A NEET’s Guide to the Parallel World: Healer, the Strongest Cheat?

Chapter 138: Please

The banquet.

Halekuwait’s gymnasium had been completely redecorated. Gorgeous chandeliers hung from the ceiling and a number of round or rectangle style tables were lined up inside. The quality of food stacked on top of them was enough to make you drool just by looking at it.

Then there was the music troupe that was playing nice uplifting music. Was there going to be a dance?

When I entered the venue with Nem she had immediately began choosing a wide variety of dishes. Such as meat, meat, meat, and meat……. There wasn’t a single vegetable…

“Do cat people only eat meat?”

“No, Nem likes it.”

Well, I guess that’s alright. The two of us took our seats.

“Pardon me, may I sit next to you?”

A student asked.

“I don’t mind.”

Next to me Nem had started eating.

“Thank you.”

The student next to me with sweptback blonde hair was squirming as he looked at Nem and I.

“My name is Tim Lloyd, I’m supposed to fight Nem tomorrow. So I was coming to greet her.”

I see, Tim Lloyd huh? He looks like a nice young man…. Is he older than me?

“I see.”

“But I never thought my opponent would be such a small girl.”

Nem reacted immediately.

“Nem isn’t small! I’m strong! ”

“No, no! Please don’t misunderstand, I wasn’t looking down on you. I was just surprised, Pardon me.”

He seems to have a low profile, I honestly don’t have any interest in him.

“I look forward to tomorrow.”

After that Tim left quietly, I guess it was just a greeting? Nem said nothing else as she focused on her food. Did she not feel nervous about the fight?

“Whoa! That girl is so pretty!”

I heard a commotion over at the entrance.

“Who is she? She’s so pretty!”

“Isnt the girl next to her super pretty as well?”

Sufilia and Toa appeared from the group that had surrounded the entrance. So this was the reason for the commotion? Of course I have to admit that in their dresses they are very beautiful.

They were staring at me now, they really were beautiful. In the previous world they might have been models or famous actresses? Since they were both looking at me I waved back at them.

“The red mask doesn’t go well with the back suit.”

Toa was the first to speak.

“It can’t be helped. It’s not like I can’t take it off here? Besides I asked Tom to modify it so I could open the mouth. As long as it doesn’t stop me from drinking alcohol it’s fine.”

I took a giant swig of alcohol.

“It doesn’t matter if lord Nito is fine with it. The mask is scary and it stands out.”

“Aren’t you two the ones who stand out? I wasn’t the one being praised the moment I walked in.”

“I’m a former princess, and isn’t Toa a princess as well?”


Toa always looks upset when we mention her being a princess.

“Beautiful, it looks good on you.”

Well, I can’t get in trouble for complimenting her can I?

“Thank you very much. I am glad that Lord Nito is satisfied.”

“T, t, thanks”

Sufilia smiled while Toa looked away shyly.

“Nem looks nice as well.”


I had no idea what she just said, probably because her mouth was stuffed full of food.

“Are you guys going to eat something? Nem started a while ago.”

“The meat is delicious today!”

Nem seemed to be in a better mood than usual.


Nems timing was perfect, she had just finished demolishing the meat she’d gotten. Let’s all go get food together this time.

As the four of them got up to go and get food there were those who watched them with suspicion.

“Kotori, no matter how you look at it he doesn’t look like Hidaka does he?”

“No matter how you Think about it i dont think thats Hidaka. It would be strange if Hidaka had 2 such beautiful girls by his side.”

Kotori, Emi and Madoka were chatting together as they were watching Nito. Madoka was convinced that Masamune wouldnt be able to keep such beautiful women by his side.

In addition to them there was another person watching Nito as well.


Saeki was getting angrier and angrier as he watched Nito walk with beautiful women on either arm. Joanna and David sat next to him with irritated expressions while Kida was off talking with other students.

Saeki took a bite of the meat that he was holding in his right hand and then washed it down with the beer in his left hand. Saeki seemed to have calmed down since before but he was still frustrated.



“Apparently Saeki doesnt know yet but he’s the hero who cleared the dungeon.”


