A NEET’s Guide to the Parallel World: Healer, the Strongest Cheat?

Chapter 147: Going crazy


Suddenly the end of the match was announced.

“That’s right. This may have looked like a match but it wasn’t.”

“Well, that’s true. But isn’t it okay to do this? I haven’t even used magic yet. If you let me use magic this would be so much more interesting.”

“You’ve used enough to destroy the ward, with my authority I deem this match to be over.”

What, was he worried that I would kill Saeki? Aren’t the students just offerings to the investors? Like a domesticated animal. Is he telling me not to kill it?

“Come to think of it, there is that other match.”

“Isn’t this enough? Everyone is already fully aware of how powerful you are.”

“Don’t try to flatter me. Do you want to die?”

Saeki was probably relieved that Oswald had showed up. They were both glaring at me, does that mean that I’m the bad guy? That’s fine, I don’t care what they think about me.

“I can do this much. The audience is getting a little noisy as well.”

With that Oswald walked toward Saeki.

“Don’t be embarrassed. It’s like you won.”

Was he showing concern for Saeki, or me?

“This is stupid….”

I shutdown my anger and left. As I was exiting the arena I no longer heard the cheers that I’d heard when I entered. Instead all I heard was the sounds of disgust from the audience.

As I exited I looked towards Toa for a moment and saw a searching look? What was she looking for? When I looked in her eyes I thought I could sense a pain in her chest, but I didn’t know why. Maybe she wasn’t looking at me and it was just my own imagination that our eyes met. Why did I think she was in pain in the first place.


Hitting the wall didn’t change anything. I was pissed, but it wasn’t at Oswald. I didn’t know why I was angry. No that’s not it, the cause behind my loneliness and depression.

“Could have killed him. I could have killed him. I could have killed him.”

Yeah… I could have killed him. I could have killed him but I didn’t. I knew that I couldn’t, I couldn’t just kill him now. I’m not alone anymore, I had Toa, Nem, and Sufilia to think about now. I couldn’t just betray them, I can’t betray them.

“There’s no need to rush, I have power now. I have it all…… I can’t be impatient.”

Yeah, there’s no need to be in a hurry.


I couldn’t suppress a sigh.

“I wanted to kill him.”

I suppressed my emotions. The most important thing was willpower, I need to be prepared to do everything that I swore to do back then. I continued to talk myself down so I didn’t go back out there and kill him.

“Think, my will….”

Don’t doubt the abyss.

I walked past the waiting room on my way out. There wasn’t much traffic here and it was quiet, soon there was a small garden in front of me. The vegetation was overgrown and I passed by the no trespassing sign on my way in. The sun seemed to annoy Masamune as he walked through the garden to a spot where he could calm down. Although the mask was comfortable he took it off as it seemed strange to wear and took a deep breath.

(It’s just me here anyway.)

Masamune tried to widen his sunken expression and dead fish like eyes in an attempt to change his mood.

“hhh…..I’m tired.”

(Even my level going up can’t help my spirit. I’m tired, it’s going to take a lot of conviction to get through this.)

It wasn’t perfect but the best possible outcome for Masamune was to destroy Saeki’s pride and publicly degrade him. But…..


(I think I was the one who lost face.)

Masamune’s heart was weak right now, he had felt the disgust around him when he left the arena so it was no wonder.

(They don’t know what kind of person Saeki is….. I’m the only one who knows, I was the one that was oppressed by him. This has nothing to do with anyone else.)

Sometimes understanding is unnecessary, people might be happier not being able to understand the emotions of others.

(I know, I know. If everyone else knew they would understand. But, I’m not asking for understanding, even if they understand other people aren’t part of this. There’s no way for people to truly understand one another.)

People can only understand themselves, if they think they understand someone else it’s their own delusions. And that delusion is based off of their own convenience.

(It’s only my desire to be understood. So I won’t ask, because I know.)

