A New Kind Of Grind

Chapter 47


When Roxy had put her in a painted-on jumpsuit, Lisa had felt it, pretty much everywhere. It was tight, to be sure, but the pressure was barely noticeable... except on her cock and in her pussy, where the tight clinging was a lot more noticeable.

"I've been wanting to make exactly this sort of thing for a long time now," Roxy said. "So, Lisa, congratulations and thanks are both in order, for being the woman who finally enabled me to do it."

"And what's my reward for being such a good girl?" Lisa asked.

"Allow me to demonstrate why this is more than just a jumpsuit that can change style," Roxy said, before Lisa's eyes went wide and she folded in half.

The tight latex clinging to the inside of her pussy, gently pressing in against its walls, suddenly pressed in far, far tighter, as though Roxy had picked her up and speared her on that monstrous cock of hers again without moving the jumpsuit out of the way. And yet... Roxy hadn't. She was standing there, in her robe, looking very smug as Lisa lost her composure over her jumpsuit pretending she was getting stuffed.

"And, just in case you still don't get it..." Roxy said, before the latex clinging to Lisa's asshole started to bulge inward, a lubricating enchantment activating just before that bulge became a second phantom phallus shoving itself inside her to rearrange her insides.

Lisa tried to say something, something like 'holy shit it's so much,' or 'oh my god this is amazing,' but she was new to her status as a Succubus, and being double-penetrated by her own clothing while her owner simply stood there and watched was very distracting, to say the least, and all that came out were half-warbling moans.

"Yep, that's exactly what I wanted to see," Roxy said, grinning viciously. "Now... let's get you back into bed, yeah?"

Roxy cast a wordless spell, levitating Lisa and her pillow up into the air, before casually walking the foxgirl back over to Roxy's bed and setting her back down- and putting the pillow back in its original place.

"Now... how can I fuck you up even more?" Roxy asked, watching the kitsune squirm and moan around the twin penetrations, as though she did not already know precisely what she was about to do. "Ah, I know!"

If Lisa had trouble thinking before, she was completely incoherent now, as Roxy set the latex wrapped around Lisa's clitoris and cock in motion as well. The sensations were different, now, and were what Lisa imagined receiving head would be like- soft, plush lips wrapped around her with a deft, firm tongue teasing all the spots in-between. On her cock, though, it wasn't just illusory lips and tongue; those were pretty far down along the length of her shaft, and everything past them was squeezed by something Lisa could only assume was like the throat of an obliging and talented submissive like herself.

Throughout all this, Lisa moaned, long and low, interrupted by hitches in her breath as various particularly sensitive bits were attacked by the suit. She floated, insensate and noisily, in an indistinct sea of carnal bliss.

Then, something anchored her:

Roxy laid down next to her and took Lisa into her arms.

"Mmmn?" Lisa managed to 'say.'

"Enjoying yourself?" Roxy asked.

"Mm... Mhm..." Lisa hummed, nodding. "It's... a lot..."

Suddenly, the stimulation slowed down, and grew gentler. She was still getting sucked and fucked from every possible angle by her suit, but now it wasn't quite so overwhelming.

"Turns out that, with Incubus magic, I can have perfect control over how sexually stimulated someone is, and perfect control over whether or not they actually get to cum," Roxy said. "Which is nice, but... well, it also means that I can get overconfident and wildly miscalculate a thing or two."

"I wasn't complaining," Lisa pointed out.

"No, but still," Roxy said. "I did something I didn't intend to, so... Gotta practice more."

"Will you be practicing on me?" Lisa asked, batting her eyelashes despite the fact Roxy was spooning her and could not see her face.

"What else are you for?" Roxy asked, planting two firm hands on Lisa's two squishy boobs.

Lisa made a happy little noise, closing her eyes and melting into the softer, more ambient bliss of being groped and lightly sucked and fucked. She could do this for hours, honestly. Lisa already knew about Roxy's experience with milking cowgirls; it was a fairly clinical memory, admittedly, of the sort you'd have if someone had simply told you that Roxy had milked a lot of cowgirls before you met her, and yet you committed this detail to memory. Here and now, though, it was being grounded in something- Roxy was exhibiting a great appreciation for Lisa's own fat, cow-like titties, and her idle gropes and caresses resembled nothing so much as milking, her hands semi-rhythmically squeezing from around-ish the base to near-ish the tip.

Still, it was close enough, and, despite the fact Lisa wasn't lactating at all, she felt herself starting to slip into the milking trance.

It was a funny thing about monstergirls, awakened and unawakened alike. Being milked would release a certain blend of hormones and induce a mental state of calm, mild euphoria. Lisa's breathing steadied, and any nervous energy she might've had simply ebbed away, as did any desire to think particularly hard. It was something akin to the reflex housecats exhibited when gripped by the scruff of the neck, although, obviously, there were differences, too.