Saeki ignored what Joanna was saying, annoyed.

“Even if you view him as a rival shouldnt you be looking inside yourself and not at him?”

David said.


“Is that not it? You’ve been thinking about him all the time and wanting to fight him. If its not a rivalry then what is it? But still you should stop this, I dont want to have to say this again but you should be more aware of who the other person is.”

“Whats wrong with observing your opponent?”

“It’s wrong because in youre case youre not just observing him are you? Youre just staring at him, observation implies that youre looking at him objectively.”

Saeki didnt say anything else. He wasnt asking for permission in the first place he was just watching him. Every time Nito came in sight his eyes just naturally followed him. It was annoying but it couldnt be helped as his emotions were out of control.

After a bit, the atmosphere in the venue changed and the students began to walk out into the center between the tables with their partners for the dance.

The people around me had all of a sudden started dancing without me noticing.

“Master! Lets go dance!”

Nem shouted suddenly as she held her hand out to me.

“What are you talking about? Lord Nito is going to dance with me, right?”

Sufilia cut in.

“Nem is first!”

Nem and Sufilia suddenly started fighting. But more importantly why am I the only one who didnt know about the dance? Whats going on here?

“Pardon me miss, may I have this dance?”

Some handsome guy had just walked up to Toa without permission. Fully aware of my presence.

“Sorry, I…..”

“Miss, I am a member of the Dyne family. My father is a duke, please do not shame me here.”

Is this guy an aristocrat? That sounded like a threat, although that shouldn’t have any effect on Toa.

“Excuse me but I’m going to be taking this girl with me.”

At that the guy stared at me. What is he trying to do here? There’s no way he doesnt know who I am, is there?

“-If you would be so kind as to find another girl.”

I politely turned him down.

“Pardon me, but it seems like you already have two partners just there. If you would be so kind as to give this one to me….”

“Did you not hear me?”

I answered a bit stronger this time.

“Didn’t I just say, to find another girl?”

“Don’t say that, it’s just one dance.”

The guy looked down on me grinning, what in the world was he thinking? Toa had a forced smile on her face, I could tell that she was annoyed with the guy by her facial expression.

“You’re stupid aren’t you?”

The man’s entire facial expression changed.

“W, What did you just say to me? Did you just call me stupid?!”

The guy wasn’t able to hid his anger any longer.

“Yes, that’s exactly what I said.”


“You’re an idiot. What, are you an aristocrat? So what, don’t make the mistake of thinking I’m just a normal student because I’m also an adventurer. All we take into consideration is profit and loss of funds, if there’s no merit in keeping our opponent alive we will kill them without hesitation. That’s what an adventurer is.”

“Is that a threat, I’m the son of a duke. Do you think you can live after making an enemy of the duke?”

What a troublesome guy. If we were somewhere else I would have already knocked this guys head off. But if I did that here I would be suspended.

“For example, what would happen if I did make an enemy of the duke? What’s he going to do, send assassins after me? And if he does send assassins after me, will they be strong enough to take down a country on their own?”

“That goes without saying.”

Apparently this guy can afford it, he’s not backing away no matter what threats I make. He glanced at Toa, I guess he hasn’t given up yet. It seems I need to change the way I’m going about this. He probably thinks that S rank adventurer is just a title for show or something, I need to show someone as daft as he is for him to understand.

I picked up a fork off the table.

“Can you hold on to this fork for me?”


“It will be over quickly, Just play along.”

He reached out and took the fork, it looks like he’s stupid after all.

“Now, take that fork and stab it into my right hand.”

“Wha! What did you just say!?”

“I told you to stab that fork through my hand.”

“Are you insane!?”

You should worry about yourself before you worry about me. Maybe he thinks this is a joke?

“This isnt a joke. Dont worry you wont hurt me. A sword would work too but thats all I could prepare on such short notice.”

Suddenly the idiot was grinning.

“You’re not going to back out of this are you?”

Whats with the sudden change of tone?

“Of course. We’re just playing around, so relax.”

“Well then, Ill be taking advantage of this then.”

