A New Kind Of Grind

Chapter 45

In the name of avoiding overstimulation, I would be alone in my bedroom tonight, getting to know my familiar in a one-on-one setting, before trying to introduce her to the rest of the girls. Nicky, meanwhile, would be staying in Akane's room tonight; the plan for tomorrow was that my familiar would meet Nicky and Akane first (and also Haruna and Usagi, but she wouldn't be sleeping with those two at any point), and then, sometime around lunch, Nel and El would come on over and introduce themselves then.

Two months ago, I'd been a loser whose only real action was porking person-shaped livestock. Tonight, I was in a polycule so big that we had to seriously consider the logistics of introducing new members. Oh, how things changed...

I sighed, and activated the monstergirl trap, releasing the foxgirl into my room. I had my new familiar to bond with, after all.

She was hot, as to be expected from a beta exemplar. A foxgirl was built sort of like a catgirl, and a catgirl was built sort of like an elf, but what that all meant was that this freckly redhead with fuzzy triangles on her head was tall and slender, with a bit of muscle definition. She also had big tits, some eminently-grabbable hips, and an eight-inch dick that was about as thick around as my own footlong.

I hummed quietly at the unawakened monstergirl before me, and then nodded. First things first, I was not going to make the first moment of consciousness my familiar experienced be standing naked in front of me, while I'm fully clothed. To that end, I grabbed a spare robe (really, a yukata, but eh, close enough) from my inventory, and swiftly dressed the foxgirl. She was remarkably docile, for a wild monstergirl; no struggling or fidgeting, not even any displeased vocalizations as I manhandled her into what could've very well been a trap. Maybe that was an effect of the dungeon stuff? Iunno.

What I do know is that, once she was dressed and decent, I took one of her hands in mine, and focused in the way the guides said to- there were, quite naturally, guidebooks in the Delver's Guild library about familiars, and while a lot of the guidebook I'd grabbed was about why someone should or shouldn't get a familiar (the orthodox position seemed to be that familiars were for losers), there was still enough practical instruction to be worth reading for someone who'd already made up their mind.

"I offer you the chance to become my familiar," I said quietly, as my mind pressed a bunch of buttons and sliders in my System access panel.

I felt her accept, and now, I had a familiar. It was sort of like the Succubus bonds between myself and the others, but... stronger. This connected us at a more basic level, regardless of classes.

"...Ew, clothes, get 'em off," the foxgirl said, untying her obi and flinging off her yukata. "How are you supposed to look at my tits if they're all covered up?"

"I'm surrounded by horny freaks," I said dryly. "That's not a complaint, just a statement of fact."

"I hate to break it to you, but you're also a horny freak," she pointed out. "Anyway, introductions: my name is Lisa Kitsune Fox, and I'm your new pet foxgirl. You are Roxanne Updyke, Incubus Extraordinaire, and my new owner. May I please suck your dick already?"

"Cool your jets for like five minutes," I said. "How do you know my name?"

"I'm your familiar," Lisa said. "We can see each other's Systems, and that includes names."

"Huh," I said, checking her System. "Yep, that... sure is your- wait, you're not a foxgirl."

"If I'm not a foxgirl, then I don't know what is one," Lisa said.

"Lisa, your System says quite clearly that your breed is Kitsune," I said.

"It's a variety of foxgirl from the Sunset Kingdom," Lisa deflected.

"No, it's one of the Four Legendary Monstergirls," I said. "You even have the Trait that unlocks the Trickster class, which... well, that would explain why Nel didn't realize you weren't a normal foxgirl, if it works even through a monstergirl trap." Sure, she was only a Level 1 Trickster, but that probably wasn't anything to sneeze at.

"...Okay, maybe I am a legendary monstergirl," Lisa said, pouting, her ears drooping. "Big deal. I still have needs, just like everybody else, you know?"

"You'll receive plenty of love and affection soon enough," I promised. "But first, I'd like to talk, and get to know you. Maybe, uh... maybe learn exactly why you're so desperate to be my pet foxgirl."

