A NEET’s Guide to the Parallel World: Healer, the Strongest Cheat?

Chapter 146: revenge, kinda

“《Flame Hammer》!”

A magic circle appeared at Saeki’s feet while a huge ball of flame appeared overhead.

“Starting off with advanced magic? Can’t you calm down a little?”

“What!? I can’t afford to do that!”

‘OOH! Saeki starting the match off with advanced magic!’

While the announcer hyped up the audience Saeki showed me a relaxed grin as though he was trying to intimidate me.

“Alright, let’s get started! Let’s show these investors the farce they came to see.”

Saeki fired the fireball aboved him as he said this but… what is this?


“Didn’t I say to calm down?”


I instantly zero’d the distance between us and grabbed Saeki by the neck while his flame hammer exploded in the air.

‘Whoa! What’s going on? The huge fireball that should have been headed for Nito has exploded in the air!”

The announcer is so noisy.

“How do you have such a big mouth at your level?”

Maybe it’s better to just strangle him now?


He used advanced level magic right off the bat so I thought he might have some secret plan but it doesn’t look like it. All he did was cast advanced level magic and then release it.

“You’re weak….. Too weak. Your magic is so slow and yet you go for advanced magic? Are you just fooling around? I thought you say you were going to win while I was content to hold back. If this was a battlefield you’d be dead already.”


I slammed Saeki on the ground by his neck.


Blood flew from Saeki’s mouth, can’t he even fall correctly.


From the ground Saeki threw fire at me.

“What’s this?”

I kicked it lightly with my foot sending it flying away to disappear on the barrier protecting the audience.

“Well that was anticlimactic.”

I crouched down next to Saeki.

“This match is just a show. For rambling off to me I’m going to show you what it means to be oppressed now.”

‘What’s happening? If nothing is done about this Nito is going to win but….. What!!!!!!”

I magically robbed the announcer of the microphone.

“I’m going to borrow this.”

The announcer sat there confused while I did a mic test. Now this is getting fun.

“Everyone, as you can see this match has ended in my victory. But don’t you think it’s a waste to end it this way?”

I was speaking to everyone in the audience as they looked at me. The only people looking at Saeki were his friends.

“But as you can see, Saeki is just lying here. If I were to apply some pressure he would faint even though I have yet to use any magic.”

Slowly the audience quieted down as they listened to me.

“But thats what combat is all about. All of this is just a farce.”

The moment I said that the audience went silent.

“I heard that Fishnatica has a more hands on education style compared to Halekuwait.”

I heard that it was the reason why Fishnatika one the tournament every year.

“But looking at him I see that this was total crap.”

This is not combat, it’s a game.

“When Razhausen was attacked by the empire there were a large number of adventurers were there. Many of them gave their lives to defend the city, compared to someone like me who was just passing by and defeated the enemies they are the brave ones. They’re the ones who deserve to be called heroes.”

Hero refers to people like them, those who didn’t run when faced with S rank opponents even if they knew that they would lose their lives.

“Earlier Saeki used advanced magic. As expected of a student from Fishnatika, or should I say as expected of a summoned hero? Either way he won his way here, But the adventurers that fought off the attack from the empire? None of them could use advanced magic…”

Not Yogi or even Cedric who was said to be the highest rank among them could use advanced magic.

“However Saeki? You may have mastered advanced magic but you’re far weaker than those who defended Razhousen. You’re nothing compared to them.”

Saeki stood up out of breath.

“What is this academy for!? Are all of you investors investing in this silly thing? You all should stop, There is no value in a school that doesn’t know what it’s doing!”

I lifted Saeki with telekinesis.


“What is this tournament? It’s a farce! Why do you bother renting this prestigious place for the kings of each country to gather? Is it just to make fools of yourselves? These are just students who are playing with magic! Thats why those who were called the best were easily defeated by my friends, because no matter who you are a mage that doesn’t know battle is no match for even an F or an E rank adventurer!”

Oswald had said that this was necessary for keeping the schools alive but this should cause some of the investors to wake up. They should stop investing once they realize that this schools only produce play mages.

“By the way, the other day he declared war on me! He said that he would win! When I heard that I realized he had no understanding of his abilities or the circumstances he was in. So I would love to ask what the benefits of being a summoned hero are!?”

The audience was speechless. Saeki, garbage like you could never defeat me when you can’t even handle your magic properly.

“Magic is not a toy! It’s not supposed to be used to defeat your opponents in a game!”

Its about time to round this up. I have the next match as well.

“It’s a weapon used for killing!”