Then without hesitation the man jabbed the fork into my hand.


But the result was exactly what I thought it would be, the fork bent on my palm. As soon as the arrogant aristocrat saw the three prongs bent in opposite directions he looked up at me with fear in his side.

“What do you think? If possible I would like to avoid any more stupid questions.”

“T, This…..”

“As you can see, It doesnt matter if you send assassins after me. It would be the same as what happened to this fork, a knife, poison, it doesnt matter. Putting poison into my drink doesnt mean anything, it would just be like drinking water for me.”


The eyes of the man were filled with horror.

“Fufufu, why dont we end this here. I’m getting a little tired of this.”

The aristocrat’s face twitched as he said this and forced out a smile.

“Aren’t you misunderstanding something?”


“Aren’t you the one in the wrong here? You know what to do when you were in the wrong don’t you?”

“What to do? What do you…”


The moment I said that his facial expression changed completely. It was the look of someone who was broken but someone who understood the situation nonetheless. Cold sweat had appeared on his forehead.

“I beg you. I was wrong, please to not shame me anymore.”

He pleaded with me desperately, unlike the playful show he had put on before. This time his voice was quiet so that only I could hear him.

“Shame? How rude, doesn’t that make it seem like I’m the one in the wrong here? You’re the one who did this all on your own.”

Then Toa cut it.

“Why dont we just forgive him. It seems like he understands now.”

Thats not right, that would be the worst thing we could do here. This guy hasn’t reflected on his actions all he wants to do is run away.

“You haven’t apologized, all you want is to be forgiven and let off the hook. When you’re the one who started all this. So isn’t it only natural for there to be some sort of punishment for you?”

I brought my mouth close to his ear and whispered.

“You said the Dyne family right?”

“Y, Yes.”

He whispered back.

“You and your family are finished. Shame? How far did you misunderstand? The moment you picked a fight with me your life was over, by ignoring my advice you’ve forfeited the Dyne family as well. So, leave this venue, go home and cherish the time you have left with your family. You will all disappear in a few days.”

I slowly backed away from the Aristocrat who now seemed to be at a loss for words.

“Do you get it now? Adventurers are free to do what they like unbound by laws or powers. We live how we want to and mercilessly kill who we want to kill. Your family is over now that you insulted me, so why dont you go spend time with them until then.”


The aristocrat’s expression was cramped as he backed away from me.

“Th, Thats a joke right!? I!……”

“Get lost trash.”

When I said that the aristocrat turned and ran out of the venue. Thanks to the music our conversation wasn’t overheard and he was the only one who stood out as he ran away.

“Nito… That was a joke right? What you said.”

“ Yeah. I’m not actually going to go kill them. I don’t have the time to deal with that idiot.”

Toa looked relieved. To be honest I could probably find out where his family is just by asking Francesca but it would be quite bothersome. Besides there wouldn’t be any merit in me doing that in the first place, I just wanted to enjoy the banquet.

“Toa, will you dance with me?”

“I held my hand out to Toa.”


Toa answered shyly.

“Master! Nem is first!”

“No! I’m first!”

The other two that had fallen silent when the aristocrat interrupted us had begun fighting again. Nem was clinging to my leg while Suphilia had grabbed my left hand with Toa on my right.

“Well then, why don’t we all dance together?”

When I said that everyone seemed to calm down and we headed towards the dance floor. By the way I have no idea how to dance. But luckily it seems like Toa and Suphilia do, does this have something to do with them being princesses?

We all held hands and twirled around in a circle, it wasn’t really something you could call a dance. The students that were around us giggled while other less confident students were encouraged when they saw us and moved out onto the floor themselves.

It was fun and I was able to laugh freely as blue and black flames danced around us with rose petals dancing in between them. This surrounded us as we twirled in place creating a space that was our own.

“Hey, can you call this dancing?”

“I wonder? Its fun though isnt it?”

“Nem’s having fun!”

“This is the first time I’ve danced like this….. It’s not bad though.”

We continued spinning around just the four of us. This was all we needed, It was fun.

I’ve always wanted something like this.

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