A NEET’s Guide to the Parallel World: Healer, the Strongest Cheat?

Chapter 137: Unwavering

Inside the gathering place at Fishnatica, anyone can use it freely.

“Hey Daniel, after tomorrow’s banquet why don’t we hang out together?”

Mashima Kyoka, she used to follow Ichijo around before she switched to Saeki. But she soon threw Saeki away too and was now enjoying finding handsome upperclassmen like Daniel and being a slut.

“Hey Kevin, leave it open tomorrow night ok?”

Kihara Madoka, she too was now enjoying her life as a slut.

“Oi! Didn’t I say we were having an important meeting today!? Don’t involve unrelated men!”

Iida, captain of the soccer club was the one who snapped at them.

“What! What do you mean unrelated!? Daniel is part of the group!”

“Kevin is my partner! Are you trying to kick him out of the group!?”

The two of then made Iida even more frustrated.

“Its fine, let’s leave the serial deviants alone and get started.”

Koizumi said grinning.

“Say that again! I dare you! You couldn’t even beat Saeki, I’ll shut you up with my holy attribute magic!”

The argument between Koizumi and Majima had begun and everyone around them just sighed.

“Oh yeah, you were a priest right? Are you sure you can even use your holy magic anymore? I’ve never seen such a slutty priest.”

“Koizumiiiiiiii! You!!!!!!!!”

“Cut it out!”

Hiragi stopped them.

“We’re here to figure out how to get Saeki to join us. I didn’t come to hang out with some depressed child and a nympho.”

Everyone calmed down. Hiragi didn’t used to be the kind of woman who used such indecent words.


Kotori raised her hand.

“Whats the matter?”

Kawachi asked.

“For now, why don’t we all apologize to Nito?”

“Nito? Why?”

Kawachi didn’t understand.

“Because we caused him trouble, and there was that thing with Saeki as well.”

“True, if we were to add Saeki to our group we would be responsible for what he did.”

Kawachi understood what Koizumi was saying but not her meaning behind it. Koizumi wanted to apologise to Masamune, it had nothing to do with Saeki.

“Wouldn’t that be a little too forward of us?”

It was Emi Kanoi who spoke this time, she wasnt a combat mage but she was still eager when it came to studying.

“ It would be a good idea if we added Saeki to our group but at the moment he isn’t. Not only that but the other party is an S rank adventurer, wouldn’t us apologising to him just annoy him?”

“Hmm, you’re probably right.”

Kawachi replied.

“I’m the opposite.”

Koizumi disagreed.

“Saeki isnt the type to value teamwork. Rather than focus on him I think we should continue gathering friends for what comes after graduation. We can start with Majima and Kihara’s new sex toys.”


Both Kihara and Majima stood up and began to cast spells.

“Oooh, so motivated. You can do it but what happens when you get expelled? What are you two going to do? Work and a brothel?”

They were egged on by Koizumi but in the end they did nothing, if they really got kicked out they would have no idea where to go.

“This is stupid.”

Hiragi left, followed by Shiori Kato who was always with him. Both Majima and Kihara were angry as well and left with the boys they brought there.

“Those two have no sense of crisis.. Do they think those two guys will take care of them after graduation? Did you see them? They are just playing with those girls, once theyre finished theyll just throw them away like tissue paper.”

Nobody said anything to that which frustrated Koizumi even more.

“Shouldnt you guys do something about that? Kawachi, didnt you say that you were thinking about how to live after graduation? Even if I dont join you, I’m here cooperating arent I?”

Koizumi left the room after saying that and the two that were always with him followed him out. Kawachi stared after them, sighing in frustration.

It was as Koizumi said, those who had gathered here had no idea what would happen after graduation. They assumed that if they gathered together like this often then something would work out, but everyone just assumed that someone else would come up with a plan. They didnt bother to try and think of anything themselves. This also meant that they didnt have a leader to guide them, Kawachi is the class representative but she’d never filled a role like this before.

“Uhm, I wanted to ask everyone something..”

Kotori said as she raised her hand.

“Hhhh…… What is it this time?”

Kotori began to talk while looking at the annoyed expression of Kawachi.

“It’s… about NIto.”

“ Again with NIto!? Didn’t I already say that it wasn’t necessary!?”

Kawachi shouted.

“Not that, I was just wondering what everyone thought when they saw him?”


Kawachi looked frustrated at the question.

“What did I think? It doesn’t matter right now does it!? What are you saying that Saeki is going to join us?! If not then we dont have time for this! Stop changing the topic!”

Kawachi was upset.

“Thats not what I meant! Nito is strong, I just thought that maybe he would help us…”

Kotori said something outrageous.

Kotori was conceived that Masamune was NIto. She knew that they were the ones that had abandoned him and assumed that he would have a grudge. She thought that was the reason he hadnt revealed his identity but she was still optimistic. She had thought that Masamune was dead, she couldnt imagine how lonely he had been since he was thrown away by Aries. Of course that loneliness had been healed by Nem and Toa, although his need for revenge had not gone away.