I’ll end it there.

“I’ll stop there. But it wouldn’t be any fun if we ended it like this. I said that magic was a tool for killing but this is a show so above all we need to entertain you. So Saeki why don’t we start over and I’ll give this back to the announcer.”

I used telekinesis to return the mic to a confused announcer.


I healed Saeki as I placed him back on the ground. My magic made it so that there wasn’t a scratch on him.


Saeki was surprised when he saw me use magic.

“Are you surprised? I’m the weakest kind of mage after all, a Healer.”

Thats right Saeki, you were just treated like that by the weakest job that you had called incompetent. How does that feel? Do you understand now?

“How do you feel about losing to incompetence? Saeki?”

“Y, You…”

There are many healers so he shouldn’t realise that it’s me.

“Alright Saeki, why don’t we get this started? Of course I’ll hold back so that I don’t accidentally kill you. Like when you pick up an ant without crushing it.”

Strength returned to Saeki’s eyes.

“An ant?”

This guy has a quick temper.

“Yeah… ah! Sorry, that was of course just an example.”

Saeki’s expression changed to one of intense anger.

“Alright! Let’s get started then!”

I spread my hands apart showing disrespect for Saeki with my entire body since I couldn’t use my facial expression. I could see him growing angrier, as though he knew he was incompetent but didn’t want to admit it.

“Damn you!”

Saeki drew his sword and swung at me forcefully.

“Oh, you’re going to use a sword? Well in that case, allow me to use a weapon as well.”

I took out the executioner’s axe from storage. In that moment the audience was abuzz, even the moderator seemed to be taken aback.

The dimensional storage space, it seemed that Sieg was right before in saying that it was quite rare. However Saeki’s expression didn’t change as he approached. Was he focused on the game or was he just an idiot?


Saeki swung his sword at me with all his might. Was this a broad sword? I’m not very familiar with swords so I don’t know. But my axe sheared through it like hot butter.


The sword wasn’t shattered and it didn’t break off, it was cut through by the axe. Although Saeki was momentarily shocked he didn’t back down, instead he abandoned his sword and immediately swung his fist at me. Does Fishnatika teach hand to hand as well?

Left, right, roundhouse, flying kick. Saeki showed off the combo that he was used to. Meanwhile I defended with one hand as I placed the axe back into storage.

“So you’re not just going to use magic, I’m impressed. But this is also a joke, Human beings are inferior to beastmen. What are you going to do with that fist? Are you going to take me down like this? You can’t kill a person like this, with your weak body. You’re arrogant and overconfident and your revealing your moves before they happen. For example!”

I extended a palm strike into Saeki’s throat. Of course I held back otherwise his neck would have disappeared entirely.


Spit flew from Saeki’s mouth as he was thrown backwards onto the ground.

“This is technique.”

Famous people were here watching the match as well. Various mages and swordsman each experienced in their own fields. And among them was a certain person.

“Is that… the cockatrice school?”

“Braums, you know what that is?”

The middle aged man with long silver hair and a beard to match was named Braums. A girl with long blonde hair and pointed ears sat next to him.

“It is a lost sword style. I have only heard of it from literature. A sword that crushes other swords. It has a mixture of bare hand techniques and petrification magic. Thats why it was called the cockatrice school. But how can he use that? He doesn’t look very old.”

Of course Masamune was currently hiding his face with a mask so there was no way for them to tell how old he actually was.

“More importantly, this match is almost…”

“That guy Nito…How strong do you think he is?”

“Hmm…. I don’t know. He has yet to use any magic.”

Braums watched the match while he stroked his beard.

I’m getting a little tired of being passive.

“They’ve stopped cheering haven’t they?”


Saeki’s breathing was rough.

“It would have been nice to show off some magic but that doesn’t look like its going to be possible.”

“《Flame Armor》!”

Fire covers Saeki’s right fist.

“Hahahaha! You really aren’t skilled at all.”


Saeki rushed at me in a straight line.


I sighed as I stopped his fist with my left hand.

“What!? My fire…..With your bare hands….”

“What are you surprised about? Did you really think something like this would work on me?”

Saeki was astonished. I wasn’t burned at all when I touched his fire. He just stared at me in confusion. After a moment his expression changed, he no longer looked confused but for some reason was smiling. What’s wrong with this guy?”


“What’s so funny?”

Did you suddenly go crazy?

“Nothing… But I understand that the me now can’t beat you.”

“The you know? That’s incorrect, You won’t be able to win if it took the rest of your life.”

“Hehe… Yeah probably. But….That’s fine.”