No matter what he told himself he didn’t feel any better. However he couldn’t stop thinking, the thoughts inside his head was his only salvation.

(I felt like I would be able to justify myself it I just went through with it.)

Masamune stopped thinking now, he just breathed as he began to feel uncertain about his new world.

“Why am I in this other world? ….Why…am I here?”

Masamune was weak.


There was a sound beside him.


He heard a voice. Masamune realized that he had first heard the sound of someone coming towards him. He reflexively opened his eyes and looked at who had spoke.


The first thing he felt was disappointment in himself. He regret taking off the mask and was stuck wondering how to get out of this situation.

“Hidaka…? You’re…..Alive?”

(Why are these guys here?)

Masamune’s heart was beating fast.

(I should have felt the magic power, there should have been a sign.)

But I was off guard and completely distracted he had turned of the switch and sunk into his weakness. That’s why he hadn’t noticed.

“That….appearance looks like……”

“That red eye…”


Three people appeared there and just like Masamune they were so surprised that they were at a loss for words.


(My identity has…..been revealed. My identity has been revealed. They know that I’m alive. Because of a blunder like this.”

Masamune was barely able to keep up with his thoughts.

(These guys are going to expose me. They’re going to expose me.)

His head was full of that one thought.


(No…..That’s not the case. It can’t end like this.)

“Long time no see. Everyone…..”

Masamune smiled at the three of them.

(What do I do now?)

“Hidaka, You, were alive?”

The boy was surprised by the reunion and looked shy, he smiled wryly for some reason.

(My life is-)

“Actually I want to apologise….” “Bye”

Masamune interrupted what the boy was trying to say. Masamune was totally unaware of having doing so as he didn’t hear what he was saying in the first place.

(I won’t let this end.)

“《Unreasonable Robbery》!”

(I’m reluctant.)

However, Masamune used magic on them without hesitation. The three only knew that he had said something but not what he’d said.

(It can’t be helped.)

Masamune had made his choice.

“Hidaka? ……What…..This? Gaha!”

The boy vomited blood.




More blood.

(Their hearts are still warm and beating in my hand.)


The three of them who were vomiting blood slowly noticed that their hearts were sitting in Masamune’s hand.

“Sorry Koizumi, I didn’t mean to kill you like this. I was going to have you suffer but, nevertheless..”

Koizumi, Takeshi, and Teppei, these were the three who had seen Masamune’s face.

“Sometimes things just don’t go your way in this world huh. If I had learned that mind wipe magic back then I might have been able to avoid this…. I should have learned it when I had the chance.”

The three of them collapsed to their knees and Masamune looked down at them.

“Takeshi? You haven’t changed, have you, it’s been a while since we came here but you’re still overweight. And you Teppei, look at how scrawny you are. I guess you guys didn’t train very hard since you didn’t want to participate in the tournament.”


Koizumi was pale but he seemed to be trying to say something.

“You guys didn’t have it very hard did you? Do you guys know what happened to me?”

Masamune seemed to be having fun as he was laughing.

“I was cast into a dungeon in complete darkness. I wandered along the wall somehow managing to survive. I even almost got my arm ate by a mimic, it toar my stomach open, but I didn’t stop. Do you know why I didn’t stop? Hahahahahaahahah! Do you know why, Koizumi?”

Masamune looked as though he had lost his mind.


“To kill you…”

Teppei collapsed and stopped moving.

“Hmm? What? Ah……did he die?”

Teppei was the first to die but Masamune barely reacted as he was talking with Koizumi who was on the verge of dying as well. His friends corpse beside him.

“It looks like Teppei is dead.”

Masamune’s eyes looked lifeless, as if he could no longer feel anything. Koizumi no longer had the strength to care about his friends, next to him Takeshi was struggling to breath.

“Koizumi? I crawled out of that pit just so I could kill all of you. That’s the only reason I lived, it’s all I thought about. That’s why I’m still alive.”


“Do you understand? Koizumi? You, that stupid old man, the kind, and Aries are all going to the same place.”

