A Murder Wizards Adventure

82 I’m not crazy, it’s a perfectly valid strategy

Smiling a slightly mad smile, I walk up to Kasumi, dispelling my wind chakra, leaving me completely naked bar my medical chakra cloak, enhanced by my Sage mode.

I don't need a weapon for my plan.

I take a deep breath to prepare myself for the self torture I am about to inflict in the name of victory.

I let out my breath without a sound and my arm blurs as I reach out to grab the back of his neck.

Like clockwork, I am sent flying backwards, my skin and the muscles beneath melting and reforming an a grotesque dance, but as I look up at my enemy through my one non melted eyeball, I give a vicious smile, made all the more deranged looking by my lack of skin.

Heh, have you ever heard the phrase, 'death by a thousand cuts'? It's derived from an old form of torture in China called Lingchi, where a knife would be used to slowly and methodically remove bits of flesh from the victim until they die.

Now, I already know that I can't simply cut him, the best I could do would be a paper cut, and no amount of paper cuts will kill a Jinchurriki, not with their minor regeneration.

This time however, his shockwave is on my side. Kind of. More accurately, it helps neither of us.

See, the moment I my hand made contact with his flesh, I was using the tree walking technique. Meaning I stuck myself to his body, so that when he blasts me away, a portion of his flesh comes with me.

Now I just need to do it a few more times.

As I watch his flesh slowly knit back together, many, many times slower than mine but still useful, I amend my thought.

A few hundred times maybe.

Well, no point in dragging this on.

I run to him and grab his neck again, in the same place, and just like last time I am blasted away, only unlike last time, I don't wait for my body to heal, instead I simply force my broken and melting body forward and reach out for him again.

Again I am blasted away.

Again I ignore the searing pain.

Again I charge forward.

Again I leave him with just a little bit less flesh.




Over and over we replay the same song and dance.

He starts using his arms to cover his neck so I target other places.

He uses his arms to cover wherever he is most injured to allow himself time to heal.

But I am winning and he know it.

He doesn't stop his technique because he knows that the moment he does, he dies.

But he also is starting to realise that if he does nothing he will also die.

He looks over at the others' fight and sees them pretty much stalemated.

He won't be getting any help.

I grin a toothy, deranged grin.

Checkmate motherfucker!

By now, both of us are covered, soaked in blood. Bathed in it. My skin is little more than a sludge, constantly melting and reforming in an endless cycle of pain that never gets easier as each of my nerves are healed perfectly to be melted again.

He, meanwhile, is also covered in red, with chunks of flesh missing all over his body, mostly on his torso and head though, where he's most vulnerable. His skin is basically non existent on his neck, face and over his heart, both on his chest and back.

We look like the perfect horror movie antagonists.

I see it in his eyes the moment he decides things have to change, he's too injured to properly hide his intentions it seems, not that I'm much better right now, I just have the benefit of being invisible.

The next time I charge, my hands are once again coated in wind chakra, made sharper than anything I've ever done by Sage mode, and I once more aim my strike for the back of his neck.

Only, this time my attack strikes true and tears through his neck, immediately after I am spinning around a kunai appearing in my hands just in time to block Kasumi's strike as the body I just decapitated turns to water and flows into the sea on which we stand.

The senses granted to me by sage mode means that I won't be tricked by a simple water clone, the reason it worked here is that he not only made the clone behind me, he also substituted with it all in the same instance that he felt my blade touch his neck.

Great, I think, he isn't just a Jinchurriki, he is also an amazing Shinobi. Perfect.

Is it too late to swap?

I jump backwards to avoid his next wide swing, making him hit air, after which he goes completely still, waiting for my next attack.


What kind of chess is this?

I need to think and I need to think fast, because I have about half an hour of Sage mode left, even counting for the fact that I'm recharging my natural energy right now, and that's not even taking into account the drain from Jutsu.

He won't do the same thing again, that would be stupid. So what is he going to do? There are too many options to be accurate. Whatever it is, he has already decided on his course of action.

The only way he can cast Jutsu so fast like that is to have them prepared beforehand after all.

I could throw something at him this time, but what if he's predicting that?

Fuck it, that should give me the best opportunity overall.


If it's the most effective course of action, then won't he be expecting it?

Is this what it's like to fight as a Nara?

Ok then, if I were him, I would double fake.

Wait for my opponent to throw a kunai at me, substitute behind the kunai as if it was my opponent and be ready to substitute again behind my opponent who was waiting for the first substitute.

Ok then. Easy.

I throw a kunai for the back of his neck.

He appears behind the kunai, swinging his own.

I throw another kunai at him.

He appears behind that kunai too, as both other bodies fall apart and join the sea.

I appear behind him and spear my hand through his neck.

This time, he doesn't turn into water.

This time, he dies.






I keep his corpse from sinking with an application of chakra and I start kicking it.



With a scream of wordless rage I drive my foot so hard into his corpse that it splits in two. Then I spit on it, even if my spit is actually just a glob of blood, it's the intent that counts.