“I wasn’t interested in you from the beginning. I knew I couldn’t win from the beginning, I just wanted to see what kind of person a S ranked adventurer who was said to be a hero was. How I would match up against him in a fight. But I am far less skilled, it’s disappointing.”

“What are you trying to say?”

“I never thought that a hero would take a kid like me so seriously in the first place. I thought I was just here to make you look better but it seems that wasn’t the case?”

“Wasn’t that the case?”

“What? You’re surprisingly dumb aren’t you? Heh… From the beginning I thought you were just putting on a show. I didn’t think the hero would take this seriously. But now I can tell that you’re different.”

Saeki laughed and my right hand squeezed a little tighter on his hand.

“Guaa! ……See you reacted again. “

Saeki’s forehead was sweating but he was the type of guy to belittle people no matter where he was.

“Is losing to me that funny?”

“I’ll admit that you’re strong. Everyone here can admit that. But inside, maybe you aren’t so different from the rest of us.”

I laughed when I realized what he was saying.

“Under that mask, you hate me don’t you? What? Did my declaration of war bother you that much? Shouldn’t someone who was labeled as a hero be more tolerant of things like that? This is a masterpiece is it not?”

This guy….

“Are you….”

Is so full of himself.

“Trying to piss me off?”


At that moment the arena began to shake until even the seats in the audience were moving and I heard a scream.


A crack ran up the wall of the arena and the field is self was cracked severely around Masamune and Saeki.

“Wha! What!?”

A red-black shadow seemed to leak out of Masamune’s body as it wrapped around them.


Masamune made saeki float in the air without touching him as a red light was clearly visible from the mask.

“What? ……..That eye….”

“How are you misunderstanding that I’m holding back?”

Masamune asked in a small yet powerful voice.


“I can kill you at any time.”

Masamune grabbed Saeki by the neck and threw him.


Saeki was thrown away and then slammed into the ground. The shaking had subsided but the shadow hadn’t disappeared yet as Masamune kicked Saeki as he lay on the ground, although he held back enough to prevent Saeki from dying.


Saeki managed to endure it somehow as he spit blood out of his mouth. The audience went silent, everyone was at a loss for words. Some of them even had to turn away from the cruelty. However Masamune did not stop nobody could match the word ‘hero’ with Masamune anymore after seeing this. Even Braums wrinkled his eyebrows as he watched.

“Braums, What is that red-black stuff!?”

“I don’t know. Is it magical power? I’ve never seen magic like that, moreover I’ve been wondering about this for a while now but I can’t feel his magic power at all. It feels like something is pricking me all over my body.”

“I don’t like this feeling.”

“Me either. I don’t know what he is but he’s not just a mage, the adventurer Nito. What in the world is he?…”

Braum stared worriedly at the shadow, he didn’t know who Masamune was or what he was thinking.

Masamune paused and looked at Saeki who looked as though he was barely able to breathe let alone stay conscious but somehow he didn’t faint. The shadow moved to cover Masamune’s right hand, stabilizing and turning into something like a black gauntlet. The fingertips were pointed as if to give a hint as to the cruelty that was to come, most of the audience had looked away unable to watch anymore.

“There is a protective ward here so no matter how much damage I deal to you, you won’t die but..”

Masamune raised his gauntlet covered arm.

“《Soul Break》!”

A large magic circle appeared in the sky then shattered, however most of the people watching were unaware of what Masamune just did as the ward was invisible. Masamune just looked down at his gauntlet curiously as he made his way towards Saeki.

“I won’t kill you. But a litt….Hahahahahaha!”

Everyone had horrified expressions on their faces, they couldn’t hear Masamune laughing like he was crazy but they could tell what was happening just by looking.

“Should I break an arm? Which one is your dominant one? Let’s make it so that you can’t use a sword.”

Saeki didn’t respond.

“Fu…Not talking huh?’

Then Masamune aimed his right hand at the arm he thought he remembered holding Saeki’s sword.

“I’ve been looking forward to this a little.”

“That’s enough!”


Masamune stopped when he heard that voice and turned his glowing red eye on the old man that had appeared in front of him.


“The match is over…..”

Oswald had appeared there.


Masamune was confused by Oswald’s sudden appearance as the magic circle at his feet slowly disappeared.

“Teleportation magic…. What are you trying to do? ‘Principal’? We’re in the middle of a match here.”

“The match is over. The winner and loser have already been decided haven’t they?”

Masamune turned his red eye and all his murderous intent on Oswald. But Oswald stood there determined.

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