“Gofu! ….Hidaka….You…..Aries?”

“Hahahahaahahahahahaha! ‘You…Aries?’ “

Masamune mocked Koizumi as he laughed.

“Hahahahahahahaha! That’s right! I was the one who killed her! I stomped her head in! And then, just to show off I erased the castle as well. Magic is amazing isn’t it? If you have the will you can do whatever you want! So how is it? How is my magic Koizumi!? How is the magic that you called incompetent!? How is the magic of a healer!?”

Takeshi was the next to die, however Masamune didn’t react to his death. He didn’t even spare Takeshi a glance.

“Hey Koizumi!? Can you do it!? Can you do the same thing I did since you’re so capable!? Aren’t you heroes gifted? Hahahahahahahahahaha!”


Koizumi looked at his friends lying beside him and couldn’t hold back his tears. But the moment Masamune saw him cry he became cold again.

“What? Why are you crying? “


“The one who should be crying is me!”

Masamune flew into a rage.

“You made a fool of me. You guys made a fool of me everyday! You despised me and drove me to suicide, you abandoned me and never cared. But The anger and sadness that I felt when I was abandoned I don’t feel that anymore. Raising my level didn’t fix me at all so, for now I just want you gone. I want you out of this world, this is my world.”

“Goho! …..Gaha!”

“Hmm, You’re enduring this better than Saeki did. Maybe the only good thing on that guy was his mouth. Oh right, did you guys see that? How incompetent he was?”

Masamune kicked Koizumi towards the wall.


“Even though I pulled out your heart. Hahaha! This is nice isn’t it. Hahaha! Even though I pulled out your heart you’re still able to live for a while after that. I wonder when I’ll be able to tell this story? Hahahahaha!”

Koizumi hit the wall but he was still not dead.

“Gofu! Gofu! Kaha!”

“How long is this going to take? The other two are already dead. You can’t save them anymore and your life ends here. This is punishment for oppressing me, only I have the right to judge you. So, will you hurry up and die? I still have a match after this and I want to finish this up before someone else comes.”

Koizumi couldn’t talk anymore, his face was pale and he just stared into Masamune’s eyes.


“Geez…. Are you still trying to talk?”

Masamune was annoyed. He doesn’t realize that Koizumi seemed to be trying to tell him something. Masamune put on his mask and took out the executioner’s axe.

“Isn’t this the perfect weapon to kill you with? It’s called the executioner’s axe. It’s like it was made to kill you. Hahahahahaaha!”

Masamune lifted the axe high.

“I understand that this is a little fast. But I have no choice, I have to kill you before someone else sees.”


“Don’t talk anymore trash.”

Masamune swung that axe down.

What was it that Koizumi was trying to say? Dont kill everyone? I guess that’s a possibility if you think about it, I guess I’ll never know that answer now.

However, Koizumi was trying to apologize, he had tried multiple times.

But Masamune had cut off his words. He had never expected that Koizumi was going to apologize on his own so Masamune didn’t hesitate. Koizumi had also wanted to apologize to the other two. When it came to bullying Masamune, Koizumi had always taken the lead and dragged the other two behind him. It was his fault they were dead and he knew it. But that no longer had anything to do with Masamune.

The axe bit into Koizumi’s skull crushing it and splattering the surroundings with blood, flesh, and brains. It was all mixed together so no one would have been able to tell what was what anymore.

“Well that made a mess….”

Masamune stood there staring at the corpse and the blood around him.

(There will be a big fuss if I leave everything as it is. And if I erase the corpses then no one will suspect that I was involved with their disappearance. Yeah! No corpse, no incident, nothing happened!)

“《Erosion wave》!”

Masamune use the erosion wave to clean up the three corpses.


He used this to erase the blood as he expanded the erosion to clean up all the scattered pieces of flesh. Then he activated his wash skill to clean himself and his surroundings. After he was done the entire area was clean, in fact if anything it looked even prettier than before Koizumi and his friends had shown up.