Suddenly I realise that something is off.

It takes me a moment to place what it is, since I was so focused on the corpse before me. The body of the one who caused me so much pain.

𝘚𝘰 𝘮𝘶𝘤𝘩 𝘧𝘶𝘤𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘱𝘢𝘪𝘯, 𝘪𝘵 𝘩𝘶𝘳𝘵𝘴 𝘴𝘰 𝘣𝘢𝘥𝘪𝘵𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘭𝘭𝘩𝘶𝘳𝘵𝘴𝘮𝘢𝘬𝘦𝘪𝘵𝘴𝘵𝘰𝘱𝘱𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘦.

It's quiet.

Not quiet actually, silent.

It still takes me a moment to realise why that's odd, but then I look up and I remember.

Ah, the war.

I had forgotten about that.

And everyone is looking at me, almost all of them in complete horror.

Oh, my Chameleon Jutsu deactivated at some point.

Probably right after I killed this asshole.

I must make quite the sight, I think to myself as I see many, many of the more green Shinobi puking with their hands on their knees. Now that's just rude.

I find it hard to blame them though as I look down on myself. I don't even have to worry about nudity as I still don't have anything downstairs right now.

In fact, I don't have any skin anywhere, the acid is covering me so completely that its practically merged with my body, making me look like some kind of horrific zombie, in a constant state of melting and reforming, then add the fact that I am faintly glowing green and you have yourselves a SCP.

It hurts so much.

Focus. I need something to focus on so I can ignore the pain.

With that in mind, I reach down and grab Kasumi's decapitated and mutilated head, turn to Minamo and give him a horrific smile that is far too wide and shows far too many teeth, thanks to the fact that I don't currently have cheeks.

Then I throw the head at him. Mot an underhanded, throwing it to his feet kind of thing either, I use my full strength and throw the head straight for his own, but the wind resistance is too much for the head to handle, so it explodes in a shower of blood and gore and viscera that he blocks with a quick wall of water that sinks away immediately after.

Only then, do I break the silence.

I only utter two words.

But the effect of how I look, combined with my actions and the gravelly, deep and grating tone of my broken voice make my sords resound throughout the battlefield.

Hundreds of men take a step back in fear the moment I speak, but none of them feel terror quite like the man I address.

"You're next" I rasp.

Minamo's first response is fear, but then from my actions and his own fear is born a hatred so vast it compares to the ocean which we stand, and an anger so deep one could never see it's depth.

Minamo 𝘳𝘰𝘢𝘳𝘴. A cry of pure 𝘧𝘶𝘳𝘺 echoing from his throat that sends shivers down the spines of everyone present, except for me of course, my spine is in too much pain to feel fear.

All of a sudden, the war is over. Both sides retreat back to their own lines as Minamo transforms. First gaining a shell, then he begins to grow. Normally I'd interrupt my enemies power up moment, but it's actually happening pretty fast and I am still healing.

Instead I make a shadow clone and go invisible. The clone is just there because I have this sinking feeling I'm about to be Bijuudama-ed and I'd rather avoid that if I can.

I also make sure that my clone is standing in between the enemy army and the Bijuu.

Rapidly, the Bijuu starts to take form, Minamo nowhere to be seen. The Bijuu, Isobu I think, is a giant turtle like monster with three shrimp like tails and spikes jutting out of every square inch of its carapace.

His face is hidden by a large forehead and jaw, both of which are also covered in spikes. It has two massive human like arms and no legs and it's crimson red eyes glare balefully in the direction of my clone.

My thoughts are proven correct as the first thing Isobu does, is launch a Ball of death straight for my clone, tearing it, the sea behind it and everyone who didn't get out of the way in time to shreds.


Then it turns it's glare to Tsunade, who matches the look with one of grim determination.

I wasn't joking about her being a mountain crusher by the way. She can punch hella hard. Maybe even hard enough to kill a Bijuu. Especially one of the lower level ones.

I'm really regretting not having any big flashy moves right now, I don't exactly have anything for dealing with giant enemies. An oversight on my part I suppose.

Ah well, I'm sure everything will work out somehow.

Before anything else can happen, I shunshin over to Tsunade and start rapidly talking in a low voice so only she can hear me.

"I'll get you that opening. Put everything you have into it, every single drop of chakra you can spare without dropping in the ocean."

She jumps slightly when I start talking, but other than that, she once again does an amazing job of pretending that nothing is happening.

Now, as much as I talk big. How the fuck am I supposed to get her an opening?

I should have thought this through more before we arrived.

Should have planned for fighting their Bijuu, not just the Jinchurriki.

Ah well, you live and you learn I suppose.

Supposing we live that is.


A/N: He~llo! Dear readers!

There is an aux chap with pics of mc by the way, and cuz I forgot last chap, I will put a pic here of a shitty example of Hana's Sage mode eyes, though it doesn't have the eyeshadow.

Advanced chapters with the link below! It's basically Pat/reon!



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