She had always had hope but deep in her heart she had thought that he was dead. It was a lie that she told herself to escape the nightmares, she would tell herself that she hadn’t given up on helping him despite the hypocrisy. The stronger she was the more she was able to deceive herself, that it was insurance for when she found him. That the reason she didnt go help Masamune when he was alive was because she wasnt strong enough, it was just an excuse that she told herself.

When she found out that Masamune was alive, the way she looked at the world had changed. She was unaware that she was looking down on Masamune, thinking something like ‘If a healer can survive then I, as a Senior Blacksmith can do more.’

Of course Masamune would not help them though, although Kotori had been watching Masamune she did not know his pain. She wasnt aware that he was not a normal person.

“Nito has nothing to do with us? Why would he help us, we’re strangers to this world?”

This was an idea that had come from Oswald introducing them to the entire school the first day they were enrolled. They had all felt a sense of hindrance from their surroundings everyday after that. It wasnt discrimination and was only the other students curiosity in them but they had quickly come together and sought the peace of mind that came with being around people that were the same as you.


“No buts!!”

Kawachi was out of patience, She assumed that Kotori was just saying things that didnt make any sense to confuse the situation.

“Dont try and confuse us. We only have four years left!!! We dont need to keep adding to our list of problems!”

Fishnatica was a 6 year school and the heroes were only second years. As such they still had 4 years until graduation but that felt short to them.

‘I couldnt even pass the qualifying rounds, how do I get stronger?’

In this way Kawachi felt anxious everyday.

“Kotori is better right? You did better in the qualifying rounds than any of us, youre the one that has grown the most recently right?”

“I didnt mean too…”

“Then what did you mean to do!!! Talking about some unrelated adventurer!? Take this more seriously!”

Kawachi thought that she had the duty to bring everyone together and was putting pressure on herself.

“I wont talk then.”

Then Iida and Sato both left the room and the others began to follow them out one after the other. The scene they had just witnessed showed that Kawachi was lacking as their leader and that as Koizumi had said none of them had a sense of crisis.

But they didnt realize how hard Kawachi was struggling, they all came to the meetings and watched. They just watched the fights go on around them and sat there wasting time, they do nothing and dont get anywhere. Then they leave, that was how the meetings usually went.

Finally Kawachi left as well. She regret having yelled at Kotori and felt guilty, in the end only three people including Kotori remained inside the room.

“Kotori, why dont we go?”

Emi called out to Kotori.

“That person….”

“Kotori, its true that Nito is an S rank adventurer and is said to be a hero. He probably could help us but thats still impossible.”

Chiharu said, the three of them were always together.

“It’s not that.”

“Its not that? What do you mean then?”

Neither of them understood what Kotori was saying.

Kotori was wondering whether or not she should tell them. She didnt think she should tell anyone unless Masamune revealed his identity but she wanted someone to talk too.

“If its him, he will help us.”

“Why are you so obsessed with a stranger? It’s like Kawachi said, we’re outsiders.”

“Right? Just because someone is a hero doesnt mean we know what kind of person they really are.”

“But Nito is….”

“Kotori, lets go. The banquet is tonight. If youre so worried about it why dont you just go check.”

Emi doesn understand what Kotori is saying so Kotori opened her mouth to answer.

“Nito….is Masamune..”



The two of them stared at Kotori.

“What did you just say?”

“Did you just……?

The two of them were troubled by what Kotori had just said.

“Nito’s real identity, is Masamune.”

Knowing that they hadnt misheard the two of them were astonished by what Kotori had just said.

“Really!? If thats true then thats not good is it!? Everyone thinks that he’s dead!?”

Masamunes death had been easily accepted by everyone.

‘Hidaka had the weakest job, he couldnt possibly be alive in the outside world without any knowledge.’

It was only natural for them to think that way.

“Did you confirm it with him?”

“No, but i could tell by his voice/”

Emi was relieve inwardly when she heard that, she remembered what Masamune had said back then, that he was going to kill them all. But this reaction wasnt limited to Emi, if any of the other students heard that they would of all had the same reaction. In their hearts they were all frightened by Masamune.

‘If Hidaka is alive, he will come to kill us.’

“Sorry, but that doesnt sound credible. I Know that you and Hidaka were childhood friends but I cant believe that you could tell it was him just by hearing his voice.”

“Everyone would probably say the same thing as well right. I regret Hidakas death and i dont think hes alive in the first place, let alone an S rank adventurer.”

Chiharu said.

“But, the voice was Masamune’s.”

“There are a lot of people who sound similar to others. Its quite possible that you just confused it as Masamunes voice. I understand how you feel but lets not tell the others right now, theyre already upset as it is.”

Kotori was depressed by this but she gradually came to realize that their reaction to her telling them this was only natural.

“ Yeah…. There is no evidence….. That it’s Masamune…”

They both were sympathetic towards Kotori because they could tell what her feelings for Masamune were by looking at her face.

“ I cant believe that Nito is Masamune but that doesnt mean that Masamune is dead.”

“As a healer he can heal his own wounds so that means he’s probably out there somewhere alive.”

Saying that was meaningless, Kotori knew they were just lying to her out of sympathy.


But, Kotori was still unwavering in her conviction that Nito was Masamune.

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