A NEET’s Guide to the Parallel World: Healer, the Strongest Cheat?

Chapter 136: Dresses

A banquet was held on the eve of the tournament. As such, Masamune was currently out shopping for dresses his three companions could wear.

“The banquet is tomorrow, is that ok? Shouldn’t dresses be prepared further in advance?”

Toa was worried about whether or not they would be ready in time.

“Its fine, I asked them to prepare then ahead of time.”

The day before the transfer of the school there was an announcement mentioning the banquet. When he heard this Masamune had gone to commission the dwarf brothers.

“But still, this town never changes.”

“Master, do you come here a lot?”


It was noon but the town was sort of dim, of course the slums were as dark as ever. Living here had caused some of the residents to develop rotten personalities.

“Hmm? Is this?”

Toa saw a poster on one of the street lights.

“The merciful bloodline? Oh there was something about this in Magical communication.”

Sufilia talked about the article, apparently they were looking to expand their organization.

“Are they recruiting in this country as well?”

The poster said: ‘The God of Life can reach out to anyone. May Ankh Amadeus bless you. ‘

“That looks shady.”

The someone spoke to me.

“You should stop.”

The man had suddenly appeared in front of us.


I don’t understand what he’s talking about.

“I said you should stop, that’s not a decent organization. Do you know what the God of Life is? The entire point of this is for money, no one helps another person without reason. Those who look for them are either stripped of their money or a crazy to begin with.”

The man left after that but he turned to look at me several times as he walked away.

“That was rude, did he honestly think we would join something like this?”

“We were only a little interested in it.”

Sufilia and Toa were complaining.

“All Nem needs is Master.”

I patted Nems head, she was so innocent.

“Well, try not to worry about it. Maybe just think about it as the old man giving us some advice?

I continued onto the dwarves store and opened the door with a metallic jingle.


Tom was the first to show up.

“Long time no see! Did you finish the dresses?”

“Of course!”

Then Dean and Sam appeared.

“Welcome back Nito!”

“Hey! How have you guys been!?”

Toa looked confused by my excessive greeting while Suflia just smiled questioningly.

Nem on the other hand was poking and looking at Tom’s beard. Tom for his part was staying stock still letting her do so.

“Uhm……so…… this is an interesting one isn’t she?”

Tom said this to me as he was a little confused by what Nem was doing.

“This is Nem. Can you make friends with her?”

“Of course! A friend of Nito is a friend of ours!”

Nem then moved on to Dean’s beard and looked at Sam who didn’t have a beard. She seemed to be interested in beards.

“White cats are rare aren’t they.”

Tom said.

“Rare? What do you mean?”

“You didn’t know? The number of white cats in the world isn’t very large.”

Are they an endangered species?

“I heard that there are still some in the beast country but that most of the white cats have been taken by the empire.”

When Nem heard this her tail hung sadly.

“Thats OK, I’ll do something about them. For now the dresses.”

“Got it! Please wait a moment!”

The three of them disappeared into the back of the shop.

After a few moments several white cases had been lined up on the counter, along with several dresses fitted onto mannequins.

“As specified by Nito, these are all high quality products.”

Tom explained.

“Aren’t the sizes a little big?”

“Thats not a problem, it will adjust itself with magic.”

Oh magic is so convenient.

“Nem wants this one!”

Nem was the first one to choose.

“That was fast. Are you sure? There are others as well.”

Nem had chosen a colorful red dress.

“This is the same as master’s.”

Was Nem trying to match me? Although for the dinner party I was planning to just wear something simple and black.

“As expected of Nito’s friends.”

Tom began to explain the dress.

“This dress was made from thousand year roses. These roses are said to never die, so in a sense it’s a rose dress. Whenever the dress flutters rose petals fall and then disappear, it’s quite a sight.”

As expected of magic, it can even do things like that.

“In that case, I’ll be taking this sky blue dress.”

Then sufilia chose and Sam began to explain.

“This is made from the core of a bluebird. Everytime the hem flutters a small amount of blue flame scatters out before disappearing. It’s very suitable for banquets.”

Toa on the other hand was just looking around confused. The other two had chosen a red and blue dress so a different color would probably good for her. Maybe a white or a black one? I picked up a black dress that I happened to see and unfolded it so I could get a good look at it.

“That, is the obsidian dress.”

“Obsidian? What’s that?”

“Its the name of a giant bird that is now extinct.”

Tom explained.

“Toa, what do you think?”

I showed Toa the black dress while Nem and Sufilia disappeared into the back of the shop to try theirs on. I thought it would pair well with her white skin.


“Yeah, it’s a rare item.”

“What does Nito think?”

“Me? I thinks it’s good? I thought it would fit well with your pretty white skin.”

“Then, I’ll choose that one.”

Toa took the black dress and disappeared into the back.

“Which one would Nito like?”

I ordered some just in case but to be honest I don’t really like the idea of wearing a tuxedo.

“Which one do you think is best?”

“In that case, how about this one?”

Tom recommended a black suit with a long tail, it kind of looked like something a count would wear.

“Its the same as the black dress that Toa chose earlier. ”

“Thats good then….. thanks.”

“Not at all, this is all at Nitos request.”

Tom bowed as the three girls appeared in their dresses.

“Lord Nito, what do you think?”

Sufilia looked as though she was trying to flirt with me.

“I’m the same as master!”

Nem pranced around happily in her dress.

“What do you think…..Nito.”

“They’re good aren’t they?”

It felt like time was moving in slow motion as I looked at Toas figure in the black dress. I was right, it suited her very well.

“That’s it?”

I hurriedly came back to my senses as I realized both Toa and Sufilia looked sullen. Apparently what I said wasn’t a proper complement.

“The two of you are so beautiful! I’m sure you will stand out at the banquet.”

