A New Kind Of Grind

Chapter 46


It didn't take all that long for Lisa to understand the dynamic her relationship with Roxy would have, going forward. Even aside from Roxy's autobiographical ramblings, it was abundantly clear how things would be working, going forward, as she worked on a potion.

Twenty minutes ago, Roxy had fucked Lisa harder than most people would ever experience in their entire lives. Right now, she was seated at the center of a large workbench shaped like a U made of rectangles, brewing a potion out of Lisa's milk and cum, while Lisa was left to entertain herself.

Roxy wasn't all that complicated: she was an endearingly enthusiastic nerd whose focus turned on a penny, and whose focus was usually drawn to some crafting project or other semi-solitary endeavor. When her focus was on a lover, then that lover got to experience twelve orgasms in fifteen minutes followed by a breast milking that was three part gentle, caressing, cuddly aftercare and one part hard-nosed (and hard-cocked) pragmatism. But, well, that focus lasted long enough for Roxy to believe that said lover was satisfied, and afterwards, if Roxy didn't think she was done for the day, then she'd get up out of bed and get to work on her next project, and if Lisa still wanted to cuddle, then she had to say so.

Which, well. Lisa didn't.

Lisa, once she felt steady enough to get up, simply grabbed one of Roxy's many pillows- Roxy had managed to create cushion-worthy foam with alchemy at some point, and had evidently gone on an upholstering spree that included even her mattress- before strutting, fully naked, with swaying hips and bouncing breasts and a wagging tail, over to Roxy's workbench, whereupon she laid the pillow down on the floor, knelt atop it, and rested her head against Roxy's thigh.

"So needy," Roxy teased, her left hand resting atop Lisa's head and idly skritch-skritch-skritching at her scalp and ears, but the bulk of her focus on the ongoing alchemical reaction, and babysitting it to ensure nothing went wrong. After all, if something did go wrong and she had to start over, she'd need more milk and cum, and that would mean fucking Lisa again and playing with her boobs some more.

Lisa was so very, very tempted to be a brat there, but instinct told her that Roxy would not reward that behavior with an even harder fucking; Roxy would simply verbally express her displeasure with Lisa, and then start over with the reagents she'd reserved, as Lisa had been fruitful enough for Roxy to do precisely that.

And so, Lisa would be a good girl and let her owner work, and later, she would demand further affection as a reward for her good behavior. With 'later' meaning 'as soon as Roxy looked like she was done with her current project and looking for the next thing to do,' obviously.

"Thank you," Roxy said, almost absentmindedly. It was unlikely that she had any sort of mind-reading capacities, and Lisa was very confident she had not said any of her internal monologue out loud, but all the same, it wigged her out a little. "Aside from the potion... I'm aware that loving me isn't always the easiest thing in the world, and... well, you seem to be tolerating it pretty sustainably."

Ahhhh, so it was a case of Roxy's internal monologue following a similar track.

"It's not that hard," Lisa said. "It'd be harder to not love you, after what you did to my pussy."

"Still," Roxy said. "I'm aware that giving someone a religious experience with your dick and then, immediately afterwards, switching to a completely unrelated task is... at best very odd, and at worst frowned upon as neglectful."

Lisa shrugged. "You can make it up to me with more cuddles once you're done with this potion."

"Do you actually mean cuddles, or do you mean ear-rubs followed by extended penetrative sex that could leave you pregnant were it not for my infertility?"

"I'm not picky."

Roxy grunted. "Well, if you'd like cuddles as in sitting in my lap with your limbs wrapped around me... I'm a Wizard, and don't actually need to be physically unencumbered to get this kind of work done, so." She scooted her chair back, and patted her lap.

Lisa's brain short-circuited with excitement for a moment, before she blinked it away, and hastily climbed up into Roxy's lap and embrace. She was so goddamn warm, even through the clothes she was... probably wearing because she wasn't reckless enough to be naked while working with alchemy. Oh well, Lisa didn't give a shit; Roxy was a Level 4 Paladin in addition to her Wizard-ness, and had three different options for healing Lisa in the event of a hazardous spill.

In fact... as much as Lisa would really rather not get chemical burns on her back, ass, or especially her tail, the idea of Roxy fussing over her in the aftermath... oh, now that was something delightful. If Roxy didn't start taking her delving soon enough, then Lisa would just have to find her own opportunities to be manhandled and fussed over.

"Fuck, your hands are cold," Roxy muttered.

"So warm them up," Lisa said, before moving one such hand to the back of Roxy's neck, which was nearly a goddamn furnace.

"I wish you were one of the monstergirls with fur on their hands," Roxy grumbled.

"I could be, if you convinced me," Lisa said.


"Trickster comes with a shapeshifting power," Lisa said. She attempted to restrain herself, but... well, between Roxy's rambling being infectious and Lisa's insecurities about being a Trickster, she kept going. "I mean, that's not why I look like this- I haven't used it yet, so yeah, my tits really are this big, but, if you want-"

"Duly noted," Roxy said, reaching up with her left hand to, once again, pat Lisa's head. "I might take you up on that, if I have a craving for something, but... to be entirely honest, as much as I enjoy the idea of a woman's shape changing to suit my desires, I prefer that I be the one controlling and initiating those changes, rather than simply ordering a shapeshifter to do it and hoping they obey."