"Oh, that's easy," Lisa said. "Pets get unconditional love, and aren't expected to justify their existence except maaaaybe for reciprocating that love. And Iunno if you know this, but when the most mechanically important thing about you is how good you are at lying to people? Most people won't feel very good about that."

"...Weren't you born, like, two minutes ago?" I asked. "How do you already have impostor syndrome?"

"How am I already speaking fluent English?" Lisa asked, shrugging. "Fact of the matter is, the way familiars get their personalities is poorly-understood, but does give us the effects of stuff we could've grown up with, if we had grown up the honest way. And whatever system made me who I am decided that I should've grown up thinking I was just tricking people into liking me, by pretending to be something else."

"Huh," I said. "That's... kind of a shitty thing to do to you, I'm not going to lie."

"Kinda, yeah," Lisa said. "But hey, now you're here to give me unconditional love and affection, and therapeutically stick your cock in my mouth."

"Alright, alright, I can take a hint," I said, sitting back on the edge of my bed and parting my robe to reveal my dick. "Boner appetit, darling."

Lisa all but tackled me, flinging herself across the empty space between us to land between my legs, face pressed firmly against my quickly-hardening cock.

"Oh fuck," I muttered, as she pressed a trail of kisses from the base of my shaft up to the tip. After a particularly long, suckling kiss to the tip, she opened her mouth and began to swallow me. "Ohhhh, you're good at this."

Her ears twitched at that, and I grinned a little. I put my hand on top of her head, catching both of those fur triangles between my fingers, and gave them a squeezing rub.

"Good girl," I said, with a bit more intent. "Thaaaat's it, keep going... good girl..."

Her tail was wagging up a storm as she sucked, and while I could've watched it go for hours, I instead elected to lean back, relax, close my eyes, and soak in the blissful sensations of Lisa's mouth and throat around my cock.

All things came to an end, however, and Lisa seemed to know that; she bobbed her head faster and faster, working her tongue like a madwoman, and managed to pull up just enough at just the right time that I did not knot her mouth, but still came straight down her throat.

I offered her the Succubus class, which she happily accepted, and then, I flopped backwards onto my bed.

"Good girl," I said. "Very, very good girl."

She made a sound in the back of her throat that was almost like a flustered purr, and in fact, sounded oddly reminiscent of a fox, while still being a noise someone could actually make with their throat.

"Come up here and lay beside me," I said, straightening up and patting the bed. "I wanna cuddle."

She hopped adroitly up onto the bed, and then politely allowed me to manhandle her into my arms, her face against my shoulder, as I just held her close and enjoyed her warmth. After a few moments, she wrapped her arms and legs back around me, and nestled in for a good, long snuggle session.

"...So," Lisa said, after a few minutes of companionable silence. "When do I get to meet the rest of your harem?"

"Tomorrow," I said. "For tonight, well..." I shrugged and grinned. "I wanted you aaaaall to myself."

"Fair enough," Lisa said, blushing a little and wagging her tail. "And... when do I get my own collar?"

"When I can bring myself to stop cuddling you long enough to make one," I said. "I wanna make it right, y'know? Make it enchanted, now that I've got Mystic Artificer myself, and can finally enchant stuff without asking someone else to do it for me."

"Mmm," Lisa hummed.

"Anyhow," I continued. "We do have to settle on some kind of outfit for you to wear in public, because of that whole 'nudity taboo' thing."

"Can it still be really sexy?" Lisa asked.

"I mean, probably, although-" I paused, then grinned. "...Okay, I've got an idea. But, well, it can wait until we're done cuddling."

"Ooooh," Lisa cooed. "Tell me?"

"I'll show you," I promised. "...Also, at some point, I will be milking you for ingredients to make a Trait Potion, because I need that goddamn Trickster class."

"As a Wizard main, you're worried about your Body and Face stats, yeah?" Lisa asked.

"The Thief role is the only one that I don't have access to," I said. "It has been bugging the shit out of me, but thankfully, it's a problem we're going to solve with your first, second, and possibly even third prostate orgasm."

Lisa's tail started wagging even more enthusiastically.

"I can't wait."

"Well," I began, slowly grinding my hips against hers. "Lucky for you... we don't have to."