Eventually, though, (Lisa actually had no idea when it was; the milking trance utterly destroyed her sense of time) Roxy stopped, and Lisa slowly roused back to the world of the living.

"Huh?" Lisa mumbled, half-coherent.

"Did I wake you up?" Roxy asked, naked concern in her voice.

"Kinda, sorta," Lisa said, bleariness working itself out of her voice. "Mmmn. I was in a nice little milking trance for a while, there. For... however long it was you were playing with my tits."

"...I see," Roxy said quietly. "...Well, now that you're back in the land of the living... I was trying to ask if I could put a hole in your suit and fuck you myself, rather than leaving it to the enchantments."

"I'm all yours," Lisa said. "Anytime, anywhere, for any reason. We could be eating breakfast at the Rusty Anchor, and if you grabbed my ears and bent me over so you could fuck my face at the table, that'd be fine by me. Or when I'm asleep. All yours."

"...Awfully permissive, but... fair enough," Roxy said, withdrawing the phantom phallus from Lisa's pussy before a hole opened in the suit, letting Roxy's real dick push itself back in. Lisa noted, with pride and lust in unequal measure, that Roxy's cock was thicker and longer than what the suit could manage, and that was with her going in from the back, with Lisa's thick ass and thighs in the way.

"Nnnhn... I... do want you to... keep milking me, though..." Lisa managed to get out in between heavy breaths. "Fuck, that's- ohhhhh..."

Roxy obliged, and through the intense and hot stretching sensations of getting fucked as deeply as Roxy could manage, Lisa could feel herself slowly, fitfully, falling back into the milking trance.

It was different, this time. She knew she was getting fucked, and was even just as capable of enjoying it- possibly even more so, since most other sensations had faded out as background noise, leaving her with little else to focus on. But the moaning, the trembling, the screaming? Nah. Too much effort. Just relax, enjoy a good and deep dicking, and let it take its course. She was probably making some noise, but she wasn't aware of it, and it didn't really matter; all that was for Roxy's benefit to know she was having an effect. Lisa just needed to keep getting fucked and groped.

As the fucking continued, a heat continued building up inside Lisa, burning hotter and hotter as Roxy pounded harder and harder. She came, letting her orgasm crash over her like a cresting wave, and the heat abated, somewhat. Still, Roxy kept going.

She floated in the ebb and flow of the purest carnal joy, as Roxy hammered away at her, wringing orgasm after orgasm out of her body. Eventually- Lisa still couldn't tell when, and it could've been five minutes as easily as five hours- Roxy finished, and knotted Lisa again for the second time that night.

Slowly, as Roxy stilled, Lisa slipped back out of the milking trance, to find Roxy cuddling her in a surprisingly chaste manner, considering the big fat cock still stuck in her pussy.

"Mmmn..." Lisa murmured. "Hey, Roxy?"

"Yeah?" Roxy asked.

"Before you fall asleep... would you mind making the suit milk me? I wanna go to sleep like that."

"...Sure, I can do that for you," Roxy said quietly. "Is that... safe, or..."

"Yeah, it's totally fine," Lisa said. "The only thing that's kinda dangerous about the milking trance is that, if it lasts for too long, I'd get pretty hungry and dehydrated, but... well, then I'd snap out of it, get up, and go get something to eat. And that'd be, y'know, a once-a-day thing, so..." Lisa shrugged. "It'll be fine, as long as you wake me up and make me eat breakfast tomorrow morning."

"If you say so."

"Also," Lisa continued, "feel free to keep cuddling me and playing with my body."

"I'll bear that in mind, but it's your tits I most wanna play with, and those'd be covered by the suit if it's milking you," Roxy pointed out.

"...Hrm," Lisa hummed.

"I'll live, though," Roxy continued, patting Lisa's belly. "I don't need to have your bare tits in my hands to sleep at night. Sweet dreams, kitten."

"I am a fox," Lisa protested.

"Vixen doesn't roll off the tongue as well as kitten does," Roxy said. "Also, this is funnier."

Lisa grumbled half-heartedly, and then it all faded away as the suit sealed back up, covering her tits once more and starting to milk them. She drifted off not long after.

The next morning, Lisa woke up to a hot splash of thick cum on her face, and, after ensuring none of it was in her eyes, opened them to look at Roxy.

Roxy had rolled Lisa onto her back and climbed atop her, opening a pair of matched holes in her suit so Roxy could fuck Lisa's tits without having to hold them in place manually. And, evidently, Roxy had timed her orgasm with the end of the milking, so that Lisa would wake up from her trance just in time to get... well, a hot splash of thick cum on her face.

"Good morning, kitten," Roxy said. "Breakfast is served."

"My favorite," Lisa said, starting to clean her face with her fingers and tongue.

Yep, she was gonna like being Roxy's pet.

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