"Iiiiinteresting," Lisa said. "So you do like the idea of me having bigger tits than I should have, as long as it was you who gave 'em to me, with me being a passive recipient?"

"I get the feeling that you're going to be just as much of a pillow princess as Nicky is, except you're gonna be more annoying about it on purpose."

"Hey, if you want me to shut up so bad, you could just make me."

"I'm a Wizard," Roxy said dryly. "If I just want you to stop talking, I'm going to cast either [Silence] or [Sleep] on you instead of sticking something in your mouth."


"Unfortunately. Also, I do actually need you to pipe down for a few minutes now, because I need to concentrate."

Lisa shut her mouth and held her peace like the good girl she was, because she was a very good girl, such a good girl that-

She yelped a little as Roxy cast a spell to lock her tail in place so it would stop wagging like mad.

Still, she held her tongue, and waited the long, long, agonizingly long moments it took for Roxy to prepare and add the next reagent.

"Good girl," Roxy said, rubbing her ears and releasing her tail. "Very, very good girl."

"And don't you forget it," Lisa said, grinning wolfishly.

"And since you're such a good girl, I'm going to reward you with something very special after I'm done with this potion."

Lisa's tail thumped loudly against the cabinets beneath the workbench.

"As long as you understand that this means there's going to be a second crafting project following this one."

The thumping softened and slowed down. Lisa wasn't super thrilled about having to wait even longer for her reward, but... but, Roxy had said she was a good girl, and by god, Lisa was going to prove her so right that Roxy would keep rewarding her for being so good.

Lisa settled in for the long haul, falling half-asleep in Roxy's warm embrace. She was... somewhat aware of what was going on, with Roxy's occasional mutterings washing over her, but it wasn't until Roxy called her name twice in a row that she snapped out of it and shook herself fully awake.

"Huh?" Lisa said, articulately.

"Your reward is ready," Roxy said. "If you would kindly climb down off of me, so I can give it to you?"

"Oh, did you already finish the potion?" Lisa asked.

"I did, yes," Roxy said, nodding. "I then duplicated it with some Mimic Potion, which... I will explain to you later, when it is not super late and you're not impatiently horny."

"You understand me so well," Lisa said as she reluctantly let go of Roxy and climbed back down onto the pillow that'd simply been on the floor this entire time.

"Yes, well," Roxy said, standing up and nudging the chair back with her foot. "Lisa Kitsune Fox... I present to you a token of my affection and ownership: a heavily enchanted collar." She produced the collar from her inventory, holding it in both hands, and Lisa's eyes dilated immediately.

It was a metallic collar, that looked to be made of two pieces of burnished brass. At one end, the two pieces were connected by a hinge- whose tolerances and seams were so tight and precise as to be impossible for hair or skin to get pinched or stuck in- while at the other end, the closure was a slotted latch-plate hinged to one piece for slipping over a protruding ring from the other piece.

Hanging from the ring- which was big enough to also affix a small lock and a leash- was a simple, circular tag in brass, upon which was engraved "Lisa." A little disappointing that it was just her name, but-

Roxy, noticing where Lisa's gaze was headed, grabbed the tag with two fingers and flipped it over, revealing that the other side was engraved "Property of Roxy," which restored the fullness of Lisa's satisfaction.

"There is more to it, of course," Roxy said as she lowered herself to slip the collar behind Lisa's neck and under her hair. "But, well. You'll see."

She latched the collar closed, and the enchantments kicked in, fitting the collar perfectly to Lisa's throat- the weight was noticeable, and a comforting presence, but not once would it ever impede Lisa's movement or breathing. The latch all but disappeared into the closure, and clearly, only magic (or Lisa's inventory) would ever remove this collar. Not that Lisa wanted to.

"Yessss," Lisa hissed, grinning.

"Now for part two, and the part that made this so much harder than it needed to be," Roxy added, before snapping her fingers.

Another enchantment in Lisa's collar activated, and from the inside, a wave of thin black latex shot outward, enveloping her entire body from the neck down in a shiny, if loose, jumpsuit, with the sole exception being her tail. Then, once the suit was formed, it tightened, pressing itself perfectly to every last curve of her body, replicating perfectly even the bumps of her areolae and the folds of her pussy, like it was an impossibly thin layer of body paint rather than a latex suit. And finally, as the finishing touch, the suit around her feet thickened up, before forming itself into a pair of stiletto heels that would accentuate her legs quite marvelously... once she was done kneeling like a good girl.

"Ooooh," Lisa said, staring at her shiny, shrink-wrapped body.

"Would you like to know a fun fact, Lisa?" Roxy asked, then didn't wait for a response. "It turns out, you can in fact make a magic item that's controlled by someone besides the person wearing it." To demonstrate this, she furrowed her brow ever so slightly, and Lisa's jumpsuit gained a front closure for the sole purpose of being left open, with a few other shifts in the suit coming together to give her a window for displaying some truly delicious cleavage. "Of course, making the jumpsuit shapeshift at all was still pretty hard, but... I'm just as much a Trickster as you are, now, so I had the tools to figure it out. So!" Roxy grinned. "What say we keep demonstrating just what this new toy can do?"

"I can't wait."

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