I pulled back a little, and pried her off of me- she was reluctant to let go, but finally went along with it once she realized I meant it- letting her roll onto her back, tits and dick and balls all open to the air. I took in the sight for a few heartbeats, before unrolling a condom onto her cock, and slipping my knees between her legs. I lifted myself up with one arm, planted the other on the other side of the bed, and looked down at the desperately horny foxgirl who hadn't cum yet.


Better fix that, eh?

My cock was already most of the way back to full hardness, but a quick pulse of Incubus power brought it all the way there, and in an easy, practiced motion, I swept my cock under Lisa's balls and into her pussy.

She felt absolutely amazing, and when I reached for an explanation as to why she should feel so good, my Incubus abilities informed me that, between being an eager-to-please Succubus and a Trickster with the highest Face Stats of any class save for Sorcerer, Lisa was all but doomed to fuck like a champion.

And here I was, the lucky girl who got to put her in a collar and keep her as a pet.

I started moving my hips, sawing in and out of Lisa, and using some more Incubus magic to keep her happy with the process. As much as I looked forward to cumming inside her a second time, the actual point of this exercise was to make her cum so I could harvest her for potion ingredients.

I briefly considered how much shorter a task this would be if she were Nicky, who'd spray her brain's weight in cum if you so much as gestured towards her prostate, and then remembered that Lisa, a beta, also had a prostate.

I angled my dick ever so slightly, increasing the pressure I was putting on that by just a hair, and almost instantly, Lisa's cock started leaking. A few good thrusts, and she howled like a wolf as she filled the condom.

I spent a few motes of magic to enchant the condom, making it far, far stretchier than ordinary latex would be, and then kept going, working myself up more and more as I milked more and more orgasms out of Lisa. By the time I came, that balloon on the end of the condom was bigger than her head.

And, at last, I did cum, too, burying myself deep inside her and filling her up with almost as much cum as she'd just lost, and plugging her up with my knot to make sure that fresh filling didn't go anywhere.

I panted a little, looking down at the blissed-out, fucked-senseless foxgirl beneath me, and gave a little smile.

"Good girl."


And thus, Arc 2 of ANKOG comes to an end. Next up is a sort of experimental arc, that I'm fairly excited about, with no delays. There will be no hiatus. Chapter 46 comes out on January 4th.

Anyhow, lemme explain why I'm excited. See, when I wrote the original draft of ANKOG last year, it was a third person piece which was, in many parts including the beginning, primarily focused on the perspectives and interiorities of bottoms and submissives, digging into what they're getting out of this kind of arrangement, and what makes Roxy appealing to them (besides the fat knockers).

This next arc is going to bring that back to see how the audience feels about it, for a few reasons. Part of it is the obvious artistic stuff about being able to get outside of Roxy's head, and experience how other characters see the world, and even get outside perspectives on Roxy and how people feel about her that aren't immediately said out loud to Roxy's face. But in all honesty, the bigger part of it is trying to broaden the appeal of what I will admit is a pretty niche smut story- a thoroughly-worldbuilt lesbian dickgirl LitRPG that appropriates Omegaverse terminology to explain its own weird gender trinary that has nothing to do with the oft-cited bioessentialist and dubcon elements of conventional Omegaverse stories. (Seriously, the fact that Veronica as an alpha is in fact very submissive and happily takes another alpha's cock up her ass without anyone at all questioning her status as an alpha is pretty weird for a supposed Omegaverse story.) ANKOG may be pretty niche in that regard, but I know from hanging out in chatrooms that this particular combination of elements isn't nearly so alienating to my peers as it might seem, and the thing that does seem to keep them from enjoying it as much as I'd like them to is much simpler:

The story is a first-person narrative from the perspective of a domme, and a lot of the people who'd otherwise be reading this are subs.

That being said, the next arc is an experiment. I enjoy writing Roxy's first person narration a lot, and even if the next arc is a huge hit that triples my readership, I don't think I'd be willing to get rid of it completely. I guess I'm just trying to figure out how much of the story going forward should be told in what manner, in order to best evoke the reaction I'm trying to evoke.

I hope you enjoy it.

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