“Back to normal.”

Masamune sighed in relief. He didn’t leave or look around, he just stood there staring at where Koizumi had been. When suddenly, the situation took another turn for the worse.

“Ha! So this is where you were peasant! Dad, It was him! This is the guy who shamed me!”

“I see. Richard, leave this to me.”

Richard Dynes who had tried to claim Toa at the banquet had appeared there with his father. And around them looked to be 6 ninja like people with black cloth covering their faces. All of them were holding daggers.

“Don’t bother me right now…. Get lost.”

Masamune didn’t even look at them, he just kept staring at the same spot.

“I see, you required considerable reeducation. I will teach you how wrong it is for a commoner like you to taunt someone like us. Unless, Do you plan on making it up to us here?”

“Did you not hear me? …… I said get lost.”

Masamune still didn’t bother to look and the duke gave orders without hesitation.

“I’ll leave these to you guys.”

The six assassins surrounded Masamune. You couldn’t see their expressions but each of the daggers was shining brightly in the sun light.

“Alright Richard. Let’s have some fun!”

The six of them jumped at Masamune all at the same time, but at that time.


Something red and black popped out of Masamune’s body turning all six of them into a bloody mist at the same time.


Richard and his father couldn’t keep track of what had just happened and their mouths were left hanging open. In an instant all that was left was splashes of blood, there wasn’t any sign of flesh or bone anywhere. The father and son duo began to tremble. But Masamune hadn’t even looked at them yet.

They two stood there trembling for a while as Masamune stared at the same spot. After some time Masamune slowly turned around and walked towards the duo. However it looked less like he was walking with the intention of moving forward but was just moving his legs. He passed by the two standing there and they relaxed there shoulders.

When they did their heads were blown off and their bodies remained standing for a moment gushing blood like weird headless fountains. The sound of them falling over wasn’t heard until some time later by which Masamune was already gone. For some reason he left the two corpses there without cleaning them up.

Today, Takeshi, Koizumi and Teppei, 3 of the heroes summoned in Greyberg had died by Masamune’s hand.

[Koizumi Akira]

“Big brother, wake up it’s morning!”

That day Koizumi was woken up by his little sisters voice.

“Shut up..”

He rubbed his eyes as he looked up into his little sisters laughing face.

“Wake up, You’re going to be late.”

“You’re so noisy in the morning.”

He was woken up like this everyday. He pretends to be annoyed but to him his little sister was irreplaceable. Even if he was having a bad morphing his little sister’s face made it all better.

“Aki, Eat your vegetables ok?”

Koizumi was urged to eat the peppers by his mom even though he didn’t like them.

“Aki, Mom’s going to be late so please take care of Saya.”


Koizumi’s parents both worked and left the house early in the morning so the brother and sister were often left together.

“Time to eat!”

After breakfast Koizumi would leave home with his sister. He would leave on a bike while his Sister would go on foot. They would split up at the front door but they always left the house together.

At home, Koizumi was a very good brother. He headed to school quickly today as he waved behind him to his sister.

Takeshi, Teppei and Koizumi. These three were always together talking about anime or games. They enjoyed hurting Masamune and seeing him injured, every time they passed by him they almost always did something bad.

When the afternoon bell rang Masamune was instantly hit by Saeki. Kawachi appeared and condemned him while also picking on Masamune for not saying anything. Meanwhile the three of them just sat off to the side and watched.

After a while Masamune left the classroom and Koizumi and his friends forgot about him. They sat together eating lunch talking happily about anime. None of them knew that Masamune would jump of the roof to commit suicide.

Just a few minutes later the summoning light had enveloped the classroom and they all appeared in Greyberg.

Koizumi would never see Saya again and Saya would never see her beloved brother. Tonight Saya would eat dinner alone out of the fridge as she waited for her parents and brother to get home. But she would always be alone now, her brother would never be back.

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