the bone and is slowly healing faster than the acid can melt me.

Fuck, I changed my mind Tsunade, can we swap?

Obviously I don't mean that as Tsunade's form of healing ages her and if I'm to be fucking her then I don't want her to be old, I have my priorities all right?

So instead of simply charging again and hoping for a different result, I draw a kunai from my tattoo and throw is at Kasumi's neck.

Predictably, the kunai is blasted back in an explosion the moment it touches him, but I am right behind it and before the acid even clears, making sure I was only slow enough to avoid the shockwave, I attack again, in the same spot as the kunai but with my wind blades this time.


I shout in my mind as pain blossoms anew. I forgot to use the shield in my excitement and thus this time when I got blasted back my entire body is covered in liquid acid that id doing it's best to melt me down to the bone.

My own healing only barely manages to overtake the acid and even then that is thanks to my Sage mode boost, other wise I would be a puddle right now.

This guy sucks so much.

Of course he doesn't have a cooldown, why would he? That would make this too easy.

Ignoring the constant, burning pain that feels like I'm on fire, 𝘰𝘩 𝘨𝘰𝘥 𝘪𝘵 𝘩𝘶𝘳𝘵𝘴 𝘴𝘰 𝘮𝘶𝘤𝘩, I focus on my opponent.

I need to consider this from another angle.

So what do we know. The moment he sustains even the slightest injury he explodes in 𝘱𝘢𝘪𝘯𝘧𝘶𝘭 acid. This technique doesn't have a cooldown, or if it does then the shockwave ensures that I won't be able to take advantage of it.

I briefly consider trying to drain him of chakra by throwing shit at him, but quickly disregard the idea as stupid. He's a Jinchurriki, he isn't going to run out of chakra any time soon.

With cold dread and boundless excitement I realise that, no, 𝘩𝘦 won't be running out of chakra any time soon, but 𝘐 will.


Talk about high stakes.

This is fun!

Let's see then, how do you kill someone without touching them? Poison? I'd imagine he's rather resistant so let's label that plan C.

Drowning? Maybe, but he won't just stand there and let it happen. Plan B it is.

Hmmm. What else...

Something that can kill him without hurting him. Without even touching him, or something that would be unaffected by the shockwave of his defence.

That really is the most annoying part, the shockwave. Can't cut him as I would get blasted away, can't get Tsunade to turn him into mist as the shockwave would save him. Wasn't the other guy supposed to be the one specialised in shockwaves?

What kind of a scam is this?


I just had an incredibly stupid idea.

All Jinchurriki have some form of minor regeneration, but it isn't a dedicated technique like my cloak is.

So with that in mind.

𝘓𝘦𝘵'𝘴 𝘴𝘦𝘦 𝘸𝘩𝘰 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘣𝘦𝘴𝘵.


A/N: He~llo! Dear readers!

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