It wasn’t an exaggeration either.

“There is no doubt.”

The three dwarves nodded next to me.

“To think that someone like me would be able to attend a banquet with such beautiful women.”

It was true, the two of them were unparalleled and Nem would only grow more beautiful as time went on. The two of them laughed awkwardly when I said this.

“Nem is so happy! I’ll keep this forever!”

Nem on the other hand seemed happy with her dress.

“I’m very grateful to you. For both saving my life and dressing me. Thank you so much!”

Suflia said as she smiled.

“U…….uhm… Thanks.”

Toa looked at me briefly to thank me then looked away again.

“You’re not being honest.”

When I said that Toas face turned red.

“Toa? What’s that pendant?”

A large red pendant was sitting on Toas chest.

” Its called redeyes, it’s a gift from me.”

Tom said.

“Are you sure? It looks expensive.”

“No no, it was a request from Nito.”

“I see….. thank you.”

The three of them bowed then put a pendant known as twilight on Sufilia and yet another called Saphire rose on Nem.

“Sorry for this.”

“Not at all, we are very grateful to Nito.”


Toa asked.

“Its not important, Tom is exaggerating.”

The three of them changed back into their original clothes.

“If the garment become dirty or damaged they can easily be restored with a bit of magic power.”

Dean gave a brief explanation.

“Thank you, you were a big help today. Sorry about the pendants.”

“Not at all.”

We left after properly thanking the three dwarves.

We walked towards the main gate once we left the shop because Sufilia said she wanted to see a big more of the city.

“They were nice weren’t they?”

“Yeah, they were a little weird though.”

Toa let out a forced laugh.

“Thats just how you have to communicate with them, even if you’re upset you have to talk to them as though you’re in a good mood.”

“Isnt it also rare for dwarves to have stores in such wealthy cities. Even more so for there to be three of them with the discrimination they faces. There’s not many of them left. ”

“The three of them are survivors, apparently there are more in hiding. Although the persecution has died down the dwarves themselves cannot forget.”

ー”oi slow poker, pick up the speed!”

I heard an unpleasant conversation behind me.

A middle aged man was forcing a brown haired beastman to carry luggage. The beastman was young but he was muscular.

“Its a slave.”

Sufilia said when she saw what I was looking at.

“Theres a slave crest on his foot.”

Nem grabbed the hem of my shirt, he hand shaking.

“Slave huh……”

Everyone pretended not to notice as they walked by. If I hadn’t of helped Nem when I did she may have ended up like this.

“Hey! How many times do I have to say it!”

The human kicked the beastman in the face, he was young but sturdy so he wasn’t injured. But his trauma wouldn’t be so easy to heal.

“Even if I said that he wouldn’t understand.”


“This has upset me a bit. 《Vomiting weakness》”

I cast magic on the human.

“Nito? What did you just do?”

“You’ll understand soon.”


The man suddenly began Vomiting.

“Master, what is that?”

“He wont touch the beastman for a while, he’ll just continue vomiting.”

We approached the beastman slowly.

‘Master? This guy seems to really like insects. Ihihihihihi.’

No one can see the person who spoke. It was an old woman next to the man, only I could see her. In her left hand she held a large bottle of insects and was forcing them down the man’s throat. It didn’t matter if his mouth was open or closed, her hand simply slipped in and released the insect. He of course didn’t know he was being force fed.

And as a result he just kept Vomiting, seemingly without reason.


Then an insect popped out of his mouth.

“Hiiiiiii! What is this!? What’s going on!?”

The insect had become visible to him after he’d thrown it up.


“D, don’t touch me! Uuuoooeeeee, hiiiiii!”

‘Oh my, did you eat too much? Ihihihihihi!’

I almost laughed, the man already looked pitiful but the old lady was mercilessly shoving more insects down his throat.

“Is this the slave crest?”


“Is there only one?”


Sufilia said that if I erased this the beast child would be free.

“Oi, is this the only one?”

“Huh? Uhm, who are you?”

“I just want to help you.”

He looked confused, it’s no wonder though he’s probably used to being treated badly.

“Is this the only slave crest.”

“Huh? Uhm….yes.”


‘One more! And another! Hihihihihi!’

According to Bell the abyss is a reflection of my heart. That’s probably why I’m not creeper out by her laughter and instead feel pride.

“I’m going to erase this mark now. It will burn a little but don’t scream and stay still ok?”

“……got it.”

“《Erosion wave》”

I eroded the mark away, but since it’s part of the skin I had to erode that as well.


If I’m not quick the guards will come.

“《Healing aura》”

I healed the wound.

“Its ok now.”

There is no slave crest anymore, the beastman put down what he was carrying and touched his foot several times in disbelief.

“Whats your name?”


“Name, you have one don’t you?”

“A, uhm… Tod.”

“Tod huh?”

I put my hand on Tod’s shoulder.

“I’ve erased the slave crest, you’re free now. You can go wherever you like.”

“……….I understand.”

Tod ran off.


The man is still Vomiting.

“Whats going to happen to this guy?”

Toa asked worriedly.

“It will subside soon enough.”

Toa looked a little worried.

“We should leave quickly.”

Passersbys were already looking at us, it would be troublesome if the guards came.


There were a lot of black bugs in the man’s vomit already.

‘Master, please leave this to me. I’ll stay with this human until he dies.’

The four of ran out the front gate where it was less crowded. I actually lied to Toa, there was no saving that man. This is punishment for oppressing Tod, so he will continue vomiting until he dies.

“Hey Nito?”


Toa looked uneasy.

“That person will be ok right?”

“I told you already didn’t I? He’s probably already fine now.”

Toa is so kind.

“If that’s the case it’s ok then.”

I don’t care how many humans die.

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